Пример #1
filename = '11. SHANTANU FAB SM22 Col 1 Row 9 Measured [May 6 2016]_20160718_112711';         #print os.listdir(folder )
plot_title    = 'B qubit inductance sweep'

load_data   = True
plot_Qs     = True
analyze_BBQ = True
plot_chis   = True
plot_Fs     = True
plot_Pmj    = False
cos_trunc = 8;   fock_trunc  = 9;

if load_data:
    file_name = folder + filename + '.hdf5'
    swp_var   = 'inductance_shift'
    bba = BbqAnalysis(file_name)
    hfss_variables = bba.hfss_variables
    sols           = bba.sols
    meta_datas     = bba.meta_data

if analyze_BBQ:  
    RES = []; SWP = [];
    for key, s in sols.iteritems():
        print '\r Analyzing ', key,
            varz  = hfss_variables[key]
            SWP  += [ ureg.Quantity(varz['_'+swp_var]).magnitude ]  
            RES  += [ eBBQ_Pmj_to_H_params(s, meta_datas[key], cos_trunc = cos_trunc, fock_trunc = fock_trunc) ]
        except Exception as e:
Пример #2
    junc_rects    = ['qubit1','qubit2']#['juncV','juncH'] 
    junc_lines    = ['line_qubit1','line_qubit2']#['juncV_line','juncH_line'] #
    junc_LJ_names = ['LJ1', 'LJ2'];
    junc_lens     = [0.0001]*2     #this is in meters!                                                  # this can soon be replaced by intgrating over junc_lines 
    bbp.do_eBBQ(junc_rect=junc_rects, junc_lines = junc_lines,  junc_len = junc_lens, junc_LJ_var_name = junc_LJ_names)
    bba = bbp.bbq_analysis 
    sol           = bba.sols
    meta_datas    = bba.meta_data
    hfss_variables= bba.hfss_variables

if 1:
    reload(bbq)   # so that we can make changes to the class and reload quickly 
    from bbq  import BbqAnalysis
    bba = BbqAnalysis(bbp.data_filename)
    cos_trunc = 10;   fock_trunc  = 7;
    CHI_O1, CHI_ND, PJ, Om, EJ, diff, LJs, SIGN, f0s, f1s, fzpfs, Qs, varz = \
        bba.analyze_variation(variation = '0', cos_trunc = cos_trunc,   fock_trunc  = fock_trunc)
#    s         = sol[variation];   
#    meta_data = meta_datas[variation]
#    varz      = hfss_variables[variation]    
#    CHI_O1, CHI_ND, PJ, Om, EJ, diff, LJs, SIGN, f0s, f1s, fzpfs, Qs = \
#        eBBQ_Pmj_to_H_params(s, meta_data, cos_trunc = cos_trunc, fock_trunc = fock_trunc)
#    print '\nPJ=\t(renorm.)';        print_matrix(PJ*SIGN, frmt = "{:7.4f}")
#    #print '\nCHI_O1=\t PT. [alpha diag]'; print_matrix(CHI_O1,append_row ="MHz" )
#    print '\nf0={:6.2f} {:7.2f} {:7.2f} GHz'.format(*f0s)
#    print '\nCHI_ND=\t PJ O(%d) [alpha diag]'%(cos_trunc); print_matrix(CHI_ND, append_row ="MHz")
#    print '\nf1={:6.2f} {:7.2f} {:7.2f} GHz'.format(*(f1s*1E-9))   
Пример #3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Wed Apr 27 14:58:53 2016

@author: Zlatko

import bbq, matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from bbq import BbqAnalysis

file_name = u'C:\\Users\\rslqulab\\Desktop\\zkm\\2016_qm_jumps\\DiTransmon_Asymetric\\\\/pin_position_sweep(perfect conductor)_4-20-16/10. SHANTANU FAB 1 [April13 2016]/10. SHANTANU FAB 1 [April13 2016]_20160427_143612.hdf5'
swp_var = 'pin_shift'
bba = BbqAnalysis(file_name)
Qs = bba.get_Qs(swp_var=swp_var)

args = {'lw': 0, 'marker': 'o', 'ms': 5}
plt.legend(['D', 'B', 'G'], loc=0)
ax = plt.gca()