def animate(self, nb_frames=80, show_now=True, **kwargs): """ Animate solution with bioviz :param nb_frames: Number of frames in the animation. (integer) :param show_now: If updates must be automatically done (True) or not (False) """ try: import bioviz except ModuleNotFoundError: raise RuntimeError("bioviz must be install to animate the model") check_version(bioviz, "2.0.1", "2.1.0") data_interpolate, data_control = Data.get_data( self.ocp, self.sol["x"], integrate=False, interpolate_nb_frames=nb_frames ) if not isinstance(data_interpolate["q"], (list, tuple)): data_interpolate["q"] = [data_interpolate["q"]] all_bioviz = [] for idx_phase, data in enumerate(data_interpolate["q"]): all_bioviz.append(bioviz.Viz(loaded_model=self.ocp.nlp[idx_phase].model, **kwargs)) all_bioviz[-1].load_movement(self.ocp.nlp[idx_phase].mapping["q"] if show_now: b_is_visible = [True] * len(all_bioviz) while sum(b_is_visible): for i, b in enumerate(all_bioviz): if b.vtk_window.is_active: b.update() else: b_is_visible[i] = False else: return all_bioviz
plt.figure("Q_dot") for i in range(q_ac.shape[0]): plt.subplot(2, 3, i + 1) plt.plot(t, qdot_ac[i, :]) plt.plot(t, qdot_ip[i, :]) plt.plot(t, q_dot_ref[i, :]) plt.title(q_name[i]) plt.legend(labels=['Acados', 'Ipopt', 'EKF'], bbox_to_anchor=(1.05, 1), loc='upper left', borderaxespad=0.) # plt.figure("Muscles activations") for i in range(u_ac.shape[0]): plt.subplot(4, 5, i + 1) plt.step(t, u_ac[i, :]) plt.step(t, u_ip[i, :]) plt.step(t, emg_treat[i, :], color='r') plt.title(biorbd_model.muscleNames()[i].to_string()) plt.legend(labels=['Acados', 'Ipopt', 'Target'], bbox_to_anchor=(1.05, 1), loc='upper left', borderaxespad=0.) import bioviz b = bioviz.Viz(model_path=model_path + model) b.load_movement(q_ac) b.exec()
def animate(self, n_frames: int = 0, shooting_type: Shooting = None, show_now: bool = True, **kwargs: Any) -> Union[None, list]: """ Animate the simulation Parameters ---------- n_frames: int The number of frames to interpolate to. If the value is 0, the data are merged to a one phase if possible. If the value is -1, the data is not merge in one phase shooting_type: Shooting The Shooting type to animate show_now: bool If the bioviz exec() function should be called automatically. This is blocking method kwargs: Any Any parameters to pass to bioviz Returns ------- A list of bioviz structures (one for each phase). So one can call exec() by hand """ try: import bioviz except ModuleNotFoundError: raise RuntimeError("bioviz must be install to animate the model") check_version(bioviz, "2.1.1", "2.2.0") data_to_animate = self.integrate( shooting_type=shooting_type) if shooting_type else self.copy() if n_frames == 0: try: data_to_animate = data_to_animate.interpolate(sum(self.ns)) except RuntimeError: pass elif n_frames > 0: data_to_animate = data_to_animate.interpolate(n_frames) states = data_to_animate.states if not isinstance(states, (list, tuple)): states = [states] all_bioviz = [] for idx_phase, data in enumerate(states): # Convert parameters to actual values nlp = self.ocp.nlp[idx_phase] for param in nlp.parameters: if param.function: param.function(nlp.model, self.parameters[], **param.params) all_bioviz.append( bioviz.Viz( self.ocp.nlp[idx_phase].model.path().absolutePath(). to_string(), **kwargs)) all_bioviz[-1].load_movement( self.ocp.nlp[idx_phase].variable_mappings["q"] data["q"])) if show_now: b_is_visible = [True] * len(all_bioviz) while sum(b_is_visible): for i, b in enumerate(all_bioviz): if b.vtk_window.is_active: b.update() else: b_is_visible[i] = False return None else: return all_bioviz
