Пример #1
def saturate_source(s,n,Edge,Cost, node_potential,Part_Flow, curr_demand, sink,no_sat_source, Tight_Loose, Tight_Loose_No, No_Max_Flow ):
	no_sat_source[s] += 1
	#print "Desaturate source being called "
	#Construct residual graph for it
	#New residual graph required every time
	Gr_Edge = [[0 for x in range(n)] for x in range(n)]
	Gr_Cost = [[0 for x in range(n)] for x in range(n)]
	Gr_Capacity = [[0 for x in range(n)] for x in range(n)] 
	for u in range(n):
		for v in  range(n):
			if Edge[u][v]>0: #if edge (u,v) in original graph, then
				temp1 = Tight_Loose[u][v]
				#if tight edge: 
				if (node_potential[u] - node_potential[v]) == Cost[u][v]:
					print "Tight edge", u , ":", v ,"found"
					Gr_Capacity[u][v]= 1000 #infinity capacity

					Tight_Loose[u][v] = 1
					Tight_Loose[u][v] = 0 

				#increments counter by 1 when edge goes from tight to loose and vice versa 
				if temp1 != Tight_Loose[u][v]:
					Tight_Loose_No[u][v] += 1  

				#reverse arc:
				if Part_Flow[u][v] >0 :
					Gr_Cost[v][u]= -Cost[u][v]
	#residual graph completed

	#Find if any unsaturated sink t reachable from s
	parent = [-1 for x in range(n)]
	t = mod_bfs(Gr_Edge,s,parent,sink)
	print "Current sinks are: ", sink 
	print "t found from mod_bfs is: ", t 
	print ""

	if t != -1 :
	#say path found with flow f, then, along the path
	#Part_Flow[u][v] += f
	#Need to get f by min. 
		if curr_demand[s] > -curr_demand[t] :
			f = -curr_demand[t]
			#sink.remove(t) #saturated sink removed 
			f = curr_demand[s]
		'''#deploy capacity constraint
		v =t 
		min_cap = 0
		cap_list =[]
		while v != s:
			u = parent[v]
			#Part_Flow[u][t] += f
			v = u 
		min_cap = min(cap_list)
		path_capacity = min(f, min_cap)

		curr_demand[s] -= path_capacity
		curr_demand[t] += path_capacity #because sink has negative demand while source has positive demand, hence the sign difference
		if curr_demand[t] == 0:

		#Update flow along the path
		while t!=s : 
			u = parent[t]
			Part_Flow[u][t] += path_capacity
			t = u'''

		#Finding max. flow between source and sink first found (using modified edmondns karp to find max. augmenting path)
		MF_Capacity = [[0 for x in range(n)] for x in range(n)] 
		MF_Flow = [[0 for x in range(n)] for x in range(n)] 
		for u in range(n):
			for v in range(n):
				MF_Capacity[u][v] = min(f, Gr_Capacity[u][v]) 
				# min of these 2 because flow cannot be more than supply/demand at source/sink
		#maxFlow = edmonds_karp(n,s,t,MF_Capacity, Part_Flow)
		maxFlow = edmonds_karp(n,s,t,MF_Capacity, MF_Flow, f )

		for u in range(n):
			for v in range(n):
				Part_Flow[u][v] += MF_Flow[u][v]

		No_Max_Flow[s][t] += 1 
		print ""
		print "maxFlow found is: ", maxFlow
		curr_demand[s] -= maxFlow
		curr_demand[t] += maxFlow #because sink has negative demand while source has positive demand, hence the sign difference
		if curr_demand[t] == 0:
			#print ""
			print "Sink removed: ",t 
			#print ""
		print "Current demand array is: ", curr_demand 

		#check if source is saturated: 
		if curr_demand[s] > 0:
			saturate_source(s,n,Edge,Cost,node_potential,Part_Flow,curr_demand,sink,no_sat_source, Tight_Loose, Tight_Loose_No,No_Max_Flow)

	else: #i.e. when no reachable unsat. sink from this unsat. source s, we raise node potentials, definitely define new routine for this
		print "We need to raise node potential for source ", s
		raise_node_potentials(s, n, Edge, Cost, node_potential, Gr_Edge)

		# need to go through this source again and unsaturate it
		saturate_source(s,n,Edge,Cost,node_potential,Part_Flow,curr_demand,sink,no_sat_source, Tight_Loose, Tight_Loose_No,No_Max_Flow)
Пример #2
def saturate_source(s,n,Edge,Cost, node_potential,Part_Flow, curr_demand, sink,no_sat_source, Tight_Loose, Tight_Loose_No, No_Max_Flow ):
	no_sat_source[s] += 1
	#print "Desaturate source being called "
	#Construct residual graph for it
	#New residual graph required every time
	Gr_Edge = [[0 for x in range(n)] for x in range(n)]
	Gr_Cost = [[0 for x in range(n)] for x in range(n)]
	Gr_Capacity = [[0 for x in range(n)] for x in range(n)] 
	for u in range(n):
		for v in  range(n):
			if Edge[u][v]>0: #if edge (u,v) in original graph, then
				temp1 = Tight_Loose[u][v]
				#if tight edge: 
				if (node_potential[u] - node_potential[v]) == Cost[u][v]:
					print "Tight edge", u , ":", v ,"found"
					Gr_Capacity[u][v]= 1000 #infinity capacity

					Tight_Loose[u][v] = 1
					Tight_Loose[u][v] = 0 

				#increments counter by 1 when edge goes from tight to loose and vice versa 
				if temp1 != Tight_Loose[u][v]:
					Tight_Loose_No[u][v] += 1  

