Пример #1
    def output(self, t=None):

        model = self.model

        # compute output vector as a function of state vector
        #   z      Position                         3x1   (x,y,z)
        #   v      Velocity                         3x1   (xd,yd,zd)
        #   n      Attitude                         3x1   (Y,P,R)
        #   o      Angular velocity                 3x1   (Yd,Pd,Rd)

        n = self._x[3:6]  # RPY angles
        phi = n[0]  # yaw
        the = n[1]  # pitch
        psi = n[2]  # roll

        # rotz(phi)*roty(the)*rotx(psi)
        #  BBF > Inertial rotation matrix
        R = np.array([[
            cos(the) * cos(phi),
            sin(psi) * sin(the) * cos(phi) - cos(psi) * sin(phi),
            cos(psi) * sin(the) * cos(phi) + sin(psi) * sin(phi)
                          cos(the) * sin(phi),
                          sin(psi) * sin(the) * sin(phi) + cos(psi) * cos(phi),
                          cos(psi) * sin(the) * sin(phi) - sin(psi) * cos(phi)
                      ], [-sin(the),
                          sin(psi) * cos(the),
                          cos(psi) * cos(the)]])

        # inverted Wronskian
        iW = np.array([[0, sin(psi), cos(psi)],
                       [0, cos(psi) * cos(the), -sin(psi) * cos(the)],
                        sin(psi) * sin(the),
                        cos(psi) * sin(the)]]) / cos(the)

        # return velocity in the body frame
        out = {}
        out['x'] = self._x[0:6]
        # translational velocity mapped to body frame
        out['vb'] = np.linalg.inv(R) @ self._x[6:9]
        # RPY rates mapped to body frame
        out['w'] = iW @ self._x[9:12]
        out['a1s'] = self.a1s
        out['b1s'] = self.b1s

        return [out]
Пример #2
 def getstate(self):
     # get the state from each stateful block
     x0 = np.array([])
     for b in self.blocklist:
         if isinstance(b, TransferBlock):
             x0 = np.r_[x0, b.getstate()]
     # print('x0', x0)
     return x0
Пример #3
    def evaluate(self, x, t):
        Evaluate all blocks in the network

        :param x: state
        :type x: numpy.ndarray
        :param t: current time
        :type t: float
        :return: state derivative
        :rtype: numpy.ndarray

        Performs the following steps:

        1. Partition the state vector to all stateful blocks
        2. Propogate known block output ports to connected input ports

        # print('in evaluate at t=', t)
        self.t = t
        DEBUG('state', '>>>>>>>>> t=', t, ', x=', x, '>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>')

        # reset all the blocks ready for the evalation

        # split the state vector to stateful blocks
        for b in self.blocklist:
            if isinstance(b, TransferBlock):
                x = b.setstate(x)

        # process blocks with initial outputs and propagate
        for b in self.blocklist:
            if isinstance(b, (SourceBlock, TransferBlock)):
                self._propagate(b, t)

        # check we have values for all
        for b in self.blocklist:
            if b.nin > 0 and not b.done:
                raise RuntimeError(str(b) + ' has incomplete inputs')

        # gather the derivative
        YD = np.array([])
        for b in self.blocklist:
            if isinstance(b, TransferBlock):
                assert b.updated, str(b) + ' has incomplete inputs'
                yd = b.deriv().flatten()
                YD = np.r_[YD, yd]
        DEBUG('deriv', YD)
        return YD
Пример #4
    def __init__(self, value=None, **kwargs):
        :param value: the constant, defaults to None
        :type value: any
        :param ``**kwargs``: common Block options
        :return: a CONSTANT block
        :rtype: Constant instance

        Create a constant block.

        This block has only one output port, but the value can be any 
        Python type, so long as the connected input port can handle it.
        For example float, list or numpy ndarray.

        super().__init__(nout=1, **kwargs)

        if isinstance(value, (tuple, list)):
            value = np.array(value)
        self.value = value
        self.type = 'constant'
Пример #5
    def __init__(self,
                 D=[1, 1],
        :param N: numerator coefficients, defaults to 1
        :type N: array_like, optional
        :param D: denominator coefficients, defaults to [1, 1]
        :type D: array_like, optional
        :param ``*inputs``: Optional incoming connections
        :type ``*inputs``: Block or Plug
        :param x0: initial states, defaults to zero
        :type x0: array_like, optional
        :param ``**kwargs``: common Block options
        :return: A SCOPE block
        :rtype: LTI_SISO instance

        Create a SISO LTI block.

