Пример #1
 def __init__(self, instance_id="default", handle=None):
     if handle is None:
         if instance_id is None or instance_id is "":
             instance_id = "default"
         self._instance_id = instance_id
         if instance_id == "default":
             self.handle = Settings.handle
             self.handle = core.BNCreateSettings(instance_id)
         instance_id = core.BNGetUniqueIdentifierString()
         self.handle = handle
Пример #2
class Settings(object):
	``class Settings`` Provides a way to define and access settings in a hierarchical fashion. The value of a setting can \
	be defined for each hierarchical level, where each level overrides the preceding level. The backing-store for setting \
	values is also configurable and can be different for each level. This allows for ephemeral or platform-independent \
	persistent settings storage for components within Binary Ninja or consumers of the Binary Ninja API.

	Each :class:`Settings` instance has a unique ``instance_id`` and a settings schema that define the contents for the settings \
	repository. By default, a new :class:`Settings` instance contains an empty schema. A schema can be built up by using the \
	:func:`register_group` and func:`register_setting` methods, or by deserializing an existing schema with :func:`deserialize_schema`. \
	Binary Ninja provides a default :class:`Settings` instance identified as *'default'*. The *'default'* settings repository defines \
	all of the settings available for the active Binary Ninja components.

	.. note:: The Binary Ninja Application provides many settings that are only applicable to the UI, and thus would not be \
	defined in the *'default'* settings schema for Binary Ninja headless.

	Except for *default* setting values, setting values are optional for other levels and stored separately from the schema in a \
	backing store. The backing store can be different for each level. When querying setting values, the values returned or modified \
	are in order of preference (i.e. ``SettingsAutoScope``). It is possible to override the scope by specifying the desired ``SettingsScope``.

		================= ========================== ============== ================================ ===============================
		Setting Level     Settings Scope             Preference     Backing Store ('default')        Backing Store (Other)
		================= ========================== ============== ================================ ===============================
		Default           SettingsDefaultScope       Lowest         Settings Schema                  Settings Schema
		User              SettingsUserScope          -              <User Directory>/settings.json   <TBD>
		Project           SettingsProjectScope       -              <TBD>                            <TBD>
		Resource          SettingsResourceScope      Highest        BinaryView (Storage in BNDB)     SettingsResource (Customizable)
		================= ========================== ============== ================================ ===============================

	Individual settings are identified by a key, which is a string in the form of **'<group>.<name>'**. Groups provide a simple way \
	to categorize settings. Additionally, sub-categories can be expressed directly in the name part of the key with a similar dot notation.
    handle = core.BNCreateSettings("default")

    def __init__(self, instance_id="default", handle=None):
        if handle is None:
            if instance_id is None or instance_id == "":
                instance_id = "default"
            self._instance_id = instance_id
            if instance_id == "default":
                self.handle = Settings.handle
                self.handle = core.BNCreateSettings(instance_id)
            instance_id = core.BNGetUniqueIdentifierString()
            self.handle = handle

    def __del__(self):
        if self.handle is not Settings.handle and self.handle is not None:

    def __eq__(self, other):
        if not isinstance(other, self.__class__):
            return NotImplemented
        return ctypes.addressof(self.handle.contents) == ctypes.addressof(

    def __ne__(self, other):
        if not isinstance(other, self.__class__):
            return NotImplemented
        return not (self == other)

    def __hash__(self):
        return hash((self.instance_id, ctypes.addressof(self.handle.contents)))

    def instance_id(self):
        """Returns the ``instance_id`` for this :class:`Settings` repository (read-only)"""
        return self._instance_id

    def set_resource_id(self, resource_id=None):
		``set_resource_id`` Sets the resource identifier for this class:`Settings` instance. When accessing setting values at the \
		``SettingsResourceScope`` level, the resource identifier is passed along through the backing store interface.

		.. note:: Currently the only available backing store for ``SettingsResourceScope`` is a :class:`BinaryView` object. In the context \
		of a :class:`BinaryView` the resource identifier is the :class:`BinaryViewType` name. All settings for this type of backing store \
		are saved in the *'Raw'* :class:`BinaryViewType`. This enables the configuration of setting values such that they are available \
		during :class:`BinaryView` creation and initialization.