# -- Plot Q -- # q_new = np.ndarray((biorbd_model.nbQ(), len(markersOverFrames))) qdot_new = np.ndarray((biorbd_model.nbQ(), len(markersOverFrames))) for k in range(q_recons.shape[0]): b = np.poly1d(np.polyfit(t, q_recons[k, :], 4)) c = np.poly1d(np.polyfit(t, q_dot_recons[k, :], 4)) q_new[k, :] = b(t) qdot_new[k, :] = c(t) for k in range(q_recons.shape[0]): plt.subplot(5, 4, k+1) plt.plot(t, q_recons[k, :]) # plt.plot(t, q_dot_recons[k, :]) # plt.plot(t, qdot_new[k, :]) plt.plot(t, q_new[k, :]) if bioviz_found: b = bioviz.Viz(loaded_model=biorbd_model) b.load_movement(q_new) b.exec() # Save initial states in .mat file emg_norm = reduce(marker_treat.shape[2], emg_norm)[0] # x_init = np.concatenate((q_recons, q_dot_recons, emg_norm)) x_init = np.concatenate((q_new, qdot_new, emg_norm)) dic[f'x_init_{tries}'] = x_init dic[f't_final_{tries}'] = t_final sio.savemat(data_path + f"sujet_5/states_init_{data}.mat", dic)
sol = ocp.solve( solver=Solver. ACADOS, # FULL_CONDENSING_QPOASES, "PARTIAL_CONDENSING_HPIPM" solver_options={ "qp_solver": "PARTIAL_CONDENSING_HPIPM", "integrator_type": "IRK", "nlp_solver_max_iter": 50, "sim_method_num_steps": 2, "nlp_solver_tol_ineq": float("1e%d" % -i), "nlp_solver_tol_stat": float("1e%d" % -i), "nlp_solver_tol_comp": float("1e%d" % -i), "nlp_solver_tol_eq": float("1e%d" % -i) }) # --- Get the results --- # states, controls, params = Data.get_data(ocp, sol, get_parameters=True) # --- show reults --- # # result = ShowResult(ocp, sol) # result.graphs() # result.animate() q = sol['qqdot'][1:3, :] length = params["gravity_z"][0, 0] print(length) import bioviz b = bioviz.Viz( model_path= "/home/amedeo/Documents/programmation/marker_emg_tracking/models/pendulum.bioMod" ) b.load_movement(q) b.exec()
pn, pn, idx_segment_bow_hair, rt_on_string) custom_rt = Function("custom_rt", [pn.nlp.q], [pn.val]).expand() ObjectiveFcn.Mayer.SUPERIMPOSE_MARKERS.value[0](pn, pn, tag_bow_contact, tag_violin) superimpose = Function("superimpose", [pn.nlp.q], [pn.val]).expand() def objective_function(x, *args, **kwargs): out = np.ndarray((6, )) out[:3] = np.array(custom_rt(x))[:, 0] out[3:] = np.array(superimpose(x))[:, 0] return out b = bioviz.Viz(loaded_model=m, markers_size=0.003, show_markers=True, show_meshes=False) x0 = np.zeros(m.nbDof(), ) if bow_place == "frog": bounds[0][-1] = -0.0701 bounds[1][-1] = -0.0699 else: bounds[0][-1] = -0.551 bounds[1][-1] = -0.549 x0 = np.mean(bounds, axis=0) pos = optimize.least_squares(objective_function, x0=x0, bounds=bounds) print( f"Optimal Q for the bow at {bow_place} on {string_to_test} string is:\n{pos.x}\n" f"with cost function = {objective_function(pos.x)}") b.set_q(pos.x) b.exec()
plt.subplot(2, 3, i + 1) plt.plot(t, qdot[i, :], c='purple') plt.title(q_name[i]) # plt.figure("Tau") # for i in range(q.shape[0]): # plt.subplot(2, 3, i + 1) # plt.plot(t, tau[i, :], c='orange') # plt.title(biorbd_model.muscleNames()[i].to_string()) plt.figure("Muscles controls") for i in range(u.shape[0]): plt.subplot(4, 5, i + 1) plt.step(t, u[i, :], c='orange') plt.plot(t, a[i, :], c='purple') plt.title(biorbd_model.muscleNames()[i].to_string()) plt.legend(labels=['excitations', "activations"], bbox_to_anchor=(1.05, 1), loc='upper left', borderaxespad=0.) b = bioviz.Viz(model_path="arm_wt_rot_scap.bioMod") b.load_movement(q) b.exec() # --- Show results --- # result = ShowResult(ocp, sol) result.graphs() # result.animate()