        Describes the dynamics of a single-input single-output (SISO) linear
        time invariant (LTI) system described by numerator and denominator
        polynomial coefficients.

        Coefficients are given in the order from highest order to zeroth 
        order, ie. :math:`2s^2 - 4s +3` is ``[2, -4, 3]``.

        Only proper transfer functions, where order of numerator is less
        than denominator are allowed.

        The order of the states in ``x0`` is consistent with controller canonical


            LTI_SISO(N=[1, 2], D=[2, 3, -4])

        is the transfer function :math:`\frac{s+2}{2s^2+3s-4}`.
        #print('in SISO constscutor')

        if not isinstance(N, list):
            N = [N]
        if not isinstance(D, list):
            D = [D]
        self.N = N
        self.D = N
        n = len(D) - 1
        nn = len(N)
        if x0 is None:
            x0 = np.zeros((n, ))
        assert nn <= n, 'direct pass through is not supported'

        # convert to numpy arrays
        N = np.r_[np.zeros((len(D) - len(N), )), np.array(N)]
        D = np.array(D)

        # normalize the coefficients to obtain
        #   b_0 s^n + b_1 s^(n-1) + ... + b_n
        #   ---------------------------------
        #   a_0 s^n + a_1 s^(n-1) + ....+ a_n

        # normalize so leading coefficient of denominator is one
        D0 = D[0]
        D = D / D0
        N = N / D0

        A = np.eye(len(D) - 1, k=1)  # control canonic (companion matrix) form
        A[-1, :] = -D[1:]

        B = np.zeros((n, 1))
        B[-1] = 1

        C = (N[1:] - N[0] * D[1:]).reshape((1, n))

        if verbose:
            print('A=', A)
            print('B=', B)
            print('C=', C)

        super().__init__(A=A, B=B, C=C, x0=x0, **kwargs)
        self.type = 'LTI'
Пример #6
 def deriv(self):
     return self.A @ self._x + self.B @ np.array(self.inputs)
Пример #7
 def deriv(self):
     xd = np.array(self.inputs)
     for i in range(0, self.nstates):
         if self._x[i] < self.min[i] or self._x[i] > self.max[i]:
             xd[i] = 0
     return xd
Пример #8
    def deriv(self):

        model = self.model

        # Body-fixed frame references
        #   ei      Body fixed frame references 3x1
        e3 = np.r_[0, 0, 1]

        # process inputs
        w = self.inputs[0]
        if len(w) != self.nrotors:
            raise RuntimeError('input vector wrong size')

        if self.speedcheck and np.any(w == 0):
            # might need to fix this, preculudes aerobatics :(
            # mu becomes NaN due to 0/0
            raise RuntimeError(
                'quadrotor_dynamics: not defined for zero rotor speed')

        z = self._x[0:3]  # position in {W}
        n = self._x[3:6]  # RPY angles {W}
        v = self._x[6:9]  # velocity in {W}
        o = self._x[9:12]  # angular velocity in {W}

        phi = n[0]  # yaw
        the = n[1]  # pitch
        psi = n[2]  # roll

        # rotz(phi)*roty(the)*rotx(psi)
        # BBF > Inertial rotation matrix
        R = np.array([[
            cos(the) * cos(phi),
            sin(psi) * sin(the) * cos(phi) - cos(psi) * sin(phi),
            cos(psi) * sin(the) * cos(phi) + sin(psi) * sin(phi)
                          cos(the) * sin(phi),
                          sin(psi) * sin(the) * sin(phi) + cos(psi) * cos(phi),
                          cos(psi) * sin(the) * sin(phi) - sin(psi) * cos(phi)
                      ], [-sin(the),
                          sin(psi) * cos(the),
                          cos(psi) * cos(the)]])

