Пример #1
    def testDateUnit(self):
        Passing a dateUnit value to the constructor must result in the expected
        xml = BEAST2XML(clockModel=self.CLOCK_MODEL, dateUnit='day')
        tree = ET.ElementTree(ET.fromstring(xml.toString()))
        elements = BEAST2XML.findElements(tree)

        trait = elements['./run/state/tree/trait']
        self.assertEqual('day', trait.get('units'))
Пример #2
 def testExpectedTemplate(self):
     Passing a 'strict' clock model must result in the expected
     XML template being loaded.
     xml = BEAST2XML(clockModel=self.CLOCK_MODEL)
     tree = ET.ElementTree(ET.fromstring(xml.toString()))
     root = tree.getroot()
     logger = root.find(
     self.assertTrue(logger is not None)
Пример #3
    def testNoDateUnit(self):
        Passing no dateUnit value to the constructor must result in the
        expected XML (with no 'units' attribute in the trait).
        xml = BEAST2XML(clockModel=self.CLOCK_MODEL)
        tree = ET.ElementTree(ET.fromstring(xml.toString()))
        elements = BEAST2XML.findElements(tree)

        trait = elements['./run/state/tree/trait']
        self.assertEqual(None, trait.get('units'))
Пример #4
    def testDefaultDateDirection(self):
        Passing no dateDirection toString must result in the expected date
        direction in the XML.
        xml = BEAST2XML(clockModel=self.CLOCK_MODEL)
        tree = ET.ElementTree(ET.fromstring(xml.toString()))
        elements = BEAST2XML.findElements(tree)

        trait = elements['./run/state/tree/trait']
        self.assertEqual('date-backward', trait.get('traitname'))
Пример #5
    def testTreeLogEvery(self):
        Passing a treeLogEvery value to toString must result in the expected
        xml = BEAST2XML(clockModel=self.CLOCK_MODEL)
        tree = ET.ElementTree(ET.fromstring(xml.toString(treeLogEvery=300)))
        elements = BEAST2XML.findElements(tree)

        logger = elements["./run/logger[@id='treelog.t:alignment']"]
        self.assertEqual('300', logger.get('logEvery'))
Пример #6
 def testSequenceIdDateRegexNonMatching(self):
     Using a sequence id date regex with a sequence id that does not match
     must result in a ValueError.
     xml = BEAST2XML(clockModel=self.CLOCK_MODEL,
     error = ("^No sequence date could be found in 'id1' using the "
              "sequence id date regex$")
     assertRaisesRegex(self, ValueError, error, xml.addSequence,
                       Read('id1', 'ACTG'))
Пример #7
    def testDefaultAge(self):
        Passing a default age to toString must result in the expected XML.
        xml = BEAST2XML(clockModel=self.CLOCK_MODEL)
        xml.addSequence(Read('id1', 'ACTG'))
        tree = ET.ElementTree(ET.fromstring(xml.toString(defaultAge=33.0)))
        elements = BEAST2XML.findElements(tree)

        # The sequence id with the default age of 0.0 must be in the traits.
        trait = elements['./run/state/tree/trait']
        self.assertTrue(trait.text.find('id1=33.0') > -1)
Пример #8
    def testOneSequenceWithAgeAddedTogether(self):
        Adding a sequence with an age (both passed to addSequence) must result
        in the expected XML.
        xml = BEAST2XML(clockModel=self.CLOCK_MODEL)
        xml.addSequence(Read('id1', 'ACTG'), 44)
        tree = ET.ElementTree(ET.fromstring(xml.toString()))
        elements = BEAST2XML.findElements(tree)

        # The sequence id with the given age must be in the traits.
        trait = elements['./run/state/tree/trait']
        self.assertTrue(trait.text.find('id1=44.0') > -1)
Пример #9
    def testSequenceIdDateRegex(self):
        Using a sequence id date regex must result in the expected XML.
        xml = BEAST2XML(clockModel=self.CLOCK_MODEL,
        xml.addSequence(Read('id1_80_xxx', 'ACTG'))
        tree = ET.ElementTree(ET.fromstring(xml.toString()))
        elements = BEAST2XML.findElements(tree)

