class Tree(object): """A tree-like predictive model. """ def __init__(self, tree, fields, objective_field=None, root_distribution=None, parent_id=None, ids_map=None, subtree=True, tree_info=None): self.fields = fields self.objective_id = objective_field self.output = tree['output'] if tree['predicate'] is True: self.predicate = True else: self.predicate = Predicate( tree['predicate']['operator'], tree['predicate']['field'], tree['predicate']['value'], tree['predicate'].get('term', None)) if 'id' in tree: = tree['id'] self.parent_id = parent_id if isinstance(ids_map, dict): ids_map[] = self else: = None children = [] if 'children' in tree: for child in tree['children']: children.append(Tree(child, self.fields, objective_field=objective_field,, ids_map=ids_map, subtree=subtree, tree_info=tree_info)) self.children = children self.regression = self.is_regression() tree_info['regression'] = (self.regression and tree_info.get('regression', True)) self.count = tree['count'] self.confidence = tree.get('confidence', None) self.distribution = None self.max = None self.min = None self.weighted = False summary = None if 'distribution' in tree: self.distribution = tree['distribution'] elif 'objective_summary' in tree: summary = tree['objective_summary'] (self.distribution_unit, self.distribution) = extract_distribution(summary) if 'weighted_objective_summary' in tree: summary = tree['weighted_objective_summary'] (self.weighted_distribution_unit, self.weighted_distribution) = extract_distribution(summary) self.weighted = True else: summary = root_distribution (self.distribution_unit, self.distribution) = extract_distribution(summary) if self.regression: tree_info['max_bins'] = max(tree_info.get('max_bins', 0), len(self.distribution)) self.median = None if summary: self.median = summary.get('median') if not self.median: self.median = dist_median(self.distribution, self.count) self.max = summary.get('maximum') or \ max([value for [value, _] in self.distribution]) self.min = summary.get('minimum') or \ min([value for [value, _] in self.distribution]) self.impurity = None if not self.regression and self.distribution is not None: self.impurity = self.gini_impurity() def gini_impurity(self): """Returns the gini impurity score associated to the distribution in the node """ purity = 0.0 if self.distribution is None: return None for _, instances in self.distribution: purity += math.pow(instances / float(self.count), 2) return 1.0 - purity def list_fields(self, out): """Lists a description of the model's fields. """ out.write(utf8(u'<%-32s : %s>\n' % ( self.fields[self.objective_id]['name'], self.fields[self.objective_id]['optype']))) out.flush() for field in [(val['name'], val['optype']) for key, val in sort_fields(self.fields) if key != self.objective_id]: out.write(utf8(u'[%-32s : %s]\n' % (field[0], field[1]))) out.flush() return self.fields def is_regression(self): """Checks if the subtree structure can be a regression """ def is_classification(node): """Checks if the node's value is a category """ return isinstance(node.output, basestring) classification = is_classification(self) if classification: return False if not self.children: return True else: return not any([is_classification(child) for child in self.children]) def get_leaves(self, path=None, filter_function=None): """Returns a list that includes all the leaves of the tree. """ leaves = [] if path is None: path = [] if not isinstance(self.predicate, bool): path.append(self.predicate.to_lisp_rule(self.fields)) if self.children: for child in self.children: leaves += child.get_leaves(path=path[:], filter_function=filter_function) else: leaf = { 'id':, 'confidence': self.confidence, 'count': self.count, 'distribution': self.distribution, 'impurity': self.impurity, 'output': self.output, 'path': path} if (not hasattr(filter_function, '__call__') or filter_function(leaf)): leaves += [leaf] return leaves def predict(self, input_data, path=None, missing_strategy=LAST_PREDICTION): """Makes a prediction based on a number of field values. The input fields must be keyed by Id. There are two possible strategies to predict when the value for the splitting field is missing: 0 - LAST_PREDICTION: the last issued prediction is returned. 1 - PROPORTIONAL: as we cannot choose between the two branches in the tree that stem from this split, we consider both. The algorithm goes on until the final leaves are reached and all their predictions are used to decide the final prediction. """ if path is None: path = [] if missing_strategy == PROPORTIONAL: (final_distribution, d_min, d_max, last_node, population) = self.predict_proportional(input_data, path=path) if self.regression: # singular case: # when the prediction is the one given in a 1-instance node if len(final_distribution.items()) == 1: prediction, instances = final_distribution.items()[0] if instances == 1: return Prediction( last_node.output, path, last_node.confidence, distribution=last_node.distribution, count=instances, median=last_node.median, distribution_unit=last_node.distribution_unit, children=last_node.children, d_min=last_node.min, d_max=last_node.max) # when there's more instances, sort elements by their mean distribution = [list(element) for element in sorted(final_distribution.items(), key=lambda x: x[0])] distribution_unit = ('bins' if len(distribution) > BINS_LIMIT else 'counts') distribution = merge_bins(distribution, BINS_LIMIT) total_instances = sum([instances for _, instances in distribution]) prediction = mean(distribution) confidence = regression_error( unbiased_sample_variance(distribution, prediction), total_instances) return Prediction( prediction, path, confidence, distribution=distribution, count=total_instances, median=dist_median(distribution, total_instances), distribution_unit=distribution_unit, children=last_node.children, d_min=d_min, d_max=d_max) else: distribution = [list(element) for element in sorted(final_distribution.items(), key=lambda x: (-x[1], x[0]))] return Prediction( distribution[0][0], path, ws_confidence(distribution[0][0], final_distribution, ws_n=population), distribution=distribution, count=population, median=None, distribution_unit='categorical', children=last_node.children) else: if self.children: for child in self.children: if child.predicate.apply(input_data, self.fields): path.append(child.predicate.to_rule(self.fields)) return child.predict(input_data, path=path) return Prediction( self.output, path, self.confidence, distribution=self.distribution, count=get_instances(self.distribution), median=None