def constructTx(self, ref_block_num=None, ref_block_prefix=None): """ Construct the actual transaction and store it in the class's dict store """ ops = list() if self.steem.is_connected() and self.steem.rpc.get_use_appbase(): # appbase disabled by now # broadcasting does not work at the moment appbase = not self._use_condenser_api else: appbase = False for op in self.ops: # otherwise, we simply wrap ops into Operations ops.extend( [Operation(op, appbase=appbase, prefix=self.steem.prefix)]) # We no wrap everything into an actual transaction expiration = formatTimeFromNow(self.expiration or self.steem.expiration) if ref_block_num is None or ref_block_prefix is None: ref_block_num, ref_block_prefix = transactions.getBlockParams( self.steem.rpc) self.tx = Signed_Transaction(ref_block_prefix=ref_block_prefix, expiration=expiration, operations=ops, ref_block_num=ref_block_num, custom_chains=self.steem.custom_chains, prefix=self.steem.prefix) super(TransactionBuilder, self).update(self.tx.json()) self._unset_require_reconstruction()
def list_operations(self): """List all ops""" if self.blockchain.is_connected() and self.blockchain.rpc.get_use_appbase(): # appbase disabled by now appbase = not self._use_condenser_api else: appbase = False return [Operation(o, appbase=appbase, prefix=self.blockchain.prefix) for o in self.ops]
def list_operations(self): """List all ops""" if self.steem.is_connected() and self.steem.rpc.get_use_appbase(): # appbase disabled by now appbase = False else: appbase = False return [Operation(o, appbase=appbase) for o in self.ops]
def doit(self, printWire=False, ops=None): if ops is None: ops = [Operation(self.op)] tx = Signed_Transaction(ref_block_num=self.ref_block_num, ref_block_prefix=self.ref_block_prefix, expiration=self.expiration, operations=ops) tx = tx.sign([self.wif], chain=self.prefix) tx.verify([PrivateKey(self.wif, prefix=u"STM").pubkey], self.prefix) txWire = hexlify(py23_bytes(tx)).decode("ascii")
def constructTx(self, ref_block_num=None, ref_block_prefix=None): """ Construct the actual transaction and store it in the class's dict store """ ops = list() if self.blockchain.is_connected( ) and self.blockchain.rpc.get_use_appbase(): # appbase disabled by now # broadcasting does not work at the moment appbase = not self._use_condenser_api else: appbase = False for op in self.ops: # otherwise, we simply wrap ops into Operations ops.extend([ Operation(op, appbase=appbase, prefix=self.blockchain.prefix) ]) # calculation expiration time from last block time not system time # it fixes transaction expiration error when pushing transactions # when blocks are moved forward with debug_produce_block* if self.blockchain.is_connected(): now = formatTimeString( self.blockchain.get_dynamic_global_properties( use_stored_data=False).get('time')).replace(tzinfo=None) expiration = now + timedelta( seconds=int(self.expiration or self.blockchain.expiration)) expiration = expiration.replace(microsecond=0).isoformat() else: expiration = formatTimeFromNow(self.expiration or self.blockchain.expiration) # We now wrap everything into an actual transaction if ref_block_num is None or ref_block_prefix is None: ref_block_num, ref_block_prefix = self.get_block_params() if self._use_ledger: self.ledgertx = Ledger_Transaction( ref_block_prefix=ref_block_prefix, expiration=expiration, operations=ops, ref_block_num=ref_block_num, custom_chains=self.blockchain.custom_chains, prefix=self.blockchain.prefix) self.tx = Signed_Transaction( ref_block_prefix=ref_block_prefix, expiration=expiration, operations=ops, ref_block_num=ref_block_num, custom_chains=self.blockchain.custom_chains, prefix=self.blockchain.prefix) super(TransactionBuilder, self).update(self.tx.json()) self._unset_require_reconstruction()