		:param str resource_id: a unique identifier
		:rtype: None
        if resource_id is None:
            resource_id = ""
        core.BNSettingsSetResourceId(self.handle, resource_id)

    def register_group(self, group, title):
		``register_group`` registers a group in the schema for this :class:`Settings` instance

		:param str group: a unique identifier
		:param str title: a user friendly name appropriate for UI presentation
		:return: True on success, False on failure.
		:rtype: bool

			>>> Settings().register_group("solver", "Solver")
        return core.BNSettingsRegisterGroup(self.handle, group, title)

    def register_setting(self, key, properties):
		``register_setting`` registers a new setting with this :class:`Settings` instance

		:param str key: a unique setting identifier in the form **'<group>.<name>'**
		:param str properties: a JSON string describes the setting schema
		:return: True on success, False on failure.
		:rtype: bool

			>>> Settings().register_group("solver", "Solver")
			>>> Settings().register_setting("solver.basicBlockSlicing", '{"description" : "Enable the basic block slicing in the solver.", "title" : "Basic Block Slicing", "default" : true, "type" : "boolean"}')
        return core.BNSettingsRegisterSetting(self.handle, key, properties)

    def contains(self, key):
		``contains`` determine if a setting identifier exists in the active settings schema

		:param str key: the setting identifier
		:return: True if the identifier exists in this active settings schema, False otherwise
		:rtype: bool
        return core.BNSettingsContains(self.handle, key)

    def is_empty(self):
		``is_empty`` determine if the active settings schema is empty

		:return: True if the active settings schema is empty, False otherwise
		:rtype: bool
        return core.BNSettingsIsEmpty(self.handle)

    def keys(self):
		``keys`` retrieve the list of setting identifiers in the active settings schema

		:return: list of setting identifiers
		:rtype: list(str)
        length = ctypes.c_ulonglong()
        result = core.BNSettingsKeysList(self.handle, ctypes.byref(length))
        out_list = []
        for i in range(length.value):
        core.BNFreeStringList(result, length)
        return out_list

    def query_property_string_list(self, key, property_name):
        length = ctypes.c_ulonglong()
        result = core.BNSettingsQueryPropertyStringList(
            self.handle, key, property_name, ctypes.byref(length))
        out_list = []
        for i in range(length.value):
        core.BNFreeStringList(result, length)
        return out_list

    def update_property(self, key, setting_property):
        return core.BNSettingsUpdateProperty(self.handle, key,

    def deserialize_schema(self,
        return core.BNSettingsDeserializeSchema(self.handle, schema, scope,

    def serialize_schema(self):
        return core.BNSettingsSerializeSchema(self.handle)

    def deserialize_settings(self,
        if view is not None:
            view = view.handle
        return core.BNDeserializeSettings(self.handle, contents, view, scope)

    def serialize_settings(self,
        if view is not None:
            view = view.handle
        return core.BNSerializeSettings(self.handle, view, scope)

    def reset(self, key, view=None, scope=SettingsScope.SettingsAutoScope):
        if view is not None:
            view = view.handle
        return core.BNSettingsReset(self.handle, key, view, scope)

    def reset_all(self,
        if view is not None:
            view = view.handle
        return core.BNSettingsResetAll(self.handle, view, scope, schema_only)

    def get_bool(self, key, view=None):
        if view is not None:
            view = view.handle
        return core.BNSettingsGetBool(self.handle, key, view, None)

    def get_double(self, key, view=None):
        if view is not None:
            view = view.handle
        return core.BNSettingsGetDouble(self.handle, key, view, None)

    def get_integer(self, key, view=None):
        if view is not None:
            view = view.handle
        return core.BNSettingsGetUInt64(self.handle, key, view, None)

    def get_string(self, key, view=None):
        if view is not None:
            view = view.handle
        return core.BNSettingsGetString(self.handle, key, view, None)

    def get_string_list(self, key, view=None):
        if view is not None:
            view = view.handle
        length = ctypes.c_ulonglong()
        result = core.BNSettingsGetStringList(self.handle, key, view, None,
        out_list = []
        for i in range(length.value):
        core.BNFreeStringList(result, length)
        return out_list

    def get_json(self, key, view=None):
        if view is not None:
            view = view.handle
        return core.BNSettingsGetJson(self.handle, key, view, None)

    def get_bool_with_scope(self,
        if view is not None:
            view = view.handle
        c_scope = core.SettingsScopeEnum(scope)
        result = core.BNSettingsGetBool(self.handle, key, view,
        return (result, SettingsScope(c_scope.value))

    def get_double_with_scope(self,
        if view is not None:
            view = view.handle
        c_scope = core.SettingsScopeEnum(scope)
        result = core.BNSettingsGetDouble(self.handle, key, view,
        return (result, SettingsScope(c_scope.value))