        # The sequence id with the default age of 0.0 must be in the traits.
        trait = elements['./run/state/tree/trait']
        self.assertTrue(trait.text.find('id1_80_xxx=80.0') > -1)
Пример #10
    def testTransformFunction(self):
        Passing a transform function to toString must result in the expected
        def transform(tree):
            return ET.ElementTree(
                    "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?><hello/>"))

        xml = BEAST2XML(clockModel=self.CLOCK_MODEL)
        expected = ("<?xml version='1.0' encoding='" +
                    ('UTF-8' if PY3 else 'utf-8') + "'?>\n<hello />")
        self.assertEqual(expected, xml.toString(transformFunc=transform))
Пример #11
    def testSequenceIdDateRegexNonMatchingNotAnError(self):
        Using a sequence id date regex that doesn't match is not an error if
        we pass sequenceIdDateRegexMayNotMatch=True, in which case the default
        age should be assigned.
        xml = BEAST2XML(clockModel=self.CLOCK_MODEL,
        xml.addSequence(Read('id1_xxx', 'ACTG'))
        tree = ET.ElementTree(ET.fromstring(xml.toString(defaultAge=50)))
        elements = BEAST2XML.findElements(tree)

        # The sequence id with the passed default age must be in the traits.
        trait = elements['./run/state/tree/trait']
        self.assertTrue(trait.text.find('id1_xxx=50.0') > -1)
Пример #12
    def testLogFileBaseName(self):
        Passing a log file base name to toString must result in the expected
        log file names in the XML.
        xml = BEAST2XML(clockModel=self.CLOCK_MODEL)
        tree = ET.ElementTree(
        elements = BEAST2XML.findElements(tree)

        logger = elements["./run/logger[@id='tracelog']"]
        self.assertEqual('xxx' + BEAST2XML.TRACELOG_SUFFIX,

        logger = elements["./run/logger[@id='treelog.t:alignment']"]
        self.assertEqual('xxx' + BEAST2XML.TREELOG_SUFFIX,
Пример #13
    def testAddSequences(self):
        Adding several sequences must result in the expected XML.
        xml = BEAST2XML(clockModel=self.CLOCK_MODEL)
            [Read('id1', 'GG'),
             Read('id2', 'CC'),
             Read('id3', 'AA')])
        tree = ET.ElementTree(ET.fromstring(xml.toString()))
        elements = BEAST2XML.findElements(tree)

        # The sequences must be the children of the <data> tag.
        data = elements['data']
        self.assertEqual(3, len(data))

        child = data[0]
        self.assertEqual('sequence', child.tag)
        self.assertEqual('GG', child.get('value'))
        self.assertEqual('4', child.get('totalcount'))
        self.assertEqual('id1', child.get('taxon'))
        self.assertEqual('seq_id1', child.get('id'))
        self.assertIs(None, child.text)

        child = data[1]
        self.assertEqual('sequence', child.tag)
        self.assertEqual('CC', child.get('value'))
        self.assertEqual('4', child.get('totalcount'))
        self.assertEqual('id2', child.get('taxon'))
        self.assertEqual('seq_id2', child.get('id'))
        self.assertIs(None, child.text)

        child = data[2]
        self.assertEqual('sequence', child.tag)
        self.assertEqual('AA', child.get('value'))
        self.assertEqual('4', child.get('totalcount'))
        self.assertEqual('id3', child.get('taxon'))
        self.assertEqual('seq_id3', child.get('id'))
        self.assertIs(None, child.text)

