def move_policy(sensor, targetPolicy):
    global eptoken
    global epserver

    bit9 = bit9api.bit9Api(
        "https://"+epserver,  # Replace with actual Bit9 server URL
        ssl_verify=False  # Don't validate server's SSL certificate. Set to True unless using self-signed cert on IIS
    # policy to send the naughty host to
    targetPolicyName = targetPolicy
    destPolicies ='v1/policy', ['name:'+targetPolicyName])
    if len(destPolicies)==0:
        raise ValueError("Cannot find destination policy "+targetPolicyName)

    # find the computer id
    destComputer ='v1/computer', ['cbSensorId:'+str(sensor)])
    if len(destComputer)==0:
      raise ValueError("Cannot find computer named "+hostname)

    for c in destComputer:
      print "Moving computer %s from policy %s to policy %s" % (c['name'], c['policyName'], targetPolicyName)
      c['policyId'] = destPolicies[0]['id']
      bit9.update('v1/computer', c)
def main(argv):
    parser = build_cli_parser()
    args = parser.parse_args()
    if not args.server or not args.token or args.query is None:
        print "Missing required param; run with --help for usage"

    print "Computer search criteria: %s" % args.query"Computer search criteria: %s" % args.query)

    bit9 = bit9Api (args.server, token=args.token, ssl_verify=args.ssl_verify)
    search_conditions = args.query

    comps ='v1/computer', search_conditions)

    for comp in comps:
        if comp['ccLevel'] != 0:
            print "%s already performing a Cache Consistency check.  Skipping this computer." % comp['name']
  "%s already performing a Cache Consistency check.  Skipping this computer." % comp['name'])

        agent_id = comp['id']

        ccLevel = raw_input("\n\nInitiate Cache Check for Computer '%s' in policy '%s'\n"
                             "Cache consistency check level can be one of:\n"
                             "0 = None\n"
                             "1 = Quick verification\n"
                             "2 = Rescan known files\n"
                             "3 = Full scan for new files: [0,1,2,3] " % (comp['name'], comp['policyName']))

        if not ccLevel in ['1', '2','3']:
            print "User response was not '1', '2' or '3'. Skipping cache check for %s!" % comp['name']
  "User response was not '1', '2' or '3'. Skipping cache check for %s!" % comp['name'])
            ccLevel = 0

        refreshFlags = raw_input("\nRequest Resync of Policy Rules for Computer '%s' in policy '%s'\n"
                                 "Resync of policy rules can be one of:\n"
                                 "0 = None\n"
                                 "1 = Refresh confg list\n"
                                 "2 = Refresh config list from the file: [0,1,2] " % (comp['name'], comp['policyName']))

        if refreshFlags == '1':
            refreshFlags = 32
        elif refreshFlags == '2':
            refreshFlags = 4096
            print "User response was not '1' or '2'. Skipping policy rules sync for Computer %s!" % comp['name']
  "User response was not '1' or '2'. Skipping policy rules sync for Computer %s!" % comp['name'])
            refreshFlags = 0

        if ccLevel == 0 and refreshFlags == 0:
            print "\nCache Check and Policy Refresh both unset, skipping %s" % comp['name']
  "Cache Check and Policy Refresh both unset, skipping %s" % comp['name'])
            init_cc(bit9, agent_id, ccLevel, refreshFlags)
Пример #3
Please update the script with appropriate Bit9 server address and Bit9 token script.

import time
from datetime import datetime
import sys
import os

# Include our common folder, presumably peer of current folder
sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(__file__)), 'common'))
import bit9api

bit9 = bit9api.bit9Api(
    "https://localhost",  # Replace with actual Bit9 server URL
    token="<enter your Bit9 API token here>",  # Replace with actual Bit9 user token for VT integration
    ssl_verify=False  # Don't validate server's SSL certificate. Set to True unless using self-signed cert on IIS

# Setup our arguments (these could be, for example, passed from the command line)
switchTime = "4/1/2015 8:04AM"  # When to switch policies
targetPolicyName = "sales-2"  # Target policy name
computerCondition = ['policyName:sales-1', 'ipAddress!10.0.1.*', 'deleted:false']  # Condition for computers to move

# Sleep until specified time
sleepTime = datetime.strptime(switchTime, '%m/%d/%Y %I:%M%p') -
if sleepTime.total_seconds()>0:
    print('Sleeping for %d seconds' % sleepTime.total_seconds())
Пример #4
        import bit9api
    except ImportError:
        # Import our common bit9api (assumed to live in common folder, sibling to current folder)
        commonPath = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(__file__)), 'common')
        import bit9api

    logging.basicConfig(format='%(asctime)s %(levelname)s:%(message)s', level=logging.DEBUG)


    bit9 = bit9api.bit9Api(
        "https://localhost",  # Replace with actual Bit9 server URL
        token="<enter your Bit9 API token here>",  # Replace with actual Bit9 user token for VT integration
        ssl_verify=False  # Don't validate server's SSL certificate. Set to True unless using self-signed cert on IIS

    vtConnector = virusTotalConnector(
        vt_token='<enter your VT API key here>',  # Replace with your VT key
        allow_uploads=True,  # Allow VT connector to upload binary files to VirusTotal
        download_location=r'c:\test'  # Replace with actual local file location. If not set,
                                      # script will try to access shared folder where this file resides
                                      # Note that you do not want to end your path with a backslash. ie. use
                                      # r'c:\test' *not* r'c:\test\'.

