Пример #1
def _customizations_latex(record):
    This function curstumizes record for bibtex.
    See bibtexparser lib for more info.
    record = customization.page_double_hyphen(record)
    record = customization.homogeneize_latex_encoding(record)
    record = customization.author(record)
    return record
Пример #2
def _customizations_unicode(record):
    This function curstumizes record for raw style.
    See bibtexparser lib for more info.
    record = customization.page_double_hyphen(record)
    record = customization.convert_to_unicode(record)
    record = customization.author(record)
    return record
Пример #3
def _customizations_unicode(record):
    This function curstumizes record for raw style.
    See bibtexparser lib for more info.
    record = customization.page_double_hyphen(record)
    record = customization.convert_to_unicode(record)
    record = customization.author(record)
    return record
Пример #4
def _customizations_latex(record):
    This function curstumizes record for bibtex.
    See bibtexparser lib for more info.
    record = customization.page_double_hyphen(record)
    record = customization.homogenize_latex_encoding(record)
    record = customization.author(record)
    return record
Пример #5
def customizations(record):
    record = bib_type(record)
    record = author(record)
    record = editor(record)
    record = journal(record)
    record = keyword(record)
    record = link(record)
    record = page_double_hyphen(record)
    record = doi(record)
    return record
Пример #6
def td_biblio_customization(record):
    Customize BibTex records parsing
    # Convert crapy things to latex
    record = to_latex(record)
    # and then to unicode
    record = bp_customization.convert_to_unicode(record)
    record = bp_customization.type(record)
    record = bp_customization.author(record)
    record = bp_customization.editor(record)
    record = bp_customization.page_double_hyphen(record)

    return record
Пример #7
def bibtex_cleaner(entry):
    entry = clean.keyword(entry)
    if entry.get('keyword'):
        entry['keyword'] = ','.join(entry['keyword']).lower()
    # print(entry.get('keyword'))
    entry = clean.page_double_hyphen(entry)
    entry = clean.convert_to_unicode(entry)
    # entry = clean.add_plaintext_fields(entry)

    entry = clean.link(entry)
    entry = clean.doi(entry)
    # print(entry.get('keyword'))

    return entry
Пример #8
def _parse_bib_entry(entry):
    Customization function for bibtexparser.
    :param entry: bibtex record to modify
    :return bibtex record
        entry = bib_custom.convert_to_unicode(entry)

    entry = bib_custom.author(entry)
    entry = bib_custom.editor(entry)
    entry = bib_custom.keyword(entry)
    entry = bib_custom.page_double_hyphen(entry)

    return entry
Пример #9
def customizations(record):
    """Use some functions delivered by the library

    :param record: a record
    :returns: -- customized record
    record = convert_to_unicode(record)
    # record = type(record)
    record = author(record)
    record = editor(record)
    # record = journal(record) # Do not use!
    # record = keyword(record)
    # record = link(record)
    record = page_double_hyphen(record)
    # record = doi(record)
    return record
Пример #10
def customizations(record):
    """Use some functions delivered by the library

    :param record: a record
    :returns: -- customized record

    record = bc.convert_to_unicode(record)
    record = bc.type(record)  # lowercase
    record = bc.author(record)
    record = bc.editor(record)
    record = bc.journal(record)
    record = bc.keyword(record)
    record = bc.link(record)
    record = bc.page_double_hyphen(record)
    record = bc.doi(record)
    return record
Пример #11
def customizations(record):
    """Use some functions delivered by the library

    :param record: a record
    :returns: -- customized record

    record = bc.convert_to_unicode(record)
    record = bc.type(record)    # lowercase
    record = bc.author(record)
    record = bc.editor(record)
    record = bc.journal(record)
    record = bc.keyword(record)
    record = bc.link(record)
    record = bc.page_double_hyphen(record)
    record = bc.doi(record)
    return record
Пример #12
def customizations(record):
    ''' Use some customizations for bibtexparser

        record: A record

        record: Customized record
    record = convert_to_unicode(record)
    # record = type(record)
    record = author(record)
    record = editor(record)
    # record = journal(record) # Do not use!
    # record = keyword(record)
    # record = link(record)
    record = page_double_hyphen(record)
    # record = doi(record)
    return record
Пример #13
def customizations(record):
    """Use some functions delivered by the library

    :param record: a record
    :returns: -- customized record
    # record = homogenize_latex_encoding(record)
    # record = customization.type(record)
    record = customization.author(record)
    record = editor(record)
    # record = editor(record)
    # # print(record)
    # # This makes it a dict
    # # record = journal(record)
    # # print(record)
    # record = keyword(record)
    # record = link(record)
    record = customization.page_double_hyphen(record)
    # record = doi(record)
    return record
Пример #14
def customizations(record):
    """Use some functions delivered by the library

        record (dict): record dict.

