Пример #1
class Testcases(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        self.chain = Blockchain(mode="head")

    def test_is_irv(self):

    def test_info(self):
        info = self.chain.info()
        for i in [
            self.assertIn(i, info)

    def test_parameters(self):
        info = self.chain.chainParameters()
        for i in [
            self.assertIn(i, info)

    def test_network(self):
        info = self.chain.get_network()
        for i in [
            self.assertIn(i, info)

    def test_props(self):
        info = self.chain.get_chain_properties()
        for i in [
            self.assertIn(i, info)

    def test_block_num(self):
        num = self.chain.get_current_block_num()
        self.assertTrue(num > 100)

    def test_block(self):
        block = self.chain.get_current_block()
        self.assertIsInstance(block, Block)

    def test_list_accounts(self):
        for account in self.chain.get_all_accounts():
            self.assertIsInstance(account, str)
            # Break already
Пример #2
def get_latest_block(api_key: hug.types.text, request, hug_timer=5):
	"""Retrieve the latest block's details (date & time) & output in JSON!"""
	if (check_api_token(api_key) == True): # Check the api key
		google_analytics(request, 'get_latest_block')

		chain = Blockchain()
		current_block_number = chain.get_current_block_num()
		block_date = chain.block_time(current_block_number)

		target_block = Block(current_block_number)

		return {'previous': target_block['previous'],
				'timestamp': target_block['timestamp'],
				'witness': target_block['witness'],
				'transaction_merkle_root': target_block['transaction_merkle_root'],
				'extensions': target_block['extensions'],
				'witness_signature': target_block['witness_signature'],
				'transactions': target_block['transactions'],
				'id': target_block['id'],
				'block_date': block_date,
				'block_number': current_block_number,
				'valid_block_number': True,
				'valid_key': True,
				'took': float(hug_timer)}
		return {'valid_key': False,
				'took': float(hug_timer)}
Пример #3
def get_block_details(block_number: hug.types.number,
                      api_key: hug.types.text,
    """Retrieve a specific block's details (date & time) & output in JSON!"""
    if (check_api_token(api_key) == True):  # Check the api key
        # API KEY VALID
            target_block = Block(block_number)
            return {
                'valid_block_number': False,
                'valid_key': True,
                'took': float(hug_timer)

        chain = Blockchain()
        block_date = chain.block_time(block_number)

        return {
            'previous': target_block['previous'],
            'timestamp': target_block['timestamp'],
            'witness': target_block['witness'],
            'transaction_merkle_root': target_block['transaction_merkle_root'],
            'extensions': target_block['extensions'],
            'witness_signature': target_block['witness_signature'],
            'transactions': target_block['transactions'],
            'id': target_block['id'],
            'date': block_date,
            'block_number': block_number,
            'valid_block_number': True,
            'valid_key': True,
            'took': float(hug_timer)

        # API KEY INVALID!
        return {'valid_key': False, 'took': float(hug_timer)}
Пример #4
def dex(  # Public AND Private API Bitshares
        command, amount=ANTISAT, price=None,
        depth=1, expiration=ANTISAT):

    MARKET = Market(BitPAIR, bitshares_instance=BitShares(nodes(), num_retries=0))
    CHAIN = Blockchain(bitshares_instance=BitShares(nodes(), num_retries=0), mode='head')

    if command == 'buy':

        # buy relentlessly until satisfied or currency exhausted
        print(('Bitshares API', command))
        if price is None:
            price = ANTISAT
        print(('buying', amount, 'at', price))
        attempt = 1
        currency = float(ACCOUNT.balance(BitCURRENCY))
        if amount > 0.998 * currency * price:
            amount = 0.998 * currency * price
        if amount > 0:
            while attempt:
                    details = (MARKET.buy(price, amount, expiration))
                    print (details)
                    attempt = 0
                    print(("buy attempt %s failed" % attempt))
                    attempt += 1
                    if attempt > 10:
                        print ('buy aborted')
            print('no currency to buy')

    if command == 'sell':

        # sell relentlessly until satisfied or assets exhausted
        expiration = 86400 * 7
        print(('Bitshares API', command))
        if price is None:
            price = SATOSHI
        print(('selling', amount, 'at', price))
        attempt = 1
        assets = float(ACCOUNT.balance(BitASSET))
        if amount > 0.998 * assets:
            amount = 0.998 * assets
        if amount > 0:
            while attempt:
                    details = (MARKET.sell(price, amount, expiration))
                    print (details)
                    attempt = 0
                    print(("sell attempt %s failed" % attempt))
                    attempt += 1
                    if attempt > 10:
                        print ('sell aborted')
            print('no assets to sell')

    if command == 'cancel':