    def get_integer_with_scope(self,
        if view is not None:
            view = view.handle
        c_scope = core.SettingsScopeEnum(scope)
        result = core.BNSettingsGetUInt64(self.handle, key, view,
        return (result, SettingsScope(c_scope.value))

    def get_string_with_scope(self,
        if view is not None:
            view = view.handle
        c_scope = core.SettingsScopeEnum(scope)
        result = core.BNSettingsGetString(self.handle, key, view,
        return (result, SettingsScope(c_scope.value))

    def get_string_list_with_scope(self,
        if view is not None:
            view = view.handle
        c_scope = core.SettingsScopeEnum(scope)
        length = ctypes.c_ulonglong()
        result = core.BNSettingsGetStringList(self.handle, key, view,
        out_list = []
        for i in range(length.value):
        core.BNFreeStringList(result, length)
        return (out_list, SettingsScope(c_scope.value))

    def get_json_with_scope(self,
        if view is not None:
            view = view.handle
        c_scope = core.SettingsScopeEnum(scope)
        result = core.BNSettingsGetJson(self.handle, key, view,
        return (result, SettingsScope(c_scope.value))

    def set_bool(self,
        if view is not None:
            view = view.handle
        return core.BNSettingsSetBool(self.handle, view, scope, key, value)

    def set_double(self,
        if view is not None:
            view = view.handle
        return core.BNSettingsSetDouble(self.handle, view, scope, key, value)

    def set_integer(self,
        if view is not None:
            view = view.handle
        return core.BNSettingsSetUInt64(self.handle, view, scope, key, value)

    def set_string(self,
        if view is not None:
            view = view.handle
        return core.BNSettingsSetString(self.handle, view, scope, key, value)

    def set_string_list(self,
        if view is not None:
            view = view.handle
        length = ctypes.c_ulonglong()
        length.value = len(value)
        string_list = (ctypes.c_char_p * len(value))()
        for i in range(len(value)):
            string_list[i] = value[i].encode('charmap')
        return core.BNSettingsSetStringList(self.handle, view, scope, key,
                                            string_list, length)

    def set_json(self,
        if view is not None:
            view = view.handle
        return core.BNSettingsSetJson(self.handle, view, scope, key, value)
Пример #3
class Settings(object):
	``class Settings`` Provides a way to define and access settings in a hierarchical fashion. The value of a setting can \
	be defined for each hierarchical level, where each level overrides the preceding level. The backing-store for setting \
	values is also configurable and can be different for each level. This allows for ephemeral or platform-independent \
	persistent settings storage for components within Binary Ninja or consumers of the Binary Ninja API.

	Each `Settings` instance has a unique `instance_id` and a settings schema which defines the contents for the settings \
	repository. By default, a new `Settings` instance contains an empty schema. A schema can be built up by using the \
	`register_group` and `register_setting` methods, or by deserializing an existing schema with `deserialize_schema` \
	Binary Ninja provides a default `Settings` instance identified as 'default'. The 'default' settings repository defines \
	all of the settings available for the active Binary Ninja components.

	.. note:: The Binary Ninja Application provides many settings that are only applicable to the UI, and thus would not be \
	defined in the 'default' settings schema for Binary Ninja headless.

	Except for default setting values, values are stored separately from the schema in a backing store. The backing store can \
	be different for each level. When accessing setting values, the order of precedence is: Context > Workspace > User > Default.

		=================== ============================ ============================== ===============================
		Setting Level       Settings Scope               Backing Store ('default')        Backing Store (Other)
		=================== ============================ ============================== ===============================
		Default             SettingsDefaultScope         Settings Schema                  Settings Schema
		User                SettingsUserScope            <User Directory>/settings.json   <TBD>
		Workspace           SettingsWorkspaceScope       <TBD>                            <TBD>
		Context             SettingsContextScope         BinaryView (Storage in bndb)    BinaryView (Storage in bndb)
		=================== ============================ ============================== ===============================

	Individual settings are identified by a key, which is a string in the form of '<group>.<name>'. Groups provide a simple way \
	to categorize settings. Additionally, sub-categories can be expressed directly in the name part of the key with the same dot \
    handle = core.BNCreateSettings("default")

    def __init__(self, instance_id="default", handle=None):
        if handle is None:
            if instance_id is None or instance_id is "":
                instance_id = "default"
            self._instance_id = instance_id
            if instance_id == "default":
                self.handle = Settings.handle
                self.handle = core.BNCreateSettings(instance_id)
            instance_id = core.BNGetUniqueIdentifierString()
            self.handle = handle

    def __del__(self):
        if self.handle is not Settings.handle and self.handle is not None:

    def __eq__(self, value):
        if not isinstance(value, Settings):
            return False
        return ctypes.addressof(self.handle.contents) == ctypes.addressof(

    def __ne__(self, value):
        if not isinstance(value, Settings):
            return True
        return ctypes.addressof(self.handle.contents) != ctypes.addressof(

    def __hash__(self):
        return hash((self.instance_id, self.handle))

    def instance_id(self):
        return self._instance_id

    def set_resource_id(self, resource_id=None):
        if resource_id is None:
            resource_id = ""
        core.BNSettingsSetResourceId(self.handle, resource_id)

    def register_group(self, group, title):
		``register_group`` registers a group in the schema for this `Settings` instance

		:param str group: a unique identifier
		:param str title: a user friendly name appropriate for UI presentation
		:return: True on success, False on failure.
		:rtype: bool

			>>> Settings().register_group("solver", "Solver")
        return core.BNSettingsRegisterGroup(self.handle, group, title)

    def register_setting(self, key, properties):
		``register_setting`` registers a new setting with this `Settings` instance

		:param str key: a unique setting identifier in the form <group>.<name>
		:param str properties: a JSON string describes the setting schema
		:return: True on success, False on failure.
		:rtype: bool

			>>> Settings().register_group("solver", "Solver")
			>>> Settings().register_setting("solver.basicBlockSlicing", '{"description" : "Enable the basic block slicing in the solver.", "title" : "Basic Block Slicing", "default" : true, "type" : "boolean"}')
        return core.BNSettingsRegisterSetting(self.handle, key, properties)

    def contains(self, key):
        return core.BNSettingsContains(self.handle, key)

    def is_empty(self):
        return core.BNSettingsIsEmpty(self.handle)

    def keys(self):
        length = ctypes.c_ulonglong()
        result = core.BNSettingsKeysList(self.handle, ctypes.byref(length))
        out_list = []
        for i in range(length.value):
        core.BNFreeStringList(result, length)
        return out_list

    def query_property_string_list(self, key, property_name):
        length = ctypes.c_ulonglong()
        result = core.BNSettingsQueryPropertyStringList(
            self.handle, key, property_name, ctypes.byref(length))
        out_list = []
        for i in range(length.value):
        core.BNFreeStringList(result, length)
        return out_list

    def update_property(self, key, setting_property):
        return core.BNSettingsUpdateProperty(self.handle, key,

    def deserialize_schema(self,
        return core.BNSettingsDeserializeSchema(self.handle, schema, scope,

    def serialize_schema(self):
        return core.BNSettingsSerializeSchema(self.handle)

    def copy_values_from(self, source, scope=SettingsScope.SettingsAutoScope):
        return core.BNSettingsCopyValuesFrom(self.handle, source.handle, scope)

    def reset(self, key, view=None, scope=SettingsScope.SettingsAutoScope):
        if view is not None:
            view = view.handle
        return core.BNSettingsReset(self.handle, key, view, scope)

    def reset_all(self, view=None, scope=SettingsScope.SettingsAutoScope):
        if view is not None:
            view = view.handle
        return core.BNSettingsResetAll(self.handle, view, scope)

    def get_bool(self, key, view=None):
        if view is not None:
            view = view.handle
        return core.BNSettingsGetBool(self.handle, key, view, None)

    def get_double(self, key, view=None):
        if view is not None:
            view = view.handle
        return core.BNSettingsGetDouble(self.handle, key, view, None)

    def get_integer(self, key, view=None):
        if view is not None:
            view = view.handle
        return core.BNSettingsGetUInt64(self.handle, key, view, None)

    def get_string(self, key, view=None):
        if view is not None:
            view = view.handle
        return core.BNSettingsGetString(self.handle, key, view, None)

    def get_string_list(self, key, view=None):
        if view is not None:
            view = view.handle
        length = ctypes.c_ulonglong()
        result = core.BNSettingsGetStringList(self.handle, key, view, None,
        out_list = []
        for i in range(length.value):
        core.BNFreeStringList(result, length)
        return out_list

    def get_json(self, key, view=None):
        if view is not None:
            view = view.handle
        return core.BNSettingsGetJson(self.handle, key, view, None)

    def get_bool_with_scope(self,
        if view is not None:
            view = view.handle
        c_scope = core.SettingsScopeEnum(scope)
        result = core.BNSettingsGetBool(self.handle, key, view,
        return (result, SettingsScope(c_scope.value))