    Returns: record (dict): the modified record
    record = bibcus.type(record)
    record = bibcus.author(record)
    #record = bibcus.editor(record)
    #record = bibcus.journal(record)
    record = bibcus.keyword(record)
    #record = bibcus.link(record)
    record = bibcus.page_double_hyphen(record)
    #record = bibcus.doi(record)
    record = splitFields(record, 'folder')
    record = splitFields(record, 'url', '\n')
    record = splitFields(record, 'file', ',|;|\n')
    record = getPublication(record)
    return record
Пример #15
    def customizations(record):
        """Use some functions delivered by the library

        :param record: a record
        :returns: -- customized record
        #record = type(record)
        #record = author(record)	# would split the 'author' field into an array (also see splitname(string singlename) and getnames(list names))
        #record = editor(record)
        record = page_double_hyphen(record)
        #record = journal(record)
        #record = keyword(record)
        #record = link(record)
        #record = doi(record)
        #record = homogenize_latex_encoding(record)

        # NOTE(Alin): convert_to_unicode(record) seems to change valid LaTeX in the .bib file like \url{...} to Unicode junk, which we don't want.
        # Furthermore, we want to keep the LaTeX when copying the BibTeX to the clipboard.
        #record = convert_to_unicode(record)

        return record
Пример #16
 def cust2(record):
     record = customization.author(record)
     record = customization.page_double_hyphen(record)
     record = customization.homogenize_latex_encoding(record)
     return record
Пример #17
 def test_page_double_hyphen_nothing(self):
     record = {'pages': '12 24'}
     result = page_double_hyphen(record)
     expected = {'pages': '12 24'}
     self.assertEqual(result, expected)
Пример #18
 def test_page_double_hyphen_space(self):
     record = {'pages': '12 - 24'}
     result = page_double_hyphen(record)
     expected = {'pages': '12--24'}
     self.assertEqual(result, expected)
Пример #19
 def test_page_double_hyphen_alreadyOK(self):
     record = {'pages': '12--24'}
     result = page_double_hyphen(record)
     expected = record
     self.assertEqual(result, expected)
Пример #20
 def test_page_double_hyphen_nothing(self):
     record = {'pages': '12 24'}
     result = page_double_hyphen(record)
     expected = {'pages': '12 24'}
     self.assertEqual(result, expected)
Пример #21
 def test_page_double_hyphen_space(self):
     record = {'pages': '12 - 24'}
     result = page_double_hyphen(record)
     expected = {'pages': '12--24'}
     self.assertEqual(result, expected)
Пример #22
 def test_page_double_hyphen_alreadyOK(self):
     record = {'pages': '12--24'}
     result = page_double_hyphen(record)
     expected = record
     self.assertEqual(result, expected)
Пример #23
def customize(record):
    def fix_newlines(record):
        for key, value in record.items():
            if key in 'url':
                record[key] = value.replace("\n", "")
            if key not in ('author', 'url', 'editor'):
                value = value.replace("\n", " ")
                record[key] = value.replace(r"\par", "\n\n")
        return record

    record = fix_newlines(record)
    record = customization.type(record)
    record = customization.convert_to_unicode(record)

    def split_author(record):
        if 'author' in record:
            authors = []
            for author in record['author']:
                lastname, firstname = author.split(", ")
                authors.append(Author(firstname, lastname))
            record['author'] = authors
        return record

    def parse_kind(kind, record):
        if kind in record and record[kind]:
            remove_translate_table = str.maketrans('', '', ', .')
            # record_id determines the name of the PDF
            # it's been hard-coded in the view:
            # layouts/partials/publications_icons.html
            # ----> this might want to be refactored
            record_id = record[kind].translate(remove_translate_table)
            record[kind] = {'name': record[kind], 'ID': record_id}
        return record

    record = customization.author(record)
    record = customization.journal(record)
    record = customization.keyword(record)
    record = customization.link(record)
    record = customization.doi(record)
    record = customization.page_double_hyphen(record)
    record = split_author(record)

    for kind in ('booktitle', 'series'):
        record = parse_kind(kind, record)

    def pdf_is_there(record):
        filename = record["ID"] + ".pdf"
        path_to_file = os.path.join(LOCAL_PDF_VAULT, filename)
        if os.path.isfile(path_to_file):
            print("\t PDF found!")
            print("\t NO PDF!!!")
            record["paper"] = "no"
        return record

    if ("paper" in record.keys() and record["paper"] == "yes"):
        return pdf_is_there(record)

    return record
Пример #24
 def cust2(record):
     record = customization.author(record)
     record = customization.page_double_hyphen(record)
     record = customization.homogenize_latex_encoding(record)
     return record