Пример #1
    def execute(self, context):
        props = utils.get_upload_props()

        # in case of name change, we have to reupload everything, since the name is stored in blender file,
        # and is used for linking to scene
        if props.name_changed:
            # TODO: this needs to be replaced with new double naming scheme (metadata vs blend data)
            # print('has to reupload whole data, name has changed.')
            self.main_file = True
            props.name_changed = False

        upload_set = []
        if not self.reupload:
            upload_set = ['METADATA', 'THUMBNAIL', 'MAINFILE']
            if self.metadata:
            if self.thumbnail:
            if self.main_file:

        result = start_upload(self, context, self.asset_type, self.reupload, upload_set)

        return result
    def draw(self, context):
        props = utils.get_upload_props()
        layout = self.layout

        if self.reupload:
            # layout.prop(self, 'metadata')
            layout.prop(self, 'main_file')
            layout.prop(self, 'thumbnail')

        if props.asset_base_id != '' and not self.reupload:
            layout.label(text="Really upload as new? ")
                text="Do this only when you create a new asset from an old one."
                text="For updates of thumbnail or model use reupload.")

        if props.is_private == 'PUBLIC':
                text='public assets are validated several hours'
                ' or days after upload. Remember always to '
                'test download your asset to a clean file'
                ' to see if it uploaded correctly.',
Пример #3
    def invoke(self, context, event):
        props = utils.get_upload_props()

        if self.as_new or props.is_private == 'PUBLIC':
            return context.window_manager.invoke_props_dialog(self)
            return self.execute(context)
Пример #4
    def execute(self, context):
        props = utils.get_upload_props()

        # in case of name change, we have to reupload everything, since the name is stored in blender file,
        # and is used for linking to scene
        # if props.name_changed:
        #     # TODO: this needs to be replaced with new double naming scheme (metadata vs blend data)
        #     # print('has to reupload whole data, name has changed.')
        #     self.main_file = True
        #     props.name_changed = False

        upload_set = []
        if not self.reupload:
            upload_set = ['METADATA', 'THUMBNAIL', 'MAINFILE']
            if self.metadata:
            if self.thumbnail:
            if self.main_file:

        # this is accessed later in get_upload_data and needs to be written.
        # should pass upload_set all the way to it probably
        if 'MAINFILE' in upload_set:
            self.main_file = True

        result = start_upload(self, context, self.asset_type, self.reupload, upload_set=upload_set, )

        if props.report != '':
            # self.report({'ERROR_INVALID_INPUT'}, props.report)
            self.report({'ERROR_INVALID_CONTEXT'}, props.report)

        return result
Пример #5
    def draw(self, context):
        props = utils.get_upload_props()
        layout = self.layout

        if self.reupload:
            # layout.prop(self, 'metadata')
            layout.prop(self, 'main_file')
            layout.prop(self, 'thumbnail')

        if props.asset_base_id != '' and not self.reupload:
            layout.label(text="Really upload as new? ")
            layout.label(text="Do this only when you create a new asset from an old one.")
            layout.label(text="For updates of thumbnail or model use reupload.")

        if props.is_private == 'PUBLIC':
            if self.asset_type == 'MODEL':
                utils.label_multiline(layout, text='You marked the asset as public.\n'
                                                   'This means it will be validated by our team.\n\n'
                                                   'Please test your upload after it finishes:\n'
                                                   '-   Open a new file\n'
                                                   '-   Find the asset and download it\n'
                                                   '-   Check if it snaps correctly to surfaces\n'
                                                   '-   Check if it has all textures and renders as expected\n'
                                                   '-   Check if it has correct size in world units (for models)'
                                      , width=400)
                utils.label_multiline(layout, text='You marked the asset as public.\n'
                                                   'This means it will be validated by our team.\n\n'
                                                   'Please test your upload after it finishes:\n'
                                                   '-   Open a new file\n'
                                                   '-   Find the asset and download it\n'
                                                   '-   Check if it works as expected\n'
                                      , width=400)
Пример #6
def auto_fix(asset_type=''):
    #this applies various procedures to ensure coherency in the database.
    asset = utils.get_active_asset()
    props = utils.get_upload_props()
    if asset_type == 'MATERIAL':
        asset.name = props.name
Пример #7
    def invoke(self, context, event):
        props = utils.get_upload_props()

        if not utils.user_logged_in():
            ui_panels.draw_not_logged_in(self, message='To upload assets you need to login/signup.')
            return {'CANCELLED'}

        if props.is_private == 'PUBLIC':
            return context.window_manager.invoke_props_dialog(self)
            return self.execute(context)
Пример #8
    def draw(self, context):
        props = utils.get_upload_props()
        layout = self.layout

        if self.as_new:
            layout.label(text="Really upload as new? ")
            layout.label(text="Do this only when you create a new asset from an old one.")
            layout.label(text="For updates of thumbnail or model use reupload.")