    def get_double_with_scope(self,
        if view is not None:
            view = view.handle
        c_scope = core.SettingsScopeEnum(scope)
        result = core.BNSettingsGetDouble(self.handle, key, view,
        return (result, SettingsScope(c_scope.value))

    def get_integer_with_scope(self,
        if view is not None:
            view = view.handle
        c_scope = core.SettingsScopeEnum(scope)
        result = core.BNSettingsGetUInt64(self.handle, key, view,
        return (result, SettingsScope(c_scope.value))

    def get_string_with_scope(self,
        if view is not None:
            view = view.handle
        c_scope = core.SettingsScopeEnum(scope)
        result = core.BNSettingsGetString(self.handle, key, view,
        return (result, SettingsScope(c_scope.value))

    def get_string_list_with_scope(self,
        if view is not None:
            view = view.handle
        c_scope = core.SettingsScopeEnum(scope)
        length = ctypes.c_ulonglong()
        result = core.BNSettingsGetStringList(self.handle, key, view,
        out_list = []
        for i in range(length.value):
        core.BNFreeStringList(result, length)
        return (out_list, SettingsScope(c_scope.value))

    def get_json_with_scope(self,
        if view is not None:
            view = view.handle
        c_scope = core.SettingsScopeEnum(scope)
        result = core.BNSettingsGetJson(self.handle, key, view,
        return (result, SettingsScope(c_scope.value))

    def set_bool(self,
        if view is not None:
            view = view.handle
        return core.BNSettingsSetBool(self.handle, view, scope, key, value)

    def set_double(self,
        if view is not None:
            view = view.handle
        return core.BNSettingsSetDouble(self.handle, view, scope, key, value)

    def set_integer(self,
        if view is not None:
            view = view.handle
        return core.BNSettingsSetUInt64(self.handle, view, scope, key, value)

    def set_string(self,
        if view is not None:
            view = view.handle
        return core.BNSettingsSetString(self.handle, view, scope, key, value)

    def set_string_list(self,
        if view is not None:
            view = view.handle
        length = ctypes.c_ulonglong()
        length.value = len(value)
        string_list = (ctypes.c_char_p * len(value))()
        for i in range(len(value)):
            string_list[i] = value[i].encode('charmap')
        return core.BNSettingsSetStringList(self.handle, view, scope, key,
                                            string_list, length)

    def set_json(self,
        if view is not None:
            view = view.handle
        return core.BNSettingsSetJson(self.handle, view, scope, key, value)
Пример #4
class Settings(object):
	:class:`Settings` provides a way to define and access settings in a hierarchical fashion. The value of a setting can \
	be defined for each hierarchical level, where each level overrides the preceding level. The backing-store for setting \
	values at each level is also configurable. This allows for ephemeral or platform-independent persistent settings storage \
	for components within Binary Ninja or consumers of the Binary Ninja API.

	Each :class:`Settings` instance has an ``instance_id`` which identifies a schema. The schema defines the settings contents  \
	and the way in which settings are retrieved and manipulated. A new :class:`Settings` instance defaults to using a value of *'default'* \
	for the ``instance_id``. The *'default'* settings schema defines all of the settings available for the active Binary Ninja components \
	which include at a minimum, the settings defined by the Binary Ninja core. The *'default'* schema may additionally define settings \
	for the UI and/or installed plugins. Extending existing schemas, or defining new ones is accomplished by calling :func:`register_group` \
	and :func:`register_setting` methods, or by deserializing an existing schema with :func:`deserialize_schema`.

	.. note:: All settings in the *'default'* settings schema are rendered with UI elements in the Settings View of Binary Ninja UI.

	Allowing setting overrides is an important feature and Binary Ninja accomplishes this by allowing one to override a setting at various \
	levels. The levels and their associated storage are shown in the following table. Default setting values are optional, and if specified, \
	saved in the schema itself.

		================= ========================== ============== ==============================================
		Setting Level     Settings Scope             Preference     Storage
		================= ========================== ============== ==============================================
		Default           SettingsDefaultScope       Lowest         Settings Schema
		User              SettingsUserScope          -              <User Directory>/settings.json
		Project           SettingsProjectScope       -              <Project Directory>/.binaryninja/settings.json
		Resource          SettingsResourceScope      Highest        Raw BinaryView (Storage in BNDB)
		================= ========================== ============== ==============================================

	Settings are identified by a key, which is a string in the form of **'<group>.<name>'** or **'<group>.<subGroup>.<name>'**. Groups provide \
	a simple way to categorize settings. Sub-groups are optional and multiple sub-groups are allowed. When defining a settings group, the \
	:func:`register_group` method allows for specifying a UI friendly title for use in the Binary Ninja UI. Defining a new setting requires a \
	unique setting key and a JSON string of property, value pairs. The following table describes the available properties and values.