        # The sequence ids with the default age of 0.0 must be in the traits.
        trait = elements['./run/state/tree/trait']
        self.assertTrue(trait.text.find('id1=0.0') > -1)
        self.assertTrue(trait.text.find('id2=0.0') > -1)
        self.assertTrue(trait.text.find('id3=0.0') > -1)
Пример #14
    def testOneSequenceWithDateRegexAndDateUnitInDays(self):
        Adding a sequence with a date regex and date units in days must
        result in the expected XML.
        sequenceDate = (date.today() - timedelta(days=10)).strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
        r = r'^.*_(?P<year>\d\d\d\d)-(?P<month>\d\d)-(?P<day>\d\d)'
        id_ = 'id1_' + sequenceDate

        xml = BEAST2XML(clockModel=self.CLOCK_MODEL,
        xml.addSequence(Read(id_, 'ACTG'))
        tree = ET.ElementTree(ET.fromstring(xml.toString()))
        elements = BEAST2XML.findElements(tree)

        # The sequence id with an age of 10 days must be in the traits.
        trait = elements['./run/state/tree/trait']
        self.assertTrue(trait.text.find(id_ + '=10.0') > -1)
        self.assertEqual('day', trait.get('units'))
Пример #15
    def testOneSequence(self):
        Adding a sequence must result in the expected XML.
        xml = BEAST2XML(clockModel=self.CLOCK_MODEL)
        xml.addSequence(Read('id1', 'ACTG'))
        tree = ET.ElementTree(ET.fromstring(xml.toString()))
        elements = BEAST2XML.findElements(tree)

        # The sequence must be the only child of the <data> tag.
        data = elements['data']
        self.assertEqual(1, len(data))
        child = data[0]
        self.assertEqual('sequence', child.tag)
        self.assertEqual('ACTG', child.get('value'))
        self.assertEqual('4', child.get('totalcount'))
        self.assertEqual('id1', child.get('taxon'))
        self.assertEqual('seq_id1', child.get('id'))
        self.assertIs(None, child.text)

        # The sequence id with the default age of 0.0 must be in the traits.
        trait = elements['./run/state/tree/trait']
        self.assertTrue(trait.text.find('id1=0.0') > -1)
Пример #16
    # backwards compatibility.
    '--sequenceIdRegexMayNotMatch', '--sequenceIdDateRegexMayNotMatch',
    help=('If specified (and --sequenceIdDateRegex or --sequenceIdAgeRegex is '
          'given) it will not be considered an error if a sequence id does '
          'not match the given regular expression. In that case, sequences '
          'will be assigned an age of zero unless one is given via --age.'))

args = parser.parse_args()
reads = parseFASTACommandLineOptions(args)

xml = BEAST2XML(
    template=args.templateFile, clockModel=args.clockModel,


if args.age:
    # Flatten lists of lists that we get from using both nargs='+' and
    # action='append'. We use both because it allows people to use --age on the
    # command line either via "--age id1=33 --age id2=21" or "--age id1=33
    # id2=21", or a combination of these. That way it's not necessary to
    # remember which way you're supposed to use it and you also can't be hit by
    # the subtle problem encountered in
    # https://github.com/acorg/dark-matter/issues/453
    ages = list(chain.from_iterable(args.age))
Пример #17
 def testNoArgsGivesValidXML(self):
     Passing no template or clock model to BEAST2XML and no arguments to
     toString must produce valid XML.
Пример #18
          'match the id from its beginning.'))

    '--sequenceIdDateRegexMayNotMatch', action='store_true', default=False,
    help=('If specified (and --sequenceIdDateRegex is given) it will not be '
          'considered an error if a sequence id does not match the given '
          'regular expression. In that case, sequences will be assigned the '
          'default date unless one is given via --age.'))

args = parser.parse_args()
reads = parseFASTACommandLineOptions(args)

xml = BEAST2XML(
    template=args.templateFile, clockModel=args.clockModel,

if args.age:
    # Flatten lists of lists that we get from using both nargs='+' and
    # action='append'. We use both because it allows people to use --age on the
    # command line either via "--age id1=33 --age id2=21" or "--age id1=33
    # id2=21", or a combination of these. That way it's not necessary to
    # remember which way you're supposed to use it and you also can't be hit by
    # the subtle problem encountered in
    # https://github.com/acorg/dark-matter/issues/453
    ages = list(chain.from_iterable(args.age))

    for ageInfo in ages: