Пример #1
def curveat(curve, t): return node(bezierpointatt(((node.x, node.y) for node in curve), t))

# This function takes in a list of nodes and returns
# a list of numbers between 0 and 1 corresponding to the relative positions
# of said nodes (assuming consecutive nodes are linked by straight lines).
# The first item is always 0.0 and the last one 1.0.
def chords(nodes):
Пример #2
def csp_at_t(sp1,sp2,t):
    bez = (sp1[1][:],sp1[2][:],sp2[0][:],sp2[1][:])
    return     bezmisc.bezierpointatt(bez,t)
Пример #3
    def computePointsXY(self, pathId, offsets, globalOffset=0.0):
        #offsets.sort() if they have random order, but objects should be sorted respectively to them
        if self.selected[pathId].get(
                'd'):  #determine path parameters and transform it
            mat = [[1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0]]
            m = simpletransformed.parseTransform(
            m = simpletransformed.composeTransform(mat, m)
            csp = cubicsuperpath.parsePath(self.selected[pathId].get('d'))
            simpletransformed.applyTransformToPath(m, csp)
                "Only paths are supported as a guide. Make sure your path is in back of other objects."
            return None
        retval = []
        offsetP = 0
        curveLengths = []
        totalLength = 0.0
        last_subpath = 0
        for csp_i in xrange(len(csp)):
            last_subpath = csp_i
            for i in xrange(len(csp[csp_i]) - 1):  #For every segment of a path
                #determine its length
                        (csp[csp_i][i][1], csp[csp_i][i][2],
                         csp[csp_i][i + 1][0], csp[csp_i][i + 1][1])))
                #Compute total lenth of a path by sum of each part
                totalLength = totalLength + curveLengths[-1]
                if totalLength >= (
                        offsets[offsetP] + globalOffset
                ):  #If offset belongs to current path's part
                    while (
                            offsets[offsetP] + globalOffset
                    ) <= totalLength:  #for all offsets that belong to current path's part
                        dlength = totalLength - (
                            offsets[offsetP] + globalOffset
                        )  #distance between part start and offset
                        t = 1 - dlength / curveLengths[
                            -1]  #I don't understand bezier basics... seems that this is right
                        #Compute x,y and alpha as atan(slope)
                        x, y = bezmisc.bezierpointatt(
                            (csp[csp_i][i][1], csp[csp_i][i][2],
                             csp[csp_i][i + 1][0], csp[csp_i][i + 1][1]), t)
                        dx, dy = bezmisc.bezierslopeatt(
                            (csp[csp_i][i][1], csp[csp_i][i][2],
                             csp[csp_i][i + 1][0], csp[csp_i][i + 1][1]), t)
                            alpha = math.atan(
                                dy / dx
                            )  #FIXME: divsion by zero on straight lines and 90deg. rotation
                            alpha = 0.0
                        retval.append([x, y, alpha])  #Append to result
                        offsetP = offsetP + 1
                        if offsetP > (len(offsets) -
                                      1):  #If no more offsets return value
                            return retval

        #If total sum of distances between objects are greater than curve length,
        # then put one more object that beyond the curve in last valid position
        # and others left in their places
        if len(retval) < len(offsets):
            #for i in xrange(len(retval),len(offsets)):  #to place all reminded objects
            x, y = bezmisc.bezierpointatt(
                (csp[last_subpath][-2][1], csp[last_subpath][-2][2],
                 csp[last_subpath][-1][0], csp[last_subpath][-1][1]), 1.0)
            retval.append([x, y, 0.0])

        return retval
Пример #4
def bezlinearize(bez, npts):
    return [bezmisc.bezierpointatt(bez, t) for t in seq(0,1,npts)]
Пример #5
def curveat(curve, t):
    return node(bezierpointatt(((node.x, node.y) for node in curve), t))
Пример #6
def csp_at_t(sp1, sp2, t):
    bez = (sp1[1][:], sp1[2][:], sp2[0][:], sp2[1][:])
    return bezmisc.bezierpointatt(bez, t)
Пример #7
 def duplicate(self, points):
     i = 0
     while i < 1:
         x, y = bezmisc.bezierpointatt(points, i)
         self.copy_pattern(x, y)
         i += 0.001
Пример #8
 def approx_curve(self, points):
     for four in take_N(points, 4):
         # TODO: automatically set number of samples depending on length
         for t in sample(0, 1, 50):
             yield bezmisc.bezierpointatt(four, t)
Пример #9
def bezlinearize(bez, npts):
    return [bezmisc.bezierpointatt(bez, t) for t in seq(0, 1, npts)]