Пример #1
    def draw(self, context):
        layout = self.layout
        col = layout.column()

        # layout.template_icon_view(bkit_ratings, property, show_labels=False, scale=6.0, scale_popup=5.0)
        row = col.row()
        row.prop(self, 'rating_quality_ui', expand=True, icon_only=True, emboss=False)
        # row.label(text=str(self.rating_quality))

        row = layout.row()
        row.label(text=f"How many hours did this {self.asset_type} save you?")

        if self.asset_type in ('model', 'scene'):
            row = layout.row()
            if utils.profile_is_validator():
                col.prop(self, 'rating_work_hours')
            row.prop(self, 'rating_work_hours_ui', expand=True, icon_only=False, emboss=True)
            if float(self.rating_work_hours_ui) > 100:
                                      text=f"\nThat's huge! please be sure to give such rating only to godly {self.asset_type}s.\n",
            elif float(self.rating_work_hours_ui) > 18:

                                      text=f"\nThat's a lot! please be sure to give such rating only to amazing {self.asset_type}s.\n",


            row = layout.row()
            row.prop(self, 'rating_work_hours_ui_1_5', expand=True, icon_only=False, emboss=True)
Пример #2
    def draw(self, context):
        props = utils.get_upload_props()
        layout = self.layout

        if self.reupload:
            # layout.prop(self, 'metadata')
            layout.prop(self, 'main_file')
            layout.prop(self, 'thumbnail')

        if props.asset_base_id != '' and not self.reupload:
            layout.label(text="Really upload as new? ")
            layout.label(text="Do this only when you create a new asset from an old one.")
            layout.label(text="For updates of thumbnail or model use reupload.")

        if props.is_private == 'PUBLIC':
            if self.asset_type == 'MODEL':
                utils.label_multiline(layout, text='You marked the asset as public.\n'
                                                   'This means it will be validated by our team.\n\n'
                                                   'Please test your upload after it finishes:\n'
                                                   '-   Open a new file\n'
                                                   '-   Find the asset and download it\n'
                                                   '-   Check if it snaps correctly to surfaces\n'
                                                   '-   Check if it has all textures and renders as expected\n'
                                                   '-   Check if it has correct size in world units (for models)'
                                      , width=400)
                utils.label_multiline(layout, text='You marked the asset as public.\n'
                                                   'This means it will be validated by our team.\n\n'
                                                   'Please test your upload after it finishes:\n'
                                                   '-   Open a new file\n'
                                                   '-   Find the asset and download it\n'
                                                   '-   Check if it works as expected\n'
                                      , width=400)
    def draw(self, context):
        props = utils.get_upload_props()
        layout = self.layout

        if self.reupload:
            # layout.prop(self, 'metadata')
            layout.prop(self, 'main_file')
            layout.prop(self, 'thumbnail')

        if props.asset_base_id != '' and not self.reupload:
            layout.label(text="Really upload as new? ")
                text="Do this only when you create a new asset from an old one."
                text="For updates of thumbnail or model use reupload.")

        if props.is_private == 'PUBLIC':
                text='public assets are validated several hours'
                ' or days after upload. Remember always to '
                'test download your asset to a clean file'
                ' to see if it uploaded correctly.',
Пример #4
    def draw(self, context):
        layout = self.layout
        utils.label_multiline(layout, text=self.message)

        layout.active_default = True
        op = layout.operator("wm.url_open", text=self.link_text, icon='QUESTION')
        op.url = self.url
Пример #5
def draw_ratings_menu(self, context, layout):
    pcoll = icons.icon_collections["main"]

    profile_name = ''
    profile = bpy.context.window_manager.get('bkit profile')
    if profile and len(profile['user']['firstName']) > 0:
        profile_name = ' ' + profile['user']['firstName']

    col = layout.column()
    # layout.template_icon_view(bkit_ratings, property, show_labels=False, scale=6.0, scale_popup=5.0)
    row = col.row()
    row.label(text='Quality:', icon='SOLO_ON')
    row = col.row()
    row.label(text='Please help the community by rating quality:')

    row = col.row()
    row.prop(self, 'rating_quality_ui', expand=True, icon_only=True, emboss=False)
    if self.rating_quality > 0:
        # row = col.row()

        row.label(text=f'    Thanks{profile_name}!', icon='FUND')
    # row.label(text=str(self.rating_quality))

    row = col.row()
    row.label(text='Complexity:', icon_value=pcoll['dumbbell'].icon_id)
    row = col.row()
    row.label(text=f"How many hours did this {self.asset_type} save you?")

