def __init__(self, uac=True, shred_paths=None, exit=False): if uac and 'nt' == and Windows.elevate_privileges(): # privileges escalated in other process sys.exit(0) Gtk.Application.__init__(self, application_id='org.gnome.Bleachbit', flags=Gio.ApplicationFlags.FLAGS_NONE) if not exit: from bleachbit import RecognizeCleanerML RecognizeCleanerML.RecognizeCleanerML() register_cleaners() GObject.threads_init() if shred_paths: self.shred_paths(shred_paths) return if 'nt' == # BitDefender false positive. BitDefender didn't mark BleachBit as infected or show # anything in its log, but sqlite would fail to import unless BitDefender was in "game mode." # try: import sqlite3 except ImportError: logger.exception(_("Error loading the SQLite module: the antivirus software may be blocking it.")) if 'posix' == and bleachbit.expanduser('~') == '/root': self.append_text( _('You are running BleachBit with administrative privileges for cleaning shared parts of the system, and references to the user profile folder will clean only the root account.')) if 'nt' == and options.get('shred'): from import IsUserAnAdmin if not IsUserAnAdmin(): self.append_text( _('Run BleachBit with administrator privileges to improve the accuracy of overwriting the contents of files.')) self.append_text('\n') if exit: # This is used for automated testing of whether the GUI can start. print('Success') GObject.idle_add(lambda: self.quit(), priority=GObject.PRIORITY_LOW)
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(GUI, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) from bleachbit import RecognizeCleanerML RecognizeCleanerML.RecognizeCleanerML() register_cleaners() self.populate_window() # Redirect logging to the GUI. bb_logger = logging.getLogger('bleachbit') gtklog = GtkLoggerHandler(self.append_text) bb_logger.addHandler(gtklog) if 'nt' == and 'windows_exe' == getattr(sys, 'frozen', None): # On Microsoft Windows this avoids py2exe redirecting stderr to # bleachbit.exe.log. # sys.frozen = console_exe means the console is shown from bleachbit import logger_sh bb_logger.removeHandler(logger_sh) if options.get("first_start") and 'posix' == pref = PreferencesDialog(self, self.cb_refresh_operations) options.set('first_start', False) if bleachbit.online_update_notification_enabled and options.get("check_online_updates"): self.check_online_updates() if 'nt' == # BitDefender false positive. BitDefender didn't mark BleachBit as infected or show # anything in its log, but sqlite would fail to import unless BitDefender was in "game mode." # try: import sqlite3 except ImportError as e: self.append_text( _("Error loading the SQLite module: the antivirus software may be blocking it."), 'error')
def __init__(self, uac=True, shred_paths=None, exit=False): if uac and 'nt' == and Windows.elevate_privileges(): # privileges escalated in other process sys.exit(0) if not exit: from bleachbit import RecognizeCleanerML RecognizeCleanerML.RecognizeCleanerML() register_cleaners() self.create_window() gobject.threads_init() # Redirect logging to the GUI. bb_logger = logging.getLogger('bleachbit') gtklog = GtkLoggerHandler(self.append_text) bb_logger.addHandler(gtklog) if 'nt' == and 'windows_exe' == getattr(sys, 'frozen', None): # On Microsoft Windows this avoids py2exe redirecting stderr to # bleachbit.exe.log. # sys.frozen = console_exe means the console is shown from bleachbit import logger_sh bb_logger.removeHandler(logger_sh) if shred_paths: self.shred_paths(shred_paths) return if options.get("first_start") and 'posix' == pref = PreferencesDialog(self.window, self.cb_refresh_operations) options.set('first_start', False) if bleachbit.online_update_notification_enabled and options.get( "check_online_updates"): self.check_online_updates() if 'nt' == # BitDefender false positive. BitDefender didn't mark BleachBit as infected or show # anything in its log, but sqlite would fail to import unless BitDefender was in "game mode." # try: import sqlite3 except ImportError: logger.exception( _("Error loading the SQLite module: the antivirus software may be blocking it." )) if 'posix' == and bleachbit.expanduser('~') == '/root': self.append_text( _('You are running BleachBit with administrative privileges for cleaning shared parts of the system, and references to the user profile folder will clean only the root account.' )) if 'nt' == and options.get('shred'): from import IsUserAnAdmin if not IsUserAnAdmin(): self.append_text( _('Run BleachBit with administrator privileges to improve the accuracy of overwriting the contents of files.' )) self.append_text('\n') if exit: # This is used for automated testing of whether the GUI can start. gobject.idle_add(lambda: gtk.main_quit(), priority=gobject.PRIORITY_LOW)
def cb_refresh_operations(self): """Callback to refresh the list of cleaners""" # Is this the first time in this session? if not hasattr(self, 'recognized_cleanerml') and not self.auto_exit: from bleachbit import RecognizeCleanerML RecognizeCleanerML.RecognizeCleanerML() self.recognized_cleanerml = True # reload cleaners from disk self.view.expand_all() rc = register_cleaners(self.update_progress_bar, self.cb_register_cleaners_done) GLib.idle_add(rc.__next__) return False