def get_temp_file(self, path, mode="rw"):
        """Like get_file() except that it uses a parallel file as its source,
        resorting to get_file() when the parallel file does not exist."""

        if "../" in path:
            raise BadValue("Relative directories are not allowed")

        # Load from the temp file first
        file_loc = self.location / get_temp_file_name(, path)
        if file_loc.exists():
            log.debug("get_temp_file path=%s" % file_loc)
            return str(file_loc.bytes())

        # Otherwise, go for data from the real file
        file_obj = File(self, path)
        if file_obj.exists():
            log.debug("fallback get_temp_file path=%s" % path)
            return str(

        # If we still don't have something then this must be a new (temp) file
        if file_loc.isdir():
            raise FileConflict(
                "Cannot save file at %s in project "
                "%s, because there is already a directory with that name." %

        log.debug("New file - creating temp space")

        file_dir = file_loc.dirname()
        if not file_dir.exists():

        _save(file_loc, "")
        return ""
    def save_temp_file(self, destpath, contents=None):
        """Saves the contents to the file path provided, creating
        directories as needed in between. If last_edit is not provided,
        the file must not be opened for editing. Otherwise, the
        last_edit parameter should include the last edit ID received by
        the user."""
        if "../" in destpath:
            raise BadValue("Relative directories are not allowed")

        # chop off any leading slashes
        while destpath and destpath.startswith("/"):
            destpath = destpath[1:]

        temp_name = get_temp_file_name(, destpath)
        file_loc = self.location.parent / temp_name

        if file_loc.isdir():
            raise FileConflict(
                "Cannot save file at %s in project "
                "%s, because there is already a directory with that name." %

        file_dir = file_loc.dirname()
        if not file_dir.exists():

        log.debug("save_temp_file to %s", file_loc)
        _save(file_loc, contents)
Пример #3
    def __init__(self, project, name):
        if "../" in name:
            raise BadValue("Relative directories are not allowed")

        # chop off any leading slashes
        while name and name.startswith("/"):
            name = name[1:]

        self.project = project = name
        self.location = project.location / name
        self._info = None
    def create_directory(self, destpath):
        """Create a new directory"""
        if "../" in destpath:
            raise BadValue("Relative directories are not allowed")

        # chop off any leading slashes
        while destpath and destpath.startswith("/"):
            destpath = destpath[1:]

        file_loc = self.location / destpath
        if file_loc.exists():
            if file_loc.isfile():
                raise FileConflict("Cannot create directory %s "
                                   "because there is already a file there." %
    def __init__(self, project, name):
        if "../" in name:
            raise BadValue("Relative directories are not allowed")

        # chop off any leading slashes
        while name and name.startswith("/"):
            name = name[1:]

        self.project = project = name
        self.location = project.location / name
        self._info = None
        if self.location.islink():
            raise FSException(
                "That path is a symlink, and symlinks are not supported.")
        if self.location.isdir():
            raise FSException(
                "Directory found where file was expected. (When referring to a directory, use a trailing slash.)"
Пример #6
 def find_member(self, member):
     """When a user refers to X, is this a reference to a user or a group or
     even the everyone setting"""
     if isinstance(member, User):
         return member
     if isinstance(member, Group):
         return member
     if isinstance(member, str):
         if member == 'everyone':
             return member
             group = self.get_group(member)
             if group != None:
                 return group
                 user = User.find_user(member)
                 if user != None:
                     return user
     raise BadValue("No groups or users found called '%s'" % (member))
    def save_file(self, destpath, contents=None):
        """Saves the contents to the file path provided, creating
        directories as needed in between. If last_edit is not provided,
        the file must not be opened for editing. Otherwise, the
        last_edit parameter should include the last edit ID received by
        the user."""
        if "../" in destpath:
            raise BadValue("Relative directories are not allowed")

        # chop off any leading slashes
        while destpath and destpath.startswith("/"):
            destpath = destpath[1:]

        saved_size = len(contents) if contents is not None else 0
        if not self.owner.check_save(saved_size):
            raise OverQuota()

        file_loc = self.location / destpath

        if file_loc.isdir():
            raise FileConflict(
                "Cannot save file at %s in project "
                "%s, because there is already a directory with that name." %

        file_dir = file_loc.dirname()
        if not file_dir.exists():

        file = File(self, destpath)
        if file.exists():
            size_delta = saved_size - file.saved_size
            size_delta = saved_size
        self.owner.amount_used += size_delta
        return file
    def __init__(self, project, name):
        if "../" in name:
            raise BadValue("Relative directories are not allowed")

        if not name.endswith("/"):
            name += "/"

        # chop off any leading slashes
        while name and name.startswith("/"):
            name = name[1:] = name

        self.location = project.location / name

        # we can only properly check directory entries as being symlinks
        # if they don't have the trailing slash, which we ensured is there
        # a couple lines ago
        if path_obj(self.location[:-1]).islink():
            raise FSException(
                "That path points to a symlink, and symlinks are not supported."
    def install_template(self, template="template", other_vars=None):
        """Installs a set of template files into a new project.

        The template directory will be found by searching
        config.c.template_path to find a matching directory name.
        The files inside of that directory will be installed into
        the project, with the common root for the files chopped off.

        Additionally, filenames containing { will be treated as JSON Template
        templates and the contents of files will be treated as JSON Template
        templates. This means that the filenames can contain variables
        that are substituted when the template is installed into the
        user's project. The contents of the files can also have variables
        and small amounts of logic.

        These JSON Template templates automatically have the following

        * project: the project name
        * username: the project owner's username
        * filename: the name of the file being generated

        You can pass in a dictionary for other_vars and those values
        will also be available in the templates.
        log.debug("Installing template %s for user %s as project %s", template,
        if "/" in template or "." in template:
            raise BadValue("Template names cannot include '/' or '.'")
        found = False
        for p in config.c.template_path:
            source_dir = path_obj(p) / template
            if source_dir.isdir():
                found = True
        if not found:
            raise FSException("Unknown project template: %s" % template)

        if other_vars is not None:
            variables = LenientUndefinedDict(other_vars)
            variables = LenientUndefinedDict()

        variables['project'] =
        variables['username'] = self.owner.username

        common_path_len = len(source_dir) + 1
        for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(source_dir):
            destdir = dirpath[common_path_len:]
            if '.svn' in destdir:
            for f in filenames:
                if "{" in f:
                    dest_f = jsontemplate.expand(f, variables)
                    dest_f = f

                if destdir:
                    destpath = "%s/%s" % (destdir, dest_f)
                    destpath = dest_f
                contents = open(os.path.join(dirpath, f)).read()
                variables['filename'] = dest_f
                contents = jsontemplate.expand(contents, variables)
                self.save_file(destpath, contents)
Пример #10
 def __init__(self, group, user):
     if == None:
         raise BadValue("Null for " +
     self.group_id =
     self.user_id =