def static_plan( start_pose=(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), start_twist=(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), target_pose=(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), target_twist=(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), approach_rho=0.08, # radius of planned approach min_rho=0.02, # the smallest radius we allow in a path plan, cruise_v=0.25, u=0.50, details=False, max_segments=3, vhat_start=None): if details: print( fstr({ 's_pose': start_pose, 't_pose': target_pose, 's_twist': start_twist, 't_twist': target_twist })) # estimate left, right to achieve the path pp = PathPlan(approach_rho=approach_rho, min_rho=min_rho) pp.start2(start_pose, target_pose, max_segments=max_segments) # calculate start vhat from start_twist if vhat_start is None: vhat_start = abs(start_twist[0]) + abs(start_twist[2] * pp.rhohat) pp.speedPlan(vhat_start, cruise_v, target_twist[0], u=u) return pp
def static_plan( dt, start_pose=(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), start_twist=(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), target_pose=(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), target_twist=(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), lr_model=default_lr_model(), mmax=1.0, approach_rho=0.08, # radius of planned approach min_rho=0.02, # the smallest radius we allow in a path plan, cruise_v=0.25, lr_start=(0.0, 0.0), u=0.50, details=False, max_segments=3, vhat_start=0.0): if details: print(gstr({'start_pose': start_pose, 'target_pose': target_pose})) # estimate left, right to achieve the path pp = PathPlan(approach_rho=approach_rho, min_rho=min_rho) pathPlan = pp.start2(start_pose, target_pose, max_segments=max_segments) #print(dt, start_twist[0], cruise_v, target_twist[0], u) speedPlan = pp.speedPlan(vhat_start, cruise_v, target_twist[0], u=u) for seg in speedPlan: print(gstr(seg)) total_time = 0.0 for seg in speedPlan: total_time += seg['time'] vxr0 = start_twist[0] * math.cos( start_pose[2]) + start_twist[1] * math.sin(start_pose[2]) vyr0 = -start_twist[0] * math.sin( start_pose[2]) + start_twist[1] * math.cos(start_pose[2]) last_vx = vxr0 last_omega = start_twist[2] vxres = [vxr0] vyres = [vyr0] omegas = [start_twist[2]] vvs = [pp.v(0.0)] vvs[0]['left'] = lr_start[0] vvs[0]['right'] = lr_start[1] lefts = [lr_start[0]] rights = [lr_start[1]] tt = 0.0 tees = [tt] poses = [(0., 0., 0.)] vv = None while tt < total_time: tt += dt vv = pp.v(tt) vvs.append(vv) # vv gives vhat is in wheel frame. We need to convert to robot frame. vxres.append(vv['v']) vyres.append(vv['omega'] * pp.dwheel) omegas.append(vv['omega']) if tt < 4.00: print(fstr(vv)) (left, right, last_vx, last_omega) = lr_est(vv['v'], vv['omega'], last_vx, last_omega, dt, lr_model=lr_model, mmax=mmax) #if tt < 0.10: # print("(left, right, last_vx, last_omega):" + fstr((left, right, last_vx, last_omega))) lefts.append(left) rights.append(right) tees.append(tt) poses.append(vv['point']) vv['left'] = left vv['right'] = right if details: if vv: print('vv:' + gstr(vv)) print('pathPlan:') for segment in pathPlan: print(fstr(segment, fmat='7.4f')) print('speedPlan') for segment in speedPlan: print(fstr(segment, fmat='7.4f')) num_segments = len(pathPlan) return (tees, lefts, rights, num_segments, pp, total_time, vxres, omegas, poses)
min_rho = 0.005 cruise_v = 0.3 lr_start = (0.0, 0.0) gauss_iters = 0 nr_iters = 1 Wmax = dt * 1.e-3 #Wmax = 0.0 Wjerk = dt * 1.e-3 Wback = 1.0 #Wback = 0.0 NRstart = 1.0 NRfact = 2 maxSlew = 1.0 testNR = False pp = PathPlan(approach_rho=approach_rho, min_rho=min_rho) pathPlan = pp.start2(start_pose, target_pose) print('path_plan:') for segment in pathPlan: print(fstr(segment, fmat='10.7f')) # estimate left, right to achieve the path speedPlan = pp.speedPlan(start_twist[0], cruise_v, target_twist[0], u=0.10) print('speed_plan:') for segment in speedPlan: print(fstr(segment, fmat='10.7f')) vxr0 = start_twist[0] * math.cos( start_pose[2]) + start_twist[1] * math.sin(start_pose[2]) vyr0 = -start_twist[0] * math.sin( start_pose[2]) + start_twist[1] * math.cos(start_pose[2])