        if props.is_private == 'PUBLIC':
            ui_panels.label_multiline(layout, text='Since this version (1.0.24), '
                                                   'PUBLIC ASSETS ARE VALIDATED AUTOMATICALLY '
                                                   ' after upload. '
                                                   'Click Ok to proceed.')
Пример #9
    def execute(self, context):
        props = utils.get_upload_props()

        # in case of name change, we have to reupload everything, since the name is stored in blender file,
        # and is used for linking to scene
        metadata_only = self.metadata_only
        if props.name_changed:
            # print('has to reupload whole data, name has changed.')
            self.metadata_only = False
            props.name_changed = False

        result = start_upload(self, context, self.asset_type, self.as_new, self.metadata_only)

        return result
Пример #10
    def execute(self, context):
        props = utils.get_upload_props()

        # in case of name change, we have to reupload everything, since the name is stored in blender file,
        # and is used for linking to scene
        metadata_only = self.metadata_only
        if props.name_changed:
            # print('has to reupload whole data, name has changed.')
            self.metadata_only = False
            props.name_changed = False

        result =    start_upload(self, context, self.asset_type, self.as_new, self.metadata_only)

        return result
Пример #11
    def execute(self, context):
        s = bpy.context.scene

        cls = bpy.ops.object.convert.__class__
        # first do the easy stuff...TODO all cases.
        props = utils.get_upload_props()
        if self.process_type == 'UPLOAD':
            props.uploading = False
        if self.process_type == 'THUMBNAILER':
            props.is_generating_thumbnail = False
        global blenderkit_bg_process
        # print('killing', self.process_source, self.process_type)
        # then go kill the process. this wasn't working for unsetting props and that was the reason for changing to the method above.

        processes = bg_processes
        for p in processes:

            tcom = p[1]
            # print(tcom.process_type, self.process_type)
            if tcom.process_type == self.process_type:
                source = eval(tcom.eval_path)
                kill = False
                #TODO HDR - add killing of process
                if source.bl_rna.name == 'Object' and self.process_source == 'MODEL':
                    if source.name == bpy.context.active_object.name:
                        kill = True
                if source.bl_rna.name == 'Scene' and self.process_source == 'SCENE':
                    if source.name == bpy.context.scene.name:
                        kill = True
                if source.bl_rna.name == 'Image' and self.process_source == 'HDR':
                    ui_props = bpy.context.scene.blenderkitUI
                    if source.name == ui_props.hdr_upload_image.name:
                        kill = False

                if source.bl_rna.name == 'Material' and self.process_source == 'MATERIAL':
                    if source.name == bpy.context.active_object.active_material.name:
                        kill = True
                if source.bl_rna.name == 'Brush' and self.process_source == 'BRUSH':
                    brush = utils.get_active_brush()
                    if brush is not None and source.name == brush.name:
                        kill = True
                if kill:
                    estring = tcom.eval_path_computing + ' = False'

        return {'FINISHED'}
Пример #12
    def execute(self, context):
        s = bpy.context.scene

        cls = bpy.ops.object.convert.__class__
        # first do the easy stuff...TODO all cases.
        props = utils.get_upload_props()
        if self.process_type == 'UPLOAD':
            props.uploading = False
        if self.process_type == 'THUMBNAILER':
            props.is_generating_thumbnail = False
        global blenderkit_bg_process
        # print('killing', self.process_source, self.process_type)
        # then go kill the process. this wasn't working for unsetting props and that was the reason for changing to the method above.