if not self.regression else self.median, distribution_unit=self.distribution_unit, children=self.children, d_min=None if not self.regression else self.min, d_max=None if not self.regression else self.max) def predict_proportional(self, input_data, path=None, missing_found=False, median=False): """Makes a prediction based on a number of field values averaging the predictions of the leaves that fall in a subtree. Each time a splitting field has no value assigned, we consider both branches of the split to be true, merging their predictions. The function returns the merged distribution and the last node reached by a unique path. """ if path is None: path = [] final_distribution = {} if not self.children: distribution = self.distribution if not self.weighted else \ self.weighted_distribution return (merge_distributions({}, dict((x[0], x[1]) for x in distribution)), self.min, self.max, self, self.count) if one_branch(self.children, input_data) or \ self.fields[split(self.children)]["optype"] in \ ["text", "items"]: for child in self.children: if child.predicate.apply(input_data, self.fields): new_rule = child.predicate.to_rule(self.fields) if new_rule not in path and not missing_found: path.append(new_rule) return child.predict_proportional(input_data, path, missing_found, median) else: # missing value found, the unique path stops missing_found = True minimums = [] maximums = [] population = 0 for child in self.children: (subtree_distribution, subtree_min, subtree_max, _, subtree_pop) = \ child.predict_proportional(input_data, path, missing_found, median) if subtree_min is not None: minimums.append(subtree_min) if subtree_max is not None: maximums.append(subtree_max) population += subtree_pop final_distribution = merge_distributions( final_distribution, subtree_distribution) return (final_distribution, min(minimums) if minimums else None, max(maximums) if maximums else None, self, population) def generate_rules(self, depth=0, ids_path=None, subtree=True): """Translates a tree model into a set of IF-THEN rules. """ rules = u"" children = filter_nodes(self.children, ids=ids_path, subtree=subtree) if children: for child in children: rules += (u"%s IF %s %s\n" % (INDENT * depth, child.predicate.to_rule(self.fields, 'slug'), "AND" if child.children else "THEN")) rules += child.generate_rules(depth + 1, ids_path=ids_path, subtree=subtree) else: rules += (u"%s %s = %s\n" % (INDENT * depth, (self.fields[self.objective_id]['slug'] if self.objective_id else "Prediction"), self.output)) return rules def rules(self, out, ids_path=None, subtree=True): """Prints out an IF-THEN rule version of the tree. """ for field in [(key, val) for key, val in sort_fields(self.fields)]: slug = slugify(self.fields[field[0]]['name']) self.fields[field[0]].update(slug=slug) out.write(utf8(self.generate_rules(ids_path=ids_path, subtree=subtree))) out.flush() def python_body(self, depth=1, cmv=None, input_map=False, ids_path=None, subtree=True): """Translate the model into a set of "if" python statements. `depth` controls the size of indentation. As soon as a value is missing that node is returned without further evaluation. """ def map_data(field, missing=False): """Returns the subject of the condition in map format when more than MAX_ARGS_LENGTH arguments are used. """ if input_map: if missing: return "data.get('%s')" % field else: return "data['%s']" % field return field if cmv is None: cmv = [] body = u"" term_analysis_fields = [] item_analysis_fields = [] children = filter_nodes(self.children, ids=ids_path, subtree=subtree) if children: field = split(children) has_missing_branch = (missing_branch(children) or none_value(children)) # the missing is singled out as a special case only when there's # no missing branch in the children list if not has_missing_branch and \ self.fields[field]["optype"] not in ["text", "items"] and \ self.fields[field]['slug'] not in cmv: body += (u"%sif (%s is None):\n" % (INDENT * depth, map_data(self.fields[field]['slug'], True))) if self.fields[self.objective_id]['optype'] == 'numeric': value = self.output else: value = repr(self.output) body += (u"%sreturn %s\n" % (INDENT * (depth + 1), value)) cmv.append(self.fields[field]['slug']) for child in children: field = child.predicate.field pre_condition = u"" if has_missing_branch and child.predicate.value is not None: negation = u"" if child.predicate.missing else u" not" connection = u"or" if child.predicate.missing else u"and" pre_condition = ( u"%s is%s None %s " % ( map_data(self.fields[field]['slug'], True), negation, connection)) if not child.predicate.missing: cmv.append(self.fields[field]['slug']) optype = self.fields[field]['optype'] if (optype == 'numeric' or optype == 'text' or optype == 'items' or child.predicate.value is None): value = child.predicate.value else: value = repr(child.predicate.value) if optype == 'text' or optype == 'items': if optype == 'text': term_analysis_fields.append((field, child.predicate.term)) matching_function = "term_matches" else: item_analysis_fields.append((field, child.predicate.term)) matching_function = "item_matches" body += ( u"%sif (%s%s(%s, \"%s\", %s\"%s\") %s %s):" u"\n" % (INDENT * depth, pre_condition, matching_function, map_data(self.fields[field]['slug'], False), self.fields[field]['slug'], ('u' if isinstance(child.predicate.term, unicode) else ''), child.predicate.term.replace("\"", "\\\""), PYTHON_OPERATOR[child.predicate.operator], value)) else: operator = (MISSING_OPERATOR[child.predicate.operator] if child.predicate.value is None else PYTHON_OPERATOR[child.predicate.operator]) if child.predicate.value is None: cmv.append(self.fields[field]['slug']) body += ( u"%sif (%s%s %s %s):\n" % (INDENT * depth, pre_condition, map_data(self.fields[field]['slug'], False), operator, value)) next_level = child.python_body(depth + 1, cmv=cmv[:], input_map=input_map, ids_path=ids_path, subtree=subtree) body += next_level[0] term_analysis_fields.extend(next_level[1]) item_analysis_fields.extend(next_level[2]) else: if self.fields[self.objective_id]['optype'] == 'numeric': value = self.output else: value = repr(self.output) body = u"%sreturn %s\n" % (INDENT * depth, value) return body, term_analysis_fields, item_analysis_fields def python(self, out, docstring, input_map=False, ids_path=None, subtree=True): """Writes a python function that implements the model. """ args = [] parameters = sort_fields(self.fields) if not input_map: input_map = len(parameters) > MAX_ARGS_LENGTH