Пример #1
    def execute(self, context):
        if not hasattr(self, "settings"):
            self.settings = settings.settings
        i18n_sett = context.window_manager.i18n_update_svn_settings
        # 'DEFAULT' and en_US are always valid, fully-translated "languages"!
        stats = {"DEFAULT": 1.0, "en_US": 1.0}

        context.window_manager.progress_begin(0, len(i18n_sett.langs) + 1)
        with concurrent.futures.ProcessPoolExecutor() as exctr:
            num_langs = len(i18n_sett.langs)
            for progress, (lng_uid, stats_val) in enumerate(exctr.map(i18n_updatetranslation_svn_trunk_callback,
                                                                      [dict(lng.items()) for lng in i18n_sett.langs],
                                                                      (self.settings,) * num_langs,
                context.window_manager.progress_update(progress + 1)
                stats[lng_uid] = stats_val

        # Copy pot file from branches to trunk.
        shutil.copy2(self.settings.FILE_NAME_POT, self.settings.TRUNK_PO_DIR)

        print("Generating languages' menu...")
        context.window_manager.progress_update(progress + 2)
        # First complete our statistics by checking po files we did not touch this time!
        po_to_uid = {os.path.basename(lng.po_path): lng.uid for lng in i18n_sett.langs}
        for po_path in os.listdir(self.settings.TRUNK_PO_DIR):
            uid = po_to_uid.get(po_path, None)
            po_path = os.path.join(self.settings.TRUNK_PO_DIR, po_path)
            if uid and uid not in stats:
                po = utils_i18n.I18nMessages(uid=uid, kind='PO', src=po_path, settings=self.settings)
                stats[uid] = po.nbr_trans_msgs / po.nbr_msgs if po.nbr_msgs > 0 else 0
        utils_languages_menu.gen_menu_file(stats, self.settings)

        return {'FINISHED'}
Пример #2
    def execute(self, context):
        if not hasattr(self, "settings"):
            self.settings = settings.settings
        i18n_sett = context.window_manager.i18n_update_svn_settings
        # 'DEFAULT' and en_US are always valid, fully-translated "languages"!
        stats = {"DEFAULT": 1.0, "en_US": 1.0}

        context.window_manager.progress_begin(0, len(i18n_sett.langs) + 1)
        for progress, lng in enumerate(i18n_sett.langs):
            context.window_manager.progress_update(progress + 1)
            if lng.uid in self.settings.IMPORT_LANGUAGES_SKIP:
                print("Skipping {} language ({}), edit settings if you want to enable it.".format(lng.name, lng.uid))
            if not lng.use:
                print("Skipping {} language ({}).".format(lng.name, lng.uid))
            print("Processing {} language ({}).".format(lng.name, lng.uid))
            po = utils_i18n.I18nMessages(uid=lng.uid, kind='PO', src=lng.po_path, settings=self.settings)
            print("Cleaned up {} commented messages.".format(po.clean_commented()))
            errs = po.check(fix=True)
            if errs:
                print("Errors in this po, solved as best as possible!")
                print("\t" + "\n\t".join(errs))
            if lng.uid in self.settings.IMPORT_LANGUAGES_RTL:
                po.write(kind="PO", dest=lng.po_path_trunk[:-3] + "_raw.po")
            po.write(kind="PO", dest=lng.po_path_trunk)
            po.write(kind="PO_COMPACT", dest=lng.po_path_git)
            po.write(kind="MO", dest=lng.mo_path_trunk)
            stats[lng.uid] = po.nbr_trans_msgs / po.nbr_msgs

        # Copy pot file from branches to trunk.
        shutil.copy2(self.settings.FILE_NAME_POT, self.settings.TRUNK_PO_DIR)

        print("Generating languages' menu...")
        context.window_manager.progress_update(progress + 2)
        # First complete our statistics by checking po files we did not touch this time!
        po_to_uid = {os.path.basename(lng.po_path): lng.uid for lng in i18n_sett.langs}
        for po_path in os.listdir(self.settings.TRUNK_PO_DIR):
            uid = po_to_uid.get(po_path, None)
            po_path = os.path.join(self.settings.TRUNK_PO_DIR, po_path)
            if uid and uid not in stats:
                po = utils_i18n.I18nMessages(uid=uid, kind='PO', src=po_path, settings=self.settings)
                stats[uid] = po.nbr_trans_msgs / po.nbr_msgs
        utils_languages_menu.gen_menu_file(stats, self.settings)

        return {'FINISHED'}
Пример #3
    def execute(self, context):
        if not hasattr(self, "settings"):
            self.settings = settings.settings
        i18n_sett = context.window_manager.i18n_update_svn_settings
        # 'DEFAULT' and en_US are always valid, fully-translated "languages"!
        stats = {"DEFAULT": 1.0, "en_US": 1.0}

        context.window_manager.progress_begin(0, len(i18n_sett.langs) + 1)
        for progress, lng in enumerate(i18n_sett.langs):
            context.window_manager.progress_update(progress + 1)
            if lng.uid in self.settings.IMPORT_LANGUAGES_SKIP:
                print("Skipping {} language ({}), edit settings if you want to enable it.".format(lng.name, lng.uid))
            if not lng.use:
                print("Skipping {} language ({}).".format(lng.name, lng.uid))
            print("Processing {} language ({}).".format(lng.name, lng.uid))
            po = utils_i18n.I18nMessages(uid=lng.uid, kind='PO', src=lng.po_path, settings=self.settings)
            print("Cleaned up {} commented messages.".format(po.clean_commented()))
            errs = po.check(fix=True)
            if errs:
                print("Errors in this po, solved as best as possible!")
                print("\t" + "\n\t".join(errs))
            if lng.uid in self.settings.IMPORT_LANGUAGES_RTL:
                po.write(kind="PO", dest=lng.po_path_trunk[:-3] + "_raw.po")
            po.write(kind="PO", dest=lng.po_path_trunk)
            po.write(kind="PO_COMPACT", dest=lng.po_path_git)
            po.write(kind="MO", dest=lng.mo_path_trunk)
            stats[lng.uid] = po.nbr_trans_msgs / po.nbr_msgs

        # Copy pot file from branches to trunk.
        shutil.copy2(self.settings.FILE_NAME_POT, self.settings.TRUNK_PO_DIR)

        print("Generating languages' menu...")
        context.window_manager.progress_update(progress + 2)
        # First complete our statistics by checking po files we did not touch this time!
        po_to_uid = {os.path.basename(lng.po_path): lng.uid for lng in i18n_sett.langs}
        for po_path in os.listdir(self.settings.TRUNK_PO_DIR):
            uid = po_to_uid.get(po_path, None)
            po_path = os.path.join(self.settings.TRUNK_PO_DIR, po_path)
            if uid and uid not in stats:
                po = utils_i18n.I18nMessages(uid=uid, kind='PO', src=po_path, settings=self.settings)
                stats[uid] = po.nbr_trans_msgs / po.nbr_msgs
        utils_languages_menu.gen_menu_file(stats, self.settings)

        return {'FINISHED'}