        processes = bg_processes
        for p in processes:

            tcom = p[1]
            # print(tcom.process_type, self.process_type)
            if tcom.process_type == self.process_type:
                source = eval(tcom.eval_path)
                print(source.bl_rna.name, self.process_source)
                kill = False
                if source.bl_rna.name == 'Object' and self.process_source == 'MODEL':
                    if source.name == bpy.context.active_object.name:
                        kill = True
                if source.bl_rna.name == 'Material' and self.process_source == 'MATERIAL':
                    if source.name == bpy.context.active_object.active_material.name:
                        kill = True
                if source.bl_rna.name == 'Brush' and self.process_source == 'BRUSH':
                    brush = utils.get_active_brush()
                    if brush is not None and source.name == brush.name:
                        kill = True
                if kill:
                    estring = tcom.eval_path_computing + ' = False'
                    exec (estring)

        return {'FINISHED'}
Пример #13
def mark_for_validation(self, context, asset_type):
    props = utils.get_upload_props()
    props.upload_state = 'marking for validation'
    user_preferences = bpy.context.preferences.addons['blenderkit'].preferences

    upload_data = {
        "verificationStatus": "ready"

    url = paths.get_bkit_url() + 'assets/'
    headers = {"accept": "application/json", "Authorization": "Bearer %s" % user_preferences.api_key}
    url += props.id + '/'

        r = requests.patch(url, json=upload_data, headers=headers, verify=True)  # files = files,
        props.upload_state = 'marked for validation'
    except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e:
        props.upload_state = str(e)
        props.uploading = False
        return {'CANCELLED'}
    return {'FINISHED'}
Пример #14
def mark_for_validation(self, context, asset_type):
    props = utils.get_upload_props()
    props.upload_state = 'marking for validation'
    user_preferences = bpy.context.preferences.addons['blenderkit'].preferences

    upload_data = {
        "verificationStatus": "ready"

    url = paths.get_bkit_url() + 'assets/'
    headers = {"accept": "application/json", "Authorization": "Bearer %s" % user_preferences.api_key}
    url += props.id + '/'

        r = requests.patch(url, json=upload_data, headers=headers, verify=True)  # files = files,
        props.upload_state = 'marked for validation'
    except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e:
        props.upload_state = str(e)
        props.uploading = False
        return {'CANCELLED'}
    return {'FINISHED'}
Пример #15
 def poll(cls, context):
     props = utils.get_upload_props()
     return bpy.context.active_object is not None and props.asset_base_id != ''
Пример #16
def start_upload(self, context, asset_type, as_new, metadata_only):
    '''start upload process, by processing data'''
    props = utils.get_upload_props()
    storage_quota_ok = check_storage_quota(props)
    if not storage_quota_ok:
        self.report({'ERROR_INVALID_INPUT'}, props.report)
        return {'CANCELLED'}

    location = get_upload_location(props)
    props.upload_state = 'preparing upload'

    auto_fix(asset_type = asset_type)

    # do this for fixing long tags in some upload cases
    props.tags = props.tags[:]

    props.name = props.name.strip()
    # TODO  move this to separate function
    # check for missing metadata
    if asset_type == 'MODEL':
    if asset_type == 'SCENE':
    elif asset_type == 'MATERIAL':
    elif asset_type == 'BRUSH':

    if props.report != '':
        self.report({'ERROR_INVALID_INPUT'}, props.report)
        return {'CANCELLED'}

    if as_new:
        props.asset_base_id = ''
        props.id = ''
    export_data, upload_data, eval_path_computing, eval_path_state, eval_path, props = get_upload_data(self, context,
    # utils.pprint(upload_data)
    upload_data['parameters'] = params_to_dict(
        upload_data['parameters'])  # weird array conversion only for upload, not for tooltips.

    binary_path = bpy.app.binary_path
    script_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
    basename, ext = os.path.splitext(bpy.data.filepath)
    # if not basename:
    #     basename = os.path.join(basename, "temp")
    if not ext:
        ext = ".blend"
    tempdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
    source_filepath = os.path.join(tempdir, "export_blenderkit" + ext)
    clean_file_path = paths.get_clean_filepath()
    data = {
        'clean_file_path': clean_file_path,
        'source_filepath': source_filepath,
        'temp_dir': tempdir,
        'export_data': export_data,
        'upload_data': upload_data,
        'debug_value': bpy.app.debug_value,
    datafile = os.path.join(tempdir, BLENDERKIT_EXPORT_DATA_FILE)

    # check if thumbnail exists:

    if not os.path.exists(export_data["thumbnail_path"]):
        props.upload_state = 'Thumbnail not found'
        props.uploading = False
        return {'CANCELLED'}