reserved_keywords = keyword.kwlist if not input_map else None prefix = "_" if not input_map else "" for field in [(key, val) for key, val in parameters]: slug = slugify(self.fields[field[0]]['name'], reserved_keywords=reserved_keywords, prefix=prefix) self.fields[field[0]].update(slug=slug) if not input_map: if field[0] != self.objective_id: args.append("%s=None" % (slug)) if input_map: args.append("data={}") predictor_definition = (u"def predict_%s" % self.fields[self.objective_id]['slug']) depth = len(predictor_definition) + 1 predictor = u"%s(%s):\n" % ( predictor_definition, (",\n" + " " * depth).join(args)) predictor_doc = (INDENT + u"\"\"\" " + docstring + u"\n" + INDENT + u"\"\"\"\n") body, term_analysis_predicates, item_analysis_predicates = \ self.python_body(input_map=input_map, ids_path=ids_path, subtree=subtree) terms_body = u"" if term_analysis_predicates or item_analysis_predicates: terms_body = self.term_analysis_body(term_analysis_predicates, item_analysis_predicates) predictor += predictor_doc + terms_body + body out.write(utf8(predictor)) out.flush() def term_analysis_body(self, term_analysis_predicates, item_analysis_predicates): """ Writes auxiliary functions to handle the term and item analysis fields """ body = u"" # static content body += """ import re tm_tokens = '%s' tm_full_term = '%s' tm_all = '%s' """ % (TM_TOKENS, TM_FULL_TERM, TM_ALL) if term_analysis_predicates: body += """ def term_matches(text, field_name, term): \"\"\" Counts the number of occurences of term and its variants in text \"\"\" if text is None: text = "" forms_list = term_forms[field_name].get(term, [term]) options = term_analysis[field_name] token_mode = options.get('token_mode', tm_tokens) case_sensitive = options.get('case_sensitive', False) first_term = forms_list[0] if token_mode == tm_full_term: return full_term_match(text, first_term, case_sensitive) else: # In token_mode='all' we will match full terms using equals and # tokens using contains if token_mode == tm_all and len(forms_list) == 1: pattern = re.compile(r'^.+\\b.+$', re.U) if re.match(pattern, first_term): return full_term_match(text, first_term, case_sensitive) return term_matches_tokens(text, forms_list, case_sensitive) def full_term_match(text, full_term, case_sensitive): \"\"\"Counts the match for full terms according to the case_sensitive option \"\"\" if not case_sensitive: text = text.lower() full_term = full_term.lower() return 1 if text == full_term else 0 def get_tokens_flags(case_sensitive): \"\"\"Returns flags for regular expression matching depending on text analysis options \"\"\" flags = re.U if not case_sensitive: flags = (re.I | flags) return flags def term_matches_tokens(text, forms_list, case_sensitive): \"\"\" Counts the number of occurences of the words in forms_list in the text \"\"\" flags = get_tokens_flags(case_sensitive) expression = ur'(\\b|_)%s(\\b|_)' % '(\\\\b|_)|(\\\\b|_)'.join(forms_list) pattern = re.compile(expression, flags=flags) matches = re.findall(pattern, text) return len(matches) """ term_analysis_options = set([predicate[0] for predicate in term_analysis_predicates]) term_analysis_predicates = set(term_analysis_predicates) body += """ term_analysis = {""" for field_id in term_analysis_options: field = self.fields[field_id] body += """ \"%s\": {""" % field['slug'] for option in field['term_analysis']: if option in TERM_OPTIONS: body += """ \"%s\": %s,""" % (option, repr(field['term_analysis'][option])) body += """ },""" body += """ }""" term_forms = {} fields = self.fields for field_id, term in term_analysis_predicates: alternatives = [] field = fields[field_id] if field['slug'] not in term_forms: term_forms[field['slug']] = {} all_forms = field['summary'].get('term_forms', {}) if all_forms: alternatives = all_forms.get(term, []) if alternatives: terms = [term] terms.extend(all_forms.get(term, [])) term_forms[field['slug']][term] = terms body += """ term_forms = {""" for field in term_forms: body += """ \"%s\": {""" % field for term in term_forms[field]: body += """ u\"%s\": %s,""" % (term, term_forms[field][term]) body += """ }, """ body += """ } """ if item_analysis_predicates: body += """ def item_matches(text, field_name, item): \"\"\" Counts the number of occurences of item in text \"\"\" if text is None: text = "" options = item_analysis[field_name] separator = options.get('separator', ' ') regexp = options.get('separator_regexp') if regexp is None: regexp = r\"%s\" % separator return count_items_matches(text, item, regexp) def count_items_matches(text, item, regexp): \"\"\" Counts the number of occurences of the item in the text \"\"\" expression = r'(^|%s)%s($|%s)' % (regexp, item, regexp) pattern = re.compile(expression, flags=re.U) matches = re.findall(pattern, text) return len(matches) """ item_analysis_options = set([predicate[0] for predicate in item_analysis_predicates]) item_analysis_predicates = set(item_analysis_predicates) body += """ item_analysis = {""" for field_id in item_analysis_options: field = self.fields[field_id] body += """ \"%s\": {""" % field['slug'] for option in field['item_analysis']: if option in ITEM_OPTIONS: body += """ \"%s\": %s,""" % (option, repr(field['item_analysis'][option])) body += """ },""" body += """ } """ return body def tableau_body(self, body=u"", conditions=None, cmv=None, ids_path=None, subtree=True): """Translate the model into a set of "if" statements in Tableau syntax `depth` controls the size of indentation. As soon as a value is missing that node is returned without further evaluation. """ if cmv is None: cmv = [] if body: alternate = u"ELSEIF" else: if conditions is None: conditions = [] alternate = u"IF" children = filter_nodes(self.children, ids=ids_path, subtree=subtree) if children: field = split(children) has_missing_branch = (missing_branch(children) or none_value(children)) # the missing is singled out as a special case only when there's # no missing branch in the children list if (not has_missing_branch and self.fields[field]['name'] not in cmv): conditions.append("ISNULL([%s])" % self.fields[field]['name']) body += (u"%s %s THEN " % (alternate, " AND ".join(conditions))) if self.fields[self.objective_id]['optype'] == 'numeric': value = self.output else: value = tableau_string(self.output) body += (u"%s\n" % value) cmv.append(self.fields[field]['name']) alternate = u"ELSEIF" del conditions[-1] for child in children: pre_condition = u"" post_condition = u"" if has_missing_branch and child.predicate.value is not None: