Пример #1
 def to_rule(self, fields, label='name', missing=None):
     """Builds rule string from a predicate
     # externally forcing missing to True or False depending on the path
     if missing is None:
         missing = self.missing
     if label is not None:
         name = fields[self.field][label]
         name = ""
     full_term = self.is_full_term(fields)
     relation_missing = " or missing" if missing else ""
     if self.term is not None:
         relation_suffix = ''
         if ((self.operator == '<' and self.value <= 1)
                 or (self.operator == '<=' and self.value == 0)):
             relation_literal = ('is not equal to'
                                 if full_term else 'does not contain')
             relation_literal = 'is equal to' if full_term else 'contains'
             if not full_term:
                 if self.operator != '>' or self.value != 0:
                     relation_suffix = (
                         RELATIONS[self.operator] %
                         (self.value, plural('time', self.value)))
         return "%s %s %s %s%s" % (name, relation_literal, self.term,
                                   relation_suffix, relation_missing)
     if self.value is None:
         return "%s %s" % (name, "is missing"
                           if self.operator == '=' else "is not missing")
     return "%s %s %s%s" % (name, self.operator, self.value,
Пример #2
    def to_rule(self, fields, label='name'):
        """ Builds rule string from a predicate

        name = fields[self.field][label]
        full_term = self.is_full_term(fields)
        relation_missing = u" or missing" if self.missing else u""
        if self.term is not None:
            relation_suffix = ''
            if ((self.operator == '<' and self.value <= 1)
                    or (self.operator == '<=' and self.value == 0)):
                relation_literal = (u'is not equal to'
                                    if full_term else u'does not contain')
                relation_literal = u'is equal to' if full_term else u'contains'
                if not full_term:
                    if self.operator != '>' or self.value != 0:
                        relation_suffix = (
                            RELATIONS[self.operator] %
                            (self.value, plural('time', self.value)))
            return u"%s %s %s %s%s" % (name, relation_literal, self.term,
                                       relation_suffix, relation_missing)
        if self.value is None:
            return u"%s %s" % (name, u"is None"
                               if self.operator == '=' else u"is not None")
        return u"%s %s %s%s" % (name, self.operator, self.value,
Пример #3
def predicate_to_rule(operation,
    """Predicate condition string

    # externally forcing missing to True or False depending on the path
    if missing is None:
        missing = False
    if label is not None:
        name = field_info[label]
        name = ""
    operation = INVERSE_OP[operation]
    full_term = is_full_term(term, field_info)
    relation_missing = " or missing" if missing else ""
    if term is not None:
        relation_suffix = ''
        if ((operation == '<' and value <= 1)
                or (operation == '<=' and value == 0)):
            relation_literal = ('is not equal to'
                                if full_term else 'does not contain')
            relation_literal = 'is equal to' if full_term else 'contains'
            if not full_term:
                if operation != '>' or value != 0:
                    relation_suffix = (RELATIONS[operation] %
                                       (value, plural('time', value)))
        return "%s %s %s %s%s" % (name, relation_literal, term,
                                  relation_suffix, relation_missing)
    if value is None:
        return "%s %s" % (name, "is missing"
                          if operation == '=' else "is not missing")
    return "%s %s %s%s" % (name, operation, value, relation_missing)