        # cancel all orders in this MARKET relentlessly until satisfied
        print(('Bitshares API', command))  
        orders = MARKET.accountopenorders()
        print((len(orders), 'open orders to cancel'))
        if len(orders):
            attempt = 1   
            order_list = []      
            for order in orders:
            while attempt:
                    details = MARKET.cancel(order_list)
                    print (details)
                    attempt = 0
                    print((attempt, 'cancel failed', order_list))
                    attempt += 1
                    if attempt > 10:
                        print ('cancel aborted')

    if command == 'orders':

        servers = nodes()
        orders_list =[]
        satisfied = 0
        while not satisfied: #while len set triplicate
            for n in servers:
                sorders = [str(i) for i in orders_list]
                if (len(sorders) >= 3) and len(set(sorders[-3:])) == 1:
                    orders = orders_list[-1]
                    satisfied = 1
                    MARKET = Market(BitPAIR, bitshares_instance=BitShares(n, num_retries=0))

                    # dictionary of open orders in traditional format:
                    # orderNumber, orderType, market, amount, price
                    print(('Bitshares API', command))
                    orders = []
                    for order in MARKET.accountopenorders():
                        orderNumber = order['id']
                        asset = order['base']['symbol']
                        currency = order['quote']['symbol']
                        amount = float(order['base'])
                        price = float(order['price'])
                        orderType = 'buy'
                        if asset == BitASSET:
                            orderType = 'sell'
                            price = 1 / price
                        orders.append({'orderNumber': orderNumber,
                                       'orderType': orderType,
                                       'market': BitPAIR, 'amount': amount,
                                       'price': price})

        for o in orders:
            print (o)
        if len(orders) == 0:
            print ('no open orders')
        return orders

    if command == 'market_balances':

        # dictionary of currency and assets in this MARKET
        print(('Bitshares API', command))
        currency = float(ACCOUNT.balance(BitCURRENCY))
        assets = float(ACCOUNT.balance(BitASSET))
        balances = {'currency': currency, 'assets': assets}
        print (balances)
        return balances

    if command == 'complete_balances':

        # dictionary of ALL account balances
        print(('Bitshares API', command))
        raw = list(ACCOUNT.balances)
        balances = {}
        for i in range(len(raw)):
            balances[raw[i]['symbol']] = float(raw[i]['amount'])
        print (balances)
        return balances

    if command == 'book':

            opened = 0
            while not opened:
                with open('book.txt', 'r') as f:
                    book = f.read()
                    opened = 1
        except Exception as e:
            print (e)
            print ('book.txt failed, try again...')
        return literal(book)

    if command == 'last':

            opened = 0
            while not opened:
                with open('last.txt', 'r') as f:
                    last = f.read()
                    opened = 1
        except Exception as e:
            print (e)
            print ('last.txt failed, try again...')
        return literal(last)

    if command == 'account_value':

        # dictionary account value in BTS BTC and USD
        print(('Bitshares API', command))
        raw = list(ACCOUNT.balances)
        balances = {}
        for i in range(len(raw)):
            balances[raw[i]['symbol']] = float(raw[i]['amount'])
        btc_value = 0
        for asset, amount in list(balances.items()):
            market_pair = 'OPEN.BTC:' + asset
            market = Market(market_pair)
            price = float(market.ticker()['latest'])
                value = amount / price
                value = 0
            if value < 0.0001:
                value = 0
                if asset != 'USD':
                    price = 1 / (price + SATOSHI)
                print((('%.4f' % value), 'OPEN.BTC', ('%.2f' % amount),
                       asset, '@', ('%.8f' % price)))
                btc_value += value

        market_pair = 'OPEN.BTC:USD'
        market = Market(market_pair)
        price = float(market.ticker()['latest'])
        usd_value = btc_value * price
        market_pair = 'OPEN.BTC:BTS'
        market = Market(market_pair)
        price = float(market.ticker()['latest'])
        bts_value = btc_value * price
        print((('%.2f' % bts_value), 'BTS',
             ('%.4f' % btc_value), 'OPEN.BTC',
             ('%.2f' % usd_value), 'bitUSD'))
        return bts_value, btc_value, usd_value

    if command == 'blocktime':