    # first upload metadata to server, so it can be saved inside the current file
    url = paths.get_api_url() + 'assets/'

    headers = utils.get_headers(upload_data['token'])

    # upload_data['license'] = 'ovejajojo'
    json_metadata = upload_data  # json.dumps(upload_data, ensure_ascii=False).encode('utf8')
    global reports
    if props.asset_base_id == '':
            r = requests.post(url, json=json_metadata, headers=headers, verify=True)  # files = files,
            props.upload_state = 'uploaded metadata'
        except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e:
            props.upload_state = str(e)
            props.uploading = False
            return {'CANCELLED'}

        url += props.id + '/'
            if not metadata_only:
                json_metadata["verificationStatus"] = "uploading"
            r = requests.put(url, json=json_metadata, headers=headers, verify=True)  # files = files,
            props.upload_state = 'uploaded metadata'
            # parse the reqest
            # print('uploaded metadata')
            # print(r.text)
        except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e:
            props.upload_state = str(e)
            props.uploading = False
            return {'CANCELLED'}

    # props.upload_state = 'step 1'
    if metadata_only:
        props.uploading = False

        return {'FINISHED'}
        rj = r.json()
        if props.asset_base_id == '':
            props.asset_base_id = rj['assetBaseId']
            props.id = rj['id']

        upload_data['assetBaseId'] = props.asset_base_id
        upload_data['id'] = props.id

        # fa
        props.uploading = True
        # save a copy of actual scene but don't interfere with the users models
        bpy.ops.wm.save_as_mainfile(filepath=source_filepath, compress=False, copy=True)

        with open(datafile, 'w') as s:
            json.dump(data, s)

        proc = subprocess.Popen([
            "--python", os.path.join(script_path, "upload_bg.py"),
            "--", datafile  # ,filepath, tempdir
        ], bufsize=5000, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stdin=subprocess.PIPE)

        bg_blender.add_bg_process(eval_path_computing=eval_path_computing, eval_path_state=eval_path_state,
                                  eval_path=eval_path, process_type='UPLOAD', process=proc, location=location)

    except Exception as e:
        props.upload_state = str(e)
        props.uploading = False
        return {'CANCELLED'}

    return {'FINISHED'}
Пример #17
def start_upload(self, context, asset_type, as_new, metadata_only):
    props = utils.get_upload_props()
    location = get_upload_location(props)
    props.upload_state = 'preparing upload'
    # do this for fixing long tags in some upload cases
    props.tags = props.tags[:]

    props.name = props.name.strip()
    # TODO  move this to separate function
    # check for missing metadata
    if asset_type == 'MODEL':
    if asset_type == 'SCENE':
    elif asset_type == 'MATERIAL':
    elif asset_type == 'BRUSH':

    if props.report != '':
        self.report({'ERROR_INVALID_INPUT'}, props.report)
        return {'CANCELLED'}
    if as_new:
        props.asset_base_id = ''
        props.id = ''
    export_data, upload_data, eval_path_computing, eval_path_state, eval_path, props = get_upload_data(self, context,
    # utils.pprint(upload_data)
    upload_data['parameters'] = params_to_dict(
        upload_data['parameters'])  # weird array conversion only for upload, not for tooltips.

    binary_path = bpy.app.binary_path
    script_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
    basename, ext = os.path.splitext(bpy.data.filepath)
    # if not basename:
    #     basename = os.path.join(basename, "temp")
    if not ext:
        ext = ".blend"
    tempdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
    source_filepath = os.path.join(tempdir, "export_blenderkit" + ext)
    clean_file_path = paths.get_clean_filepath()
    data = {
        'clean_file_path': clean_file_path,
        'source_filepath': source_filepath,
        'temp_dir': tempdir,
        'export_data': export_data,
        'upload_data': upload_data,
        'debug_value': bpy.app.debug_value,
    datafile = os.path.join(tempdir, BLENDERKIT_EXPORT_DATA_FILE)

    # check if thumbnail exists:

    if not os.path.exists(export_data["thumbnail_path"]):
        props.upload_state = 'Thumbnail not found'
        props.uploading = False
        return {'CANCELLED'}