        # Manual Construction
        #     Q3 = [cos(phi) -sin(phi) 0;sin(phi) cos(phi) 0;0 0 1];   % RZ %Rotation mappings
        #     Q2 = [cos(the) 0 sin(the);0 1 0;-sin(the) 0 cos(the)];   % RY
        #     Q1 = [1 0 0;0 cos(psi) -sin(psi);0 sin(psi) cos(psi)];   % RX
        #     R = Q3*Q2*Q1    %Rotation matrix
        #    RZ * RY * RX
        # inverted Wronskian
        iW = np.array([[0, sin(psi), cos(psi)],
                       [0, cos(psi) * cos(the), -sin(psi) * cos(the)],
                        sin(psi) * sin(the),
                        cos(psi) * sin(the)]]) / cos(the)

        # ROTOR MODEL
        T = np.zeros((3, 4))
        Q = np.zeros((3, 4))
        tau = np.zeros((3, 4))

        a1s = self.a1s
        b1s = self.b1s

        for i in range(0, self.nrotors):  # for each rotor

            # Relative motion
            Vr = np.cross(o, self.D[:, i]) + v
            # Magnitude of mu, planar components
            mu = sqrt(np.sum(Vr[0:2]**2)) / (abs(w[i]) * model['r'])
            # Non-dimensionalised normal inflow
            lc = Vr[2] / (abs(w[i]) * model['r'])
            # Non-dimensionalised induced velocity approximation
            li = mu
            alphas = atan2(lc, mu)
            # Sideslip azimuth relative to e1 (zero over nose)
            j = atan2(Vr[1], Vr[0])
            J = np.array([[cos(j), -sin(j)],
                           cos(j)]])  # BBF > mu sideslip rotation matrix

            # Flapping
            beta = np.array([
                [((8 / 3 * model['theta0'] + 2 * model['theta1']) * mu -
                  2 * lc * mu) / (1 - mu**2 / 2)],  # Longitudinal flapping
                # Lattitudinal flapping (note sign)

            # sign(w) * (4/3)*((Ct/sigma)*(2*mu*gamma/3/a)/(1+3*e/2/r) + li)/(1+mu^2/2)];

            # Rotate the beta flapping angles to longitudinal and lateral coordinates.
            beta = J.T @ beta
            a1s[i] = beta[0] - 16 / model['gamma'] / abs(w[i]) * o[1]
            b1s[i] = beta[1] - 16 / model['gamma'] / abs(w[i]) * o[0]

            # Forces and torques

            # Rotor thrust, linearised angle approximations

            T[:, i] = model['Ct'] * model['rho'] * model['A'] * model['r']**2 * w[i]**2 * \
                np.r_[-cos(b1s[i]) * sin(a1s[i]),
                      sin(b1s[i]), -cos(a1s[i])*cos(b1s[i])]

            # Rotor drag torque - note that this preserves w[i] direction sign

            Q[:, i] = -model['Cq'] * model['rho'] * \
                model['A'] * model['r']**3 * w[i] * abs(w[i]) * e3

            # Torque due to rotor thrust
            tau[:, i] = np.cross(T[:, i], self.D[:, i])

        dz = v
        dn = iW @ o

        dv = model['g'] * e3 + R @ np.sum(T, axis=1) / model['M']

        # vehicle can't fall below ground, remember z is down
        if self.groundcheck and z[2] > 0:
            z[0] = 0
            dz[0] = 0

        # row sum of torques
        do = np.linalg.inv(model['J']) @ (np.cross(
            -o, model['J'] @ o) + np.sum(tau, axis=1) + np.sum(Q, axis=1))

        # stash the flapping information for plotting
        self.a1s = a1s
        self.b1s = b1s

        return np.r_[dz, dn, dv, do]  # This is the state derivative vector
Пример #9
def simulate(bd: BlockDiagram,
        Run the block diagram

        :param T: maximum integration time, defaults to 10.0
        :type T: float, optional
        :param dt: maximum time step, defaults to 0.1
        :type dt: float, optional
        :param solver: integration method, defaults to ``RK45``
        :type solver: str, optional
        :param block: matplotlib block at end of run, default False
        :type block: bool
        :param checkfinite: error if inf or nan on any wire, default True
        :type checkfinite: bool
        :param watch: list of input ports to log
        :type watch: list
        :param ``**kwargs``: passed to ``scipy.integrate``
        :return: time history of signals and states
        :rtype: Sim class

        Assumes that the network has been compiled.

