w1 = Worm(led, [(255, 100, 50)]*10) w2 = Worm(led, [(2, 100, 250)]*10) dim = dimLights(led) # animQ.addAnim(w2, fps=10, max_steps=40) #animQ.addAnim(dim, amt=5, fps=30, max_steps=70) # animQ.addAnim(w1, fps=5, max_steps = 10) animQ = AnimationQueue(led) animQ.addAnim(dim, amt=10, fps=5, max_steps=40, threaded=True) animQ.addAnim(w1, fps=5, max_steps=20) animQ.addAnim(w2, fps=5, max_steps=20) animQ.run(untilComplete=True, max_cycles=2) import bibliopixel.colors as colors MANIFEST = [ { "class": dimLights, "controller": "strip", "desc": "Changes brightness of fixed color screen", "display": "dimLights", "id": "dimLights", "params": [ { "default": colors.Green, "help": "Solid Color",
self._l_step += 1; #self._step += amt if(self._l_step >= self._level_count): self._l_step = 0 self._step += amt from stringanimation import RainbowBottomUp anim = DNA(strip) rainbow = [colors.Red, colors.Orange, colors.Yellow, colors.Green, colors.Blue, colors.Purple] #anim = ColorFade(strip, rainbow, step=2) #anim2 = ColorFade(strip, rainbow, step=40) anim3 = RainbowBottomUp(strip) #anim = DNAMatrix(matrix) queue.addAnim(anim, max_steps=1180, fps=30) queue.addAnim(anim3) while True: try: queue.run() except Exception as e: print "problem: %s" % e except KeyboardInterrupt: #Ctrl+C will exit the animation and turn the LEDs offs strip.all_off() break
import time from bibliopixel import * from bibliopixel.drivers.visualizer import DriverVisualizer driver = DriverVisualizer(width=25, height=50, pixelSize=15) led = LEDMatrix(driver, width=0, height=0, serpentine=False, threadedUpdate=False) from BiblioPixelAnimations.matrix.bloom import Bloom from BiblioPixelAnimations.matrix.GameOfLife import GameOfLife from BiblioPixelAnimations.matrix.MatrixRain import MatrixRain from bibliopixel.animation import AnimationQueue anim = AnimationQueue(led) try: anim.addAnim(anim=Bloom(led), amt=6, fps=None, max_steps=30) anim.addAnim(anim=GameOfLife(led), fps=30, untilComplete=True) anim.addAnim(anim=MatrixRain(led), fps=30, max_steps=30*5) anim.run(untilComplete=False, threaded=True, fps=15) while not anim.stopped(): print "Running..." time.sleep(1) except: anim.stopThread(wait=True) finally: led.all_off() led.update() print "Done!"
from bibliopixel.drivers.visualizer import Visualizer #import AnimationQueue from bibliopixel.animation import AnimationQueue #import animations from BiblioPixelAnimations.matrix.bloom import Bloom from BiblioPixelAnimations.matrix.GameOfLife import GameOfLife from BiblioPixelAnimations.matrix.pinwheel import Pinwheel #load driver and controller and animation queue driver = Visualizer(width=10, height=10, stayTop=True) led = Matrix(driver) anim = AnimationQueue(led) #Load animations into Queue bloom = Bloom(led) #run at 15fps, for 10 seconds anim.addAnim(bloom, amt=6, fps=15, max_steps=150) gol = GameOfLife(led) #run at queue default framerate, until simulation completes twice anim.addAnim(gol, fps=None, untilComplete=True, max_cycles=2) pin = Pinwheel(led) #run at queue default framerate for 300 steps anim.addAnim(pin, amt=4, fps=None, max_steps=300) #run animations at default 30fps anim.run(fps=30)