				#reverse arc:
				if Part_Flow[u][v] >0 :
					Gr_Cost[v][u]= -Cost[u][v]
	#residual graph completed

	#Find if any unsaturated sink t reachable from s
	parent = [-1 for x in range(n)]
	t = mod_bfs(Gr_Edge,s,parent,sink)
	print "Current sinks are: ", sink 
	print "t found from mod_bfs is: ", t 
	print ""

	if t != -1 :
	#say path found with flow f, then, along the path
	#Part_Flow[u][v] += f
	#Need to get f by min. 
		if curr_demand[s] > -curr_demand[t] :
			f = -curr_demand[t]
			#sink.remove(t) #saturated sink removed 
			f = curr_demand[s]
		'''#deploy capacity constraint
		v =t 
		min_cap = 0
		cap_list =[]
		while v != s:
			u = parent[v]
			#Part_Flow[u][t] += f
			v = u 
		min_cap = min(cap_list)
		path_capacity = min(f, min_cap)

		curr_demand[s] -= path_capacity
		curr_demand[t] += path_capacity #because sink has negative demand while source has positive demand, hence the sign difference
		if curr_demand[t] == 0:

		#Update flow along the path
		while t!=s : 
			u = parent[t]
			Part_Flow[u][t] += path_capacity
			t = u'''

		#Finding max. flow between source and sink first found (using modified edmondns karp to find max. augmenting path)
		MF_Capacity = [[0 for x in range(n)] for x in range(n)] 
		MF_Flow = [[0 for x in range(n)] for x in range(n)] 
		for u in range(n):
			for v in range(n):
				MF_Capacity[u][v] = -min(f, Gr_Capacity[u][v]) #-ve sign because -ve capacities for fib heap, 
				# min of these 2 because flow cannot be more than supply/demand at source/sink
		#maxFlow = edmonds_karp(n,s,t,MF_Capacity, Part_Flow)
		maxFlow = max_min_bottleneck(n,s,t,MF_Capacity, MF_Flow, f )

		for u in range(n):
			for v in range(n):
				Part_Flow[u][v] += MF_Flow[u][v]

		No_Max_Flow[s][t] += 1 
		print ""
		print "maxFlow found is: ", maxFlow
		print "Current flow matrix is: ", Part_Flow
		curr_demand[s] -= maxFlow
		curr_demand[t] += maxFlow #because sink has negative demand while source has positive demand, hence the sign difference
		if curr_demand[t] == 0:
			#print ""
			print "Sink removed: ",t 
			#print ""
		print "Current demand array is: ", curr_demand 

		#check if source is saturated: 
		if curr_demand[s] > 0:
			saturate_source(s,n,Edge,Cost,node_potential,Part_Flow,curr_demand,sink,no_sat_source, Tight_Loose, Tight_Loose_No,No_Max_Flow)

	else: #i.e. when no reachable unsat. sink from this unsat. source s, we raise node potentials, definitely define new routine for this
		print "We need to raise node potential for source ", s
		raise_node_potentials(s, n, Edge, Cost, node_potential, Gr_Edge)

		# need to go through this source again and unsaturate it
		saturate_source(s,n,Edge,Cost,node_potential,Part_Flow,curr_demand,sink,no_sat_source, Tight_Loose, Tight_Loose_No,No_Max_Flow)
Пример #3
def saturate_source(s,n,Edge,Cost, node_potential,Part_Flow, curr_demand, sink ):
	#print "Desaturate source being called "
	#Construct residual graph for it
	#New residual graph required every time
	Gr_Edge = [[0 for x in range(n)] for x in range(n)]
	Gr_Cost = [[0 for x in range(n)] for x in range(n)]
	Gr_Capacity = [[0 for x in range(n)] for x in range(n)] 
	for u in range(n):
		for v in  range(n):
			if Edge[u][v]>0: #if edge (u,v) in original graph, then
				#if tight edge: 
				if (node_potential[u] - node_potential[v]) == Cost[u][v]:
					print "Tight edge", u , ":", v ,"found"
					Gr_Capacity[u][v]= 1000 #infinity capacity

				#reverse arc:
				if Part_Flow[u][v] >0 :
					Gr_Cost[v][u]= -Cost[u][v]
	#residual graph completed

	#Find if any unsaturated sink t reachable from s
	parent = [-1 for x in range(n)]
	t = mod_bfs(Gr_Edge,s,parent,sink)

	if t != -1 :
	#say path found with flow f, then, along the path
	#Part_Flow[u][v] += f
	#Need to get f by min. 
		if curr_demand[s] > -curr_demand[t] :
			f = -curr_demand[t]
			#sink.remove(t) #saturated sink removed 
			f = curr_demand[s]
		#deploy capacity constraint
		v =t 
		min_cap = 0
		cap_list =[]
		while v != s:
			u = parent[v]
			#Part_Flow[u][t] += f
			v = u 
		min_cap = min(cap_list)
		path_capacity = min(f, min_cap)

		curr_demand[s] -= path_capacity
		curr_demand[t] += path_capacity #because sink has negative demand while source has positive demand, hence the sign difference
		if curr_demand[t] == 0:

		#Update flow along the path
		while t!=s : 
			u = parent[t]
			Part_Flow[u][t] += path_capacity
			t = u

		#check if source is saturated: 
		if curr_demand[s] > 0:

	else: #i.e. when no reachable unsat. sink from this unsat. source s, we raise node potentials, definitely define new routine for this
		print "We need to raise node potential for source ", s
		raise_node_potentials(s, n, Edge, Cost, node_potential, Gr_Edge)

		# need to go through this source again and unsaturate it