def get_uniprot_df(accList): from bioservices.uniprot import UniProt #imports uniprot u = UniProt(verbose=True) df = u.get_df(accList) return df
dfHag['resID'] = dfHag.resID.astype(int) dfHag['Binding_motif'] = dfHag.Binding_motif.astype(int) dfHag['hagai'] = 'yes' import numpy as np dfHag['ec'] = np.nan u = UniProt(verbose=True) bar = Bar("Processing", max=len(dfHag.index), fill='*', suffix='%(percent).1f%% - %(eta)ds') map = u.mapping('PDB_ID', 'ACC', query=dfHag.pdb) # print(map) # exit() df = u.get_df([id[0] for id in map.values()]) df.to_csv(os.path.join(hdir, 'df_microPDBs.csv')) #returns dataframe with # Unnamed: 0 # Entry # Entry name Gene names Gene names (primary ) Gene names (synonym ) Gene names (ordered locus ) # Gene names (ORF ) Organism Organism ID # Protein names Proteomes Taxonomic lineage (ALL) Taxonomic lineage IDs Virus hosts Sequence Length Mass Gene encoded by Alternative products (isoforms) # Erroneous gene model prediction Erroneous initiation Erroneous termination Erroneous translation Frameshift Mass spectrometry Polymorphism RNA editing Sequence caution # Alternative sequence Natural variant Non-adjacent residues Non-standard residue Non-terminal residue Sequence conflict Sequence uncertainty # Version (sequence) Domains Domain count Domain [CC] Sequence similarities Coiled coil Compositional bias Domain [FT] Motif Region Repeat Zinc finger # EC number Absorption Catalytic activity Cofactor General annotation (ENZYME REGULATION) Function [CC] Kinetics Pathway Redox potential # Temperature dependence pH dependence Active site Binding site DNA binding Metal binding Nucleotide binding Site Gene ontology (GO) Gene ontology (biological process) Gene ontology (molecular function) # Gene ontology (cellular component) Gene ontology IDs InterPro Interacts with Subunit structure [CC] # PubMed ID Mapped PubMed ID Date of creation Date of last modification Date of last sequence modification Version (entry) # 3D Beta strand Helix Turn Subcellular location [CC] Intramembrane Topological domain Transmembrane Annotation Features Caution Tissue specificity # Miscellaneous [CC] Keywords Protein existence Status Sequence annotation (Features) Protein families Version Comments Cross-reference (null)
class UniProt(object): ''' Aux info plugin. Takes dataframe, extracts entry_ids, adds info from uniprot. Returns modified dataframe. ''' ASPECTMAP = {'C': 'cc', 'F': 'mf', 'P': 'bp'} def __init__(self, config): self.log = logging.getLogger(self.__class__.__name__) self.config = config self.uniprotapi = None self.outdir = os.path.expanduser(config.get('global', 'outdir')) self.taxid_mapfile = os.path.expanduser( config.get('global', 'taxid_mapfile')) self.sprotdatfile = os.path.expanduser( config.get('ontologyplugin', 'sprotdatfile')) self.cachedir = os.path.expanduser( config.get('ontologyplugin', 'cachedir')) excodes = config.get('ontologyplugin', 'excluded_evidence_codes', fallback=[]).split(',') excodes = [x.strip() for x in excodes] self.excluded_evidence_codes = excodes self.sprotdf = None self.udf = None self.tdf = pd.read_csv(self.taxid_mapfile, index_col=0) # Create easy lookup mappings from taxon data frame... itdf = self.tdf.set_index('taxonid') self.taxiddict = itdf.to_dict(orient='index') isdf = self.tdf.set_index('species') self.specdict = isdf.to_dict(orient='index') self.log.debug("UniProtGOlugin initialized.") def cafa_execute(self, dataframe, online=False): """ Takes inbound dataframe of orthologs and adds in GO terms and evidence codes from uniprot/swissprot. For a given ortholog protein, one row is added for each GO term. Returns new dataframe with all info. """ # # inbound: # cafaid evalue score bias db proteinacc protein species cafaprot cafaspec # 0 T100900000001 1.100000e-156 523.6 8.5 sp Q9CQV8 1433B MOUSE 1433B MOUSE # 1 T100900000001 4.100000e-155 518.4 7.7 sp P35213 1433B RAT 1433B MOUSE # 2 T100900000001 5.400000e-155 518.0 7.2 sp A4K2U9 1433B PONAB 1433B MOUSE # 3 T100900000001 5.400000e-155 