Пример #1
    def __init__(self):

        self.routes = ([

        self.var1 = 'foo'
        self.var2 = 'bar'

        self.level2.var1 = 'foo'
        self.level2.var2 = 'bar'

        self.level3.var1 = 'foo'
        self.level3.var2 = 'bar'

        self.level4.var1 = 'foo'
        self.level4.var2 = 'bar'

        self.level5.level1.var1 = 'foo'
        self.level5.level2.var1 = 'bar'
        self.level5.level2.var2 = 'baz'
        self.level5.level3.var1 = 'bob'

        # no more values can be added
Пример #2
    def __init__(self):

        self.routes = ([

        self.var1 = 'foo'
        self.var2 = 'bar'

        self.level2.var1 = 'foo'
        self.level2.var2 = 'bar'

        self.level3.var1 = 'foo'
        self.level3.var2 = 'bar'

        self.level4.var1 = 'foo'
        self.level4.var2 = 'bar'

        self.level5.level1.var1 = 'foo'
        self.level5.level2.var1 = 'bar'
        self.level5.level2.var2 = 'baz'
        self.level5.level3.var1 = 'bob'

        # no more values can be added
Пример #3
    def __init__(self):

        # name of the website/application
        self.name.full = 'full'
        self.name.short = 'short'

        # application modules from our application or supporting applications
        self.modules.users.enabled = True
        self.modules.users.var2 = 'not bar'
        self.modules.users.routes = []
        self.modules.users.level2.var2 = 'not bar'
        self.modules.users.level3 = 'string value to merge'
        self.modules.users.level4 = (('var2', 'not bar'), ('var3', 'baz'))
        self.modules.users.level5.level1.var1.notlikely = 'foo'
        self.modules.users.level5.level2.var1 = 'not_bar'
        self.modules.apputil.enabled = True
        self.modules.inactivemod.enabled = False

        # ROUTING
        # default routes
        self.routing.routes = [1, 2]

        # route prefix
        self.routing.prefix = ''

        # DATABASE
        self.db.echo = False

        # SESSIONS
        # beaker session options
        # http://wiki.pylonshq.com/display/beaker/Configuration+Options
        self.beaker.type = 'dbm'
        self.beaker.data_dir = 'session_cache'

        # TEMPLATE & VIEW
        self.template.default = 'default.html'
        self.template.admin = 'admin.html'
        self.trap_view_exceptions = True

        # LOGGING & DEBUG
        # currently support 'debug' & 'info'
        self.logging.levels = ()

        # no more values can be added
Пример #4
    def __init__(self):

        # name of the website/application
        self.name.full = 'full'
        self.name.short = 'short'

        # application modules from our application or supporting applications
        self.modules.users.enabled = True
        self.modules.users.var2 = 'not bar'
        self.modules.users.routes = []
        self.modules.users.level2.var2 = 'not bar'
        self.modules.users.level3 = 'string value to merge'
        self.modules.users.level4 = (('var2', 'not bar'), ('var3', 'baz'))
        self.modules.users.level5.level1.var1.notlikely = 'foo'
        self.modules.users.level5.level2.var1 = 'not_bar'
        self.modules.apputil.enabled = True
        self.modules.inactivemod.enabled = False

        # ROUTING
        # default routes
        self.routing.routes = [1, 2]

        # route prefix
        self.routing.prefix = ''

        # DATABASE
        self.db.echo = False

        # SESSIONS
        # beaker session options
        # http://wiki.pylonshq.com/display/beaker/Configuration+Options
        self.beaker.type = 'dbm'
        self.beaker.data_dir = 'session_cache'

        # TEMPLATE & VIEW
        self.template.default = 'default.html'
        self.template.admin = 'admin.html'
        self.trap_view_exceptions = True

