Пример #1
    def render_ingroup(self, content_ids):
            Function to render each elements inside one group defined by their id in content_ids

        #link the current slide
        slide = document._slides[self.slide_id]

        #Add the group id to all the elements in this group
        cptcache = 0
        groupsid = content_ids

        #First loop render elements in group
        allwidth = []
        allheight = []
        for k in groupsid:
            elem = slide.contents[k]
            #Add group id to the element
            elem.group_id = self.idg
            #Render the element or read rendered svg from cache
            if not elem.rendered:

            #Get element size
            allwidth += [elem.positionner.width]
            allheight += [elem.positionner.height+elem.positionner.y['shift']]

        #Compute group size if needed
        if self.width == None:
            self.width = max( allwidth )
            self.positionner.width = self.width

        if self.height == None:
            self.height = sum( allheight )
            self.positionner.height = sum( allheight )

        #Re loop over element to place them
        all_height = {} #To store height of element for automatic placement
        for i, key in enumerate(groupsid):
            elem = slide.contents[key]
            if elem.positionner.y['align'] == 'auto':
                all_height[i] = {"height":elem.positionner.height, "id":key}
                elem.positionner.place( (self.width, self.height) )

        #Manage autoplacement
        if all_height != {}:
            auto_place_elements(all_height, (self.width, self.height),
                                'y', slide.contents, ytop=0)

        for key in groupsid:
            elem = slide.contents[key]
            if elem.type not in ['html']:

                if elem.svgout != None:
                    self.content += [ elem.export_svg() ]

                if elem.jsout != None:
                    slide.add_rendered( js=elem.jsout )

                if elem.animout != None:
                    tmpsvg, tmpanim = elem.export_animation()
                    self.content += [tmpsvg]
Пример #2
    def render_ingroup(self, content_ids):
            Function to render each elements inside one group defined by their id in content_ids

        #link the current slide
        slide = document._slides[self.slide_id]

        #Add the group id to all the elements in this group
        cptcache = 0
        groupsid = content_ids

        #First loop render elements in group
        allwidth = []
        allheight = []
        for k in groupsid:
            elem = slide.contents[k]
            #Add group id to the element
            elem.group_id = self.idg
            #Render the element or read rendered svg from cache
            if not elem.rendered:

            #Get element size
            allwidth += [elem.positionner.width]
            allheight += [
                elem.positionner.height + elem.positionner.y['shift']

        #Compute group size if needed
        if self.width == None:
            self.width = max(allwidth)
            self.positionner.width = self.width

        if self.height == None:
            self.height = sum(allheight)
            self.positionner.height = sum(allheight)

        #Re loop over element to place them
        all_height = {}  #To store height of element for automatic placement
        for i, key in enumerate(groupsid):
            elem = slide.contents[key]
            if elem.positionner.y['align'] == 'auto':
                all_height[i] = {"height": elem.positionner.height, "id": key}
                elem.positionner.place((self.width, self.height))

        #Manage autoplacement
        if all_height != {}:
            auto_place_elements(all_height, (self.width, self.height),

        for key in groupsid:
            elem = slide.contents[key]
            if elem.type not in ['html']:

                if elem.svgout != None:
                    self.content += [elem.export_svg()]

                if elem.jsout != None:

                if elem.animout != None:
                    tmpsvg, tmpanim = elem.export_animation()
                    self.content += [tmpsvg]
Пример #3
    def render(self):
            Function to render a slide to an svg figure

        pre = """<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="no"?>
        <!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN"

        print( '-'*20 + ' slide_%i '%self.num + '-'*20 )

        out = pre+"""\n<svg width='%ipx' height='%ipx' style='background-color: "%s";'
        xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" version="1.2" baseProfile="tiny"
        >"""%(document._width, document._height, self.args['background'])

        #Add the svg header to svg dict of the slide
        self.svgheader = out
        #self.add_rendered( svg=out )

        #Run render of each elements
        t = time.time()
        for i, ct in self.contents.iteritems():
            if not ct.rendered:
            #print ct.keys()

        print('Rendering elements in %0.3f sec'%(time.time()-t))

        t = time.time()

        #Place contents that's are not inside groups
        htmlingroup = []
        all_height = {}
        for cpt, i in enumerate(self.element_keys):
            ct = self.contents[i]

            if ct.group_id != None:
                #Check if it's an html inside one group
                if ct.type == 'html':
                    htmlingroup += [i]

                if ct.type != None:
                    #Check if it's a group
                    #if ct.type == 'group':
                        #render the group
                    #    ct.run_render()

                    #Check if it's an auto placement or we can place the element
                    if ct.positionner.y['align'] == 'auto':
                        all_height[cpt] = {"height": ct.positionner.height, "id":i}
                        ct.positionner.place( (document._width, document._height), ytop=self.ytop )

        #Manage auto placement
        if all_height != {}:
            auto_place_elements(all_height, (document._width, document._height),
                                'y', self.contents, self.ytop)

        #Extra operations for html contents
        if htmlingroup != []:
            for i in htmlingroup:
                ct = self.contents[i]
                #add off set to the html div position
                group = self.groups[ ct.group_id ]
                ct.positionner.x['final'] += group.positionner.x['final']
                ct.positionner.y['final'] += group.positionner.y['final']

