def __call__(self, dx, dy, dtheta, vcruise): print('ssClient') self.odom_sub = rospy.Subscriber('/t265/odom/sample', Odometry, self.odom_cb) # wait for messages time.sleep(.1) self.client = SimpleActionClient('/bdbd/ssmotion', SsMotionAction) print('waiting for action server') self.client.wait_for_server() sp = self.current_odom.pose.pose st = self.current_odom.twist.twist start_m = pose3to2(sp) # ending delta is given relative to current robot frame frame_m = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0) start_r = transform2d(start_m, frame_m, start_m) end_r = (start_r[0] + dx, start_r[1] + dy, start_r[2] + dtheta) end_m = transform2d(end_r, start_m, frame_m) ep = pose2to3(end_m) et = Twist() print('start pose: ' + fstr(pose3to2(sp)) + ' end pose: ' + fstr(pose3to2(ep))) goal = SsMotionGoal() goal.startPose = sp goal.endPose = ep goal.startTwist = st goal.endTwist = et goal.vcruise = vcruise goal.skip = 4 goal.do_motor = True print(goal) self.client.send_goal(goal, feedback_cb=self.feedback_cb, done_cb=self.done_cb) print('goal started, waiting for result')
def __call__(self, dt, source): self.count += 1 s = source if self.base_frame is None: # save the first predicted trajectory and frame self.base_pxj = source.pxwj.copy() self.base_pyj = source.pywj.copy() self.base_frame = source.noww_pose_map self.base_pxrj = source.pxrj.copy() self.base_pyrj = source.pyrj.copy() #print(gstr({'base_pxj': self.base_pxj, 'base_pyj': self.base_pyj})) if hasattr(s, 'left') and hasattr(s, 'right') and hasattr(s, 'tee'): self.history_lefts.append(s.left) self.history_rights.append(s.right) self.history_tees.append(s.tee) fig = self.fig if hasattr(s, 'tees'): tees = s.tees else: tees = [0.0] tt = 0.0 for i in range(1, len(s.lefts)): tt += dt tees.append(tt) fig.clf() plt1 = fig.add_subplot(131) #plt1.axis([0.0, tfPath.lrs[-1]['t'], -1.5, 1.5]) plt2 = fig.add_subplot(132) plt3 = fig.add_subplot(133) #if axis3 is not None: # plt3.axis(axis3) plt2.axis('equal') plt1.plot(tees, s.lefts) plt1.plot(tees, s.rights) plt1.plot(self.history_tees, self.history_lefts, 'g+') plt1.plot(self.history_tees, self.history_rights, 'r+') plt1.set_title('left,right') # plt1.plot(s.tees, s.omegaj) # Transform to base_frame coordinates pxj_base = [] pyj_base = [] for i in range(len(s.pxwj)): p_wheel = (s.pxwj[i], s.pywj[i], s.thetaj[i]) p_base = transform2d(p_wheel, s.noww_pose_map, self.base_frame) pxj_base.append(p_base[0]) pyj_base.append(p_base[1]) #print(gstr({'base_frame':self.base_frame, 'pxj_base': pxj_base, 'pyj_base': pyj_base})) noww_pose_base = transform2d(s.noww_pose_map, (0., 0., 0.), self.base_frame) self.history_pxwj_base.append(noww_pose_base[0]) self.history_pywj_base.append(noww_pose_base[1]) nowr_pose_base = transform2d(s.nowr_pose_map, (0., 0., 0.), self.base_frame) self.history_pxrj_base.append(nowr_pose_base[0]) self.history_pyrj_base.append(nowr_pose_base[1]) if self.history_rate and self.count % self.history_rate == 1: self.plan_history.append((pxj_base, pyj_base)) else: #plt2.plot(pxj_base, pyj_base) pass if self.history_rate: for plan in self.plan_history: plt2.plot(plan[0], plan[1]) plt2.plot(self.base_pxj, self.base_pyj) plt2.plot(self.base_pxrj, self.base_pyrj) #plt2.plot(pxj_base, pyj_base) plt2.plot(self.history_pxwj_base, self.history_pywj_base, 'r+') plt2.plot(self.history_pxrj_base, self.history_pyrj_base, 'g+') plt2.set_title('px vs py') #plt3.plot(tees, s.pxj) #plt3.plot(tees, s.pyj) #plt3.set_title('px,py vs t') plt.pause(.001)