        Graphics display in all blocks can be disabled using the `graphics`
        option to the ``BlockDiagram`` instance.

        Results are returned in a class with attributes:

        - ``t`` the time vector: ndarray, shape=(M,)
        - ``x`` is the state vector: ndarray, shape=(M,N)
        - ``xnames`` is a list of the names of the states corresponding to columns of `x`, eg. "plant.x0",
          defined for the block using the ``snames`` argument
        - ``uN'` for a watched input where N is the index of the port mentioned in the ``watch`` argument
        - ``unames`` is a list of the names of the input ports being watched, same order as in ``watch`` argument

        If there are no dynamic elements in the diagram, ie. no states, then ``x`` and ``xnames`` are not

        The ``watch`` argument is a list of one or more input ports whose value during simulation
        will be recorded.  The elements of the list can be:
            - a ``Block`` reference, which is interpretted as input port 0
            - a ``Plug`` reference, ie. a block with an index or attribute
            - a string of the form "block[i]" which is port i of the block named block.


    assert bd.compiled, 'Network has not been compiled'
    bd.T = T
    bd.count = 0
    bd.stop = None  # allow any block to stop.BlockDiagram by setting this to the block's name
    bd.checkfinite = checkfinite

    # preproces the watchlist
    pluglist = []
    plugnamelist = []
    re_block = re.compile(r'(?P<name>[^[]+)(\[(?P<port>[0-9]+)\])')
    for n in watch:
        if isinstance(n, str):
            # a name was given, with optional port number
            m = re_block.match(n)
            name = m.group('name')
            port = m.group('port')
            b = bd.blocknames[name]
            plug = b[port]
        elif isinstance(n, Block):
            # a block was given, defaults to port 0
            plug = n[0]
        elif isinstance(n, Plug):
            # a plug was given
            plug = n
            raise Exception("unreachable")

    # try:
    # tell all blocks we're doing a.BlockDiagram

    # get initial state from the stateful blocks
    x0 = bd.getstate()
    if len(x0) > 0:
        print('initial state x0 = ', x0)

    if bd.options.progress:
        printProgressBar(0, prefix='Progress:', suffix='complete', length=60)

    # out = scipy.integrate.solve_ivp.BlockDiagram._deriv, args=(bd,), t_span=(0,T), y0=x0,
    #             method=solver, t_eval=np.linspace(0, T, 100), events=None, **kwargs)
    if len(x0) > 0:
        # block diagram contains states, solve it using numerical integration

        scipy_integrator = integrate.__dict__[
            solver]  # get user specified integrator

        integrator = scipy_integrator(lambda t, y: bd.evaluate(y, t),

        # initialize list of time and states
        tlist = []
        xlist = []
        plist = [[] for p in pluglist]

        while integrator.status == 'running':

            # step the integrator, calls _deriv multiple times

            if integrator.status == 'failed':
                print('integration completed with failed status ')

            # stash the results

            # record the ports on the watchlist
            for i, p in enumerate(pluglist):

            # update all blocks that need to know

            # update the progress bar
            if bd.options.progress:
                printProgressBar(integrator.t / T,

            # has any block called a stop?
            if bd.stop is not None:
                print('\n--- stop requested at t={:f} by {:s}'.format(
                    bd.t, str(bd.stop)))

        # save buffered data in a Struct
        out = Struct('results')
        out.t = np.array(tlist)
        out.x = np.array(xlist)
        out.xnames = bd.statenames
        for i, p in enumerate(pluglist):
            out['u' + str(i)] = np.array(plist[i])
        out.unames = plugnamelist
        # block diagram has no states