518.0 7.2 sp P31946 1433B HUMAN 1433B MOUSE # Get all unique target accession numbers. entries = dataframe['proteinacc'].unique().tolist() # Look up GOterms in uniprot... if online: self.uniprotapi = UniProt() self.log.debug("Querying uniprot API for %d unique entries" % len(entries)) self.udf = self.uniprotapi.get_df(entries) self.log.debug(f"\n{self.udf}") self.udf.to_csv("%s/uniprot.csv" % self.outdir) udfslim = self.udf[['Entry', 'Gene ontology IDs']] # df.tacc corresponds to udf.Entry ... # entry == proteinid # gene ontology id = goterm # self.log.debug("Making new rows for each goterm.") newrowdict = {} ix = 0 for row in udfslim.itertuples(): (entry, golist) = row[1:] for goterm in golist: #print("creating new row: %s : %s %s %s" % (ix, entry, gene, goterm)) newrow = [entry, goterm] newrowdict[ix] = newrow ix += 1 godf = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(newrowdict, orient='index', columns=['entry', 'goterm']) else: self.log.debug("Using offline functionality...") godf = self.get_swissprot_df(usecache=True) self.log.debug(f"GO DataFrame:\n{godf}") # proteinid proteinacc goterm goaspect goevidence # 0 001R_FRG3G Q6GZX4 GO:0046782 bp IEA # 1 002L_FRG3G Q6GZX3 GO:0033644 cc IEA # For each go term add row... newdfdict = {} ix = 0 for row in dataframe.itertuples(): self.log.debug("inbound row = %s" % str(row)) #(query, evalue, score, bias, db, tacc, protein, species) = row[1:] (cafaid, evalue, score, bias, db, proteinacc, protein, species, cafaprot, cafaspec) = row[1:] self.log.debug(f"Searching for match for '{proteinacc}'") gomatch = godf[godf.proteinacc == proteinacc] self.log.debug(f"gomatch is:\n {gomatch}") for gr in gomatch.itertuples(): (entry, proteinacc, protein, species, goterm, goaspect, goevidence) = gr[1:] newrow = [ cafaid, evalue, score, bias, db, proteinacc, protein, species, cafaprot, cafaspec, goterm, goaspect, goevidence ] newdfdict[ix] = newrow ix += 1 newdf = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(newdfdict, orient='index', columns=[ 'cafaid', 'evalue', 'score', 'bias', 'db', 'proteinacc', 'protein', 'species', 'cafaprot', 'cafaspec', 'goterm', 'goaspect', 'goevidence' ]) for xc in self.excluded_evidence_codes: self.log.debug( f"{len(newdf.index)} rows. Removing evidence code {xc}...") #newdf = newdf[newdf.goevidence != xc] newdf.drop(newdf.loc[newdf['goevidence'] == xc].index, inplace=True) self.log.debug(f"{len(newdf.index)} rows after.") self.log.debug(f"\n{str(newdf)}") return newdf # Output: # cafaid evalue score bias db proteinacc protein species cafaprot cafaspec goterm goaspect goevidence # 0 T100900000001 1.100000e-156 523.6 8.5 sp Q9CQV8 1433B MOUSE 1433B MOUSE GO:0005737 cc ISO # 1 T100900000001 1.100000e-156 523.6 8.5 sp Q9CQV8 1433B MOUSE 1433B MOUSE GO:0005829 cc ISO # 2 T100900000001 1.100000e-156 523.6 8.5 sp Q9CQV8 1433B MOUSE 1433B MOUSE GO:0042470 cc IEA # def _dat2upr(self): self.log.debug("opening swissprot dat file %s" % self.sprotdatfile) rgen = SeqIO.parse(self.sprotdatfile, "swiss") i = 0 uprlist = [] self.log.debug("Completed SeqIO.parse(). Handling records...") for record in rgen: upr = UniProtRecord(record) uprlist.append(upr) #print(record) i += 1 if i % 10000 == 0: self.log.debug("Handled %d records..." % i) # break self.log.debug("parsed dat file of %d records" % len(uprlist)) return uprlist def get_annotation_df(self): self.log.debug("opening swissprot dat file %s" % self.sprotdatfile) rgen = SeqIO.parse(self.sprotdatfile, "swiss") self.log.debug("rgen type is %s" % type(rgen)) #self.log.debug("Created generator with %d records" % len(rgen)) i = 0 alltuples = [] for record in rgen: #print(record) i += 1 if i % 1000 == 0: self.log.debug("Handled %d records..." % i) goterms = [] for xf in record.dbxrefs: if xf.startswith("GO:"): gt = xf[3:] goterms.append(gt) if len(goterms) > 0: proteinid = protein = taxonid = record.annotations['ncbi_taxid'][0] for gt in goterms: t = (taxonid, proteinid, protein, gt) alltuples.append(t) # fan out over goterms