Пример #1
    def test_quantize_with_tolerance(self):
        tolerances = defdict.ImmutableDictWithDefault({'USD': D('0.01')},
            interpolate.quantize_with_tolerance(tolerances, 'USD', D('100.123123123')))
            interpolate.quantize_with_tolerance(tolerances, 'CAD', D('100.123123123')))

        tolerances = defdict.ImmutableDictWithDefault({'USD': D('0.01')}, default=ZERO)
            interpolate.quantize_with_tolerance(tolerances, 'USD', D('100.123123123')))
            interpolate.quantize_with_tolerance(tolerances, 'CAD', D('100.123123123')))
Пример #2
def interpolate_group(postings, balances, currency, tolerances):
    """Interpolate missing numbers in the set of postings.

      postings: A list of Posting instances.
      balances: A dict of account to its ante-inventory.
      currency: The weight currency of this group, used for reporting errors.
      tolerances: A dict of currency to tolerance values.
      A tuple of
        postings: A list of new posting instances.
        errors: A list of errors generated during interpolation.
        interpolated: A boolean, true if we did have to interpolate.

      In the case of an error, this returns the original list of postings, which
      is still incomplete. If an error is returned, you should probably skip the
      transaction altogether, or just not include the postings in it. (An
      alternative behaviour would be to return only the list of valid postings,
      but that would likely result in an unbalanced transaction. We do it this
      way by choice.)
    errors = []

    # Figure out which type of amount is missing, by creating a list of
    # incomplete postings and which type of units is missing.
    incomplete = []
    for index, posting in enumerate(postings):
        units = posting.units
        cost = posting.cost
        price = posting.price

        # Identify incomplete parts of the Posting components.
        if units.number is MISSING:
            incomplete.append((MissingType.UNITS, index))

        if isinstance(cost, CostSpec):
            if cost and cost.number_per is MISSING:
                incomplete.append((MissingType.COST_PER, index))
            if cost and cost.number_total is MISSING:
                incomplete.append((MissingType.COST_TOTAL, index))
            # Check that a resolved instance of Cost never needs interpolation.
            # Note that in theory we could support the interpolation of regular
            # per-unit costs in these if we wanted to; but because they're all
            # reducing postings that have been booked earlier, those never need
            # to be interpolated.
            if cost is not None:
                assert isinstance(cost.number, Decimal), (
                    "Internal error: cost has no number: {}; on postings: {}".
                    format(cost, postings))

        if price and price.number is MISSING:
            incomplete.append((MissingType.PRICE, index))

    # The replacement posting for the incomplete posting of this group.
    new_posting = None

    if len(incomplete) == 0:
        # If there are no missing numbers, just convert the CostSpec to Cost and
        # return that.
        out_postings = [
            convert_costspec_to_cost(posting) for posting in postings

    elif len(incomplete) > 1:
        # If there is more than a single value to be interpolated, generate an
        # error and return no postings.
        _, posting_index = incomplete[0]
                "Too many missing numbers for currency group '{}'".format(
                    currency), None))
        out_postings = []

        # If there is a single missing number, calculate it and fill it in here.
        missing, index = incomplete[0]
        incomplete_posting = postings[index]

        # Convert augmenting postings' costs from CostSpec to corresponding Cost
        # instances, except for the incomplete posting.
        new_postings = [(posting if posting is incomplete_posting else
                        for posting in postings]

        # Compute the balance of the other postings.
        residual = interpolate.compute_residual(
            posting for posting in new_postings
            if posting is not incomplete_posting)
        assert len(
            residual) < 2, "Internal error in grouping postings by currencies."
        if not residual.is_empty():
            respos = next(iter(residual))
            assert respos.cost is None, (
                "Internal error; cost appears in weight calculation.")
            assert respos.units.currency == currency, (
                "Internal error; residual different than currency group.")
            weight = -respos.units.number
            weight_currency = respos.units.currency
            weight = ZERO
            weight_currency = currency