        # initialize list of time and states
        tlist = []
        plist = [[] for p in pluglist]

        for t in np.arange(0, T, dt):  # step through the time range

            # evaluate the block diagram
            bd.evaluate([], t)

            # stash the results

            # record the ports on the watchlist
            for i, p in enumerate(pluglist):

            # update all blocks that need to know

            # update the progress bar
            if bd.options.progress:
                printProgressBar(t / T,

            # has any block called a stop?
            if bd.stop is not None:
                print('\n--- stop requested at t={:f} by {:s}'.format(
                    bd.t, str(bd.stop)))

        # save buffered data in a Struct
        out = Struct('results')
        out.t = np.array(tlist)
        for i, p in enumerate(pluglist):
            out['u' + str(i)] = np.array(plist[i])
        out.unames = plugnamelist

    if bd.options.progress:
        print('\r' + ' ' * 90 + '\r')

    # except RuntimeError as err:
    #     # bad things happens, print a message and return no result
    #     print('unrecoverable error in evaluation: ', err)
    #     return None

    # pause until all graphics blocks close
    # print(bd.count, ' integrator steps')

    return out
Пример #10
    def __init__(self, *inputs, x=None, y=None, xy=None, time=False, kind='linear', **kwargs):
        :param ``*inputs``: Optional incoming connections
        :type ``*inputs``: Block or Plug
        :param x: x-values of function
        :type x: array_like, shape (N,) optional
        :param y: y-values of function
        :type y: array_like, optional
        :param xy: combined x- and y-values of function
        :type xy: array_like, optional
        :param time: x new is simulation time, defaults to False
        :type time: bool
        :param kind: interpolation method, defaults to 'linear'
        :type kind: str
        :param ``**kwargs``: common Block options
        :return: INTERPOLATE block
        :rtype: _Function

        Create an interpolation block.

        A block that interpolates its input according to a piecewise function.

        A simple triangle function with domain [0,10] and range [0,1] can be
        defined by::

            INTERPOLATE(x=(0,5,10), y=(0,1,0))

        We might also express this as::

            INTERPOLATE(xy=[(0,0), (5,1), (10,0)])

        The data can also be expressed as numpy arrays.  If that is the case,
        the interpolation function can be vector valued. ``x`` has a shape of
        (N,1) and ``y`` has a shape of (N,M).  Alternatively ``xy`` has a shape
        of (N,M+1) and the first column is the x-data.

        The input to the interpolator comes from:

        - Input port 0
        - Simulation time, if ``time=True``.  In this case the block has no
          input ports and is a ``Source`` not a ``Function``.
        self.time = time
        if time:
            nin = 0
            self.blockclass = 'source'
            nin = 1
        super().__init__(nin=nin, nout=1, inputs=inputs, **kwargs)

        if xy is None:
            # process separate x and y vectors
            x = np.array(x)
            y = np.array(y)
            assert x.shape[0] == y.shape[0], 'x and y data must be same length'
            # process mixed xy data
            if isinstance(xy, (list, tuple)):
                x = [_[0] for _ in xy]
                y = [_[1] for _ in xy]
                # x = np.array(x).T
                # y = np.array(y).T
                print(x, y)
            elif isinstance(xy, np.ndarray):
                x = xy[:, 0]
                y = xy[:, 1:]
        self.f = scipy.interpolate.interp1d(
            x=x, y=y, kind=kind, axis=0, **kwargs)
        self.x = x
Пример #11
    def step(self):
        def plot3(h, x, y, z):
            h.set_data(x, y)

        # READ STATE
        z = self.inputs[0][0:3]
        n = self.inputs[0][3:6]

        # TODO, check input dimensions, 12 or 12+2N, deal with flapping

        a1s = self.a1s
        b1s = self.b1s

        quad = self.model

        # vehicle dimensons
        d = quad['d']  # Hub displacement from COG
        r = quad['r']  # Rotor radius

        phi = n[0]  # Euler angles
        the = n[1]
        psi = n[2]

        # BBF > Inertial rotation matrix
        R = np.array([[
            cos(the) * cos(phi),
            sin(psi) * sin(the) * cos(phi) - cos(psi) * sin(phi),
            cos(psi) * sin(the) * cos(phi) + sin(psi) * sin(phi)
                          cos(the) * sin(phi),
                          sin(psi) * sin(the) * sin(phi) + cos(psi) * cos(phi),
                          cos(psi) * sin(the) * sin(phi) - sin(psi) * cos(phi)
                      ], [-sin(the),
                          sin(psi) * cos(the),
                          cos(psi) * cos(the)]])