        current_block = CHAIN.get_current_block_num()
        blocktime = CHAIN.block_time(current_block)
        blocktimestamp = CHAIN.block_timestamp(current_block) - 18000
        now = time.time()
        latency = now - blocktimestamp
        print(('block               :', current_block))
        # print(('blocktime           :', blocktime))
        # print(('stamp               :', blocktimestamp))
        # print(('ctime(stamp)        :', time.ctime(blocktimestamp)))
        # print(('now                 :', now))
        print(('dex_rate latency    :', ('%.2f' % latency)))
        return current_block, blocktimestamp, latency
class History(object):
    """This class contains an algorithm to figure out the block numbers in
    the blockchain that the user's dates refer to."""
    def __init__(self):
        """ Initializes the History object. This method will be executed whenever
        we call an instance of the class."""
        self.chain = Blockchain(mode='head')
        current_block_num = self.chain.get_current_block_num()

        # The upper bound block number
        self.upper = current_block_num

        # The lower bound block number
        self.lower = 1

    def block_search(self, target_date):
        """ This call returns the block number corresponding to the date
        that was passed in. It uses a recursive loop that quickly searches for the block
        number by cutting the deck of block numbers in half every time and checking which
        half the desired date is in.
        The user is expected to pass in a date input through the user interface."""

        upper = self.upper
        lower = self.lower
        mid = (upper + lower) / 2

        while ((upper - mid) >= 2):
            if target_date > self.chain.block_time(int(mid)):
                lower = int(mid)
                mid = int((upper + lower) / 2)
                upper = int(mid)
                mid = int((upper + lower) / 2)

        return mid

    def fees_parser(self, start_date, end_date, csv_file="Untitled"):
        """ This parses the BitShares blockchain and aggregates historical fee data by type.
        The user is expected to input start and end dates on the user interface,
        which will be passed into this method. The dates need to be in datetime format."""

        # This will pass in the start date and retrieve the block number for the first block to parse
        begin = self.block_search(start_date)

        # This will pass in the end date and retrieve the block number for
        # the last block to parse. As we want to fully capture the transactions
        # of the last day, we will pass in the next day's date and stop at the block just prior.
        stop = self.block_search(end_date + timedelta(days=1)) - 1

        # List to temporarily hold the dictionaries until we store them in a dataframe
        storage = []

        # We will iterate through the blocks and store relevant block information in a dictionary
        for blocknum in range(begin, stop + 1):

            # Dictionary to store block information
            block_data = dict()

            # To retrieve the blocks from the blockchain
            block = shared_bitshares_instance().rpc.get_block(blocknum)

            # Record the dates
            ts = pd.Timestamp(block["timestamp"])
            block_data["Date"] = datetime.date(ts)

            # Iterating through the data within each block
            for tx in block["transactions"]:
                for op in tx["operations"]:
                    key = getOperationNameForId(op[0])

                    # If the fee was paid in BTS, add the fee amount to the running total for each operation type
                    if op[1]["fee"].get("asset_id") == "1.3.0":
                        block_data[key] = block_data.get(
                            key, 0) + op[1]["fee"].get("amount")

            # Append the dictionaries to the list for each block so that the data won't be lost

        # Creating a dataframe to store the fee information
        data = pd.DataFrame(storage)
        data.fillna(0, inplace=True)

        # Aggregating at the daily level
        daily = data.groupby("Date")
        daily = daily.sum()
        daily.to_csv(str(csv_file) + ".csv")
class Testcases(unittest.TestCase):
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)

        self.bts = BitShares(
        self.chain = Blockchain(mode="head")

    def test_is_irv(self):

    def test_info(self):
        info = self.chain.info()
        for i in [
                "time", "dynamic_flags", "head_block_id", "head_block_number",
            self.assertIn(i, info)

    def test_parameters(self):
        info = self.chain.chainParameters()
        for i in [
            self.assertIn(i, info)

    def test_network(self):
        info = self.chain.get_network()
        for i in [
            self.assertIn(i, info)

    def test_props(self):
        info = self.chain.get_chain_properties()
        for i in [
            self.assertIn(i, info)

    def test_block_num(self):
        num = self.chain.get_current_block_num()
        self.assertTrue(num > 100)

    def test_block(self):
        block = self.chain.get_current_block()
        self.assertIsInstance(block, Block)

    def test_list_accounts(self):
        for account in self.chain.get_all_accounts():
            self.assertIsInstance(account, str)
            # Break already