source = Object() source.pxwj = [] source.pywj = [] source.pxrj = [] source.pyrj = [] source.thetaj = [] source.tees = tees source.lefts = lefts source.rights = rights # the base frame (zero at start of plan) is the wheel location for pose in poses: source.pxwj.append(pose[0]) source.pywj.append(pose[1]) source.thetaj.append(pose[2]) robot_pose_map = transform2d(pp.robot_w, pose, zero3) source.pxrj.append(robot_pose_map[0]) source.pyrj.append(robot_pose_map[1]) source.noww_pose_map = zero3 source.nowr_pose_map = pp.robot_w pathPlot(dt, source) # now use the dynamic/control model pose_m = source.nowr_pose_map twist_m = zero3 next_left = lefts[0] next_right = rights[0] Q = np.identity(6) for i in range(len(Qfact)): Q[i][i] *= Qfact[i]
pass source = Object() source.pxwj = [] source.pywj = [] source.pxrj = [] source.pyrj = [] source.thetaj = [] source.tees = tees source.lefts = lefts source.rights = rights # the base frame (zero_map at start of plan) is the robot location. But the path # plan is in plan coordinates, with 0 being the wheel start. pose_m = zero3 frame_m = zero3 wheel_m = transform2d(pp.wheel_r, pose_m, zero3) source.noww_pose_map = wheel_m source.nowr_pose_map = pose_m for pose in poses: wheel_p = pose wheel_m = transform2d(wheel_p, pp.frame_p, frame_m) robot_m = transform2d(pp.robot_w, wheel_m, frame_m) source.pxwj.append(wheel_m[0]) source.pywj.append(wheel_m[1]) source.thetaj.append(wheel_m[2]) source.pxrj.append(robot_m[0]) source.pyrj.append(robot_m[1]) pathPlot(dt, source) # now use the dynamic/control model twist_m = zero3
def __call__(self, dt, source): self.count += 1 if self.base_frame is None: # save the first predicted trajectory and frame self.base_pxj = source.pxj.copy() self.base_pyj = source.pyj.copy() self.base_frame = source.now_pose_map fig = self.fig s = source if hasattr(s, 'tees'): tees = s.tees else: tees = [0.0] tt = 0.0 for i in range(1, len(s.lefts)): tt += dt tees.append(tt) fig.clf() plt1 = fig.add_subplot(131) #plt1.axis([0.0, tfPath.lrs[-1]['t'], -1.5, 1.5]) plt2 = fig.add_subplot(132) plt3 = fig.add_subplot(133) #if axis3 is not None: # plt3.axis(axis3) plt2.axis('equal') #plt1.plot(tees, s.lefts) #plt1.plot(tees, s.rights) #plt1.set_title('left,right') # plt1.plot(s.tees, s.omegaj) # Transform to base_frame coordinates pxj_base = [] pyj_base = [] for i in range(len(s.pxj)): p_robot = (s.pxj[i], s.pyj[i], s.thetaj[i]) p_base = transform2d(p_robot, s.now_pose_map, self.base_frame) pxj_base.append(p_base[0]) pyj_base.append(p_base[1]) now_pose_base = transform2d(s.now_pose_map, (0., 0., 0.), self.base_frame) self.history_pxj_base.append(now_pose_base[0]) self.history_pyj_base.append(now_pose_base[1]) self.history_wheelx.append(s.now_pose_wheel[0]) self.history_wheely.append(s.now_pose_wheel[1]) if self.count % self.history_rate == 0: self.plan_history.append((pxj_base, pyj_base)) else: plt2.plot(pxj_base, pyj_base) for plan in self.plan_history: plt2.plot(plan[0], plan[1]) #plt2.plot(self.base_pxj, self.base_pyj) plt2.plot(pxj_base, pyj_base) plt2.plot(self.history_pxj_base, self.history_pyj_base, 'r+') #plt2.plot(self.history_wheelx, self.history_wheely, 'g+') plt2.set_title('px vs py') #plt3.plot(tees, s.pxj) #plt3.plot(tees, s.pyj) #plt3.set_title('px,py vs t') plt.pause(.001)