    if utils.profile_is_validator():
        row = col.row()
        row.prop(self, 'rating_work_hours')

    if self.asset_type in ('model', 'scene'):
        row = col.row()

        row.prop(self, 'rating_work_hours_ui', expand=True, icon_only=False, emboss=True)
        if float(self.rating_work_hours_ui) > 100:
                                  text=f"\nThat's huge! please be sure to give such rating only to godly {self.asset_type}s.\n",
        elif float(self.rating_work_hours_ui) > 18:

                                  text=f"\nThat's a lot! please be sure to give such rating only to amazing {self.asset_type}s.\n",

    elif self.asset_type == 'hdr':
        row = col.row()
        row.prop(self, 'rating_work_hours_ui_1_10', expand=True, icon_only=False, emboss=True)
        row = col.row()
        row.prop(self, 'rating_work_hours_ui_1_5', expand=True, icon_only=False, emboss=True)

    if self.rating_work_hours > 0:
        row = col.row()
        row.label(text=f'Thanks{profile_name}, you are amazing!', icon='FUND')
Пример #6
def draw_panel_material_search(self, context):
    wm = context.scene
    props = wm.blenderkit_mat

    layout = self.layout
    row = layout.row()
    row.prop(props, "search_keywords", text="", icon='VIEWZOOM')
    draw_assetbar_show_hide(row, props)
    layout.prop(props, "own_only")
    utils.label_multiline(layout, text=props.report)
Пример #7
def draw_upload_common(layout, props, asset_type, context):
    op = layout.operator("wm.url_open", text="Read upload instructions",
    if asset_type == 'MODEL':
    if asset_type == 'MATERIAL':
    if asset_type == 'BRUSH':

    row = layout.row(align=True)
    if props.upload_state != '':
       utils.label_multiline(layout, text=props.upload_state, width=context.region.width)
    if props.uploading:
        op = layout.operator('object.kill_bg_process', text="", icon='CANCEL')
        op.process_source = asset_type
        op.process_type = 'UPLOAD'
        layout = layout.column()
        layout.enabled = False

    # if props.upload_state.find('Error') > -1:
    #     layout.label(text = props.upload_state)

    if props.asset_base_id == '':
        optext = 'Upload %s' % asset_type.lower()
        op = layout.operator("object.blenderkit_upload", text=optext, icon='EXPORT')
        op.asset_type = asset_type

    if props.asset_base_id != '':
        op = layout.operator("object.blenderkit_upload", text='Reupload asset', icon='EXPORT')
        op.asset_type = asset_type
        op.reupload = True

        op = layout.operator("object.blenderkit_upload", text='Upload as new asset', icon='EXPORT')
        op.asset_type = asset_type
        op.reupload = False

        # layout.label(text = 'asset id, overwrite only for reuploading')
        layout.label(text='asset has a version online.')
        # row = layout.row()
        # row.enabled = False
        # row.prop(props, 'asset_base_id', icon='FILE_TICK')
        # row = layout.row()
        # row.enabled = False
        # row.prop(props, 'id', icon='FILE_TICK')

    layout.prop(props, 'category')
    if asset_type == 'MODEL' and props.subcategory != '':  # by now block this for other asset types.
        layout.prop(props, 'subcategory')

    layout.prop(props, 'is_private', expand=True)
    if props.is_private == 'PUBLIC':
        layout.prop(props, 'license')
Пример #8
def draw_panel_model_upload(self, context):
    ob = bpy.context.active_object
    while ob.parent is not None:
        ob = ob.parent
    props = ob.blenderkit

    layout = self.layout

    draw_upload_common(layout, props, 'MODEL', context)

    prop_needed(layout, props, 'name', props.name)

    col = layout.column()
    if props.is_generating_thumbnail:
        col.enabled = False
    prop_needed(col, props, 'thumbnail', props.has_thumbnail, False)
    if bpy.context.scene.render.engine in ('CYCLES', 'BLENDER_EEVEE'):
        col.operator("object.blenderkit_generate_thumbnail", text='Generate thumbnail', icon='IMAGE')

    # row = layout.row(align=True)
    if props.is_generating_thumbnail:
        row = layout.row(align=True)
        op = row.operator('object.kill_bg_process', text="", icon='CANCEL')
        op.process_source = 'MODEL'
        op.process_type = 'THUMBNAILER'
    elif props.thumbnail_generating_state != '':
       utils.label_multiline(layout, text=props.thumbnail_generating_state)

    layout.prop(props, 'description')
    layout.prop(props, 'tags')
    # prop_needed(layout, props, 'style', props.style)
    # prop_needed(layout, props, 'production_level', props.production_level)
    layout.prop(props, 'style')
    layout.prop(props, 'production_level')

    layout.prop(props, 'condition')
    layout.prop(props, 'is_free')
    layout.prop(props, 'pbr')
    layout.label(text='design props:')
    layout.prop(props, 'manufacturer')
    layout.prop(props, 'designer')
    layout.prop(props, 'design_collection')
    layout.prop(props, 'design_variant')
    layout.prop(props, 'use_design_year')
    if props.use_design_year:
        layout.prop(props, 'design_year')

    row = layout.row()
    row.prop(props, 'work_hours')

    layout.prop(props, 'adult')
Пример #9
def draw_panel_scene_search(self, context):
    s = context.scene
    props = s.blenderkit_scene
    layout = self.layout
    # layout.label(text = "common search properties:")
    row = layout.row()
    row.prop(props, "search_keywords", text="", icon='VIEWZOOM')
    draw_assetbar_show_hide(row, props)
    layout.prop(props, "own_only")
    utils.label_multiline(layout, text=props.report)

