Пример #1
    def test_dish_ages(self, mocker):
        # mocker.spy wraps Bacteria.ages() so that we can get
        # a call count (and more information if we wanted)
        mocker.spy(Bacteria, 'ages')

        n_a, n_b = 10, 20
        d = Dish(n_a, n_b)

        assert Bacteria.ages.call_count == n_a + n_b
Пример #2
    def test_dish_ages_callers(self, mocker):
        # mocker.spy wraps Bacteria.ages() so that we can get
        # a list of arguments for all calls to ages()
        mocker.spy(Bacteria, 'ages')

        n_a, n_b = 10, 20
        d = Dish(n_a, n_b)

        # get list of arguments for each call
        # each element of the list is a tuple: (positional_args, kwargs)
        # ages() takes only self as positional arg, so we are only
        # interested in those
        args = Bacteria.ages.call_args_list
        pos_args, kwargs = zip(*args)

        # pos_args should be n_a + n_b different bacteria objects
        # use set() to eliminate duplicates
        assert len(set(pos_args)) == len(pos_args)