negation = u"" if child.predicate.missing else u"NOT " connection = u"OR" if child.predicate.missing else u"AND" pre_condition = ( u"(%sISNULL([%s]) %s " % ( negation, self.fields[field]['name'], connection)) if not child.predicate.missing: cmv.append(self.fields[field]['name']) post_condition = u")" optype = self.fields[child.predicate.field]['optype'] if child.predicate.value is None: value = "" elif optype == 'text' or optype == 'items': return u"" elif optype == 'numeric': value = child.predicate.value else: value = repr(child.predicate.value) operator = (u"" if child.predicate.value is None else PYTHON_OPERATOR[child.predicate.operator]) if child.predicate.value is None: pre_condition = ( T_MISSING_OPERATOR[child.predicate.operator]) post_condition = u")" conditions.append("%s[%s]%s%s%s" % ( pre_condition, self.fields[child.predicate.field]['name'], operator, value, post_condition)) body = child.tableau_body(body, conditions[:], cmv=cmv[:], ids_path=ids_path, subtree=subtree) del conditions[-1] else: if self.fields[self.objective_id]['optype'] == 'numeric': value = self.output else: value = tableau_string(self.output) body += ( u"%s %s THEN" % (alternate, " AND ".join(conditions))) body += u" %s\n" % value return body def tableau(self, out, ids_path=None, subtree=True): """Writes a Tableau function that implements the model. """ body = self.tableau_body(ids_path=ids_path, subtree=subtree) if not body: return False out.write(utf8(body)) out.flush() return True def get_nodes_info(self, headers=None, leaves_only=False): """Yields the information associated to each of the tree nodes """ row = [] if not self.regression: category_dict = dict(self.distribution) for header in headers: if header == self.fields[self.objective_id]['name']: row.append(self.output) continue if header in ['confidence', 'error']: row.append(self.confidence) continue if header == 'impurity': row.append(self.impurity) continue if self.regression and header.startswith('bin'): for bin_value, bin_instances in self.distribution: row.append(bin_value) row.append(bin_instances) break if not self.regression: row.append(category_dict.get(header)) while len(row) < len(headers): row.append(None) if not leaves_only or not self.children: yield row if self.children: for child in self.children: for row in child.get_nodes_info(headers, leaves_only=leaves_only): yield row
class BoostedTree(object): """A boosted tree-like predictive model. """ def __init__(self, tree, fields, objective_field=None): self.fields = fields self.objective_id = objective_field self.output = tree['output'] if tree['predicate'] is True: self.predicate = True else: self.predicate = Predicate(tree['predicate']['operator'], tree['predicate']['field'], tree['predicate']['value'], tree['predicate'].get('term', None)) = tree.get('id') children = [] if 'children' in tree: for child in tree['children']: children.append(self.__class__( \ child, self.fields, objective_field=objective_field)) self.children = children self.count = tree['count'] self.g_sum = tree.get('g_sum') self.h_sum = tree.get('h_sum') def list_fields(self, out): """Lists a description of the model's fields. """ for field in [(val['name'], val['optype']) for _, val in sort_fields(self.fields)]: out.write(utf8(u'[%-32s : %s]\n' % (field[0], field[1]))) out.flush() return self.fields def predict(self, input_data, path=None, missing_strategy=LAST_PREDICTION): """Makes a prediction based on a number of field values. The input fields must be keyed by Id. There are two possible strategies to predict when the value for the splitting field is missing: 0 - LAST_PREDICTION: the last issued prediction is returned. 1 - PROPORTIONAL: we consider all possible outcomes and create an average prediction. """ if path is None: path = [] if missing_strategy == PROPORTIONAL: return self.predict_proportional(input_data, path=path) else: if self.children: for child in self.children: if child.predicate.apply(input_data, self.fields): path.append(child.predicate.to_rule(self.fields)) return child.predict(input_data, path=path) return Prediction(self.output, path, None, distribution=None, count=self.count, median=None, distribution_unit=None, children=self.children, d_min=None, d_max=None) def predict_proportional(self, input_data, path=None, missing_found=False): """Makes a prediction based on a number of field values considering all the predictions of the leaves that fall in a subtree. Each time a splitting field has no value assigned, we consider both branches of the split to be true, merging their predictions. The function returns the merged distribution and the last node reached by a unique path. """ if path is None: path = [] if not self.children: return (self.g_sum, self.h_sum, self.count, path) if one_branch(self.children, input_data) or \ self.fields[split(self.children)]["optype"] in \ ["text", "items"]: for child in self.children: if child.predicate.apply(input_data, self.fields): new_rule = child.predicate.to_rule(self.fields) if new_rule not in path and not missing_found: path.append(new_rule) return child.predict_proportional(input_data, path, missing_found) else: # missing value found, the unique path stops missing_found = True g_sums = 0.0 h_sums = 0.0 population = 0 for child in self.children: g_sum, h_sum, count, _ = \ child.predict_proportional(input_data, path, missing_found) g_sums += g_sum h_sums += h_sum population += count return (g_sums, h_sums, population, path) def get_leaves(self, path=None, filter_function=None): """Returns a list that includes all the leaves of the tree. """ leaves = [] if path is None: path = [] if not isinstance(self.predicate, bool): path.append(self.predicate.to_lisp_rule(self.fields)) if self.children: for child in self.children: leaves += child.get_leaves(path=path[:], filter_function=filter_function) else: leaf = { 'id':, 'count': self.count, 'g_sum': self.g_sum, 'h_sum': self.h_sum, 'output': self.output, 'path': path } if (not hasattr(filter_function, '__call__') or filter_function(leaf)): leaves += [leaf] return leaves
