Пример #1
    # Master launches all in animationlist at preRun
    # Master steps when it gets a go ahdead signal from one of the
    # concurrent annimations

    # if give fps for master will skip faster frame
    masteranimation.run(fps=None, threaded=True)
    # if threaded is False will wait otherwise not
    # this will stop as soon as executed, so if threded=True above will
    #   be immediated stopped!
    # masteranimation.stopThread() 

    # wait here before plotting otherwise data wont be ready
    while not masteranimation.stopped():
    # plot timing data collected from all the animations
    # horizontal axis is time in ms
    # vertical are the various animation and dot is when update sent to leds by master
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    col = 'brgcwk'
    [plt.plot(masteranimation.timedata[i], [i] * len(masteranimation.timedata[i]), col[i%6]+'o') for i in range(len(animationlist))]
    ax = plt.axis()
    delx = .01 * (ax[1] - ax[0])
    plt.axis([ax[0]-delx, ax[1]+delx, ax[2]-1, ax[3]+1]) 
    plt.title("Master Animation Step Count {}".format(masteranimation._step))
Пример #2
    masteranimation = MasterAnimation(ledmaster, animationlist, runtime=2)

    # Master launches all in animationlist at preRun
    # Master steps when it gets a go ahdead signal from one of the
    # concurrent annimations

    # if give fps for master will skip faster frame
    masteranimation.run(fps=None, threaded=True)
    # if threaded is False will wait otherwise not

    # this will stop as soon as executed, so if threded=True above will
    #   be immediated stopped!
    # masteranimation.stopThread()

    # wait here before plotting otherwise data wont be ready
    while not masteranimation.stopped():

    # plot timing data collected from all the animations
    # horizontal axis is time in ms
    # vertical are the various animation and dot is when update sent to leds by master
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    col = 'brgcwk'
                 [i] * len(masteranimation.timedata[i]), col[i % 6] + 'o')
        for i in range(len(animationlist))
    ax = plt.axis()
    delx = .01 * (ax[1] - ax[0])