        # LOGGING & DEBUG
        # currently support 'debug' & 'info'
        self.logging.levels = ()

        # no more values can be added
Пример #5
    def test_setdefault(self):
        main = QuickSettings()
        mylist = []
        main.foo.bar.baz = mylist

        qs = QuickSettings()
        qs.one = 1
        qs.foo.bar.baz = 2
        qs.foo.bar.three = 3

        assert main.foo.bar.baz is mylist
        assert main.foo.bar.three == 3
        assert main.one == 1
Пример #6
    def test_update(self):
        qs = QuickSettings()

        assert 'foo' not in qs
        assert 'bar' not in qs
        assert 'baz' not in qs

        qs.update({'foo': 1})
        assert qs.foo == 1

        assert qs.bar == 2

        qs.update([('baz', 3)])
        assert qs.baz == 3
Пример #7
    def test_email(self):
        es = QuickSettings()
        es.email.smtp.server = 'example.com'
        es.email.smtp.user_name = 'myself'
        es.email.smtp.password = '******'

        assert es.email.smtp.server == 'example.com'
        assert es.email.smtp.user_name == 'myself'
        assert es.email.smtp.password == 'pass'
Пример #8
    def test_copy(self):
        qs = QuickSettings()
        mylist = []
        qs.foo.bar.baz = mylist

        qs2 = copy.copy(qs)
        assert qs2.foo.bar.baz is mylist
        assert qs.foo.bar.baz is mylist
        assert qs.foo is not qs2.foo
        assert qs.foo.bar is not qs2.foo.bar
Пример #9
    def test_update(self):
        qs = QuickSettings()

        assert 'foo' not in qs
        assert 'bar' not in qs
        assert 'baz' not in qs

        qs.update({'foo': 1})
        assert qs.foo == 1

        assert qs.bar == 2

        qs.update([('baz', 3)])
        assert qs.baz == 3
Пример #10
    def test_setdefault(self):
        main = QuickSettings()
        mylist = []
        main.foo.bar.baz = mylist

        qs = QuickSettings()
        qs.one = 1
        qs.foo.bar.baz = 2
        qs.foo.bar.three = 3

        assert main.foo.bar.baz is mylist
        assert main.foo.bar.three == 3
        assert main.one == 1
Пример #11
    def test_get_dotted(self):
        qs = QuickSettings()
        qs.set_dotted('foo.bar.wow', 'baz')
        assert qs.get_dotted('foo.bar.wow') == 'baz'

        assert qs.get_dotted('foo.bar') == qs.foo.bar

        assert qs.get_dotted('foo') == qs.foo

        except AttributeError as e:
            if 'none' not in str(e):

        assert isinstance(qs.get_dotted('foo.none'), QuickSettings)
Пример #12
    def test_set_dotted(self):
        qs = QuickSettings()
        qs.set_dotted('foo.bar.wow', 'baz')
        assert qs.foo.bar.wow == 'baz'

        qs = QuickSettings()
        qs.set_dotted('foo', 'baz')
        assert qs.foo == 'baz'

        qs = QuickSettings()
        qs.set_dotted('', 'baz')
Пример #13
    def test_get_dotted(self):
        qs = QuickSettings()
        qs.set_dotted('foo.bar.wow', 'baz')
        assert qs.get_dotted('foo.bar.wow') == 'baz'

        assert qs.get_dotted('foo.bar') == qs.foo.bar

        assert qs.get_dotted('foo') == qs.foo

        except AttributeError as e:
            if 'none' not in str(e):

        assert isinstance(qs.get_dotted('foo.none'), QuickSettings)
Пример #14
 def test_expand_keys(self):
     qs = QuickSettings()
     qs.foo.bar.baz = 3
     expanded = qs.expandkeys()
     assert expanded == {'foo.bar.baz': 3}
Пример #15
 def __init__(self, app_settings):
     self.for_me = QuickSettings()
     self.for_app = QuickSettings()
     self.for_me.routes = []
     self.app_settings = app_settings
Пример #16
 def _set_data_item(self, item, value):
     if not isinstance(value, QuickSettings):
         raise TypeError('all values set on ModuleSettings must be a QuickSettings object')
     QuickSettings._set_data_item(self, item, value)
Пример #17
 def test_expand_keys(self):
     qs = QuickSettings()
     qs.foo.bar.baz = 3
     expanded = qs.expandkeys()
     assert expanded == {'foo.bar.baz': 3}
Пример #18
 def __init__(self):
Пример #19
 def test_level1(self):
     es = QuickSettings()
     es.a = 1
     assert es.a == 1
Пример #20
 def test_pformat(self):
     qs = QuickSettings()
     qs.foo.bar.baz = 3
     assert qs.pformat == 'foo.bar.baz = 3'
Пример #21
 def test_level2(self):
     es = QuickSettings()
     es.a.a = 1
     assert es.a.a == 1
Пример #22
    def init(self):
        # supporting applications
        self.supporting_apps = []

