Пример #1
 def delete_dataset_collection(self, history_id, dataset_collection_id):
     Mark corresponding dataset collection as deleted.
     url = self.gi._make_url(self, history_id, contents=True)
     # Append the dataset_id to the base history contents URL
     url = '/'.join([url, "dataset_collections", dataset_collection_id])
     Client._delete(self, payload={}, url=url)
Пример #2
    def delete_dataset_collection(self, history_id, dataset_collection_id):
        Mark corresponding dataset collection as deleted.

        :type history_id: str
        :param history_id: Encoded history ID

        :type dataset_collection_id: str
        :param dataset_collection_id: Encoded dataset collection ID
        url = self.gi._make_url(self, history_id, contents=True)
        # Append the dataset_id to the base history contents URL
        url = '/'.join([url, "dataset_collections", dataset_collection_id])
        Client._delete(self, payload={}, url=url)
Пример #3
    def delete_dataset(self, history_id, dataset_id):
        Mark corresponding dataset as deleted.

        :type history_id: str
        :param history_id: Encoded history ID

        :type dataset_id: str
        :param dataset_id: Encoded dataset ID
        url = self.gi._make_url(self, history_id, contents=True)
        # Append the dataset_id to the base history contents URL
        url = "/".join([url, dataset_id])
        Client._delete(self, payload={}, url=url)
Пример #4
    def delete_dataset_collection(self, history_id, dataset_collection_id):
        Mark corresponding dataset collection as deleted.

        :type history_id: str
        :param history_id: Encoded history ID

        :type dataset_collection_id: str
        :param dataset_collection_id: Encoded dataset collection ID
        url = self.gi._make_url(self, history_id, contents=True)
        # Append the dataset_id to the base history contents URL
        url = '/'.join([url, "dataset_collections", dataset_collection_id])
        Client._delete(self, url=url)
Пример #5
    def delete_library_dataset(self, library_id, dataset_id, purged=False):
        Deleta a library dataset in a data library

        :type library_id: string
        :param library_id: Encoded Library id where dataset is found in

        :type dataset_id: string
        :param dataset_id: Encoded dataset id to be deleted

        :type purged: Boolean
        :param purged: Indicate that the dataset should be purged (permanently deleted)

        :rtype: dict
        :return: A dictionary containing the datset id and whether the dataset has been deleted
                 For example::

                 {u'deleted': True, u'id': u'60e680a037f41974'}


        url = self.gi._make_url(self, library_id, contents=True)
        # Append the dataset_id to the base history contents URL
        url = '/'.join([url, dataset_id])
        return Client._delete(self, url=url, payload={'purged': purged})
Пример #6
    def delete_library_dataset(self, library_id, dataset_id, purged=False):
        Deleta a library dataset in a data library

        :type library_id: string
        :param library_id: Encoded Library id where dataset is found in

        :type dataset_id: string
        :param dataset_id: Encoded dataset id to be deleted

        :type purged: Boolean
        :param purged: Indicate that the dataset should be purged (permanently deleted)

        :rtype: dict
        :return: A dictionary containing the datset id and whether the dataset has been deleted
                 For example::

                 {u'deleted': True, u'id': u'60e680a037f41974'}


        url = self.gi._make_url(self, library_id, contents=True)
        # Append the dataset_id to the base history contents URL
        url = '/'.join([url, dataset_id])
        return Client._delete(self, url=url, payload={'purged': purged})
Пример #7
    def delete_library(self, library_id):
        Delete a data library identified by `library_id`.

        .. warning::
            Deleting a data library is irreversible - all of the data from
            the library will be permanently deleted.
        payload = {}
        return Client._delete(self, payload, id=library_id)
Пример #8
    def delete_workflow(self, workflow_id):
        Delete a workflow identified by `workflow_id`.

        .. warning::
            Deleting a workflow is irreversible - all workflow data
            will be permanently deleted.
        payload = {}
        return Client._delete(self, payload, id=workflow_id)
Пример #9
    def delete_workflow(self, workflow_id):
        Delete a workflow identified by `workflow_id`.

        .. warning::
            Deleting a workflow is irreversible - all workflow data
            will be permanently deleted.
        payload = {}
        return Client._delete(self, payload, id=workflow_id)
    def delete_data_table(self, data_table_id, values):
        Delete an item from a data table.

        The ``values`` is a "|" separated list of column contents, there must be a value for all the columns of the data table
        payload = {}
        payload['values'] = values
        return Client._delete(self, payload, id=data_table_id)
Пример #11
    def delete_library(self, library_id):
        Delete a data library identified by `library_id`.