def doit(self, printWire=False, ops=None): ops = [Operation(ops)] tx = Signed_Transaction(ref_block_num=self.ref_block_num, ref_block_prefix=self.ref_block_prefix, expiration=self.expiration, operations=ops) start = timer() tx = tx.sign([self.wif], chain=self.prefix) end1 = timer() tx.verify([PrivateKey(self.wif, prefix=u"STM").pubkey], self.prefix) end2 = timer() return end2 - end1, end1 - start
def test_Transfer(self): transferJson = { 'from': 'test', 'to': 'test1', 'amount': "1.000 STEEM", 'memo': 'foobar' } t = Transfer(transferJson) self.assertEqual(transferJson, json.loads(str(t))) self.assertEqual(transferJson, t.json()) self.assertEqual(transferJson, t.toJson()) self.assertEqual(transferJson, t.__json__()) transferJson = { 'from': 'test', 'to': 'test1', 'amount': ['3000', 3, '@@000000037'], 'memo': 'foobar' } t = Transfer(transferJson) self.assertEqual(transferJson, json.loads(str(t))) self.assertEqual(transferJson, t.json()) self.assertEqual(transferJson, t.toJson()) self.assertEqual(transferJson, t.__json__()) o = Operation(Transfer(transferJson)) self.assertEqual(o.json()[1], transferJson) tx = { 'ref_block_num': 0, 'ref_block_prefix': 0, 'expiration': '2018-04-07T09:30:53', 'operations': [o], 'extensions': [], 'signatures': [] } s = Signed_Transaction(tx) s.sign(wifkeys=[wif], chain="STEEMAPPBASE") self.assertEqual(s.json()["operations"][0][1], transferJson)
def get_tx_size(self, op): """Returns the tx size of an operation""" ops = [Operation(op)] prefix = u"STEEM" wif = "5KQwrPbwdL6PhXujxW37FSSQZ1JiwsST4cqQzDeyXtP79zkvFD3" ref_block_num = 34294 ref_block_prefix = 3707022213 expiration = "2016-04-06T08:29:27" tx = Signed_Transaction(ref_block_num=ref_block_num, ref_block_prefix=ref_block_prefix, expiration=expiration, operations=ops) tx = tx.sign([wif], chain=prefix) txWire = hexlify(py23_bytes(tx)).decode("ascii") tx_size = len(txWire) return tx_size
def doit(self, printWire=False, ops=None): if ops is None: ops = [Operation(self.op)] tx = Ledger_Transaction(ref_block_num=ref_block_num, ref_block_prefix=ref_block_prefix, expiration=expiration, operations=ops) txWire = hexlify(py23_bytes(tx)).decode("ascii") txApdu = tx.build_apdu(path, chain=prefix) if printWire: print() print(txWire) print() if len( > 0: self.assertEqual(, txWire) if len(self.apdu) > 0: self.assertEqual(len(self.apdu), len(txApdu)) for i in range(len(txApdu)): self.assertEqual(self.apdu[i], hexlify(txApdu[i]))
def constructTx(self): """ Construct the actual transaction and store it in the class's dict store """ ops = list() for op in self.ops: # otherwise, we simply wrap ops into Operations ops.extend([Operation(op)]) # We no wrap everything into an actual transaction # ops = transactions.addRequiredFees(self.steem.rpc, ops) expiration = formatTimeFromNow(self.expiration or self.steem.expiration) ref_block_num, ref_block_prefix = transactions.getBlockParams( self.steem.rpc) self.tx = Signed_Transaction(ref_block_prefix=ref_block_prefix, expiration=expiration, operations=ops, ref_block_num=ref_block_num) super(TransactionBuilder, self).update(self.tx.json()) self._unset_require_reconstruction()
def list_operations(self): """List all ops""" return [Operation(o) for o in self.ops]
def test_Operation(self): a = {"amount": '1000', "precision": 3, "nai": '@@000000013'} j = ["transfer", {'from': 'a', 'to': 'b', 'amount': a, 'memo': 'c'}] o = Operation(j) self.assertEqual(o.json()[1], j[1])
def test_Operation(self): a = ['1000', 3, '@@000000013'] j = ["transfer", {'from': 'a', 'to': 'b', 'amount': a, 'memo': 'c'}] o = Operation(j) self.assertEqual(o.json()[1], j[1])