lr_model = default_lr_model() #lr_model = ((1.0, 1.0, 10.0), (-1.0, 1.0, 10.0), (-1.0, 10.0, 10.0)) start_pose = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0] start_twist = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0] target_pose = [0.10, 0.05, 0.0] target_twist = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0] cruise_v = 0.3 lr_start = (0.0, 0.0) gauss_iters = 1 nr_iters = 100 Wmax = 1.e-3 Wjerk = 1.e-4 NRstart = 0.01 NRfact = 1.1 pp = PathPlan() pathPlan = pp.start2(start_pose, target_pose) print('path_plan:') for segment in pathPlan: print(fstr(segment)) # estimate left, right to achieve the path speedPlan = pp.speedPlan(start_twist[0], cruise_v, target_twist[0], u=0.25) print('speed_plan:') for segment in speedPlan: print(fstr(segment)) vxr0 = start_twist[0] * math.cos(start_pose[2]) + start_twist[1] * math.sin(start_pose[2]) vyr0 = -start_twist[0] * math.sin(start_pose[2]) + start_twist[1] * math.cos(start_pose[2]) last_vx = vxr0 last_omega = start_twist[2]
# development of a path planning class. import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from math import cos, sin from bdbd_common.utils import fstr from bdbd_common.pathPlan2 import PathPlan from bdbd_common.geometry import D_TO_R, Motor, pose2to3, transform2d, DynamicStep, default_lr_model ### MAIN PROGRAM ### pp = PathPlan(approach_rho=0.20, min_rho=0.05, rhohat=0.2) start_x = 0.0 start_y = 0.0 start_theta = 0.0 start_vx = 0.0 start_vy = 0.0 start_omega = 0.0 #start_theta_degrees = 0.0 #start_theta = start_theta_degrees * D_TO_R end_theta_degrees = 30.0 end_theta = end_theta_degrees * D_TO_R end_x = .4 end_y = .1 start_omega = 0.0 start_vx_r = 0.0 start_vy_r = pp.dwheel * start_omega end_vx_r = 0.0 over_t = 1.0 vhatcruise = 0.25 }) t += dt return path target_pose = [0.3, 0.1, 0.0] # x, y, theta target_twist = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0] # vx, vy, omega start_pose = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0] start_v = 0.2 cruise_v = 0.33 start_twist = [start_v, 0.0, 0.0] pp = PathPlan() print(fstr({'dwheel': pp.dwheel})) path = pp.start2(start_pose, target_pose) print('path_plan:') for segment in path: print(fstr(segment)) # estimate left, right to achieve the path s_plan = pp.speedPlan(start_v, cruise_v, 0.0) print('speed_plan:') for segment in s_plan: print(fstr(segment)) print('estimate lr without dynamics') dt = 0.02
def setup(self, start_pose, start_twist, target_pose, target_twist, cruise_v, dt, lr_start=(0.0, 0.0), lr_end=(0.0, 0.0)): self.start_pose = start_pose self.start_twist = start_twist self.target_pose = target_pose self.target_twist = target_twist self.lr_start = lr_start self.lr_end = lr_end self.epoch = 0 self.dt = dt # model is in what we will call here 'base' frame pp = PathPlan() self.pp = pp print(fstr({'target_pose': target_pose, 'target_twist': target_twist})) self.pathPlan = pp.start2(start_pose, target_pose) print('path_plan:') for segment in self.pathPlan: print(fstr(segment)) # estimate left, right to achieve the path self.speedPlan = pp.speedPlan(start_twist[0], cruise_v, target_twist[0]) print('speed_plan:') for segment in self.speedPlan: print(fstr(segment)) print('estimate lr without dynamics') vxr0 = start_twist[0] * math.cos( start_pose[2]) + start_twist[1] * math.sin(start_pose[2]) vyr0 = -start_twist[0] * math.sin( start_pose[2]) + start_twist[1] * math.cos(start_pose[2]) last_vx = vxr0 last_omega = start_twist[2] lefts = [lr_start[0]] rights = [lr_start[1]] vxres = [vxr0] vyres = [vyr0] omegas = [self.start_twist[2]] self.vvs = [self.pp.v(0.0)] tt = 0.0 while True: tt += dt vv = self.pp.v(tt) self.vvs.append(vv) # vv gives vhat is in wheel frame. We need to convert to robot