        .. warning::
            Deleting a data library is irreversible - all of the data from
            the library will be permanently deleted.
        payload = {}
        return Client._delete(self, payload, id=library_id)
Пример #12
    def cancel_invocation(self, workflow_id, invocation_id):
        """ Cancel the scheduling of a workflow.

        :type workflow_id: str
        :param workflow_id: Encoded workflow ID

        :type invocation_id: str
        :param invocation_id: Encoded workflow invocation ID
        url = self._invocation_url(workflow_id, invocation_id)
        return Client._delete(self, url=url)
Пример #13
    def cancel_invocation(self, workflow_id, invocation_id):
        Cancel the scheduling of a workflow.

        :type workflow_id: str
        :param workflow_id: Encoded workflow ID

        :type invocation_id: str
        :param invocation_id: Encoded workflow invocation ID
        url = self._invocation_url(workflow_id, invocation_id)
        return Client._delete(self, url=url)
Пример #14
    def delete_group_user(self, group_id, user_id):
        Remove a user from the given group.

        :type group_id: str
        :param group_id: Encoded group ID

        :type user_id: str
        :param user_id: Encoded user ID to remove from the group
        url = '/'.join([self.gi._make_url(self, group_id), 'users', user_id])
        return Client._delete(self, {}, url=url)
Пример #15
    def delete_workflow(self, workflow_id):
        Delete a workflow identified by `workflow_id`.

        :type workflow_id: str
        :param workflow_id: Encoded workflow ID

        .. warning::
            Deleting a workflow is irreversible - all workflow data
            will be permanently deleted.
        return Client._delete(self, id=workflow_id)
Пример #16
    def delete_workflow(self, workflow_id):
        Delete a workflow identified by `workflow_id`.

        :type workflow_id: str
        :param workflow_id: Encoded workflow ID

        .. warning::
            Deleting a workflow is irreversible - all workflow data
            will be permanently deleted.
        return Client._delete(self, id=workflow_id)
Пример #17
    def delete_history(self, history_id, purge=False):
        Delete a history.

        If ``purge`` is set to ``True``, also purge the history. Note that for
        the purge option to work, ``allow_user_dataset_purge`` option must be
        set in the Galaxy's configuration file ``universe_wsgi.ini``
        payload = {}
        if purge is True:
            payload['purge'] = purge
        return Client._delete(self, payload, id=history_id)
    def delete_folder(self, folder_id, undelete=False):
        Marks the folder with the given ``id`` as `deleted` (or removes the `deleted` mark if the `undelete` param is true)

        :type folder_id: an encoded id string (has to be prefixed by 'F')
        :param folder_id: the folder's encoded id (required)

        :returns:   detailed folder information
        :rtype:     dictionary
        payload = {'undelete': undelete}
        return Client._delete(self, payload, id=folder_id)
Пример #19
    def delete_group_role(self, group_id, role_id):
        Remove a role from the given group.

        :type group_id: str
        :param group_id: Encoded group ID

        :type role_id: str
        :param role_id: Encoded role ID to remove from the group
        url = '/'.join([self.gi._make_url(self, group_id), 'roles', role_id])
        return Client._delete(self, {}, url=url)
Пример #20
    def delete_history(self, history_id, purge=False):
        Delete a history.

        If ``purge`` is set to ``True``, also purge the history. Note that for
        the purge option to work, ``allow_user_dataset_purge`` option must be
        set in the Galaxy's configuration file ``universe_wsgi.ini``
        payload = {}
        if purge is True:
            payload['purge'] = purge
        return Client._delete(self, payload, id=history_id)
Пример #21
    def delete_data_table(self, data_table_id, values):
        Delete an item from a data table.

        :type data_table_id: str
        :param data_table_id: ID of the data table

        :type values: str
        :param values: a "|" separated list of column contents, there must be a
          value for all the columns of the data table
        payload = {'values': values}
        return Client._delete(self, payload=payload, id=data_table_id)
Пример #22
    def delete_library(self, library_id):
        Delete a data library.

        :type library_id: str
        :param library_id: Encoded data library ID identifying the library to be deleted

        .. warning::
            Deleting a data library is irreversible - all of the data from
            the library will be permanently deleted.
        payload = {}
        return Client._delete(self, payload, id=library_id)
Пример #23
    def delete_library(self, library_id):
        Delete a data library.