class Tree(object): """A tree-like predictive model. """ def __init__(self, tree, fields, objective_field=None, root_distribution=None, parent_id=None, ids_map=None, subtree=True, tree_info=None): self.fields = fields self.objective_id = objective_field self.output = tree['output'] if tree['predicate'] is True: self.predicate = True else: self.predicate = Predicate(tree['predicate']['operator'], tree['predicate']['field'], tree['predicate']['value'], tree['predicate'].get('term', None)) if 'id' in tree: = tree['id'] self.parent_id = parent_id if isinstance(ids_map, dict): ids_map[] = self else: = None children = [] if 'children' in tree: for child in tree['children']: children.append(self.__class__( \ child, self.fields, objective_field=objective_field,, ids_map=ids_map, subtree=subtree, tree_info=tree_info)) self.children = children self.regression = self.is_regression() tree_info['regression'] = (self.regression and tree_info.get('regression', True)) self.count = tree['count'] self.confidence = tree.get('confidence', None) self.distribution = None self.max = None self.min = None self.weighted = False summary = None if 'distribution' in tree: self.distribution = tree['distribution'] elif 'objective_summary' in tree: summary = tree['objective_summary'] (self.distribution_unit, self.distribution) = extract_distribution(summary) if 'weighted_objective_summary' in tree: summary = tree['weighted_objective_summary'] (self.weighted_distribution_unit, self.weighted_distribution) = extract_distribution(summary) self.weight = tree['weight'] self.weighted = True else: summary = root_distribution (self.distribution_unit, self.distribution) = extract_distribution(summary) if self.regression: tree_info['max_bins'] = max(tree_info.get('max_bins', 0), len(self.distribution)) self.median = None if summary: self.median = summary.get('median') if not self.median: self.median = dist_median(self.distribution, self.count) self.max = summary.get('maximum') or \ max([value for [value, _] in self.distribution]) self.min = summary.get('minimum') or \ min([value for [value, _] in self.distribution]) self.impurity = None if not self.regression and self.distribution is not None: self.impurity = self.gini_impurity() def gini_impurity(self): """Returns the gini impurity score associated to the distribution in the node """ purity = 0.0 if self.distribution is None: return None for _, instances in self.distribution: purity += math.pow(instances / float(self.count), 2) return 1.0 - purity def list_fields(self, out): """Lists a description of the model's fields. """ out.write( utf8(u'<%-32s : %s>\n' % (self.fields[self.objective_id]['name'], self.fields[self.objective_id]['optype']))) out.flush() for field in [(val['name'], val['optype']) for key, val in sort_fields(self.fields) if key != self.objective_id]: out.write(utf8(u'[%-32s : %s]\n' % (field[0], field[1]))) out.flush() return self.fields def is_regression(self): """Checks if the subtree structure can be a regression """ def is_classification(node): """Checks if the node's value is a category """ return isinstance(node.output, basestring) classification = is_classification(self) if classification: return False if not self.children: return True else: return not any( [is_classification(child) for child in self.children]) def get_leaves(self, path=None, filter_function=None): """Returns a list that includes all the leaves of the tree. """ leaves = [] if path is None: path = [] if not isinstance(self.predicate, bool): path.append(self.predicate.to_lisp_rule(self.fields)) if self.children: for child in self.children: leaves += child.get_leaves(path=path[:], filter_function=filter_function) else: leaf = { 'id':, 'confidence': self.confidence, 'count': self.count, 'distribution': self.distribution, 'impurity': self.impurity, 'output': self.output, 'path': path } if hasattr(self, 'weighted_distribution'): leaf.update( \ {"weighted_distribution": self.weighted_distribution, "weight": self.weight}) if (not hasattr(filter_function, '__call__') or filter_function(leaf)): leaves += [leaf] return leaves def predict(self, input_data, path=None, missing_strategy=LAST_PREDICTION): """Makes a prediction based on a number of field values. The input fields must be keyed by Id. There are two possible strategies to predict when the value for the splitting field is missing: 0 - LAST_PREDICTION: the last issued prediction is returned. 1 - PROPORTIONAL: as we cannot choose between the two branches in the tree that stem from this split, we consider both. The algorithm goes on until the final leaves are reached and all their predictions are used to decide the final prediction. """ if path is None: path = [] if missing_strategy == PROPORTIONAL: (final_distribution, d_min, d_max, last_node, population, parent_node) = self.predict_proportional(input_data, path=path) if self.regression: # singular case: # when the prediction is the one given in a 1-instance node if len(final_distribution.items()) == 1: prediction, instances = final_distribution.items()[0] if instances == 1: return Prediction( last_node.output, path, last_node.confidence, distribution=(last_node.distribution if not \ self.weighted else \ last_node.weighted_distribution), count=instances, median=last_node.median, distribution_unit=last_node.distribution_unit, children=last_node.children, d_min=last_node.min, d_max=last_node.max) # when there's more instances, sort elements by their mean distribution = [ list(element) for element in sorted(final_distribution.items(), key=lambda x: x[0]) ] distribution_unit = ('bins' if len(distribution) > BINS_LIMIT else 'counts') distribution = merge_bins(distribution, BINS_LIMIT) total_instances = sum( [instances for _, instances in distribution]) if len(distribution) == 1: # where there's only one bin, there will be no error, but # we use a correction derived from the parent's error prediction = distribution[0][0] if total_instances < 2: total_instances = 1 try: # some strange models can have nodes with no confidence confidence = round( parent_node.confidence / math.sqrt(total_instances), PRECISION) except AttributeError: confidence = None else: prediction = mean(distribution) confidence = round( regression_error( unbiased_sample_variance(distribution, prediction), total_instances), PRECISION) return Prediction(prediction, path, confidence, distribution=distribution, count=total_instances, median=dist_median(distribution, total_instances), distribution_unit=distribution_unit, children=last_node.children, d_min=d_min, d_max=d_max) else: distribution = [ list(element) for element in sorted(final_distribution.items(), key=lambda x: (-x[1], x[0])) ] return Prediction(distribution[0][0], path, ws_confidence(distribution[0][0], final_distribution, ws_n=population), distribution=distribution, count=population, median=None, distribution_unit='categorical', children=last_node.children) else: if self.children: for child in self.children: if