		==================   ======================================   ==================   ========   =======================================================================
		Property             JSON Data Type                           Prerequisite         Optional   {Allowed Values} and Notes
		==================   ======================================   ==================   ========   =======================================================================
		"title"              string                                   None                 No         Concise Setting Title
		"type"               string                                   None                 No         {"array", "boolean", "number", "string"}
		"elementType"        string                                   "type" is "array"    No         {"string"}
		"enum"               array : {string}                         "type" is "array"    Yes        Enumeration definitions
		"enumDescriptions"   array : {string}                         "type" is "array"    Yes        Enumeration descriptions that match "enum" array
		"minValue"           number                                   "type" is "number"   Yes        Specify 0 to infer unsigned (default is signed)
		"maxValue"           number                                   "type" is "number"   Yes        Values less than or equal to INT_MAX infer a spinbox.
		"precision"          number                                   "type" is "number"   Yes        Specify precision for a QDoubleSpinBox
		"default"            {array, boolean, number, string, null}   None                 Yes        Specify optimal default value
		"aliases"            array : {string}                         None                 Yes        Array of deprecated setting key(s)
		"description"        string                                   None                 No         Detailed setting description
		"ignore"             array : {string}                         None                 Yes        {"SettingsUserScope", "SettingsProjectScope", "SettingsResourceScope"}
		"readOnly"           boolean                                  None                 Yes        Only enforced by UI elements
		"optional"           boolean                                  None                 Yes        Indicates setting can be null
		==================   ======================================   ==================   ========   =======================================================================

	.. note:: In order to facilitate deterministic analysis results, settings from the *'default'* schema that impact analysis are serialized \
	from Default, User, and Project scope into Resource scope during initial BinaryView analysis. This allows an analysis database to be opened \
	at a later time with the same settings, regardless if Default, User, or Project settings have been modified.

	.. note:: Settings that do not impact analysis (e.g. many UI settings) should use the *"ignore"* property to exclude \
		*"SettingsProjectScope"* and *"SettingsResourceScope"* from the applicable scopes for the setting.

	Example analysis plugin setting:

		>>> my_settings = Settings()
		>>> title = "My Pre-Analysis Plugin"
		>>> description = "Enable extra analysis before core analysis."
		>>> properties = f'{{"title" : "{title}", "description" : "{description}", "type" : "boolean", "default" : false}}'
		>>> my_settings.register_group("myPlugin", "My Plugin")
		>>> my_settings.register_setting("myPlugin.enablePreAnalysis", properties)
		>>> my_bv = open_view("/bin/ls", options={'myPlugin.enablePreAnalysis' : True})
		>>> Settings().get_bool("myPlugin.enablePreAnalysis")
		>>> Settings().get_bool("myPlugin.enablePreAnalysis", my_bv)

	Example UI plugin setting:

		>>> my_settings = Settings()
		>>> title = "My UI Plugin"
		>>> description = "Enable My UI Plugin table display."
		>>> properties = f'{{"title" : "{title}", "description" : "{description}", "type" : "boolean", "default" : true, "ignore" : ["SettingsProjectScope", "SettingsResourceScope"]}}'
		>>> my_settings.register_group("myPlugin", "My Plugin")
		>>> my_settings.register_setting("myPlugin.enableTableView", properties)
		>>> my_bv = open_view("/bin/ls", options={'myPlugin.enablePreAnalysis' : True})
		>>> Settings().get_bool("myPlugin.enableTableView")

	handle = core.BNCreateSettings("default")

	def __init__(self, instance_id = "default", handle = None):
		if handle is None:
			if instance_id is None or instance_id == "":
				instance_id = "default"
			self._instance_id = instance_id
			if instance_id == "default":
				self.handle = Settings.handle
				self.handle = core.BNCreateSettings(instance_id)
			instance_id = core.BNGetUniqueIdentifierString()
			self.handle = handle

	def __del__(self):
		if self.handle is not Settings.handle and self.handle is not None:

	def __eq__(self, other):
		if not isinstance(other, self.__class__):
			return NotImplemented
		return ctypes.addressof(self.handle.contents) == ctypes.addressof(other.handle.contents)

	def __ne__(self, other):
		if not isinstance(other, self.__class__):
			return NotImplemented
		return not (self == other)

	def __hash__(self):
		return hash((self.instance_id, ctypes.addressof(self.handle.contents)))

	def instance_id(self):
		"""Returns the ``instance_id`` for this :class:`Settings` repository (read-only)"""
		return self._instance_id

	def set_resource_id(self, resource_id = None):
		``set_resource_id`` Sets the resource identifier for this class:`Settings` instance. When accessing setting values at the \
		``SettingsResourceScope`` level, the resource identifier is passed along through the backing store interface.