    # layout.prop(props, "search_style")
    # if props.search_style == 'OTHER':
    #     layout.prop(props, "search_style_other")
    # layout.prop(props, "search_engine")
Пример #10
def draw_panel_material_upload(self, context):
    o = bpy.context.active_object
    mat = bpy.context.active_object.active_material

    props = mat.blenderkit
    layout = self.layout

    draw_upload_common(layout, props, 'MATERIAL', context)

    prop_needed(layout, props, 'name', props.name)
    layout.prop(props, 'description')
    layout.prop(props, 'style')
    # if props.style == 'OTHER':
    #     layout.prop(props, 'style_other')
    # layout.prop(props, 'engine')
    # if props.engine == 'OTHER':
    #     layout.prop(props, 'engine_other')
    layout.prop(props, 'tags')
    # layout.prop(props,'shaders')#TODO autofill on upload
    # row = layout.row()
    layout.prop(props, 'is_free')

    layout.prop(props, 'pbr')
    layout.prop(props, 'uv')
    layout.prop(props, 'animated')
    layout.prop(props, 'texture_size_meters')

    row = layout.row()
    if props.is_generating_thumbnail:
        row.enabled = False
    prop_needed(row, props, 'thumbnail', props.has_thumbnail, False)

    if props.is_generating_thumbnail:
        row = layout.row(align=True)
        row.label(text=props.thumbnail_generating_state, icon='RENDER_STILL')
        op = row.operator('object.kill_bg_process', text="", icon='CANCEL')
        op.process_source = 'MATERIAL'
        op.process_type = 'THUMBNAILER'
    elif props.thumbnail_generating_state != '':
       utils.label_multiline(layout, text=props.thumbnail_generating_state)

    if bpy.context.scene.render.engine in ('CYCLES', 'BLENDER_EEVEE'):
        layout.operator("object.blenderkit_material_thumbnail", text='Render thumbnail with Cycles', icon='EXPORT')
Пример #11
    def draw(self, context):
        # draw asset properties here
        layout = self.layout

        o = utils.get_active_model()
        # o = bpy.context.active_object
        if o.get('asset_data') is None:
            utils.label_multiline(layout, text='To upload this asset to BlenderKit, go to the Find and Upload Assets panel.')
            layout.prop(o, 'name')

        if o.get('asset_data') is not None:
            ad = o['asset_data']
            if o.instance_type == 'COLLECTION' and o.instance_collection is not None:
                layout.operator('object.blenderkit_bring_to_scene', text='Bring to scene')
            draw_panel_model_rating(self, context)

            layout.label(text='Asset tools:')
            draw_asset_context_menu(self, context, ad)
Пример #12
def draw_panel_model_search(self, context):
    s = context.scene

    props = s.blenderkit_models
    layout = self.layout

    row = layout.row()
    row.prop(props, "search_keywords", text="", icon='VIEWZOOM')
    draw_assetbar_show_hide(row, props)

    icon = 'NONE'
    if props.report == 'You need Full plan to get this item.':
        icon = 'ERROR'
    utils.label_multiline(layout, text=props.report, icon=icon)
    if props.report == 'You need Full plan to get this item.':
        layout.operator("wm.url_open", text="Get Full plan", icon='URL').url = paths.BLENDERKIT_PLANS

    layout.prop(props, "search_style")
    layout.prop(props, "own_only")
    layout.prop(props, "free_only")
Пример #13
 def draw(self, context):
     layout = self.layout
     utils.label_multiline(layout, text=self.message)
Пример #14
    def draw(self, context):
        s = context.scene
        ui_props = s.blenderkitUI
        user_preferences = bpy.context.preferences.addons['blenderkit'].preferences
        wm = bpy.context.window_manager
        layout = self.layout

