Пример #1
    def __call__(self):
        if check_permission(AddClient, self.context):
            self.context_actions[_('Add')] = \
                {'url': 'createObject?type_name=Client',
                 'icon': '++resource++bika.lims.images/add.png'}

        # Display a checkbox next to each client in the list only if the user
        # has rights for ManageClients
        self.show_select_column = check_permission(ManageClients, self.context)

        return super(ClientFolderContentsView, self).__call__()
Пример #2
    def has_permission(self, permission, obj=None):
        """Returns if the current user has rights for the permission passed in

        :param permission: permission identifier
        :param obj: object to check the permission against
        :return: True if the user has rights for the permission passed in
        if not permission:
            logger.warn("None permission is not allowed")
            return False
        if obj is None:
            return check_permission(permission, self.context)
        return check_permission(permission, obj)
Пример #3
    def before_render(self):
        """Before template render hook
        # Render the Add button if the user has the AddClient permission
        if check_permission(AddClient, self.context):
            self.context_actions[_("Add")] = {
                "url": "createObject?type_name=Client",
                "icon": "++resource++bika.lims.images/add.png"

        # Display a checkbox next to each client in the list if the user has
        # rights for ManageClients
        self.show_select_column = check_permission(ManageClients, self.context)
Пример #4
    def before_render(self):
        """Before template render hook
        super(ClientAssetsView, self).before_render()
        # Don't allow any context actions
        if check_permission(ModifyPortalContent, self.context):
            self.context_actions[_("Add")] = {
                "url": "createObject?type_name=Asset",
                'icon': '++resource++bika.lims.images/add.png'

        # Display a checkbox next to each client in the list if the user has
        # rights for ModifyPortalContent
        self.show_select_column = check_permission(ModifyPortalContent,
Пример #5
    def before_render(self):
        """Before template render hook
        # Call `before_render` from the base class
        super(ClientFolderContentsView, self).before_render()

        # Render the Add button if the user has the AddClient permission
        if check_permission(AddClient, self.context):
            self.context_actions[_("Add")] = {
                "url": "createObject?type_name=Client",
                "icon": "++resource++bika.lims.images/add.png"

        # Display a checkbox next to each client in the list if the user has
        # rights for ModifyPortalContent
        self.show_select_column = check_permission(ModifyPortalContent,
Пример #6
    def isItemAllowed(self, obj):
        """Returns true if the current user has Manage AR rights for the
        current Client (item) to be rendered.

        :param obj: client to be rendered as a row in the list
        :type obj: ATContentType/DexterityContentType
        :return: True if the current user can see this Client. Otherwise, False.
        :rtype: bool
        return check_permission(ManageAnalysisRequests, obj)
Пример #7
 def isItemAllowed(self, obj):
     Returns true if the current user has Manage AR rights for the current
     Client (item) to be rendered.
     :param obj: client to be rendered as a row in the list
     :type obj: ATContentType/DexterityContentType
     :return: True if the current user can see this Client. Otherwise, False.
     :rtype: bool
     return check_permission(ManageAnalysisRequests, obj)
Пример #8
 def before_render(self):
     """Before template render hook
     # Render the Add button if the user has the AddClient permission
     if check_permission(AddMethod, self.context):
         self.context_actions[_("Add")] = {
             "url": "createObject?type_name=Method",
             "icon": "++resource++bika.lims.images/add.png"
     # Don't allow any context actions on the Methods folder
     self.request.set("disable_border", 1)
Пример #9
 def can_edit_field_results(self):
     """Checks if the current user has the permission "EditFieldResults"
     return check_permission(EditFieldResults, self.context)
Пример #10
    def __call__(self):
        ar = self.context
        workflow = getToolByName(self.context, 'portal_workflow')
        if 'transition' in self.request.form:
            doActionFor(self.context, self.request.form['transition'])

        # If the analysis request has been received and hasn't been yet
        # verified yet, redirect the user to manage_results view, but only if
        # the user has privileges to Edit(Field)Results, cause otherwise she/he
        # will receive an InsufficientPrivileges error!
        if (self.request.PATH_TRANSLATED.endswith(self.context.id) and
            check_permission(EditResults, self.context) and
            check_permission(EditFieldResults, self.context) and
            wasTransitionPerformed(self.context, 'receive') and
            not wasTransitionPerformed(self.context, 'verify')):
            # Redirect to manage results view
            manage_results_url = self.context.absolute_url() + '/manage_results'