        # Manual Construction
        # Q3 = [cos(psi) -sin(psi) 0;sin(psi) cos(psi) 0;0 0 1];   %Rotation mappings
        # Q2 = [cos(the) 0 sin(the);0 1 0;-sin(the) 0 cos(the)];
        # Q1 = [1 0 0;0 cos(phi) -sin(phi);0 sin(phi) cos(phi)];
        # R = Q3*Q2*Q1;    %Rotation matrix

        F = np.array([[1, 0, 0], [0, -1, 0], [0, 0, -1]])

        # Draw flyer rotors
        theta = np.linspace(0, 2 * pi, 20)
        circle = np.zeros((3, 20))
        for j, t in enumerate(theta):
            circle[:, j] = np.r_[r * sin(t), r * cos(t), 0]

        hub = np.zeros((3, self.nrotors))
        tippath = np.zeros((3, 20, self.nrotors))
        for i in range(0, self.nrotors):
            # points in the inertial frame
            hub[:, i] = F @ (z + R @ self.D[:, i])

            # Flapping angle scaling for output display - makes it easier to see what flapping is occurring
            q = self.flapscale
            # Rotor -> Plot frame
            Rr = np.array([[
                cos(q * a1s[i]),
                sin(q * b1s[i]) * sin(q * a1s[i]),
                cos(q * b1s[i]) * sin(q * a1s[i])
            ], [0, cos(q * b1s[i]), -sin(q * b1s[i])],
                               -sin(q * a1s[i]),
                               sin(q * b1s[i]) * cos(q * a1s[i]),
                               cos(q * b1s[i]) * cos(q * a1s[i])

            tippath[:, :, i] = F @ R @ Rr @ circle
            plot3(self.disk[i], hub[0, i] + tippath[0, :, i],
                  hub[1, i] + tippath[1, :, i], hub[2, i] + tippath[2, :, i])

        # Draw flyer
        hub0 = F @ z  # centre of vehicle
        for i in range(0, self.nrotors):
            # line from hub to centre plot3([hub(1,N) hub(1,S)],[hub(2,N) hub(2,S)],[hub(3,N) hub(3,S)],'-b')
            plot3(self.arm[i], [hub[0, i], hub0[0]], [hub[1, i], hub0[1]],
                  [hub[2, i], hub0[2]])

            # plot a circle at the hub itself
            # plot3([hub(1,i)],[hub(2,i)],[hub(3,i)],'o')

        # plot the vehicle's centroid on the ground plane
        plot3(self.shadow, [z[0], 0], [-z[1], 0], [0, 0])
        plot3(self.groundmark, z[0], -z[1], 0)
Пример #12
    def __init__(self,
                 labels=['X', 'Y'],
        :param ``*inputs``: Optional incoming connections
        :type ``*inputs``: Block or Plug
        :param path: plot path taken by vehicle, defaults to True
        :type path: bool, optional
        :param pathstyle: linestyle for path, defaults to None
        :type pathstyle: str or dict, optional
        :param shape: vehicle shape: 'triangle' (default) or 'box'
        :type shape: str, optional
        :param color: vehicle outline color, defaults to "blue"
        :type color: str, optional
        :param fill: vehicle fill color, defaults to "white"
        :type fill: str, optional
        :param size: length of vehicle, defaults to 1
        :type size: float, optional
        :param scale: x- and y-axis scale, defaults to 'auto'
        :type scale: 2- or 4-element sequence
        :param labels: axis labels (xlabel, ylabel)
        :type labels: 2-element tuple or list
        :param square: Set aspect ratio to 1, defaults to True
        :type square: bool, optional
        :param init: initialize graphics, defaults to None
        :type init: callable, optional
        :param ``**kwargs``: common Block options
        :return: A VEHICLEPLOT block
        :rtype: VehiclePlot instance

        Create a vehicle animation similar to the figure below.