    # first upload metadata to server, so it can be saved inside the current file
    url = paths.get_bkit_url() + 'assets/'
    headers = {"accept": "application/json", "Authorization": "Bearer %s" % upload_data['token']}
    # upload_data['license'] = 'ovejajojo'
    json_metadata = upload_data  # json.dumps(upload_data, ensure_ascii=False).encode('utf8')
    global reports
    if props.asset_base_id == '':
            r = requests.post(url, json=json_metadata, headers=headers, verify=True)  # files = files,
            props.upload_state = 'uploaded metadata'
        except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e:
            props.upload_state = str(e)
            props.uploading = False
            return {'CANCELLED'}

        url += props.id + '/'
            if not metadata_only:
                json_metadata["verificationStatus"] = "uploading"
            r = requests.put(url, json=json_metadata, headers=headers, verify=True)  # files = files,
            props.upload_state = 'uploaded metadata'
            # parse the reqest
            # print('uploaded metadata')
            # print(r.text)
        except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e:
            props.upload_state = str(e)
            props.uploading = False
            return {'CANCELLED'}

    # props.upload_state = 'step 1'
    if metadata_only:
        props.uploading = False

        return {'FINISHED'}
        rj = r.json()
        if props.asset_base_id == '':
            props.asset_base_id = rj['assetBaseId']
            props.id = rj['id']

        upload_data['assetBaseId'] = props.asset_base_id
        upload_data['id'] = props.id

        # fa
        props.uploading = True
        # save a copy of actual scene but don't interfere with the users models
        bpy.ops.wm.save_as_mainfile(filepath=source_filepath, compress=False, copy=True)

        with open(datafile, 'w') as s:
            json.dump(data, s)

        proc = subprocess.Popen([
            "--python", os.path.join(script_path, "upload_bg.py"),
            "--", datafile  # ,filepath, tempdir
        ], bufsize=5000, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stdin=subprocess.PIPE)

        bg_blender.add_bg_process(eval_path_computing=eval_path_computing, eval_path_state=eval_path_state,
                                  eval_path=eval_path, process_type='UPLOAD', process=proc, location=location)

    except Exception as e:
        props.upload_state = str(e)
        props.uploading = False
        return {'CANCELLED'}

    return {'FINISHED'}
Пример #18
 def poll(cls, context):
     props = utils.get_upload_props()
     return bpy.context.active_object is not None and props.asset_base_id != ''
Пример #19
def start_upload(self, context, asset_type, reupload, upload_set):
    '''start upload process, by processing data, then start a thread that cares about the rest of the upload.'''

    # fix the name first

    props = utils.get_upload_props()
    storage_quota_ok = check_storage_quota(props)
    if not storage_quota_ok:
        self.report({'ERROR_INVALID_INPUT'}, props.report)
        return {'CANCELLED'}

    location = get_upload_location(props)
    props.upload_state = 'preparing upload'


    # do this for fixing long tags in some upload cases
    props.tags = props.tags[:]

    # check for missing metadata
    check_missing_data(asset_type, props)
    # if previous check did find any problems then
    if props.report != '':
        self.report({'ERROR_INVALID_INPUT'}, props.report)
        return {'CANCELLED'}

    if not reupload:
        props.asset_base_id = ''
        props.id = ''

    export_data, upload_data = get_upload_data(caller=self, context=context, asset_type=asset_type)
    # print(export_data)
    # print(upload_data)
    # check if thumbnail exists, generate for HDR:
    if 'THUMBNAIL' in upload_set:
        if asset_type == 'HDR':
        elif not os.path.exists(export_data["thumbnail_path"]):
            props.upload_state = 'Thumbnail not found'
            props.uploading = False
            return {'CANCELLED'}

    if upload_set == {'METADATA'}:
        props.upload_state = "Updating metadata. Please don't close Blender until upload finishes"
        props.upload_state = "Starting upload. Please don't close Blender until upload finishes"
    props.uploading = True

    # save a copy of the file for processing. Only for blend files
    basename, ext = os.path.splitext(bpy.data.filepath)
    if not ext:
        ext = ".blend"
    export_data['temp_dir'] = tempfile.mkdtemp()
    export_data['source_filepath'] = os.path.join(export_data['temp_dir'], "export_blenderkit" + ext)
    if asset_type != 'HDR':
        bpy.ops.wm.save_as_mainfile(filepath=export_data['source_filepath'], compress=False, copy=True)

    export_data['binary_path'] = bpy.app.binary_path
    export_data['debug_value'] = bpy.app.debug_value

    upload_thread = Uploader(upload_data=upload_data, export_data=export_data, upload_set=upload_set)


    return {'FINISHED'}