        #Store rendered contents in svgout, htmlout, jsout
        for key in self.element_keys:
            ct = self.contents[key]

            if ct.group_id == None:
                svgo = None
                htmlo = None
                animo = None
                jso = None

                if ct.svgout != None:
                    svgo = ct.export_svg()

                if ct.htmlout != None:
                    htmlo = ct.export_html()

                if ct.animout != None:
                    svgo, animo = ct.export_animation()

                if ct.jsout != None:
                    jso = ct.jsout

                self.add_rendered(svgo, htmlo, jso, animo)

            #For group we need to output html even if the elem is in one group
            #(html is absolute positionning see line 180 just above)
                if ct.htmlout != None:
                    htmlo = ct.export_html()

        #Add grid and fancy stuff...
        if document._guide:
            available_height = document._height - self.ytop
            out = ''
            out += '<g><line x1="400" y1="0" x2="400" y2="600" style="stroke: #777"/></g>'
            out += '<g><line x1="0" y1="%0.1f" x2="800" y2="%0.1f" style="stroke: #777"/></g>'%(self.ytop + available_height/2.0, self.ytop + available_height/2.0)
            out += '<g><line x1="0" y1="%0.1f" x2="800" y2="%0.1f" style="stroke: #777"/></g>'%(self.ytop, self.ytop)

        #Close the main svg
        #self.add_rendered( svg="\n</svg>\n" )

        print('Placing elements in %0.3f'%(time.time()-t))
Пример #4
    def render(self):
            Function to render a slide to an svg figure

        pre = """<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="no"?>
        <!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN"

        print('-' * 20 + ' slide_%i ' % self.num + '-' * 20)

        out = pre + """\n<svg width='%ipx' height='%ipx' style='background-color: "%s";'
        xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" version="1.2" baseProfile="tiny"
        >""" % (document._width, document._height, self.args['background'])

        #Add the svg header to svg dict of the slide
        self.svgheader = out
        #self.add_rendered( svg=out )

        #Check if we have a background layout to render
        if self.render_layout:
            if self.args['layout'] != None and 'function' in str(

                #We need to restor the id of the slide for each module produced in the layout

                save_global_ct = document._global_counter[
                    'slide']  #backup the total number of slides
                    'slide'] = self.slide_num  #put the slide number in the counter

                #Run the layout function (which contains beampy modules)

                    'slide'] = save_global_ct  #restor the slide counter

        #Run render of each elements
        t = time.time()
        for i, key in enumerate(self.element_keys):
            ct = self.contents[key]
            if not ct.rendered:
            #print ct.keys()

        print('Rendering elements in %0.3f sec' % (time.time() - t))
        t = time.time()

        #Place contents that's are not inside groups
        htmlingroup = []
        all_height = {}
        for cpt, i in enumerate(self.element_keys):
            ct = self.contents[i]

            if ct.group_id != None:
                #Check if it's an html inside one group
                if ct.type == 'html':
                    htmlingroup += [i]

                if ct.type != None:

                    #Check if it's an auto placement or we can place the element
                    if ct.positionner.y['align'] == 'auto':
                        all_height[cpt] = {
                            "height": ct.positionner.height,
                            "id": i
                            (document._width, document._height),

        #Manage auto placement
        if all_height != {}:
                                (document._width, document._height), 'y',
                                self.contents, self.ytop)

        #Extra operations for html contents
        if htmlingroup != []:
            for i in htmlingroup:
                ct = self.contents[i]
                #add off set to the html div position
                group = self.groups[ct.group_id]
                ct.positionner.x['final'] += group.positionner.x['final']
                ct.positionner.y['final'] += group.positionner.y['final']

        #Store rendered contents in svgout, htmlout, jsout
        for key in self.element_keys:
            ct = self.contents[key]

            if ct.group_id == None:
                svgo = None
                htmlo = None
                animo = None
                jso = None

                if ct.svgout != None:
                    svgo = ct.export_svg()

                if ct.htmlout != None:
                    htmlo = ct.export_html()

                if ct.animout != None:
                    svgo, animo = ct.export_animation()

                if ct.jsout != None:
                    jso = ct.jsout

                self.add_rendered(svgo, htmlo, jso, animo)

            #For group we need to output html even if the elem is in one group
            #(html is absolute positionning see line 180 just above)
                if ct.htmlout != None:
                    htmlo = ct.export_html()

        #Add grid and fancy stuff...
        if document._guide:
            available_height = document._height - self.ytop
            out = ''
            out += '<g><line x1="400" y1="0" x2="400" y2="600" style="stroke: #777"/></g>'
            out += '<g><line x1="0" y1="%0.1f" x2="800" y2="%0.1f" style="stroke: #777"/></g>' % (
                self.ytop + available_height / 2.0,
                self.ytop + available_height / 2.0)
            out += '<g><line x1="0" y1="%0.1f" x2="800" y2="%0.1f" style="stroke: #777"/></g>' % (
                self.ytop, self.ytop)

        #Close the main svg
        #self.add_rendered( svg="\n</svg>\n" )

        print('Placing elements in %0.3f' % (time.time() - t))