        # Contacts get expanded for view
        contact = self.context.getContact()
        contacts = []
        for cc in self.context.getCCContact():
        if contact in contacts:
        ccemails = []
        for cc in contacts:
            ccemails.append("%s &lt;<a href='mailto:%s'>%s</a>&gt;"
                % (cc.Title(), cc.getEmailAddress(), cc.getEmailAddress()))
        # CC Emails become mailto links
        emails = self.context.getCCEmails()
        if isinstance(emails, str):
            emails = emails and [emails, ] or []
        cc_emails = []
        cc_hrefs = []
        for cc in emails:
            cc_hrefs.append("<a href='mailto:%s'>%s</a>" % (cc, cc))
        # render header table
        self.header_table = HeaderTableView(self.context, self.request)()
        # Create Partitions View for this ARs sample
        p = SamplePartitionsView(self.context.getSample(), self.request)
        p.show_column_toggles = False
        self.parts = p.contents_table()
        # Create Field and Lab Analyses tables
        self.tables = {}
        for poc in POINTS_OF_CAPTURE:
            if self.context.getAnalyses(getPointOfCapture=poc):
                t = self.createAnalysesView(ar,
                t.allow_edit = True
                t.form_id = "%s_analyses" % poc
                t.review_states[0]['transitions'] = [{'id': 'submit'},
                                                     {'id': 'retract'},
                                                     {'id': 'verify'}]
                t.show_workflow_action_buttons = True
                t.show_select_column = True
                if getSecurityManager().checkPermission(EditFieldResults, self.context) \
                   and poc == 'field':
                self.tables[POINTS_OF_CAPTURE.getValue(poc)] = t.contents_table()
        # Create QC Analyses View for this AR
        show_cats = self.context.bika_setup.getCategoriseAnalysisServices()
        qcview = self.createQCAnalyesView(ar,
        qcview.allow_edit = False
        qcview.show_select_column = False
        qcview.show_workflow_action_buttons = False
        qcview.form_id = "%s_qcanalyses"
        qcview.review_states[0]['transitions'] = [{'id': 'submit'},
                                                  {'id': 'retract'},
                                                  {'id': 'verify'}]
        self.qctable = qcview.contents_table()

        # Create the ResultsInterpretation by department view
        from resultsinterpretation import ARResultsInterpretationView
        self.riview = ARResultsInterpretationView(ar, self.request)

        # If a general retracted is done, rise a waring
        if workflow.getInfoFor(ar, 'review_state') == 'sample_received':
            allstatus = list()
            for analysis in ar.getAnalyses():
                status = workflow.getInfoFor(analysis.getObject(), 'review_state')
                if status not in ['retracted','to_be_verified','verified']:
                    allstatus = []
            if len(allstatus) > 0:
                message = "General Retract Done.  Submit this AR manually."
                self.addMessage(message, 'warning')

        # If is a retracted AR, show the link to child AR and show a warn msg
        if workflow.getInfoFor(ar, 'review_state') == 'invalid':
            childar = hasattr(ar, 'getChildAnalysisRequest') \
                        and ar.getChildAnalysisRequest() or None
            message = _('These results have been withdrawn and are '
                        'listed here for trace-ability purposes. Please follow '
                        'the link to the retest')
            if childar:
                message = (message + " %s.") % childar.getId()
                message = message + "."
            self.addMessage(message, 'warning')
        # If is an AR automatically generated due to a Retraction, show it's
        # parent AR information
        if hasattr(ar, 'getParentAnalysisRequest') \
            and ar.getParentAnalysisRequest():
            par = ar.getParentAnalysisRequest()
            message = _('This Analysis Request has been '
                        'generated automatically due to '
                        'the retraction of the Analysis '
                        'Request ${retracted_request_id}.',
                        mapping={'retracted_request_id': par.getId()})
            self.addMessage(message, 'info')
        return self.template()
Пример #11
    def __call__(self):
        ar = self.context
        workflow = getToolByName(self.context, 'portal_workflow')
        if 'transition' in self.request.form:
            doActionFor(self.context, self.request.form['transition'])