child.predicate.apply(input_data, self.fields): path.append(child.predicate.to_rule(self.fields)) return child.predict(input_data, path=path) if self.weighted: output_distribution = self.weighted_distribution output_unit = self.weighted_distribution_unit else: output_distribution = self.distribution output_unit = self.distribution_unit return Prediction( self.output, path, self.confidence, distribution=output_distribution, count=get_instances(output_distribution), median=None if not self.regression else self.median, distribution_unit=output_unit, children=self.children, d_min=None if not self.regression else self.min, d_max=None if not self.regression else self.max) def predict_proportional(self, input_data, path=None, missing_found=False, median=False, parent=None): """Makes a prediction based on a number of field values averaging the predictions of the leaves that fall in a subtree. Each time a splitting field has no value assigned, we consider both branches of the split to be true, merging their predictions. The function returns the merged distribution and the last node reached by a unique path. """ if path is None: path = [] final_distribution = {} if not self.children: distribution = self.distribution if not self.weighted else \ self.weighted_distribution return (merge_distributions({}, dict((x[0], x[1]) for x in distribution)), self.min, self.max, self, self.count, parent) if one_branch(self.children, input_data) or \ self.fields[split(self.children)]["optype"] in \ ["text", "items"]: for child in self.children: if child.predicate.apply(input_data, self.fields): new_rule = child.predicate.to_rule(self.fields) if new_rule not in path and not missing_found: path.append(new_rule) return child.predict_proportional(input_data, path, missing_found, median, parent=self) else: # missing value found, the unique path stops missing_found = True minimums = [] maximums = [] population = 0 for child in self.children: (subtree_distribution, subtree_min, subtree_max, _, subtree_pop, _) = \ child.predict_proportional(input_data, path, missing_found, median, parent=self) if subtree_min is not None: minimums.append(subtree_min) if subtree_max is not None: maximums.append(subtree_max) population += subtree_pop final_distribution = merge_distributions( final_distribution, subtree_distribution) return (final_distribution, min(minimums) if minimums else None, max(maximums) if maximums else None, self, population, self) def generate_rules(self, depth=0, ids_path=None, subtree=True): """Translates a tree model into a set of IF-THEN rules. """ rules = u"" children = filter_nodes(self.children, ids=ids_path, subtree=subtree) if children: for child in children: rules += (u"%s IF %s %s\n" % (INDENT * depth, child.predicate.to_rule(self.fields, 'slug'), "AND" if child.children else "THEN")) rules += child.generate_rules(depth + 1, ids_path=ids_path, subtree=subtree) else: rules += (u"%s %s = %s\n" % (INDENT * depth, (self.fields[self.objective_id]['slug'] if self.objective_id else "Prediction"), self.output)) return rules def rules(self, out, ids_path=None, subtree=True): """Prints out an IF-THEN rule version of the tree. """ for field in [(key, val) for key, val in sort_fields(self.fields)]: slug = slugify(self.fields[field[0]]['name']) self.fields[field[0]].update(slug=slug) out.write(utf8(self.generate_rules(ids_path=ids_path, subtree=subtree))) out.flush() def python_body(self, depth=1, cmv=None, input_map=False, ids_path=None, subtree=True): """Translate the model into a set of "if" python statements. `depth` controls the size of indentation. As soon as a value is missing that node is returned without further evaluation. """ def map_data(field, missing=False): """Returns the subject of the condition in map format when more than MAX_ARGS_LENGTH arguments are used. """ if input_map: if missing: return "data.get('%s')" % field else: return "data['%s']" % field return field if cmv is None: cmv = [] body = u"" term_analysis_fields = [] item_analysis_fields = [] children = filter_nodes(self.children, ids=ids_path, subtree=subtree) if children: field = split(children) has_missing_branch = (missing_branch(children) or none_value(children)) # the missing is singled out as a special case only when there's # no missing branch in the children list if not has_missing_branch and \ self.fields[field]["optype"] not in ["text", "items"] and \ self.fields[field]['slug'] not in cmv: body += (u"%sif (%s is None):\n" % (INDENT * depth, map_data(self.fields[field]['slug'], True))) if self.fields[self.objective_id]['optype'] == 'numeric': value = self.output else: value = repr(self.output) body += (u"%sreturn %s\n" % (INDENT * (depth + 1), value)) cmv.append(self.fields[field]['slug']) for child in children: field = child.predicate.field pre_condition = u"" if has_missing_branch and child.predicate.value is not None: negation = u"" if child.predicate.missing else u" not" connection = u"or" if child.predicate.missing else u"and" pre_condition = (u"%s is%s None %s " % (map_data(self.fields[field]['slug'], True), negation, connection)) if not child.predicate.missing: cmv.append(self.fields[field]['slug']) optype = self.fields[field]['optype'] if (optype == 'numeric' or optype == 'text' or optype == 'items' or child.predicate.value is None): value = child.predicate.value else: value = repr(child.predicate.value) if optype == 'text' or optype == 'items': if optype == 'text': term_analysis_fields.append( (field, child.predicate.term)) matching_function = "term_matches" else: item_analysis_fields.append( (field, child.predicate.term)) matching_function = "item_matches" body += ( u"%sif (%s%s(%s, \"%s\", %s\"%s\") %s %s):" u"\n" % (INDENT * depth, pre_condition, matching_function, map_data(self.fields[field]['slug'], False), self.fields[field]['slug'], ('u' if isinstance(child.predicate.term, unicode) else ''), child.predicate.term.replace("\"", "\\\""), PYTHON_OPERATOR[child.predicate.operator], value)) else: operator = (MISSING_OPERATOR[child.predicate.operator] if child.predicate.value is None else PYTHON_OPERATOR[child.predicate.operator]) if child.predicate.value is None: cmv.append(self.fields[field]['slug']) body += (u"%sif (%s%s %s %s):\n" % (INDENT * depth, pre_condition, map_data(self.fields[field]['slug'], False), operator, value)) next_level = child.python_body(depth + 1, cmv=cmv[:], input_map=input_map, ids_path=ids_path, subtree=subtree) body += next_level[0] term_analysis_fields.extend(next_level[1]) item_analysis_fields.extend(next_level[2]) else: