def update_data_from_hive(self, db, collection_or_core_name, database, table, columns, indexing_strategy='upload'): """ Add hdfs path contents to index """ # Run a custom hive query and post data to collection from beeswax.server import dbms import tablib api = SolrApi(SOLR_URL.get(), self.user, SECURITY_ENABLED.get()) if indexing_strategy == 'upload': table = db.get_table(database, table) hql = "SELECT %s FROM `%s.%s` %s" % (','.join(columns), database,, db._get_browse_limit_clause(table)) query = dbms.hql_query(hql) try: handle = db.execute_and_wait(query) if handle: result = db.fetch(handle, rows=100) db.close(handle) dataset = tablib.Dataset() dataset.append(columns) for row in result.rows(): dataset.append(row) if not api.update(collection_or_core_name, dataset.csv, content_type='csv'): raise PopupException(_('Could not update index. Check error logs for more info.')) else: raise PopupException(_('Could not update index. Could not fetch any data from Hive.')) except Exception, e: raise PopupException(_('Could not update index.'), detail=e)
def update_data_from_hive(self, db, collection_or_core_name, database, table, columns, indexing_strategy='upload'): """ Add hdfs path contents to index """ # Run a custom hive query and post data to collection from beeswax.server import dbms import tablib api = SolrApi(SOLR_URL.get(), self.user, SECURITY_ENABLED.get()) if indexing_strategy == 'upload': table = db.get_table(database, table) hql = "SELECT %s FROM `%s.%s` %s" % (','.join(columns), database,, db._get_browse_limit_clause(table)) query = dbms.hql_query(hql) handle = db.execute_and_wait(query) if handle: result = db.fetch(handle, rows=100) db.close(handle) dataset = tablib.Dataset() dataset.append(columns) for row in result.rows(): dataset.append(row) if not api.update(collection_or_core_name, dataset.csv, content_type='csv'): raise PopupException(_('Could not update index. Check error logs for more info.')) else: raise PopupException(_('Could not update index. Could not fetch any data from Hive.')) else: raise PopupException(_('Could not update index. Indexing strategy %s not supported.') % indexing_strategy)