        # don't want this to be empty
        self.components = QuickSettings()

        # ROUTING
        self.routing.routes = []

        # where will static files be found?  This is prepended to most static
        # URLs.
        self.routing.static_prefix = 'static/'

        # the settings for the Werkzeug routing Map object:
        self.routing.map.default_subdomain = ''
        self.routing.map.charset = 'utf-8'
        self.routing.map.strict_slashes = True
        self.routing.map.redirect_defaults = True
        self.routing.map.converters = None

        # DIRECTORIES required by PYSVMT
        self.dirs.storage = path.abspath(self.get_storage_dir())
        self.dirs.writeable = path.join(self.dirs.storage, 'writeable')
        self.dirs.static = path.join(self.dirs.storage, 'static')
        self.dirs.data = path.join(self.dirs.writeable, 'data')
        self.dirs.logs = path.join(self.dirs.writeable, 'logs')
        self.dirs.tmp = path.join(self.dirs.writeable, 'tmp')

        # SESSIONS
        # beaker session options
        # http://beaker.groovie.org/configuration.html
        self.beaker.enabled = True
        self.beaker.type = 'dbm'
        self.beaker.data_dir = path.join(self.dirs.tmp, 'session_cache')
        self.beaker.lock_dir = path.join(self.dirs.tmp, 'beaker_locks')
        self.beaker.auto_clear_sessions = True

        # TEMPLATES
        self.templating.default_engine = 'jinja'
        self.template.default = 'default.html'
        # a list of template extensions to escape; set to False to disable
        # autoescape
        self.jinja.autoescape = ('html', 'htm', 'xml')
        self.jinja.extensions = ['jinja2.ext.autoescape', 'jinja2.ext.with_']

        self.endpoint.sys_error = ''
        self.endpoint.sys_auth_error = ''
        self.endpoint.bad_request_error = ''

        # an exception will always be logged using python logging
        # If bool(exception_handling) == False, only logging will occur
        # If bool(exception_handling) == True, it is expected to be a list
        # options for handling the exception.  Options are:
        #   - handle: will try to use a 500 error document.  If that doesn't exist
        #       then a generic 500 respose will be returned
        #   - format: takes precedence over 'handle'. it formats the exception and
        #       displays it as part of the response body. Not usually needed b/c
        #       the debugger is better for development, but the benefit is that
        #       you get more info about the request & environ in the output.
        #   - email: an email will be sent using mail_programmers() whenever
        #       an exception is encountered
        # example of all:
        #   self.exception_handling = ['handle', 'format', 'email']
        # DEV SERVER NOTE: the development server supresses exceptions and
        # converts them to 500 responses. If you really want the exception to
        # pass through, you can send --pass-through-errors to the serve
        # command.
        self.exception_handling = ['handle', 'email']
        # handle HTTP exceptions?  Its likely this should only be set to False
        # when testing to help pinpoint why a certain response code is being
        # returned
        self.http_exception_handling = True
        # These patterns are matched with fnmatch() against POST keys and HTTP cookie keys.  If
        # the keys match, their values are replaced with '<remove>'.
        self.exception_context_filters = ['*password*', '*secret*', '*session.id*']

        # DEBUGGING
        # only matters when exceptions are not handled above.  Setting interactive =
        # to True will give a python command prompt in the stack trace
        #          ******* SECURITY ALERT **********
        # setting interactive = True would allow ANYONE who has http access to the
        # server to run arbitrary code.  ONLY use in an isolated development
        # environment.
        self.debugger.enabled = False
        self.debugger.interactive = False

        # the 'from' address used by mail_admins() and mail_programmers()
        # defaults if not set
        self.emails.from_server = ''
        # the default 'from' address used if no from address is specified
        self.emails.from_default = ''
        # a default reply-to header if one is not specified
        self.emails.reply_to = ''

        # recipient defaults.  Should be a list of email addresses
        # ('*****@*****.**', '*****@*****.**')

        # will always add theses cc's to every email sent
        self.emails.cc_always = None
        # default cc, but can be overriden
        self.emails.cc_defaults = None
        # will always add theses bcc's to every email sent
        self.emails.bcc_always = None
        # default bcc, but can be overriden
        self.emails.bcc_defaults = None
        # programmers who would get system level notifications (code
        # broke, exception notifications, etc.)
        self.emails.programmers = None
        # people who would get application level notifications (payment recieved,
        # action needed, etc.)
        self.emails.admins = None
        # a single or list of emails that will be used to override every email sent
        # by the system.  Useful for debugging.  Original recipient information
        # will be added to the body of the email
        self.emails.override = None

