def select_coins(target, fee, output_size, min_change, *, absolute_fee=False, consolidate=False, unspents): ''' Implementation of Branch-and-Bound coin selection defined in Erhart's Master's thesis An Evaluation of Coin Selection Strategies here: :param target: The total amount of the outputs in a transaction for which we try to select the inputs to spend. :type target: ``int`` :param fee: The number of satoshi per byte for the fee of the transaction. :type fee: ``int`` :param output_size: A list containing as int the sizes of each output. :type output_size: ``list`` of ``int` :param min_change: The minimum amount of satoshis allowed for the return/change address if there is no perfect match. :type min_change: ``int`` :param absolute_fee: Whether or not the parameter ``fee`` should be repurposed to denote the exact fee amount. :type absolute_fee: ``bool`` :param consolidate: Whether or not the Branch-and-Bound process for finding a perfect match should be skipped and all unspents used directly. :type consolidate: ``bool`` :param unspents: The UTXOs to use as inputs. :type unspents: ``list`` of :class:`` :raises InsufficientFunds: If ``unspents`` does not contain enough balance to allow spending matching the target. ''' # The maximum number of tries for Branch-and-Bound: BNB_TRIES = 1000000 # COST_OF_OVERHEAD excludes the return address of output_size (last element). COST_OF_OVERHEAD = (8 + sum(output_size[:-1]) + 1) * fee def branch_and_bound(d, selected_coins, effective_value, target, fee, sorted_unspents): # pragma: no cover nonlocal COST_OF_OVERHEAD, BNB_TRIES BNB_TRIES -= 1 COST_PER_INPUT = 148 * fee # Just typical estimate values COST_PER_OUTPUT = 34 * fee # The target we want to match includes cost of overhead for transaction target_to_match = target + COST_OF_OVERHEAD # Allowing to pay fee for a whole input and output is rationally # correct, but increases the fee-rate dramatically for only few inputs. match_range = COST_PER_INPUT + COST_PER_OUTPUT # We could allow to spend up to X% more on the fees if we can find a # perfect match: # match_range += int(0.1 * fee * sum(u.vsize for u in selected_coins)) # Check for solution and cut criteria: if effective_value > target_to_match + match_range: return [] elif effective_value >= target_to_match: return selected_coins elif BNB_TRIES <= 0: return [] elif d >= len(sorted_unspents): return [] else: # Randomly explore next branch: binary_random = randint(0, 1) if binary_random: # Explore inclusion branch first, else omission branch: effective_value_new = effective_value + sorted_unspents[ d].amount - fee * sorted_unspents[d].vsize with_this = branch_and_bound( d + 1, selected_coins + [sorted_unspents[d]], effective_value_new, target, fee, sorted_unspents) if with_this != []: return with_this else: without_this = branch_and_bound(d + 1, selected_coins, effective_value, target, fee, sorted_unspents) return without_this else: # As above but explore omission branch first: without_this = branch_and_bound(d + 1, selected_coins, effective_value, target, fee, sorted_unspents) if without_this != []: return without_this else: effective_value_new = effective_value + sorted_unspents[ d].amount - fee * sorted_unspents[d].vsize with_this = branch_and_bound( d + 1, selected_coins + [sorted_unspents[d]], effective_value_new, target, fee, sorted_unspents) return with_this sorted_unspents = sorted(unspents, key=lambda u: u.amount, reverse=True) selected_coins = [] if not consolidate: # Trying to find a perfect match using Branch-and-Bound: selected_coins = branch_and_bound(d=0, selected_coins=[], effective_value=0, target=target, fee=fee, sorted_unspents=sorted_unspents) remaining = 0 # Fallback: If no match, Single Random Draw with return address: if selected_coins == []: unspents = unspents.copy() # Since we have no information on the user's spending habit it is # best practice to randomly select UTXOs until we have enough. if not consolidate: # To have a deterministic way of inserting inputs when # consolidating, we only shuffle the unspents otherwise. shuffle(unspents) while unspents: selected_coins.append(unspents.pop(0)) estimated_fee = estimate_tx_fee( sum(u.vsize for u in selected_coins), len(selected_coins), sum(output_size), len(output_size), fee, any(u.segwit for u in selected_coins)) estimated_fee = fee if absolute_fee else estimated_fee remaining = sum(u.amount for u in selected_coins) - target - estimated_fee if remaining >= min_change and (not consolidate or len(unspents) == 0): break else: raise InsufficientFunds('Balance {} is less than {} (including ' 'fee).'.format( sum(u.amount for u in selected_coins), target + min_change + estimated_fee)) return selected_coins, remaining