        :type library_id: str
        :param library_id: Encoded data library ID identifying the library to be deleted

        .. warning::
            Deleting a data library is irreversible - all of the data from
            the library will be permanently deleted.
        payload = {}
        return Client._delete(self, payload, id=library_id)
Пример #24
    def delete_history(self, history_id, purge=False):
        Delete a history.

        If ``purge`` is set to ``True``, also purge the history.

        .. note::
          For the purge option to work, the Galaxy instance must have the
          ``allow_user_dataset_purge`` option set to ``True`` in the
          ``config/galaxy.ini`` configuration file.
        payload = {}
        if purge is True:
            payload['purge'] = purge
        return Client._delete(self, payload, id=history_id)
Пример #25
    def delete_data_table(self, data_table_id, values):
        Delete an item from a data table.

        :type data_table_id: str
        :param data_table_id: ID of the data table

        :type values: str
        :param values: a "|" separated list of column contents, there must be a
          value for all the columns of the data table
        payload = {}
        payload['values'] = values

        return Client._delete(self, payload, id=data_table_id)
Пример #26
    def delete_folder(self, folder_id, undelete=False):
        Marks the folder with the given ``id`` as `deleted` (or removes the
        `deleted` mark if the `undelete` param is True).

        :type folder_id: str
        :param folder_id: the folder's encoded id, prefixed by 'F'

        :type undelete: bool
        :param undelete: If set to True, the folder will be undeleted
                         (i.e. the `deleted` mark will be removed)

        :returns:   detailed folder information
        :rtype:     dict
        payload = {'undelete': undelete}
        return Client._delete(self, payload, id=folder_id)
Пример #27
    def delete_folder(self, folder_id, undelete=False):
        Marks the folder with the given ``id`` as `deleted` (or removes the
        `deleted` mark if the `undelete` param is True).

        :type folder_id: str
        :param folder_id: the folder's encoded id, prefixed by 'F'

        :type undelete: bool
        :param undelete: If set to True, the folder will be undeleted
                         (i.e. the `deleted` mark will be removed)

        :returns:   detailed folder information
        :rtype:     dict
        payload = {'undelete': undelete}
        return Client._delete(self, payload, id=folder_id)
Пример #28
    def delete_history(self, history_id, purge=False):
        Delete a history.

        :type history_id: str
        :param history_id: Encoded history ID

        :type purge: bool
        :param purge: if ``True``, also purge (permanently delete) the history

        .. note::
          For the purge option to work, the Galaxy instance must have the
          ``allow_user_dataset_purge`` option set to ``True`` in the
          ``config/galaxy.ini`` configuration file.
        payload = {}
        if purge is True:
            payload['purge'] = purge
        return Client._delete(self, payload, id=history_id)
Пример #29
    def delete_history(self, history_id, purge=False):
        Delete a history.

        :type history_id: str
        :param history_id: Encoded history ID

        :type purge: bool
        :param purge: if ``True``, also purge (permanently delete) the history

        .. note::
          For the purge option to work, the Galaxy instance must have the
          ``allow_user_dataset_purge`` option set to ``True`` in the
          ``config/galaxy.ini`` configuration file.
        payload = {}
        if purge is True:
            payload['purge'] = purge
        return Client._delete(self, payload=payload, id=history_id)
Пример #30
    def delete_user(self, user_id, purge=False):
        Delete a user.

        .. note::
          For this method to work, the Galaxy instance must have the
          ``allow_user_deletion`` option set to ``True`` in the
          ``config/galaxy.ini`` configuration file.

        :type user_id: str
        :param user_id: encoded user ID

        :type purge: bool
        :param purge: if ``True``, also purge (permanently delete) the history

        :rtype: dict
        :return: a dictionary containing information about the deleted user
        params = {}
        if purge is True:
            params['purge'] = purge
        return Client._delete(self, id=user_id, params=params)
Пример #31
    def delete_user(self, user_id, purge=False):
        Delete a user.

        .. note::
          For this method to work, the Galaxy instance must have the
          ``allow_user_deletion`` option set to ``True`` in the
          ``config/galaxy.ini`` configuration file.

        :type user_id: str
        :param user_id: encoded user ID

        :type purge: bool
        :param purge: if ``True``, also purge (permanently delete) the history

        :rtype: dict
        :return: a dictionary containing information about the deleted user
        params = {}
        if purge is True:
            params['purge'] = purge
        return Client._delete(self, id=user_id, params=params)