        # used by mail_admins() and mail_programmers()
        self.email.subject_prefix = ''
        # Should we actually send email out to a SMTP server?  Setting this to
        # False can be useful when doing testing.
        self.email.is_live = True

        self.smtp.host = 'localhost'
        self.smtp.port = 25
        self.smtp.user = ''
        self.smtp.password = ''
        self.smtp.use_tls = False

        self.default.charset = 'utf-8'
        self.default.file_mode = 0o640
        self.default.dir_mode = 0o750

        # you can set endpoints here that will be used if an error response
        # is detected to try and give the user a more consistent experience
        # self.error_docs[404] = 'errorsmod:NotFound'

        # TESTING
        # an application can define functions to be called after the app
        # is initialized but before any test inspection is done or tests
        # are ran.  The import strings given are relative to the application
        # stack.  Some examples:
        #      self.testing.init_callables = (
        #      'testing.setup_db',  # calls setup_db function in myapp.testing
        #      'testing:Setup.doit', # calls doit class method of Setup in myapp.testing
        #      )
        self.testing.init_callables = None

        # Log Files
        # a fast cutoff switch, if enabled, you still have to enable errors or
        # application below.  It DOES NOT affect the null_handler setting.
        self.logs.enabled = True
        # logs will be logged using RotatingFileHandler
        # maximum log file size is 50MB
        self.logs.max_bytes = 1024 * 1024 * 50
        # maximum number of log files to keep around
        self.logs.backup_count = 10
        # will log all WARN and above logs to errors.log in the logs directory
        self.logs.errors.enabled = True
        # will log all application logs (level 25) to application.log.  This will
        # also setup the logging object so you can use log.application().  The
        # application log level is 25, which is greater than INFO but less than
        # WARNING.
        self.logs.application.enabled = True
        # will log INFO messages to email.log with information about each email
        # that gets sent out.
        self.logs.email.enabled = True
        # if you don't want application or error logging and don't setup your
        # own, then you may see error messages on stdout like "No handlers could
        # be found for logger ...".  Enable the null_handler to get rid of
        # those messages.  But, you should *really* enable logging of some kind.
        self.logs.null_handler.enabled = False

        # log http requests.  You must put HttpRequestLogger middleware
        # in your WSGI stack, preferrably as the last application so that its
        # the first middleware in the stack
        self.logs.http_requests.enabled = False
        self.logs.http_requests.filters.path_info = None
        self.logs.http_requests.filters.request_method = None

        # Static Files
        # should we use Werkzeug's SharedData middleware for serving static
        # files?  Only applies when using middleware.full_wsgi_stack() or
        # middleware.static_files()
        self.static_files.enabled = True
        # should static files be served from the static directory (e.g. after
        # they are copied there) or from the application and component source
        # directories?  Possible values are: "static" and "source".  "source"
        # is slower and should be used primarily for development environments
        # when static files are changing often and copying to the static
        # directory after each change is a hassle.
        self.static_files.location = 'static'

        # Automatic Actions
        # when using @asviews, the view modules need to be loaded after the
        # app is initialized so that the routes get setup properly
        self.auto_load_views = False

        # should we copy static files every time an app is loaded?  Useful
        # for dev environments.
        self.auto_copy_static.enabled = False
        self.auto_copy_static.delete_existing = True

        # should we automatically create the writeable directories: data, logs,
        # tmp
        self.auto_create_writeable_dirs = True

        # should we load utils.abort as a builtin?  Intended for development
        # enviornments only.  If true, will add abort to Python's builtin
        # namespace as 'dabort'.  The 'd' is for development.
        self.auto_abort_as_builtin = False
Пример #23
    def test_set_dotted(self):
        qs = QuickSettings()
        qs.set_dotted('foo.bar.wow', 'baz')
        assert qs.foo.bar.wow == 'baz'

        qs = QuickSettings()
        qs.set_dotted('foo', 'baz')
        assert qs.foo == 'baz'

        qs = QuickSettings()
        qs.set_dotted('', 'baz')