def sanitize_tx_data(unspents, outputs, fee, leftover, combine=True, message=None, compressed=True, version='main'): """ sanitize_tx_data() fee is in satoshis per byte. """ outputs = outputs.copy() for i, output in enumerate(outputs): dest, amount, currency = output # Sanity check: If spending from main-/testnet, then all output addresses must also be for main-/testnet. if amount: # ``dest`` could be a text to be stored in the blockchain; but only if ``amount`` is exactly zero. vs = get_version(dest) if vs and vs != version: raise ValueError('Cannot send to ' + vs + 'net address when spending from a ' + version + 'net address.') outputs[i] = (dest, currency_to_satoshi_cached(amount, currency)) if not unspents: raise ValueError('Transactions must have at least one unspent.') # Temporary storage so all outputs precede messages. messages = [] if message: message_chunks = chunk_data(message.encode('utf-8'), MESSAGE_LIMIT) for message in message_chunks: messages.append((message, 0)) # Include return address in fee estimate. total_in = 0 num_outputs = len(outputs) + len(messages) + 1 sum_outputs = sum(out[1] for out in outputs) if combine: # calculated_fee is in total satoshis. calculated_fee = estimate_tx_fee(len(unspents), num_outputs, fee, compressed) total_out = sum_outputs + calculated_fee unspents = unspents.copy() total_in += sum(unspent.amount for unspent in unspents) else: unspents = sorted(unspents, key=lambda x: x.amount) index = 0 for index, unspent in enumerate(unspents): total_in += unspent.amount calculated_fee = estimate_tx_fee(len(unspents[:index + 1]), num_outputs, fee, compressed) total_out = sum_outputs + calculated_fee if total_in >= total_out: break unspents[:] = unspents[:index + 1] remaining = total_in - total_out if remaining > 0: outputs.append((leftover, remaining)) elif remaining < 0: raise InsufficientFunds('Balance {} is less than {} (including ' 'fee).'.format(total_in, total_out)) outputs.extend(messages) return unspents, outputs
def sanitize_tx_data(unspents, outputs, fee, leftover, combine=True, message=None, compressed=True): outputs = outputs.copy() for i, output in enumerate(outputs): dest, amount, currency = output outputs[i] = (dest, currency_to_satoshi_cached(amount, currency)) if not unspents: raise ValueError('Transactions must have at least one unspent.') # Temporary storage so all outputs precede messages. messages = [] if message: message_chunks = chunk_data(message.encode('utf-8'), MESSAGE_LIMIT) for message in message_chunks: messages.append((message, 0)) # Include return address in fee estimate. fee = estimate_tx_fee(len(unspents), len(outputs) + len(messages) + 1, fee, compressed) total_out = sum(out[1] for out in outputs) + fee total_in = 0 if combine: unspents = unspents.copy() total_in += sum(unspent.amount for unspent in unspents) else: unspents = sorted(unspents, key=lambda x: x.amount) index = 0 for index, unspent in enumerate(unspents): total_in += unspent.amount if total_in >= total_out: break unspents[:] = unspents[:index + 1] remaining = total_in - total_out if remaining > 0: outputs.append((leftover, remaining)) elif remaining < 0: raise InsufficientFunds('Balance {} is less than {} (including ' 'fee).'.format(total_in, total_out)) outputs.extend(messages) return unspents, outputs
def sanitize_tx_data(unspents, outputs, fee, leftover, combine=True, message=None, compressed=True): """ sanitize_tx_data() fee is in satoshis per byte. """ outputs = outputs.copy() for i, output in enumerate(outputs): dest, amount, currency = output outputs[i] = (dest, currency_to_satoshi_cached(amount, currency)) if not unspents: raise ValueError('Transactions must have at least one unspent.') messages = [] if message: if type(message) == int: messages.append((int_to_unknown_bytes(message), 0)) else: messages.append((hex_to_bytes(message), 0)) # Include return address in output count. num_outputs = len(outputs) + len(messages) + 1 sum_outputs = sum(out[1] for out in outputs) total_in = 0 if combine: # calculated_fee is in total satoshis. calculated_fee = estimate_tx_fee(len(unspents), num_outputs, fee, compressed) total_out = sum_outputs + calculated_fee unspents = unspents.copy() total_in += sum(unspent.amount for unspent in unspents) else: unspents = sorted(unspents, key=lambda x: x.amount) index = 0 for index, unspent in enumerate(unspents): total_in += unspent.amount calculated_fee = estimate_tx_fee(len(unspents[:index + 1]), num_outputs, fee, compressed) total_out = sum_outputs + calculated_fee if total_in >= total_out: break unspents[:] = unspents[:index + 1] remaining = total_in - total_out if remaining > 0: outputs.append((leftover, remaining)) elif remaining < 0: raise InsufficientFunds('Balance {} is less than {} (including ' 'fee).'.format(total_in, total_out)) outputs.extend(messages) return unspents, outputs