        # If the analysis request has been received and hasn't been yet
        # verified yet, redirect the user to manage_results view, but only if
        # the user has privileges to Edit(Field)Results, cause otherwise she/he
        # will receive an InsufficientPrivileges error!
        if (self.request.PATH_TRANSLATED.endswith(self.context.id)
                and check_permission(EditResults, self.context)
                and check_permission(EditFieldResults, self.context)
                and wasTransitionPerformed(self.context, 'receive')
                and not wasTransitionPerformed(self.context, 'verify')):
            # Redirect to manage results view if not cancelled
            if api.get_workflow_status_of(ar, 'cancellation_state') != \
                manage_results_url = "/".join(
                    [self.context.absolute_url(), 'manage_results'])

        # Contacts get expanded for view
        contact = self.context.getContact()
        contacts = []
        for cc in self.context.getCCContact():
        if contact in contacts:
        ccemails = []
        for cc in contacts:
                "%s &lt;<a href='mailto:%s'>%s</a>&gt;" %
                (cc.Title(), cc.getEmailAddress(), cc.getEmailAddress()))
        # CC Emails become mailto links
        emails = self.context.getCCEmails()
        if isinstance(emails, str):
            emails = emails and [
            ] or []
        cc_emails = []
        cc_hrefs = []
        for cc in emails:
            cc_hrefs.append("<a href='mailto:%s'>%s</a>" % (cc, cc))
        # render header table
        self.header_table = HeaderTableView(self.context, self.request)()
        # Create Partitions View for this ARs sample
        p = SamplePartitionsView(self.context.getSample(), self.request)
        p.show_column_toggles = False
        self.parts = p.contents_table()
        # Create Field and Lab Analyses tables
        self.tables = {}
        for poc in POINTS_OF_CAPTURE:
            if self.context.getAnalyses(getPointOfCapture=poc):
                t = self.createAnalysesView(
                t.allow_edit = True
                t.form_id = "%s_analyses" % poc
                t.review_states[0]['transitions'] = [{
                    'id': 'submit'
                }, {
                    'id': 'retract'
                }, {
                    'id': 'verify'
                t.show_workflow_action_buttons = True
                t.show_select_column = True
                if getSecurityManager().checkPermission(EditFieldResults, self.context) \
                   and poc == 'field':
                    poc)] = t.contents_table()
        # Create QC Analyses View for this AR
        show_cats = self.context.bika_setup.getCategoriseAnalysisServices()
        qcview = self.createQCAnalyesView(ar,
        qcview.allow_edit = False
        qcview.show_select_column = False
        qcview.show_workflow_action_buttons = False
        qcview.form_id = "%s_qcanalyses"
        qcview.review_states[0]['transitions'] = [{
            'id': 'submit'
        }, {
            'id': 'retract'
        }, {
            'id': 'verify'
        self.qctable = qcview.contents_table()

        # Create the ResultsInterpretation by department view
        from resultsinterpretation import ARResultsInterpretationView
        self.riview = ARResultsInterpretationView(ar, self.request)

        # If a general retracted is done, rise a waring
        if workflow.getInfoFor(ar, 'review_state') == 'sample_received':
            allstatus = list()
            for analysis in ar.getAnalyses():
                status = workflow.getInfoFor(analysis.getObject(),
                if status not in ['retracted', 'to_be_verified', 'verified']:
                    allstatus = []
            if len(allstatus) > 0:
                message = "General Retract Done.  Submit this AR manually."
                self.addMessage(message, 'warning')

        # If is a retracted AR, show the link to child AR and show a warn msg
        if workflow.getInfoFor(ar, 'review_state') == 'invalid':
            childar = hasattr(ar, 'getChildAnalysisRequest') \
                        and ar.getChildAnalysisRequest() or None
            message = _(
                'These results have been withdrawn and are '
                'listed here for trace-ability purposes. Please follow '
                'the link to the retest')
            if childar:
                message = (message + " %s.") % childar.getId()
                message = message + "."
            self.addMessage(message, 'warning')
        # If is an AR automatically generated due to a Retraction, show it's
        # parent AR information
        if hasattr(ar, 'getParentAnalysisRequest') \
            and ar.getParentAnalysisRequest():
            par = ar.getParentAnalysisRequest()
            message = _(
                'This Analysis Request has been '
                'generated automatically due to '
                'the retraction of the Analysis '
                'Request ${retracted_request_id}.',
                mapping={'retracted_request_id': par.getId()})
            self.addMessage(message, 'info')
        return self.template()