            - The ``init`` function is called after the axes are initialized
              and can be used to draw application specific detail on the
              plot. In the example below, this is the dot and star.
            - A dynamic trail, showing path to date can be animated if
              the option ``path`` is True.
            - Two shapes of vehicle can be drawn, a narrow triangle and a box
              (as seen below).

        .. figure:: ../../figs/rvc4_4.gif
           :width: 500px
           :alt: example of generated graphic

           Example of vehicle display (animated).  The label at the top is the
           block name.
        super().__init__(nin=3, inputs=inputs, **kwargs)
        self.xdata = []
        self.ydata = []
        self.type = 'vehicle'
        if init is not None:
            assert callable(init), 'graphics init function must be callable'
        self.init = init
        self.square = square

        self.path = path
        if path:
            self.pathstyle = pathstyle
        self.color = color
        self.fill = fill

        if scale != 'auto':
            if len(scale) == 2:
                scale = scale * 2
        self.scale = scale
        self.labels = labels

        d = size
        if shape == 'triangle':
            L = d
            W = 0.6 * d
            vertices = [(L, 0), (-L, -W), (-L, W)]
        elif shape == 'box':
            L1 = d
            L2 = d
            W = 0.6 * d
            vertices = [(-L1, W), (0.6 * L2, W), (L2, 0.5 * W), (L2, -0.5 * W),
                        (0.6 * L2, -W), (-L1, -W)]
            raise ValueError('bad vehicle shape specified')
        self.vertices_hom = sm.e2h(np.array(vertices).T)
        self.vertices = np.array(vertices)
Пример #13
    def __init__(self,
                 tuner: TcpClientTuner = None,
        Create a block that plots input ports against time.

        :param nin: number of inputs, defaults to length of style vector if given,
                    otherwise 1
        :type nin: int, optional
        :param styles: styles for each line to be plotted
        :type styles: optional str or dict, list of strings or dicts; one per line
        :param scale: y-axis scale, defaults to 'auto'
        :type scale: 2-element sequence
        :param labels: vertical axis labels
        :type labels: sequence of strings
        :param grid: draw a grid, default is on. Can be boolean or a tuple of
                     options for grid()
        :type grid: bool or sequence
        :param ``*inputs``: Optional incoming connections
        :type ``*inputs``: Block or Plug
        :param ``**kwargs``: common Block options
        :return: A SCOPE block
        :rtype: Scope instance

        Create a block that plots input ports against time.

        Each line can have its own color or style which is specified by:

            - a dict of options for `Line2D <https://matplotlib.org/3.2.2/api/_as_gen/matplotlib.lines.Line2D.html#matplotlib.lines.Line2D>`_ or
            - a  MATLAB-style linestyle like 'k--'

        If multiple lines are plotted then a heterogeneous list of styles, dicts or strings,
        one per line must be given.

        The vertical scale factor defaults to auto-scaling but can be fixed by
        providing a 2-tuple [ymin, ymax]. All lines are plotted against the
        same vertical scale.


            SCOPE(nin=2, scale=[-1,2])
            SCOPE(style=['k', 'r--'])
            SCOPE(style={'color:', 'red, 'linestyle': '--''})

        .. figure:: ../../figs/Figure_1.png
           :width: 500px
           :alt: example of generated graphic

           Example of scope display.

        self.type = 'scope'
        if styles is not None:
            self.styles = list(styles)
            if nin is not None:
                assert nin == len(styles), 'need one style per input'
                nin = len(styles)

        if labels is not None:
            self.labels = list(labels)
            if nin is not None:
                assert nin == len(labels), 'need one label per input'
                nin = len(labels)
            self.labels = labels

        if nin is None:
            nin = 1

        super().__init__(nin=nin, inputs=inputs, **kwargs)

        if styles is None:
            self.styles = [None] * nin

        self.grid = grid

        # init the arrays that hold the data
        self.tdata = np.array([])
        self.ydata = [
        ] * nin

        self.line = [None] * nin
        self.scale = scale
        self.labels = labels

        self.tuner = tuner
        self.scope_id = tuner.register_signal_scope(self.name, nin, styles=styles, labels=labels) \
            if tuner else None