        # layout.prop_tabs_enum(ui_props, "asset_type", icon_only = True)

        row = layout.row()
        # row.scale_x = 1.6
        # row.scale_y = 1.6
        row.prop(ui_props, 'down_up', expand=True, icon_only=False)
        # row.label(text='')
        # row = row.split().row()
        # layout.alert = True
        # layout.alignment = 'CENTER'
        row = layout.row(align=True)
        row.scale_x = 1.6
        row.scale_y = 1.6
        # split = row.split(factor=.5)
        row.prop(ui_props, 'asset_type', expand=True, icon_only=False)
        # row = layout.column(align = False)
        # layout.prop(ui_props, 'asset_type', expand=False, text='')

        w = context.region.width
        if user_preferences.login_attempt:

        if len(user_preferences.api_key) < 20 and user_preferences.asset_counter > 20:
            if user_preferences.enable_oauth:
                op = layout.operator("wm.url_open", text="Get your API Key",
                op.url = paths.BLENDERKIT_SIGNUP_URL
                layout.label(text='Paste your API Key:')
                layout.prop(user_preferences, 'api_key', text='')
        # if bpy.data.filepath == '':
        #     layout.alert = True
        #    utils.label_multiline(layout, text="It's better to save your file first.", width=w)
        #     layout.alert = False
        #     layout.separator()

        if ui_props.down_up == 'SEARCH':
            if utils.profile_is_validator():
                search_props = utils.get_search_props()
                layout.prop(search_props, 'search_verification_status')
            if ui_props.asset_type == 'MODEL':
                # noinspection PyCallByClass
                draw_panel_model_search(self, context)
            if ui_props.asset_type == 'SCENE':
                # noinspection PyCallByClass
                draw_panel_scene_search(self, context)

            elif ui_props.asset_type == 'MATERIAL':
                draw_panel_material_search(self, context)
            elif ui_props.asset_type == 'BRUSH':
                if context.sculpt_object or context.image_paint_object:
                    # noinspection PyCallByClass
                    draw_panel_brush_search(self, context)
                    utils.label_multiline(layout, text='switch to paint or sculpt mode.', width=context.region.width)

        elif ui_props.down_up == 'UPLOAD':
            if not ui_props.assetbar_on:
                text = 'Show asset preview - ;'
                text = 'Hide asset preview - ;'
            op = layout.operator('view3d.blenderkit_asset_bar', text=text, icon='EXPORT')
            op.keep_running = False
            op.do_search = False
            op.tooltip = 'Show/Hide asset preview'

            e = s.render.engine
            if e not in ('CYCLES', 'BLENDER_EEVEE'):
                rtext = 'Only Cycles and EEVEE render engines are currently supported. ' \
                        'Please use Cycles for all assets you upload to BlenderKit.'
                utils.label_multiline(layout, rtext, icon='ERROR', width=w)

            if ui_props.asset_type == 'MODEL':
                #utils.label_multiline(layout, "Uploaded models won't be available in b2.79", icon='ERROR')
                if bpy.context.view_layer.objects.active is not None:
                    draw_panel_model_upload(self, context)
                    layout.label(text='selet object to upload')
            elif ui_props.asset_type == 'SCENE':
                draw_panel_scene_upload(self, context)

            elif ui_props.asset_type == 'MATERIAL':
                #utils.label_multiline(layout, "Uploaded materials won't be available in b2.79", icon='ERROR')

                if bpy.context.view_layer.objects.active is not None and bpy.context.active_object.active_material is not None:
                    draw_panel_material_upload(self, context)
                   utils.label_multiline(layout, text='select object with material to upload materials', width=w)

            elif ui_props.asset_type == 'BRUSH':
                if context.sculpt_object or context.image_paint_object:
                    draw_panel_brush_upload(self, context)
                    layout.label(text='switch to paint or sculpt mode.')

        elif ui_props.down_up == 'RATING':  # the poll functions didn't work here, don't know why.

            if ui_props.asset_type == 'MODEL':
                # TODO improve poll here to parenting structures
                if bpy.context.view_layer.objects.active is not None and bpy.context.active_object.get(
                        'asset_data') != None:
                    ad = bpy.context.active_object.get('asset_data')
                    draw_panel_model_rating(self, context)
            if ui_props.asset_type == 'MATERIAL':
                if bpy.context.view_layer.objects.active is not None and \
                        bpy.context.active_object.active_material is not None and \
                        bpy.context.active_object.active_material.blenderkit.asset_base_id != '':
                    layout.label(text=bpy.context.active_object.active_material.blenderkit.name + ' :')
                    # noinspection PyCallByClass
                    draw_panel_material_ratings(self, context)
            if ui_props.asset_type == 'BRUSH':
                if context.sculpt_object or context.image_paint_object:
                    props = utils.get_brush_props(context)
                    if props.asset_base_id != '':
                        layout.label(text=props.name + ' :')
                        # noinspection PyCallByClass
                        draw_panel_brush_ratings(self, context)
            if ui_props.asset_type == 'TEXTURE':
                layout.label(text='not yet implemented')
Пример #15
 def draw_message(source, context):
     layout = source.layout
     utils.label_multiline(layout, text=message)