def run(start=1, end='', gap_open=11, gap_extend=1, local_=False, global_=False, semiglobal=False, protein=False, translate=False, inter=False, table=False, mutations=False, strict=False, pep1=False, pep3=False, limit=1, verbose=False, target=None, query=None): """ Performs an alignment between the query and target. """ # Alignments over this size will take a long time! MAX_LEN = 100000 # Set the verbosity of the process. utils.set_verbosity(logger, level=int(verbose)) # Reset counter (needed for consistency during testing). jsonrec.reset_sequence_names() # This method requires two inputs. if not (query and target): utils.error(f"Please specify a TARGET and a QUERY") if global_: mode = const.GLOBAL_ALIGN elif local_: mode = const.LOCAL_ALIGN elif semiglobal: mode = const.SEMIGLOBAL_ALIGN else: mode = const.GLOBAL_ALIGN # A parameter for each record. common = dict( protein=protein, translate=translate, mutations=mutations, pep1=pep1, pep3=pep3, table=table, strict=strict, start=start, end=end, gap_open=gap_open, gap_extend=gap_extend, mode=mode ) # Create parameters to represent each data. param_t = objects.Param(acc=target, **common) param_q = objects.Param(acc=query, **common) # Fill JSON data for parameters. param_t.json = fetch.get_json(param_t.acc, inter=inter, strict=True)[:limit] param_q.json = fetch.get_json(param_q.acc, inter=inter, strict=True)[:limit] # Each data object may contain several records. # # For more than one record we iterate in pairs # for rec1, rec2 in zip(param_q.json, param_t.json): qrecs = fastarec.get_fasta(rec1, param=param_q) trecs = fastarec.get_fasta(rec2, param=param_t) for qseq, tseq in zip(qrecs, trecs): if (len(qseq) > MAX_LEN): utils.error(f"query is longer than maximum: {len(qseq):,} > {MAX_LEN:,}") if (len(tseq) > MAX_LEN): utils.error(f"target sequence is longer than maximum: {len(tseq):,} > {MAX_LEN:,}") biopython_align(qseq=qseq, tseq=tseq, param=param_q)
def run(start=1, end='', mode=LOCAL_ALIGN, gap_open=11, gap_extend=1, protein=False, translate=False, inter=False, verbose=False, query='', target=''): """ Handles an alignment request. """ # Set the verbosity of the process. utils.set_verbosity(logger, level=int(verbose)) # Ensure counter is reset. jsonrec.reset_counter() # Requires two inputs. if not (query and target): utils.error(f"Please specify both a QUERY and a TARGET") param1 = objects.Param(name=query, protein=protein, translate=translate, start=start, end=end, gap_open=gap_open, gap_extend=gap_extend, mode=mode) param2 = objects.Param(name=target, protein=protein, translate=translate, start=start, end=end, gap_open=gap_open, gap_extend=gap_extend, mode=mode) # Get the JSON data. param1.json = storage.get_json(, inter=inter, strict=True) param2.json = storage.get_json(, inter=inter, strict=True) for rec1 in param1.json: for rec2 in param2.json: qrecs = fastarec.get_fasta(rec1, param=param1) trecs = fastarec.get_fasta(rec2, param=param2) for qseq in qrecs: for tseq in trecs: parasail_align(qseq=qseq, tseq=tseq, param=param1)
def make_param(acc): """ Creates a parameter for each accession. """ # Set the verbosity utils.set_verbosity(logger, level=int(verbose)) # A simple wrapper class to carry all parameters around. p = objects.Param(start=start, end=end, seqid=seqid, protein=protein, revcomp=revcomp, acc=acc, translate=translate, reverse=reverse, uid=id_, gff=gff, complement=complement, name=name, inter=inter, features=features, fasta=fasta, type=type, gene=gene, regexp=match, transcribe=transcribe) # Fill the json data for the parameter if not an update p.json = fetch.get_json(p.acc, seqid=seqid, inter=inter) return p
def run(update=False, rename='', seqid='', protein=False, verbose=False, *data): """ Fetches and manages data in storage. """ # Set the verbosity utils.set_verbosity(logger, level=int(verbose)) # Reset counter (needed for consistency during testing). jsonrec.reset_counter() # A simple wrapper class to represent input parameters. param = objects.Param(seqid=seqid, rename=rename, start=1, protein=protein, update=update) # Fetch the data. fetch_data(data, param=param) # Renaming after fetching. if rename: rename_data(data, param=param, newname=rename)
