Пример #1
def rotate(input_images, rx, ry, rz):
    # Create constants.
    batch_size = tf.shape(input_images)[0]
    height = tf.shape(input_images)[1]
    width = tf.shape(input_images)[2]
    batch_zero = tf.tile(tf.constant(0.0, shape = [1]), [batch_size])
    batch_one = tf.tile(tf.constant(1.0, shape = [1]), [batch_size])

    # Function to parse Python lists as TensorFlow matrices.
    def tf_batch_matrix(matrix):
        return tf.transpose(tf.stack(matrix), [2, 0, 1])

    # Convert to Cartesian.
    S, T = lat_long_grid([height, width])
    x, y, z = lat_long_to_xyz(S, T)
    X = tf.tile(tf.expand_dims(tf.reshape(tf.stack([x, y, z]), [3, height * width]), 0), [batch_size, 1, 1])

    # Construct rotation matrices (for inverse warp).
    rx = - rx
    ry = - ry
    rz = - rz
    R = tf_batch_matrix([
            [tf.cos(rz), - tf.sin(rz), batch_zero],
            [tf.sin(rz), tf.cos(rz), batch_zero],
            [batch_zero, batch_zero, batch_one]
    R = tf.matmul(
                [tf.cos(ry), batch_zero, tf.sin(ry)],
                [batch_zero, batch_one, batch_zero],
                [- tf.sin(ry), batch_zero, tf.cos(ry)]
    R = tf.matmul(
                [batch_one, batch_zero, batch_zero],
                [batch_zero, tf.cos(rx), - tf.sin(rx)],
                [batch_zero, tf.sin(rx), tf.cos(rx)]

    # Rotate coordinates.
    X_rotated = tf.reshape(tf.matmul(R, X), [batch_size, 3, height, width])

    # Convert back to equirectangular UV.
    S_rotated, T_rotated = xyz_to_lat_long(X_rotated[:, 0, :, :], X_rotated[:, 1, :, :], X_rotated[:, 2, :, :])
    u, v = lat_long_to_equirectangular_uv(S_rotated, T_rotated)
    return bilinear_sample(input_images, x_t = tf.zeros_like(u[0]), y_t = tf.zeros_like(v[0]), x_offset = u, y_offset = 1.0 - v)
Пример #2
def rectilinear_to_equirectangular(input_images, K, equirectangular_shape):
    stacked_faces = stack_faces(input_images)
    S, T = lat_long_grid(equirectangular_shape)
    u, v = lat_long_to_rectilinear_uv(K, S, T)
    return bilinear_sample(stacked_faces, u, v)
Пример #3
def cubic_to_equirectangular(input_images, equirectangular_shape):
    stacked_faces = stack_faces(input_images)
    S, T = lat_long_grid(equirectangular_shape)
    u, v = lat_long_to_cube_uv(S, T)
    return bilinear_sample(stacked_faces, u, v)
Пример #4
def project_rectilinear(input_images, K, face, face_shape):
    x, y, z = rectilinear_xyz(K, face_shape, face)
    S, T = xyz_to_lat_long(x, y, z)
    u, v = lat_long_to_equirectangular_uv(S, T)
    return bilinear_sample(input_images, u, v)
Пример #5
def project_face(input_images, face, cubic_shape):
    x, y, z = xyz_grid(cubic_shape, face)
    S, T = xyz_to_lat_long(x, y, z)
    u, v = lat_long_to_equirectangular_uv(S, T)
    return bilinear_sample(input_images, u, v)