        if missing == MissingType.UNITS:
            units = incomplete_posting.units
            cost = incomplete_posting.cost
            if cost:
                # Handle the special case where we only have total cost.
                if cost.number_per == ZERO:
                            "Cannot infer per-unit cost only from total",
                    return postings, errors, True

                assert cost.currency == weight_currency, (
                    "Internal error; residual currency different than missing currency."
                cost_total = cost.number_total or ZERO
                units_number = (weight - cost_total) / cost.number_per

            elif incomplete_posting.price:
                assert incomplete_posting.price.currency == weight_currency, (
                    "Internal error; residual currency different than missing currency."
                units_number = weight / incomplete_posting.price.number

                assert units.currency == weight_currency, (
                    "Internal error; residual currency different than missing currency."
                units_number = weight

            # Quantize the interpolated units if necessary.
            units_number = interpolate.quantize_with_tolerance(
                tolerances, units.currency, units_number)

            if weight != ZERO:
                new_pos = Position(Amount(units_number, units.currency), cost)
                new_posting = incomplete_posting._replace(units=new_pos.units,
                new_posting = None

        elif missing == MissingType.COST_PER:
            units = incomplete_posting.units
            cost = incomplete_posting.cost
            assert cost.currency == weight_currency, (
                "Internal error; residual currency different than missing currency."
            if units.number != ZERO:
                number_per = (weight -
                              (cost.number_total or ZERO)) / units.number
                new_cost = cost._replace(number_per=number_per)
                new_pos = Position(units, new_cost)
                new_posting = incomplete_posting._replace(units=new_pos.units,
                new_posting = None

        elif missing == MissingType.COST_TOTAL:
            units = incomplete_posting.units
            cost = incomplete_posting.cost
            assert cost.currency == weight_currency, (
                "Internal error; residual currency different than missing currency."
            number_total = (weight - cost.number_per * units.number)
            new_cost = cost._replace(number_total=number_total)
            new_pos = Position(units, new_cost)
            new_posting = incomplete_posting._replace(units=new_pos.units,

        elif missing == MissingType.PRICE:
            units = incomplete_posting.units
            cost = incomplete_posting.cost
            if cost is not None:
                        "Cannot infer price for postings with units held at cost",
                return postings, errors, True
                price = incomplete_posting.price
                assert price.currency == weight_currency, (
                    "Internal error; residual currency different than missing currency."
                new_price_number = abs(weight / units.number)
                new_posting = incomplete_posting._replace(
                    price=Amount(new_price_number, price.currency))

            assert False, "Internal error; Invalid missing type."

        # Replace the number in the posting.
        if new_posting is not None:
            # Set meta-data on the new posting to indicate it was interpolated.
            if new_posting.meta is None:
                new_posting = new_posting._replace(meta={})
            new_posting.meta[interpolate.AUTOMATIC_META] = True

            # Convert augmenting posting costs from CostSpec to a corresponding
            # Cost instance.
            new_postings[index] = convert_costspec_to_cost(new_posting)
            del new_postings[index]
        out_postings = new_postings

    assert all(not isinstance(posting.cost, CostSpec)
               for posting in out_postings)

    # Check that units are non-zero and that no cost remains negative; issue an
    # error if this is the case.
    for posting in out_postings:
        if posting.cost is None:
        # If there is a cost, we don't allow either a cost value of zero,
        # nor a zero number of units. Note that we allow a price of zero as
        # the only special case allowed (for conversion entries), but never
        # for costs.
        if posting.units.number == ZERO:
                    posting.meta, 'Amount is zero: "{}"'.format(posting.units),
        if posting.cost.number is not None and posting.cost.number < ZERO:
                    'Cost is negative: "{}"'.format(posting.cost), None))

    return out_postings, errors, (new_posting is not None)
Пример #3
def get_incomplete_postings(entry, options_map):
    """Balance an entry with auto-postings and return an updated list of completed postings.

    Returns a new list of balanced postings, with the incomplete postings
    replaced with completed ones. This is probably the only place where there
    is a bit of non-trivial logic in this entire project (and the rewrite was
    to make sure it was *that* simple.)