		.. note:: Currently the only available backing store for ``SettingsResourceScope`` is a :class:`BinaryView` object. In the context \
		of a :class:`BinaryView` the resource identifier is the :class:`BinaryViewType` name. All settings for this type of backing store \
		are saved in the *'Raw'* :class:`BinaryViewType`. This enables the configuration of setting values such that they are available \
		during :class:`BinaryView` creation and initialization.

		:param str resource_id: a unique identifier
		:rtype: None
		if resource_id is None:
			resource_id = ""
		core.BNSettingsSetResourceId(self.handle, resource_id)

	def register_group(self, group, title):
		``register_group`` registers a group in the schema for this :class:`Settings` instance

		:param str group: a unique identifier
		:param str title: a user friendly name appropriate for UI presentation
		:return: True on success, False on failure.
		:rtype: bool

			>>> Settings().register_group("solver", "Solver")
		return core.BNSettingsRegisterGroup(self.handle, group, title)

	def register_setting(self, key, properties):
		``register_setting`` registers a new setting with this :class:`Settings` instance

		:param str key: a unique setting identifier in the form **'<group>.<name>'**
		:param str properties: a JSON string describes the setting schema
		:return: True on success, False on failure.
		:rtype: bool

			>>> Settings().register_group("solver", "Solver")
			>>> Settings().register_setting("solver.basicBlockSlicing", '{"description" : "Enable the basic block slicing in the solver.", "title" : "Basic Block Slicing", "default" : true, "type" : "boolean"}')
		return core.BNSettingsRegisterSetting(self.handle, key, properties)

	def contains(self, key):
		``contains`` determine if a setting identifier exists in the active settings schema

		:param str key: the setting identifier
		:return: True if the identifier exists in this active settings schema, False otherwise
		:rtype: bool
		return core.BNSettingsContains(self.handle, key)

	def is_empty(self):
		``is_empty`` determine if the active settings schema is empty

		:return: True if the active settings schema is empty, False otherwise
		:rtype: bool
		return core.BNSettingsIsEmpty(self.handle)

	def keys(self):
		``keys`` retrieve the list of setting identifiers in the active settings schema

		:return: list of setting identifiers
		:rtype: list(str)
		length = ctypes.c_ulonglong()
		result = core.BNSettingsKeysList(self.handle, ctypes.byref(length))
		out_list = []
		for i in range(length.value):
		core.BNFreeStringList(result, length)
		return out_list

	def query_property_string_list(self, key, property_name):
		length = ctypes.c_ulonglong()
		result = core.BNSettingsQueryPropertyStringList(self.handle, key, property_name, ctypes.byref(length))
		out_list = []
		for i in range(length.value):
		core.BNFreeStringList(result, length)
		return out_list

	def update_property(self, key, setting_property):
		return core.BNSettingsUpdateProperty(self.handle, key, setting_property)

	def deserialize_schema(self, schema, scope = SettingsScope.SettingsAutoScope, merge = True):
		return core.BNSettingsDeserializeSchema(self.handle, schema, scope, merge)

	def serialize_schema(self):
		return core.BNSettingsSerializeSchema(self.handle)

	def deserialize_settings(self, contents, view = None, scope = SettingsScope.SettingsAutoScope):
		if view is not None:
			view = view.handle
		return core.BNDeserializeSettings(self.handle, contents, view, scope)

	def serialize_settings(self, view = None, scope = SettingsScope.SettingsAutoScope):
		if view is not None:
			view = view.handle
		return core.BNSerializeSettings(self.handle, view, scope)

	def reset(self, key, view = None, scope = SettingsScope.SettingsAutoScope):
		if view is not None:
			view = view.handle
		return core.BNSettingsReset(self.handle, key, view, scope)

	def reset_all(self, view = None, scope = SettingsScope.SettingsAutoScope, schema_only = True):
		if view is not None:
			view = view.handle
		return core.BNSettingsResetAll(self.handle, view, scope, schema_only)

	def get_bool(self, key, view = None):
		if view is not None:
			view = view.handle
		return core.BNSettingsGetBool(self.handle, key, view, None)

	def get_double(self, key, view = None):
		if view is not None:
			view = view.handle
		return core.BNSettingsGetDouble(self.handle, key, view, None)

