Пример #1
def _pyobj(doc):  # ES doc -> Python object

    for _, _doc in traverse(doc):
        if isinstance(_doc, dict):
            for k, v in list(_doc.items()):
                _doc[k] = _eval(v)
        elif isinstance(_doc, list):
            _doc[:] = map(_eval, _doc)

    return doc
Пример #2
    def _update_one(self, doc, update, *args, **kwargs):

        if args or kwargs:
            raise NotImplementedError()

        if not len(update) == 1:
            raise ValueError("Invalid operator.")

        if next(iter(update)) not in ("$set", "$unset", "$push", "$addToSet",
            raise NotImplementedError(next(iter(update)))

        # https://docs.mongodb.com/manual/reference/operator/update/set/
        # https://docs.mongodb.com/manual/reference/operator/update/unset/
        # https://docs.mongodb.com/manual/reference/operator/update/push/
        # https://docs.mongodb.com/manual/reference/operator/update/addToSet/
        # https://docs.mongodb.com/manual/reference/operator/update/pull/

        if "$set" in update:
            _update = json.loads(to_json(update["$set"]))
            _update = parse_dot_fields(_update)
            doc = update_dict_recur(doc, _update)

        elif "$unset" in update:
            for dotk, v in traverse(doc):
                if dotk in update["$unset"]:
                    v["__REMOVE__"] = True
            doc = merge({}, doc)

        elif "$push" in update:
            for key, val in update["$push"].items():
                if "." in key:  # not all mongo operators are fully implemented
                    raise NotImplementedError("nested key in $push: %s" % key)
                doc.setdefault(key, []).append(val)

        elif "$addToSet" in update:
            for key, val in update["$addToSet"].items():
                if "." in key:  # not all mongo operators are fully implemented
                    raise NotImplementedError("nested key in $addToSet: %s" %
                field = doc.setdefault(key, [])
                if val not in field:

        else:  # "$pull" in update:
            for key, val in update["$pull"].items():
                if "." in key:  # not all mongo operators are fully implemented
                    raise NotImplementedError("nested key in $pull: %s" % key)
                if not isinstance(val, (str, int)):
                    raise NotImplementedError(
                        "value or condition in $pull: %s" % val)
                if isinstance(doc.get(key), list):
                    doc[key][:] = [x for x in doc[key] if x != val]

Пример #3
    def find(self, filter=None, projection=None, *args, **kwargs):

        if args or kwargs:
            raise NotImplementedError()

        results = []
        logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
        for doc in self._read().values():
            _doc = dict(traverse(doc))  # dotdict
            _doc.update(dict(traverse(doc, True)))
            for k, v in (filter or {}).items():
                if isinstance(v, dict) and "$exists" in v:
                    logger.error("Ignored filter: {'%s': %s}", k, v)
                if _doc.get(k) != v:
            else:  # no break

        if projection:  # used by BuildManager.build_info
            logger.error("Ignored projection: %s", projection)

        return results
Пример #4
    def _doc_to_flattened(self):
        Flattened JSON dictionay list items, like this:

        • name: Wellderly Blood Genetics
        • description: Wellderly Blood Genetics
        • author.name: [email protected]
        • author.orcid: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9779-1512

        def keep(item):
            (path, val) = item
            if not path or not str(val):
                return False
            if path.startswith("includedInDataCatalog"):
                return False
            if "@" in path or path.startswith("_"):
                return False
            return True

        def combine(dic, item):
            (key, val) = item
            val = str(val).strip()
            return dic

        def adfy(item):
            (key, strs) = item
            paragraph = ADF().paragraph()
            paragraph.text(key + ': ')
            text = ', '.join(strs)
            if ' ' not in text and urlparse(text).scheme:
            return paragraph

        entries = filter(keep, traverse(self["doc"], True))
        dotdict = reduce(combine, entries, defaultdict(list))
        paragraphs = map(adfy, dotdict.items())

        doc = ADF().bullet_list()
        for paragraph in paragraphs:

        return doc
Пример #5
    def value_in_result(value,
                        result: Union[dict, list],
                        key: str,
                        case_insensitive: bool = False) -> bool:
        Check if value is in result at specific key

        Elasticsearch does not care if a field has one or more values (arrays),
        so you may get a search with multiple values in one field.
        You were expecting a result of type T but now you have a List[T] which
        is bad.
        In testing, usually any one element in the list eq. to the value you're
        looking for, you don't really care which.
        This helper function checks if the value is at a key, regardless
        of the details of nesting, so you can just do this:
            assert self.value_in_result(value, result, 'where.it.should.be')

        case_insensitive only calls .lower() and does not care about locale/

            value: value to look for
            result: dict or list of input, most likely from the APIs
            key: dot delimited key notation
            case_insensitive: for str comparisons, invoke .lower() first
            boolean indicating whether the value is found at the key
            TypeError: when case_insensitive set to true on unsupported types
        res_at_key = []
        if case_insensitive:
                value = value.lower()
            except Exception:
                raise TypeError("failed to invoke method .lower()")
        for k, v in traverse(result, leaf_node=True):
            if k == key:
                if case_insensitive:
                        v = v.lower()
                    except Exception:
                        raise TypeError("failed to invoke method .lower()")
        return value in res_at_key
Пример #6
    def _build_graph_query(self, graph_query):
        Takes a GraphQuery object and return an ES Query object.
        assert isinstance(graph_query, GraphQuery)
        q = graph_query.to_dict()

        _q = []
        _scopes = []

        for k, v in traverse(q, True):
            if isinstance(v, list):
                for _v in v:

        # query proxy object does not support OR operator, thus using _proxied
        return self._build_match_query(_q, _scopes, dotdict()).query._proxied
Пример #7
    def _select_indexer(self, build_name=None):
        """ Find the indexer class required to index build_name. """

        rules = self._config.get("indexer_select")
        if not rules or not build_name:
            return self.DEFAULT_INDEXER

        # the presence of a path in the build doc
        # can determine the indexer class to use.

        path = None
        doc = self._srcbuild.find_one({"_id": build_name})
        for path_in_doc, _ in traverse(doc or dict(), True):
            if path_in_doc in rules:
                if not path:
                    path = path_in_doc
                    _ERR = "Multiple indexers matched."
                    raise RuntimeError(_ERR)

        kls = get_class_from_classpath(rules[path])
        return kls