# Dispatch markers in biorbd structure so EKF can use it markersOverFrames = [] for i in range(markers.shape[2]): markersOverFrames.append( [biorbd.NodeSegment(m) for m in markers[:, :, i].T]) # Create a Kalman filter structure freq = 100 # Hz params = biorbd.KalmanParam(freq) kalman = biorbd.KalmanReconsMarkers(model, params) # Perform the kalman filter for each frame (the first frame is much longer than the next) Q = biorbd.GeneralizedCoordinates(model) Qdot = biorbd.GeneralizedVelocity(model) Qddot = biorbd.GeneralizedAcceleration(model) q_recons = np.ndarray((model.nbQ(), len(markersOverFrames))) for i, targetMarkers in enumerate(markersOverFrames): kalman.reconstructFrame(model, targetMarkers, Q, Qdot, Qddot) q_recons[:, i] = Q.to_array() # Print the kinematics to the console print( f"Frame {i}\nExpected Q = {target_q[:, i]}\nCurrent Q = {q_recons[:, i]}\n" ) # Animate the results if biorbd viz is installed if biorbd_viz_found: b = bioviz.Viz(loaded_model=model) b.load_movement(q_recons) b.exec()
"-", color="#1f77b4", label="Mass Force") axs_2.axvline(x=5, color="k", linewidth=0.8, alpha=0.6, linestyle=(0, (5, 5))) axs_2.set_xlabel("Time [s]").set_fontsize(16) axs_2.set_ylabel("Mass force actuation\n[N]", color="#1f77b4").set_fontsize(16) axs_2.tick_params(axis="y", labelcolor="#1f77b4") ax2 = axs_2.twinx() ax2.plot(0, 0, "-", color="#1f77b4", label="Mass Force") ax2.step(time_vector[:-1], -10 * q[0, :-1], "-", color="#2ca02c", label="Spring Force") ax2.set_ylabel("Spring external force\n[N]", color="#2ca02c").set_fontsize(16) ax2.tick_params(axis="y", labelcolor="#2ca02c") try: os.mkdir(root_path + "figure") except FileExistsError: pass plt.savefig("figure/Mass_Pendulum_Fext.eps", format="eps") print("RMS q_m - q*_m : ", np.std(q[0, 51:] - 0.5)) b = bioviz.Viz(model_path) b.load_movement(q) b.exec()
def show(self, q): import bioviz b = bioviz.Viz(self.models[0].path().absolutePath().to_string()) b.set_q(q if len(q.shape) == 1 else q[:, 0]) b.exec()
import as sio import seaborn from utils import * import bioviz import matplotlib.pyplot as plt biorbd_model = biorbd.Model("arm_wt_rot_scap.bioMod") # Define folder and status file fold_w_emg = f"solutions/w_track_emg_rt_exc/" # Get data for optimal (track EMG) movement mat_content = sio.loadmat(f"{fold_w_emg}track_mhe_w_EMG_excitation_driven_co_lvl0_noise_lvl_0_0.mat") X_est = mat_content["X_est"] q_est = np.mean(X_est[:, : biorbd_model.nbQ(), :], axis=0) b = bioviz.Viz("arm_wt_rot_scap.bioMod") b.load_movement(q_est) b.vtk_window.change_background_color((1, 1, 1)) b.exec()
dic = { "x_est": x_est, "u_est": u_est, "x_ref": x_ref, "x_init": x_wt_noise, "u_ref": u_ref, "time_per_mhe": toc / ceil(ns / rt_ratio - ns_mhe), "time_tot": toc, "q_noise": q_noise, "N_mhe": ns_mhe, "N_tot": ns, "rt_ratio": rt_ratio, "f_est": force_est, "f_ref": force_ref, } sio.savemat(f"data/MHE_results.mat", dic) duration = 1 t = 8 ns = 800 print("*********************************************") print(f"Problem solved with Acados") print(f"Solving time : {dic['time_tot']}s") print(f"Solving frequency : {1/dic['time_per_mhe']}s") # ------ Animate ------ # b = bioviz.Viz(model) b.load_movement(x_est[:biorbd_model.nbQ(), :]) b.exec()