    print("\n*** VT script starting")
Пример #5
import sys
import os
import time

# Includes the "common" folder that comes from GitHub
sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(__file__)), 'common'))
import bit9api

bit9 = bit9api.bit9Api(
    "",  # Replace with actual Bit9 server URL
    token="api_token",  # Replace with actual Bit9 user token for VT integration
    ssl_verify=False  # Don't validate server's SSL certificate. Set to True unless using self-signed cert on IIS

# Set the desired debug properties here. Documentation for this can be found here:
kernelTrace = 4
debugLevel = 6
debugDuration = 1

# Find all computers with the specified name that are connected
comps ='v1/computer', ['name:DOMAIN\NAME', 'connected:true'])

# Iterate through each computer that was found and perform the specified actions
for c in comps: 
    print("Changing debug level for computer %s (IP: %s)" % (c['name'], c['ipAddress']))
    c['kernelDebugLevel'] = kernelTrace
    c['debugLevel'] = debugLevel
    c['debugDuration'] = debugDuration
    bit9.update('v1/computer', c,'','changeDiagnostics=true')

# Sleep for the debugDuration
Пример #6
import sys
import os
import time

# Includes the "common" folder that comes from GitHub
    os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(__file__)), 'common'))
import bit9api

bit9 = bit9api.bit9Api(
    "",  # Replace with actual Bit9 server URL
    token="api_token",  # Replace with actual Bit9 user token for VT integration
    False  # Don't validate server's SSL certificate. Set to True unless using self-signed cert on IIS

# Set the desired debug properties here. Documentation for this can be found here:
kernelTrace = 4
debugLevel = 6
debugDuration = 1

# Find all computers with the specified name that are connected
comps ='v1/computer', ['name:DOMAIN\NAME', 'connected:true'])

# Iterate through each computer that was found and perform the specified actions
for c in comps:
    print("Changing debug level for computer %s (IP: %s)" %
          (c['name'], c['ipAddress']))
    c['kernelDebugLevel'] = kernelTrace
    c['debugLevel'] = debugLevel
    c['debugDuration'] = debugDuration
Пример #7
					self.bit9_pending_analysis[md5] = uuid
					self.ll_tasks[uuid] = "pending"

		except Exception as ex:
			# Report to Bit9 that we had error analyzing this file. This means we will not try analysis again.
			pa['analysisStatus'] = 4  # (status: Error)
			pa['analysisError'] = 'Lastline %s' % str(ex)

			# Update Bit9 status for this file
			self.b9_api.update('v1/pendingAnalysis', pa)

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Main body of the script

b9_api = bit9api.bit9Api(
	server = 'https://B9_SERVER',
	ssl_verify = False, # Validate cert against CA
	token = 'B9_API_TOKEN'  # Need to add B9 API token here

ll_api = LastlineAPI(
	url = '',
	key = 'LL_API_KEY', # Need to add Lastline API key here
	token = 'LL_API_TOKEN', # Need to add Lastline API token here
	strong_cert = False) # Validate cert against CA
# Need to specify an existing accessible path here (such as c:\\test\\)
connector = LastlineConnector(b9_api, ll_api, download_file_location="c:\\test\\")

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from pprint import pprint
import logging, csv, os, requests
from bit9api import bit9Api

userhome = os.path.expanduser('~')
csv_name = userhome + '/Desktop/test.csv'

api_token= 'AACB5C5F-D9B4-4694-AB9A-8640FF79D401'

bit9 = bit9Api (server, token=api_token, ssl_verify=False)
search_conditions = ['']
#search_conditions = ['uninstalled:False']

comps ='v1/computer', search_conditions)