frame. vxres.append(vv['v']) vyres.append(vv['omega'] * pp.dwheel) omegas.append(vv['omega']) (left, right, last_vx, last_omega) = lr_est(vv['v'], vv['omega'], last_vx, last_omega, dt) lefts.append(left) rights.append(right) if vv['fraction'] > 0.9999: break ''' self.tleft = tf.concat( ( tf.constant([lefts[0]]), tf.Variable(lefts[1:], trainable=True, name='left_var') ), axis=0, name='tleft') self.tright = tf.concat( ( tf.constant([rights[0]]), tf.Variable(rights[1:], trainable=True, name='right_var') ), axis=0, name='tright') ''' self.tleft = tf.Variable(lefts, trainable=True, name='left_var') self.tright = tf.Variable(rights, trainable=True, name='right_var') self.tvxr = tf.constant(vxres, name='vxr') self.tvyr = tf.constant(vyres, name='vyr') self.tomega = tf.constant(omegas, name='omega') self.opt2 = keras.optimizers.Adam(learning_rate=.000000002) self.opt1 = keras.optimizers.SGD(learning_rate=0.000002)
# scratchpad for various simple experiments from bdbd_common.geometry import pose3to2, pose2to3, D_TO_R, transform2d from bdbd_common.utils import fstr from bdbd_common.pathPlan2 import PathPlan startPose3 = pose2to3((0.0, 0.0, 0.0)) endPose3 = pose2to3((.4, .1, 30. * D_TO_R)) pp = PathPlan() pp.start(startPose3, endPose3) for seg in pp.path: print(fstr(seg, '8.5f')) for seg in pp.path: # The control model operates in the robot frame, relative to the plan. So we need the deviation # of the actual location from the plan location, in the robot frame. near_wheel_m = transform2d(seg['end'], pp.frame_p, pp.frame_m) # near_wheel_m is the current origin of the wheel frame for the nearest point near_robot_m = transform2d(pp.robot_w, near_wheel_m, pp.frame_m) print(fstr(near_robot_m, '8.5f')) #print(fstr(pose3to2(pose3), '10.7f'))
def setup(self, start_pose, start_twist, target_pose, target_twist, cruise_v, dt): self.start_pose = start_pose self.start_twist = start_twist self.target_pose = target_pose self.target_twist = target_twist (xb, yb, thetab) = start_pose (vxb, vyb, omegab) = start_twist self.epoch = 0 self.dt = dt # model is in what we will call here 'base' frame pp = PathPlan() self.pp = pp self.pathPlan = pp.start2(start_pose, target_pose) print('path_plan:') for segment in self.pathPlan: print(fstr(segment)) # estimate left, right to achieve the path self.speedPlan = pp.speedPlan(start_twist[0], cruise_v, target_twist[0]) print('speed_plan:') for segment in self.speedPlan: print(fstr(segment)) print('estimate lr without dynamics') tt = 0.0 motor = Motor() lrs = [] self.lrs = lrs self.vvs = [] while True: vv = self.pp.v(tt) self.vvs.append(vv) lr = motor(vv['v'], vv['omega']) lrs.append({'t': tt, 'left': lr[0], 'right': lr[1]}) print(fstr(lrs[-1]) + fstr(vv)) if vv['fraction'] > 0.9999: break tt += dt # copy trainable estimates into tensors tleft = [] tright = [] for i in range(len(lrs)): tleft.append(tf.Variable(lrs[i]['left'], name='left' + str(i))) tright.append(tf.Variable(lrs[i]['right'], name='right' + str(i))) # accumulating variables tomegab = tf.TensorArray(dtype=tf.float32, size=len(lrs), dynamic_size=False, clear_after_read=False, name='omegab') self.tomegab = tomegab.write(0, omegab) tvxb = tf.TensorArray(dtype=tf.float32, size=len(lrs), dynamic_size=False, clear_after_read=False, name='vxb') self.tvxb = tvxb.write(0, vxb) tvyb = tf.TensorArray(dtype=tf.float32, size=len(lrs), dynamic_size=False, clear_after_read=False, name='vyb') self.tvyb = tvyb.write(0, vyb) tthetab = tf.TensorArray(dtype=tf.float32, size=len(lrs), dynamic_size=False, clear_after_read=False, name='theta') self.tthetab = tthetab.write(0, thetab) txb = tf.TensorArray(dtype=tf.float32, size=len(lrs), dynamic_size=False, clear_after_read=False, name='txb') self.txb = txb.write(0, xb) tyb = tf.TensorArray(dtype=tf.float32, size=len(lrs), dynamic_size=False, clear_after_read=False, name='tyb') self.tyb = tyb.write(0, yb) self.opt2 = keras.optimizers.Adam(learning_rate=.02) self.opt1 = keras.optimizers.SGD(learning_rate=0.2) self.tleft = tleft self.tright = tright