	def get_integer(self, key, view = None):
		if view is not None:
			view = view.handle
		return core.BNSettingsGetUInt64(self.handle, key, view, None)

	def get_string(self, key, view = None):
		if view is not None:
			view = view.handle
		return core.BNSettingsGetString(self.handle, key, view, None)

	def get_string_list(self, key, view = None):
		if view is not None:
			view = view.handle
		length = ctypes.c_ulonglong()
		result = core.BNSettingsGetStringList(self.handle, key, view, None, ctypes.byref(length))
		out_list = []
		for i in range(length.value):
		core.BNFreeStringList(result, length)
		return out_list

	def get_json(self, key, view = None):
		if view is not None:
			view = view.handle
		return core.BNSettingsGetJson(self.handle, key, view, None)

	def get_bool_with_scope(self, key, view = None, scope = SettingsScope.SettingsAutoScope):
		if view is not None:
			view = view.handle
		c_scope = core.SettingsScopeEnum(scope)
		result = core.BNSettingsGetBool(self.handle, key, view, ctypes.byref(c_scope))
		return (result, SettingsScope(c_scope.value))

	def get_double_with_scope(self, key, view = None, scope = SettingsScope.SettingsAutoScope):
		if view is not None:
			view = view.handle
		c_scope = core.SettingsScopeEnum(scope)
		result = core.BNSettingsGetDouble(self.handle, key, view, ctypes.byref(c_scope))
		return (result, SettingsScope(c_scope.value))

	def get_integer_with_scope(self, key, view = None, scope = SettingsScope.SettingsAutoScope):
		if view is not None:
			view = view.handle
		c_scope = core.SettingsScopeEnum(scope)
		result = core.BNSettingsGetUInt64(self.handle, key, view, ctypes.byref(c_scope))
		return (result, SettingsScope(c_scope.value))

	def get_string_with_scope(self, key, view = None, scope = SettingsScope.SettingsAutoScope):
		if view is not None:
			view = view.handle
		c_scope = core.SettingsScopeEnum(scope)
		result = core.BNSettingsGetString(self.handle, key, view, ctypes.byref(c_scope))
		return (result, SettingsScope(c_scope.value))

	def get_string_list_with_scope(self, key, view = None, scope = SettingsScope.SettingsAutoScope):
		if view is not None:
			view = view.handle
		c_scope = core.SettingsScopeEnum(scope)
		length = ctypes.c_ulonglong()
		result = core.BNSettingsGetStringList(self.handle, key, view, ctypes.byref(c_scope), ctypes.byref(length))
		out_list = []
		for i in range(length.value):
		core.BNFreeStringList(result, length)
		return (out_list, SettingsScope(c_scope.value))

	def get_json_with_scope(self, key, view = None, scope = SettingsScope.SettingsAutoScope):
		if view is not None:
			view = view.handle
		c_scope = core.SettingsScopeEnum(scope)
		result = core.BNSettingsGetJson(self.handle, key, view, ctypes.byref(c_scope))
		return (result, SettingsScope(c_scope.value))

	def set_bool(self, key, value, view = None, scope = SettingsScope.SettingsAutoScope):
		if view is not None:
			view = view.handle
		return core.BNSettingsSetBool(self.handle, view, scope, key, value)

	def set_double(self, key, value, view = None, scope = SettingsScope.SettingsAutoScope):
		if view is not None:
			view = view.handle
		return core.BNSettingsSetDouble(self.handle, view, scope, key, value)

	def set_integer(self, key, value, view = None, scope = SettingsScope.SettingsAutoScope):
		if view is not None:
			view = view.handle
		return core.BNSettingsSetUInt64(self.handle, view, scope, key, value)

	def set_string(self, key, value, view = None, scope = SettingsScope.SettingsAutoScope):
		if view is not None:
			view = view.handle
		return core.BNSettingsSetString(self.handle, view, scope, key, value)

	def set_string_list(self, key, value, view = None, scope = SettingsScope.SettingsAutoScope):
		if view is not None:
			view = view.handle
		length = ctypes.c_ulonglong()
		length.value = len(value)
		string_list = (ctypes.c_char_p * len(value))()
		for i in range(len(value)):
			string_list[i] = value[i].encode('charmap')
		return core.BNSettingsSetStringList(self.handle, view, scope, key, string_list, length)

	def set_json(self, key, value, view = None, scope = SettingsScope.SettingsAutoScope):
		if view is not None:
			view = view.handle
		return core.BNSettingsSetJson(self.handle, view, scope, key, value)