Current enforcement level. Can be one of:
20=High (Block Unapproved)
30=Medium (Prompt Unapproved)
35=Local approval
40=Low (Monitor Unapproved)
60=None (Visibility)
80=None (Disabled)

enf_dict={20:'high', 30:'medium', 35:'local_approval', 40:'low', 60:'visibility_only', 80:'agent_disabled'}
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from pprint import pprint
import logging, csv, os, requests
from bit9api import bit9Api

userhome = os.path.expanduser('~')
csv_name = userhome + '/Desktop/test.csv'

server = ''
api_token = 'AACB5C5F-D9B4-4694-AB9A-8640FF79D401'

bit9 = bit9Api(server, token=api_token, ssl_verify=False)
search_conditions = ['']
#search_conditions = ['uninstalled:False']

comps ='v1/computer', search_conditions)
Current enforcement level. Can be one of:
20=High (Block Unapproved)
30=Medium (Prompt Unapproved)
35=Local approval
40=Low (Monitor Unapproved)
60=None (Visibility)
80=None (Disabled)

enf_dict = {
    20: 'high',
Пример #10
def main(argv):
    parser = build_cli_parser()
    args = parser.parse_args()
    if not args.server or not args.token or args.query is None:
        print "Missing required param; run with --help for usage"

    print "Computer search criteria: %s" % args.query"Computer search criteria: %s" % args.query)

    bit9 = bit9Api(args.server, token=args.token, ssl_verify=args.ssl_verify)
    search_conditions = args.query

    comps ='v1/computer', search_conditions)

    for comp in comps:
        if comp['ccLevel'] != 0:
            print "%s already performing a Cache Consistency check.  Skipping this computer." % comp[
                "%s already performing a Cache Consistency check.  Skipping this computer."
                % comp['name'])

        agent_id = comp['id']

        ccLevel = raw_input(
            "\n\nInitiate Cache Check for Computer '%s' in policy '%s'\n"
            "Cache consistency check level can be one of:\n"
            "0 = None\n"
            "1 = Quick verification\n"
            "2 = Rescan known files\n"
            "3 = Full scan for new files: [0,1,2,3] " %
            (comp['name'], comp['policyName']))

        if not ccLevel in ['1', '2', '3']:
            print "User response was not '1', '2' or '3'. Skipping cache check for %s!" % comp[
                "User response was not '1', '2' or '3'. Skipping cache check for %s!"
                % comp['name'])
            ccLevel = 0

        refreshFlags = raw_input(
            "\nRequest Resync of Policy Rules for Computer '%s' in policy '%s'\n"
            "Resync of policy rules can be one of:\n"
            "0 = None\n"
            "1 = Refresh confg list\n"
            "2 = Refresh config list from the file: [0,1,2] " %
            (comp['name'], comp['policyName']))

        if refreshFlags == '1':
            refreshFlags = 32
        elif refreshFlags == '2':
            refreshFlags = 4096
            print "User response was not '1' or '2'. Skipping policy rules sync for Computer %s!" % comp[
                "User response was not '1' or '2'. Skipping policy rules sync for Computer %s!"
                % comp['name'])
            refreshFlags = 0

        if ccLevel == 0 and refreshFlags == 0:
            print "\nCache Check and Policy Refresh both unset, skipping %s" % comp[
                "Cache Check and Policy Refresh both unset, skipping %s" %
            init_cc(bit9, agent_id, ccLevel, refreshFlags)
Пример #11
import time
from datetime import datetime
import sys
import os

# Include our common folder, presumably peer of current folder
    os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(__file__)), 'common'))
import bit9api

bit9 = bit9api.bit9Api(
    "https://10.xx.xx.xx",  # Replace with actual Bit9 server URL
    "D1E83724-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-BB8232528F75",  # Replace with actual Bit9 API user token
    False  # Don't validate server's SSL certificate. Set to True unless using self-signed cert on IIS

# Setup our arguments (these could be, for example, passed from the command line)
targetPolicyName = "POLICY_NAME"  # Target policy name
computerCondition = ['name:DOMAIN\HOSTNAME']  # Condition for computers to move

# Find our destination policy by name
destPolicies ='v1/policy', ['name:' + targetPolicyName])
if len(destPolicies) == 0:
    raise ValueError("Cannot find destination policy " + targetPolicyName)

# Our condition is "The computer with the defined hostname"
comps ='v1/computer', computerCondition)
for c in comps:  # Move each returned computer to the defined policy
    print("Moving computer %s from policy %s to policy %s" %
import os

# Include our common folder, presumably peer of current folder
    os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(__file__)), 'common'))
import bit9api

user_inputs = {}
Server = input("Enter the FQDN or IP of your Cb Protection Server : ")
API = input('Enter your API Token : ')
Hostname = input(
    'Enter the Hostname of the computers\'s policy you are changing: ')

bit9 = bit9api.bit9Api(
    "https://{0}".format(Server),  # Replace with actual Bit9 server URL
    token="{0}".format(API),  # Replace with actual Bit9 API user token
    False  # Don't validate server's SSL certificate. Set to True unless using self-signed cert on IIS

# Setup our arguments (these could be, for example, passed from the command line)
targetPolicyName = "Lockdown"  # Target policy name
computerCondition = ['name:{0}'.format(Hostname)
                     ]  # Condition for computers to move

# Find our destination policy by name
destPolicies ='v1/policy', ['name:' + targetPolicyName])
if len(destPolicies) == 0:
    raise ValueError("Cannot find destination policy " + targetPolicyName)

# Our condition is "The computer with the defined hostname"
comps ='v1/computer', computerCondition)