else: # ignore un-annotated entries. pass if i >= 1000: break #self.log.debug("generated %d tuples" % len(alltuples)) self.log.debug(f"Generated { len(alltuples) } tuples") df = pd.DataFrame( alltuples, columns=['taxonid', 'proteinid', 'protein', 'goterm']) return df ########################################## # # Non-cafalib usage (NOT using API) # ########################################## def get_swissprot_df(self, usecache=True): """ Get swissprot info as dataframe from files, without API, one row per GOterm. Fields: proteinid protein taxonid goterm goaspect goevidence self.proteinid = self.proteinacc = record. ? self.protein = self.goterms = [] for xf in record.dbxrefs: if xf.startswith("GO:"): gt = xf[3:] self.goterms.append(gt) self.accessions = record.annotations['accessions'] self.taxonid = record.annotations['ncbi_taxid'][0] """ cachepath = f"{self.cachedir}/sprotgolist.csv" if usecache: if os.path.exists(cachepath): self.sprotdf = pd.read_csv(cachepath, index_col=0) self.log.debug(f"Loaded dataframe from cache: {cachepath}") if self.sprotdf is not None: self.log.debug("Cache hit. Using DataFrame from cache...") else: self.log.debug("Getting dictionary list...") dlist = self._handle_swissprot_file() self.log.debug( f"Got dict list of {len(dlist)} entries. Creating dataframe..." ) self.sprotdf = pd.DataFrame(dlist) #self.sprotdf.set_index('proteinacc', inplace = True) self.log.debug(f"Made dataframe:\n {str(self.sprotdf)}")"Saving dataframe to cache file: {cachepath}") self.sprotdf.to_csv(cachepath) return self.sprotdf def _handle_swissprot_file(self): ''' Read uniprot_sprot.dat and return list of dicts of relevant fields. ''' self.log.debug("Handling swissprot file...") filehandle = None try:"Opening file {self.sprotdatfile}") filehandle = open(self.sprotdatfile, 'r') self.log.debug("File opened. Parsing...") dlist = self._parsefile(filehandle) filehandle.close() except FileNotFoundError: self.log.error("No such file %s" % filename) finally: if filehandle is not None: filehandle.close() self.log.debug("Parsed data file.") return dlist def _parsefile(self, filehandle): """ Parses sprot DAT file and fans out goterms to list of dicts. """ allentries = [] current = None sumreport = 1 suminterval = 10000 repthresh = sumreport * suminterval try: while True: line = filehandle.readline() if line == '': break #for line in filehandle: if line.startswith("ID "): # ID 001R_FRG3G Reviewed; 256 AA. # <prot_name>_<prot_spec> proteinid = line[5:16].strip() current = defaultdict(dict) current['proteinid'] = proteinid (protein, species) = proteinid.split('_') current['protein'] = protein current['species'] = species self.log.debug("Handling ID. New entry.") elif line.startswith("AC "): # AC Q6GZX4; # AC Q91896; O57469; self.log.debug("Handling AC.") accession = line[5:11].strip() current['proteinacc'] = accession elif line.startswith("OX "): #OX NCBI_TaxID=654924; self.log.debug("Handling OX.") taxonid = "" val = line[5:] fields = val.split('=') if fields[0] == 'NCBI_TaxID': taxonid = fields[1].strip().replace(';', '') current['taxonid'] = taxonid elif line.startswith("DR GO;"): # DR GO; GO:0046782; P:regulation of viral transcription; IEA:InterPro. # P biological process, C cellular component, F molecular function. self.log.debug("Handling DR.") fields = line.split(';') goterm = fields[1].strip() goinfo = fields[2] aspcode = goinfo.split(':')[0].strip() goaspect = UniProt.ASPECTMAP[aspcode] goevsrc = fields[3] (goevidence, evsrc) = goevsrc.split(':') goevidence = goevidence.strip() current['goterms'][goterm] = [goaspect, goevidence] elif line.startswith("SQ SEQUENCE"): self.log.debug("Handling SQ: XXX") # line = filehandle.readline() elif line.startswith("GN "): # Examples: # GN ABL1 {ECO:0000303|PubMed:21546455}, # GN Name=BRCA1; Synonyms=RNF53; # GN ORFNames=T13E15.24/T13E15.23, T14P1.25/T14P1.24; # self.log.debug("Handling GN.") val = line[5:] elif line.startswith("//"): self.log.debug("End of entry.") clist = self._handle_current(current) current = None allentries.extend(clist) self.log.debug( f"All entries list now {len(allentries)} items... ") if len(allentries) >= repthresh: f"Processed {len(allentries)} entries... ") sumreport += 1 repthresh = sumreport * suminterval except Exception as e: traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stdout)"Parsed file with {len(allentries)} goterms") return allentries def _handle_current(self, currentinfo): """ takes dictionary: currentinfo = { 'proteinid' : 'x', 'protein' : 'xxx' , 'goterms' : { 'GO:0005634' : [ 'C' , 'HDA' ], 'GO:0005886' : [ 'C' ,'HDA'], } } returns list of dicts: [ { 'proteinid' : 'x', 'protein' : 'xxx' , 'goterm' : 'GO:0005634', 'goaspect':'cc', 'goevidence': 'HDA' }, { 'proteinid' : 'x', 'protein' : 'xxx' , 'goterm' : 'GO:0005886', 'goaspect':'cc', 'goevidence': 'HDA' }, ] """ self.log.debug(f'handling {currentinfo} ') newlist = [] gtdict = currentinfo['goterms'] for gt in gtdict.keys(): self.log.debug(f"Handling term {gt}") newdict = {} newdict['proteinid'] = currentinfo['proteinid'] newdict['proteinacc'] = currentinfo['proteinacc'] newdict['protein'] = currentinfo['protein'] newdict['species'] = currentinfo['species'] newdict['goterm'] = gt newdict['goaspect'] = currentinfo['goterms'][gt][0] newdict['goevidence'] = currentinfo['goterms'][gt][1] newlist.append(newdict) self.log.debug(f"Created fanout of length: {len(newlist)}") return newlist def _make_species_map(self): ''' Parses uniprot speclist.txt to local .CSV taxonid species lineanname commonname 72259 ABANI Abaeis nicippe Sleepy orange butterfly OXYMO E 475340: N=Oxytenis modestia C=Costa Rica leaf moth S=Dead-leaf moth ''' listfile = self.speciesmap self.log.debug("Opening species map file %s" % listfile) try: fh = open(listfile, 'r') except FileNotFoundError: self.log.error("No such file %s" % filename) species = None kingdom = None taxonid = None lineanname = None commonname = None columnnames = [ 'species', 'kingdom', 'taxonid', 'lineanname', 'commonname' ] datalist = [] # list of tuples try: for line in fh: #self.log.debug("handling line %s" % line) if 'N=' in line and not line.startswith('Code'): #self.log.debug("handling N= line. taxonid is %s" % taxonid) if species is not None: tup = (species, kingdom, taxonid, lineanname, commonname) #self.log.debug("Adding tuple: %s" % str(tup)) datalist.append(tup) # reset all varaiables species = kingdom = taxonid = lineanname = commonname = None species = line[:5] kingdom = line[6] taxonid = line[7:15].strip() lineanname = line[19:].strip() #self.log.debug("handling N= line. taxonid is %s" % taxonid) elif 'C=' in line: commonname = line[19:].strip() elif 'S=' in line: pass except Exception as e: traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stdout) finally: fh.close() self.log.debug("Parsed file with %d terms" % len(datalist)) df = pd.DataFrame(datalist, columns=columnnames) outfile = "%s/speclist.csv" % self.outdir self.log.debug("Writing dataframe to %s" % outfile) df.to_csv(outfile) print(str(df)) return df @classmethod def get_default_df(cls, usecache=True): cp = ConfigParser()'~/git/cafa4/etc/cafa4.conf')) upg = UniProt(cp) df = upg.get_swissprot_df(usecache=usecache) return df @classmethod def calculate_prior(cls, dataframe, species=None, goaspect=None): """ @arg dataframe : standard internal dataframe, species : NCBI species code e.g. MOUSE | HUMAN goaspect : internal aspect code e.g. [cc | bp | mf ] proteinid proteinacc protein species goterm goaspect goevidence 11K_PAVHV P0DJZ0 11K PAVHV GO:0030430 cc IDA ... returns: dataframe w/ ranked list of goterms, within the specified species/aspect if supplied. otherwise globally goterm goaspect count prob GO:0045735 cc 3679 .142 GO:0030433 bp 1256 .086 """ df = dataframe if species is not None: df = df[df.species == species] if goaspect is not None: df = df[df.goaspect == goaspect] totalterms = df.goterm.count() newdf = pd.DataFrame(df.goterm.value_counts()).reset_index() newdf.columns = ['goterm', 'counts']