if self.fields[self.objective_id]['optype'] == 'numeric': value = self.output else: value = repr(self.output) body = u"%sreturn %s\n" % (INDENT * depth, value) return body, term_analysis_fields, item_analysis_fields def python(self, out, docstring, input_map=False, ids_path=None, subtree=True): """Writes a python function that implements the model. """ args = [] parameters = sort_fields(self.fields) if not input_map: input_map = len(parameters) > MAX_ARGS_LENGTH reserved_keywords = keyword.kwlist if not input_map else None prefix = "_" if not input_map else "" for field in [(key, val) for key, val in parameters]: slug = slugify(self.fields[field[0]]['name'], reserved_keywords=reserved_keywords, prefix=prefix) self.fields[field[0]].update(slug=slug) if not input_map: if field[0] != self.objective_id: args.append("%s=None" % (slug)) if input_map: args.append("data={}") predictor_definition = (u"def predict_%s" % self.fields[self.objective_id]['slug']) depth = len(predictor_definition) + 1 predictor = u"%s(%s):\n" % (predictor_definition, (",\n" + " " * depth).join(args)) predictor_doc = (INDENT + u"\"\"\" " + docstring + u"\n" + INDENT + u"\"\"\"\n") body, term_analysis_predicates, item_analysis_predicates = \ self.python_body(input_map=input_map, ids_path=ids_path, subtree=subtree) terms_body = u"" if term_analysis_predicates or item_analysis_predicates: terms_body = self.term_analysis_body(term_analysis_predicates, item_analysis_predicates) predictor += predictor_doc + terms_body + body out.write(utf8(predictor)) out.flush() def term_analysis_body(self, term_analysis_predicates, item_analysis_predicates): """ Writes auxiliary functions to handle the term and item analysis fields """ body = u"" # static content body += """ import re tm_tokens = '%s' tm_full_term = '%s' tm_all = '%s' """ % (TM_TOKENS, TM_FULL_TERM, TM_ALL) if term_analysis_predicates: body += """ def term_matches(text, field_name, term): \"\"\" Counts the number of occurences of term and its variants in text \"\"\" if text is None: text = "" forms_list = term_forms[field_name].get(term, [term]) options = term_analysis[field_name] token_mode = options.get('token_mode', tm_tokens) case_sensitive = options.get('case_sensitive', False) first_term = forms_list[0] if token_mode == tm_full_term: return full_term_match(text, first_term, case_sensitive) else: # In token_mode='all' we will match full terms using equals and # tokens using contains if token_mode == tm_all and len(forms_list) == 1: pattern = re.compile(r'^.+\\b.+$', re.U) if re.match(pattern, first_term): return full_term_match(text, first_term, case_sensitive) return term_matches_tokens(text, forms_list, case_sensitive) def full_term_match(text, full_term, case_sensitive): \"\"\"Counts the match for full terms according to the case_sensitive option \"\"\" if not case_sensitive: text = text.lower() full_term = full_term.lower() return 1 if text == full_term else 0 def get_tokens_flags(case_sensitive): \"\"\"Returns flags for regular expression matching depending on text analysis options \"\"\" flags = re.U if not case_sensitive: flags = (re.I | flags) return flags def term_matches_tokens(text, forms_list, case_sensitive): \"\"\" Counts the number of occurences of the words in forms_list in the text \"\"\" flags = get_tokens_flags(case_sensitive) expression = ur'(\\b|_)%s(\\b|_)' % '(\\\\b|_)|(\\\\b|_)'.join(forms_list) pattern = re.compile(expression, flags=flags) matches = re.findall(pattern, text) return len(matches) """ term_analysis_options = set( [predicate[0] for predicate in term_analysis_predicates]) term_analysis_predicates = set(term_analysis_predicates) body += """ term_analysis = {""" for field_id in term_analysis_options: field = self.fields[field_id] body += """ \"%s\": {""" % field['slug'] for option in field['term_analysis']: if option in TERM_OPTIONS: body += """ \"%s\": %s,""" % (option, repr(field['term_analysis'][option])) body += """ },""" body += """ }""" term_forms = {} fields = self.fields for field_id, term in term_analysis_predicates: alternatives = [] field = fields[field_id] if field['slug'] not in term_forms: term_forms[field['slug']] = {} all_forms = field['summary'].get('term_forms', {}) if all_forms: alternatives = all_forms.get(term, []) if alternatives: terms = [term] terms.extend(all_forms.get(term, [])) term_forms[field['slug']][term] = terms body += """ term_forms = {""" for field in term_forms: body += """ \"%s\": {""" % field for term in term_forms[field]: body += """ u\"%s\": %s,""" % (term, term_forms[field][term]) body += """ }, """ body += """ } """ if item_analysis_predicates: body += """ def item_matches(text, field_name, item): \"\"\" Counts the number of occurences of item in text \"\"\" if text is None: text = "" options = item_analysis[field_name] separator = options.get('separator', ' ') regexp = options.get('separator_regexp') if regexp is None: regexp = r\"%s\" % separator return count_items_matches(text, item, regexp) def count_items_matches(text, item, regexp): \"\"\" Counts the number of occurences of the item in the text \"\"\" expression = r'(^|%s)%s($|%s)' % (regexp, item, regexp) pattern = re.compile(expression, flags=re.U) matches = re.findall(pattern, text) return len(matches) """ item_analysis_options = set( [predicate[0] for predicate in item_analysis_predicates]) item_analysis_predicates = set(item_analysis_predicates) body += """ item_analysis = {""" for field_id in item_analysis_options: field = self.fields[field_id] body += """ \"%s\": {""" % field['slug'] for option in field['item_analysis']: if option in ITEM_OPTIONS: body += """ \"%s\": %s,""" % (option, repr(field['item_analysis'][option])) body += """ },""" body += """ } """ return body def tableau_body(self, body=u"", conditions=None, cmv=None, ids_path=None, subtree=True): """Translate the model into a set of "if" statements in Tableau syntax `depth` controls the size of indentation. As soon as a value is missing that node is returned without further evaluation. """ if cmv is None: cmv = [] if body: alternate = u"ELSEIF" else: if conditions is None: conditions = [] alternate = u"IF" children = filter_nodes(self.children, ids=ids_path, subtree=subtree) if children: field = split(children) has_missing_branch = (missing_branch(children) or none_value(children)) # the missing is singled out as a special case only when there's # no missing branch in the children list if (not has_missing_branch and self.fields[field]['name'] not in