def make_param(name): """ Creates a parameter for each accession. """ # Set the verbosity utils.set_verbosity(logger, level=int(verbose)) # A very common error to pass a fragment as if name.startswith("-"): msg = f"Invalid accession number: {name}" utils.error(msg) # A simple wrapper class to carry all parameters around. p = objects.Param(start=start, end=end, seqid=seqid, protein=protein, revcomp=revcomp, update=update, name=name, gff=gff, translate=translate, reverse=reverse, complement=complement, fasta=fasta, type=type, gene=gene, regexp=match, transcribe=transcribe) # Fill the json data for the parameter. p.json = storage.get_json(, seqid=seqid, inter=inter) return p
def run(start=1, end='', gap_open=11, gap_extend=1, local_=False, global_=False, semiglobal=False, protein=False, translate=False, inter=False, verbose=False, query=None, target=None): """ Performs an alignment between the query and target. """ # Set the verbosity of the process. utils.set_verbosity(logger, level=int(verbose)) # Ensure counter is reset. jsonrec.reset_counter() # Requires two inputs. if not (query and target): utils.error(f"Please specify both a QUERY and a TARGET") if global_: mode = const.GLOBAL_ALIGN elif local_: mode = const.LOCAL_ALIGN elif semiglobal: mode = const.SEMIGLOBAL_ALIGN else: mode = const.SEMIGLOBAL_ALIGN param1 = objects.Param(acc=query, protein=protein, translate=translate, start=start, end=end, gap_open=gap_open, gap_extend=gap_extend, mode=mode) param2 = objects.Param(acc=target, protein=protein, translate=translate, start=start, end=end, gap_open=gap_open, gap_extend=gap_extend, mode=mode) # Get the JSON data. param1.json = storage.get_json(param1.acc, inter=inter, strict=True) param2.json = storage.get_json(param2.acc, inter=inter, strict=True) for rec1 in param1.json: for rec2 in param2.json: qrecs = fastarec.get_fasta(rec1, param=param1) trecs = fastarec.get_fasta(rec2, param=param2) for qseq in qrecs: for tseq in trecs: parasail_align(qseq=qseq, tseq=tseq, param=param1)
def run(start=1, end='', gap_open=11, gap_extend=1, local_=False, global_=False, semiglobal=False, protein=False, translate=False, inter=False, table=False, strict=False, pep1=False, pep3=False, verbose=False, target=None, query=None): """ Performs an alignment between the query and target. """ # Alignments over this size will take a long time! MAX_LEN = 100000 # Set the verbosity of the process. utils.set_verbosity(logger, level=int(verbose)) # Reset counter (needed for consistency during testing). jsonrec.reset_counter() # This method requires two inputs. if not (query and target): utils.error(f"Please specify both a QUERY and a TARGET") if global_: mode = const.GLOBAL_ALIGN elif local_: mode = const.LOCAL_ALIGN elif semiglobal: mode = const.SEMIGLOBAL_ALIGN else: mode = const.GLOBAL_ALIGN # A parameter for each record. param1 = objects.Param(acc=query, protein=protein, translate=translate, pep1=pep1, pep3=pep3, start=start, end=end, gap_open=gap_open, gap_extend=gap_extend, mode=mode) param2 = objects.Param(acc=target, protein=protein, translate=translate, start=start, end=end, gap_open=gap_open, gap_extend=gap_extend, mode=mode) # Get the JSON data. param1.json = storage.get_json(param1.acc, inter=inter, strict=True) param2.json = storage.get_json(param2.acc, inter=inter, strict=True) # Each data object may contain several records. for rec1 in param1.json: for rec2 in param2.json: qrecs = fastarec.get_fasta(rec1, param=param1) trecs = fastarec.get_fasta(rec2, param=param2) for qseq in qrecs: for tseq in trecs: if (len(qseq) > MAX_LEN): utils.error( f"query is longer than maximum: {len(qseq):,} > {MAX_LEN:,}" ) if (len(tseq) > MAX_LEN): utils.error( f"target sequence is longer than maximum: {len(tseq):,} > {MAX_LEN:,}" ) biopython_align(qseq=qseq, tseq=tseq, param=param1, table=table, strict=strict)