    Note that inferred postings are tagged via metatada with an '__automatic__'
    field added to them with a true boolean value.

    Note: The 'postings' parameter may be modified or destroyed for performance
    reasons; don't reuse it.

      entry: An instance of a valid directive.
      options_map: A dict of options, as produced by the parser.
      A tuple of:
        postings: a list of new postings to replace the entry's unbalanced
        inserted: A boolean set to true if we've inserted new postings.
        errors: A list of balance errors generated during the balancing process.
        residual: A Inventory instance, the residual amounts after balancing
          the postings.
        tolerances: The tolerances inferred in the process, using the postings
    # Make a copy of the original list of postings.
    postings = list(entry.postings)

    # Errors during balancing.
    balance_errors = []

    # The list of postings without and with an explicit position.
    auto_postings_indices = []

    # Currencies seen in complete postings.
    currencies = set()

    # An inventory to accumulate the residual balance.
    residual = Inventory()

    # A dict of values for default tolerances.
    tolerances = interpolate.infer_tolerances(postings, options_map)

    # Process all the postings.
    has_nonzero_amount = False
    has_regular_postings = False
    for i, posting in enumerate(postings):
        units = posting.units
        if units is MISSING or units is None:
            # This posting will have to get auto-completed.

            # Compute the amount to balance and update the inventory.
            weight = convert.get_weight(posting)

            has_regular_postings = True
            if weight:
                has_nonzero_amount = True

    # If there are auto-postings, fill them in.
    has_inserted = False
    if auto_postings_indices:
        # If there are too many such postings, we can't do anything, barf.
        if len(auto_postings_indices) > 1:
                                   "Too many auto-postings; cannot fill in",
            # Delete the redundant auto-postings.
            for index in sorted(auto_postings_indices[1:], reverse=1):
                del postings[index]

        index = auto_postings_indices[0]
        old_posting = postings[index]
        assert old_posting.price is None

        residual_positions = residual.get_positions()

        # If there are no residual positions, we want to still insert a posting
        # but with a zero position for each currency, so that the posting shows
        # up anyhow. We insert one such posting for each currency seen in the
        # complete postings. Note: if all the non-auto postings are zero, we
        # want to avoid sending a warning; the input text clearly implies the
        # author knows this would be useless.
        new_postings = []
        if not residual_positions and (
            (has_regular_postings and has_nonzero_amount)
                or not has_regular_postings):
                                   "Useless auto-posting: {}".format(residual),
            for currency in currencies:
                units = Amount(ZERO, currency)
                meta = copy.copy(old_posting.meta) if old_posting.meta else {}
                meta[interpolate.AUTOMATIC_META] = True
                    Posting(old_posting.account, units, None, None,
                            old_posting.flag, old_posting.meta))
                has_inserted = True
            # Convert all the residual positions in inventory into a posting for
            # each position.
            for pos in residual_positions:
                pos = -pos

                units = pos.units
                new_units = Amount(
                        tolerances, units.currency, units.number),

                meta = copy.copy(old_posting.meta) if old_posting.meta else {}
                meta[interpolate.AUTOMATIC_META] = True
                    Posting(old_posting.account, new_units, pos.cost, None,
                            old_posting.flag, meta))
                has_inserted = True

                # Note/FIXME: This is dumb; refactor cost computation so we can
                # reuse it directly.
                new_pos = Position(new_units, pos.cost)

                # Update the residuals inventory.
                weight = convert.get_cost(new_pos)

        postings[index:index + 1] = new_postings

        # Checking for unbalancing transactions has been moved to the validation
        # stage, so although we already have the input transaction's residuals
        # conveniently precomputed here, we are postponing the check to allow
        # plugins to "fixup" unbalancing transactions. We want to allow users to
        # be able to input unbalancing transactions as long as the final
        # transactions objects that appear on the stream (after processing the
        # plugins) are balanced. See {9e6c14b51a59}.

    return (postings, has_inserted, balance_errors, residual, tolerances)