cmv): conditions.append("ISNULL([%s])" % self.fields[field]['name']) body += (u"%s %s THEN " % (alternate, " AND ".join(conditions))) if self.fields[self.objective_id]['optype'] == 'numeric': value = self.output else: value = tableau_string(self.output) body += (u"%s\n" % value) cmv.append(self.fields[field]['name']) alternate = u"ELSEIF" del conditions[-1] for child in children: pre_condition = u"" post_condition = u"" if has_missing_branch and child.predicate.value is not None: negation = u"" if child.predicate.missing else u"NOT " connection = u"OR" if child.predicate.missing else u"AND" pre_condition = ( u"(%sISNULL([%s]) %s " % (negation, self.fields[field]['name'], connection)) if not child.predicate.missing: cmv.append(self.fields[field]['name']) post_condition = u")" optype = self.fields[child.predicate.field]['optype'] if child.predicate.value is None: value = "" elif optype == 'text' or optype == 'items': return u"" elif optype == 'numeric': value = child.predicate.value else: value = repr(child.predicate.value) operator = (u"" if child.predicate.value is None else PYTHON_OPERATOR[child.predicate.operator]) if child.predicate.value is None: pre_condition = ( T_MISSING_OPERATOR[child.predicate.operator]) post_condition = u")" conditions.append( "%s[%s]%s%s%s" % (pre_condition, self.fields[child.predicate.field]['name'], operator, value, post_condition)) body = child.tableau_body(body, conditions[:], cmv=cmv[:], ids_path=ids_path, subtree=subtree) del conditions[-1] else: if self.fields[self.objective_id]['optype'] == 'numeric': value = self.output else: value = tableau_string(self.output) body += (u"%s %s THEN" % (alternate, " AND ".join(conditions))) body += u" %s\n" % value return body def tableau(self, out, ids_path=None, subtree=True): """Writes a Tableau function that implements the model. """ body = self.tableau_body(ids_path=ids_path, subtree=subtree) if not body: return False out.write(utf8(body)) out.flush() return True def get_nodes_info(self, headers=None, leaves_only=False): """Yields the information associated to each of the tree nodes """ row = [] if not self.regression: category_dict = dict(self.distribution) for header in headers: if header == self.fields[self.objective_id]['name']: row.append(self.output) continue if header in ['confidence', 'error']: row.append(self.confidence) continue if header == 'impurity': row.append(self.impurity) continue if self.regression and header.startswith('bin'): for bin_value, bin_instances in self.distribution: row.append(bin_value) row.append(bin_instances) break if not self.regression: row.append(category_dict.get(header)) while len(row) < len(headers): row.append(None) if not leaves_only or not self.children: yield row if self.children: for child in self.children: for row in child.get_nodes_info(headers, leaves_only=leaves_only): yield row
class BoostedTree(object): """A boosted tree-like predictive model. """ def __init__(self, tree, fields, objective_field=None): self.fields = fields self.objective_id = objective_field self.output = tree['output'] if tree['predicate'] is True: self.predicate = True else: self.predicate = Predicate( tree['predicate']['operator'], tree['predicate']['field'], tree['predicate']['value'], tree['predicate'].get('term', None)) = tree.get('id') children = [] if 'children' in tree: for child in tree['children']: children.append(BoostedTree(child, self.fields, objective_field=objective_field)) self.children = children self.count = tree['count'] self.g_sum = tree.get('g_sum') self.h_sum = tree.get('h_sum') def list_fields(self, out): """Lists a description of the model's fields. """ for field in [(val['name'], val['optype']) for _, val in sort_fields(self.fields)]: out.write(utf8(u'[%-32s : %s]\n' % (field[0], field[1]))) out.flush() return self.fields def predict(self, input_data, path=None, missing_strategy=LAST_PREDICTION): """Makes a prediction based on a number of field values. The input fields must be keyed by Id. There are two possible strategies to predict when the value for the splitting field is missing: 0 - LAST_PREDICTION: the last issued prediction is returned. 1 - PROPORTIONAL: we consider all possible outcomes and create an average prediction. """ if path is None: path = [] if missing_strategy == PROPORTIONAL: return self.predict_proportional(input_data, path=path) else: if self.children: for child in self.children: if child.predicate.apply(input_data, self.fields): path.append(child.predicate.to_rule(self.fields)) return child.predict(input_data, path=path) return Prediction( self.output, path, None, distribution=None, count=self.count, median=None, distribution_unit=None, children=self.children, d_min=None, d_max=None) def predict_proportional(self, input_data, path=None, missing_found=False): """Makes a prediction based on a number of field values considering all the predictions of the leaves that fall in a subtree. Each time a splitting field has no value assigned, we consider both branches of the split to be true, merging their predictions. The function returns the merged distribution and the last node reached by a unique path. """ if path is None: path = [] if not self.children: return (self.g_sum, self.h_sum, self.count, path) if one_branch(self.children, input_data) or \ self.fields[split(self.children)]["optype"] in \ ["text", "items"]: for child in self.children: if child.predicate.apply(input_data, self.fields): new_rule = child.predicate.to_rule(self.fields) if new_rule not in path and not missing_found: path.append(new_rule) return child.predict_proportional(input_data, path, missing_found) else: # missing value found, the unique path stops missing_found = True g_sums = 0.0 h_sums = 0.0 population = 0 for child in self.children: g_sum, h_sum, count, _ = \ child.predict_proportional(input_data, path, missing_found) g_sums += g_sum h_sums += h_sum population += count return (g_sums, h_sums, population, path) def get_leaves(self, path=None, filter_function=None): """Returns a list that includes all the leaves of the tree. """ leaves = [] if path is None: path = [] if not isinstance(self.predicate, bool): path.append(self.predicate.to_lisp_rule(self.fields)) if self.children: for child in self.children: leaves += child.get_leaves(path=path[:], filter_function=filter_function) else: leaf = { 'id':, 'count': self.count, 'g_sum': self.g_sum, 'h_sum': self.h_sum, 'output': self.output, 'path': path} if (not hasattr(filter_function, '__call__') or filter_function(leaf)): leaves += [leaf] return leaves