maxN = 50 rate = 20 callback_dt = 1. / rate min_lr = 0.15 MAX_STEPS = 10 integralK = 5 * dt rospy.init_node('NewRaph', log_level=rospy.DEBUG) odom = Odom() while odom.get_count() < 20: odom.process() rospy.sleep(0.001) zero3 = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0) (start_pose_map, start_twist_robot) = odom.get_odom() target_pose_map = transform2d(target_pose, start_pose_map, zero3) #print(gstr({'start_pose_map': start_pose_map, '\nstart_twist_robot': start_twist_robot, '\ntarget_pose_map': target_pose_map})) # Main Loop rosrate = rospy.Rate(20) first_time = True now_pose_old = zero3 progress_dt = 0.0 motor_pub = rospy.Publisher('/bdbd/motors/cmd_raw', MotorsRaw, queue_size=10) pathPlot = PathPlot(history_rate=5) (tees, lefts, rights, max_segments, pp, plan_time, vxres, omegas) = static_plan(dt, start_pose=zero3,
rightOld = right # control step (v_new, o_new) = pp.controlStep(dt, pose_m, twist_r) (left, right) = motor(v_new, o_new) ''' # introduce an error left *= random.gauss(0.95, 0.05) right *= random.gauss(0.9, 0.05) ''' #(left, right) = speeds[ii]['lr'] # speeds[]['point'] is the progression of the wheels starting at (0.0, 0.0, 0.0), ie in frame_p # get wheels_m plan_w_p = speeds[ii]['point'] plan_w_m = transform2d(plan_w_p, pp.frame_p, pp.frame_m) # plan_w_m is also the w frame in the plan. Get robot position in that frame plan_r_m = transform2d(pp.robot_w, plan_w_m, pp.frame_m) real_wheel_m = transform2d(pp.wheel_r, pose_m, pp.frame_m) print(' ') print( fstr({ 't': tt, 'va':, 'v_new': v_new, 'vhat_a': pp.vhata, 'vhat_new': pp.vhat_new, 'vhat_plan': pp.vhat_plan, 'oa': pp.oa,
ByM = 8.0 ''' # free parameters Adegrees = 0.0 Bdegrees = 0.0 xA = -0.13 yA = 0.0 thetaMDegrees = 0.0 AxM = 0.0 AyM = 0.0 BxM = -0.13 ByM = 0.0 thetaA = (thetaMDegrees - Adegrees) * D_TO_R Atheta = Adegrees * D_TO_R Btheta = Bdegrees * D_TO_R poseA = (xA, yA, thetaA) frameA = (AxM, AyM, Atheta) frameB = (BxM, ByM, Btheta) pA = transform2d(poseA, frameA, frameB) print(fstr(pA)) pM = transform2d(poseA, frameA, (0., 0., 0.)) print(fstr(pM))
# scratchpad for various simple experiments from bdbd_common.geometry import pose3to2, pose2to3, D_TO_R, transform2d from bdbd_common.utils import fstr from bdbd_common.pathPlan2 import PathPlan startPose3 = pose2to3((0.0, 0.0, 0.0)) endPose3 = pose2to3((.4, .1, 30. * D_TO_R)) pp = PathPlan() pp.start(startPose3, endPose3) for seg in pp.path: print(fstr(seg, '8.5f')) for seg in pp.path: # The control model operates in the robot frame, relative to the plan. So we need the deviation # of the actual location from the plan location, in the robot frame. near_wheel_m = transform2d(seg['end'], pp.frame_p, pp.frame_m) # near_wheel_m is the current origin of the wheel frame for the nearest point near_robot_m = transform2d(pp.robot_w, near_wheel_m, pp.frame_m) print(fstr(near_robot_m, '8.5f')) #print(fstr(pose3to2(pose3), '10.7f'))