Пример #1
def make_fake_inspections_all_parcels_cincy(fake_inspection_date):
    Create a new dataframe that contains every parcel in Cincinnati. This frame resembles the one
    that is created by generate_labels() but it does not have an "outcome" column. The reason is that we are not
    actually listing inspections here, but pretend that we are investigating each of the cincinnati parcels on
    the given fake_inspection_date. We will (in some other function) generate features for each of these fake

    parcel_id, inspection_date
    1234,      fake_inspection_date
    26377,     fake_inspection_date

    :param fake_inspection_date:
    :return: Pandas dataframe with one row per (fake) inspection and two columns: "parcel_id", "inspection_date"
    # get all cincinnati parcels
    parcels = ("SELECT DISTINCT(parcelid) AS parcel_id "
               "FROM shape_files.parcels_cincy")
    engine = util.get_engine()
    parcels = pd.read_sql(parcels, con=engine)

    # add column with the fake inspection date
    parcels["inspection_date"] = pd.Series(fake_inspection_date,

    # add empty column with outcome
    parcels["viol_outcome"] = pd.Series(np.nan, index=parcels.index)

    return parcels
def generate_features_for_fake_inspection(inspection_date):
    Generate fake inspections and features for some fake inspection_date

    The features and labels will be stored in schema "features_dayMonthYear" (according to the inspection date, e.g.
    features_01Aug2015. This schema must exist in the database before calling this function (for security reasons).
    schema = "features_{}".format(inspection_date.strftime('%d%b%Y'))
    if schema not in existing_feature_schemas():
        raise SchemaMissing(schema)

    # use this engine for all data storing (somehow does not work with the raw connection we create below)
    engine = util.get_engine()

    # all querying is done using a raw connection. in this connection set to use the relevant schema
    # this makes sure that we grab the "inspections_parcels" table from the correct schema in all feature creators
    con = engine.raw_connection()
    con.cursor().execute("SET SCHEMA '{}'".format(schema))

    # make a new table that contains one row for every parcel in Cincinnati
    # this table has two columns: parcel_id, inspection_date
    # inspection_date is the one give as parameter and is the same for all parcels
    logging.info("Generating inspections table")
    inspections = outcome.make_fake_inspections_all_parcels_cincy(inspection_date)
    inspections.to_sql("parcels_inspections", engine, chunksize=50000, if_exists='fail', index=False, schema=schema)
    logging.debug("... table has {} rows".format(len(inspections)))

    # make features and store in database
    for feature in features_to_generate:
        logging.info("Generating {} features".format(feature.table))
        feature_data = feature.generator_function(con)
        feature_data = feature_data.reset_index()
        feature_data.to_sql(feature.table, engine, chunksize=50000, if_exists='fail', index=False, schema=schema)
        logging.debug("... table has {} rows".format(len(feature_data)))
Пример #3
def make_fake_inspections_all_parcels_cincy(fake_inspection_date):
    Create a new dataframe that contains every parcel in Cincinnati. This frame resembles the one
    that is created by generate_labels() but it does not have an "outcome" column. The reason is that we are not
    actually listing inspections here, but pretend that we are investigating each of the cincinnati parcels on
    the given fake_inspection_date. We will (in some other function) generate features for each of these fake

    parcel_id, inspection_date
    1234,      fake_inspection_date
    26377,     fake_inspection_date

    :param fake_inspection_date:
    :return: Pandas dataframe with one row per (fake) inspection and two columns: "parcel_id", "inspection_date"
    # get all cincinnati parcels
    parcels = ("SELECT DISTINCT(parcelid) AS parcel_id "
               "FROM shape_files.parcels_cincy")
    engine = util.get_engine()
    parcels = pd.read_sql(parcels, con=engine)

    # add column with the fake inspection date
    parcels["inspection_date"] = pd.Series(fake_inspection_date, index=parcels.index)

    # add empty column with outcome
    parcels["viol_outcome"] = pd.Series(np.nan, index=parcels.index)

    return parcels
Пример #4
    def __init__(self, schema, start_date, end_date):
        if schema not in existing_feature_schemas():
            raise SchemaMissing(schema)

        # all querying is done using a raw connection. in this connection set to use the relevant schema
        # this makes sure that we grab the features from the correct schema
        engine = util.get_engine()
        self.con = engine.raw_connection()
        self.con.cursor().execute("SET SCHEMA '{}'".format(schema))

        self.start_date = start_date
        self.end_date = end_date
Пример #5
    def __init__(self, schema, start_date, end_date):
        if schema not in existing_feature_schemas():
            raise SchemaMissing(schema)

        # all querying is done using a raw connection. in this connection set to use the relevant schema
        # this makes sure that we grab the features from the correct schema
        engine = util.get_engine()
        self.con = engine.raw_connection()
        self.con.cursor().execute("SET SCHEMA '{}'".format(schema))

        self.start_date = start_date
        self.end_date = end_date
def load_targeting_priority():
    schema = "features_01Aug2015"
    engine = util.get_engine()
    pri = pd.read_sql_table("targeting_priority", schema=schema, con=engine)
    pri = pri.drop_duplicates(["parcel_id", "inspection_date"])  # there are 12 duplicates, don't care
    pri = pri.set_index(["parcel_id", "inspection_date"])
    pri = pri["num_properties_owned"]

    rank = np.digitize(pri, targeting_priority_bins)
    rank = pd.Series(rank, pri.index)
    rank.name = "targeting_rank"

    return rank
Пример #7
def load_targeting_priority():
    schema = "features_01Aug2015"
    engine = util.get_engine()
    pri = pd.read_sql_table("targeting_priority", schema=schema, con=engine)
    pri = pri.drop_duplicates(["parcel_id", "inspection_date"
                               ])  # there are 12 duplicates, don't care
    pri = pri.set_index(["parcel_id", "inspection_date"])
    pri = pri["num_properties_owned"]

    rank = np.digitize(pri, targeting_priority_bins)
    rank = pd.Series(rank, pri.index)
    rank.name = "targeting_rank"

    return rank
Пример #8
def generate_features_for_fake_inspection(inspection_date):
    Generate fake inspections and features for some fake inspection_date

    The features and labels will be stored in schema "features_dayMonthYear" (according to the inspection date, e.g.
    features_01Aug2015. This schema must exist in the database before calling this function (for security reasons).
    schema = "features_{}".format(inspection_date.strftime('%d%b%Y'))
    if schema not in existing_feature_schemas():
        raise SchemaMissing(schema)

    # use this engine for all data storing (somehow does not work with the raw connection we create below)
    engine = util.get_engine()

    # all querying is done using a raw connection. in this connection set to use the relevant schema
    # this makes sure that we grab the "inspections_parcels" table from the correct schema in all feature creators
    con = engine.raw_connection()
    con.cursor().execute("SET SCHEMA '{}'".format(schema))

    # make a new table that contains one row for every parcel in Cincinnati
    # this table has two columns: parcel_id, inspection_date
    # inspection_date is the one give as parameter and is the same for all parcels
    logging.info("Generating inspections table")
    inspections = outcome.make_fake_inspections_all_parcels_cincy(
    logging.debug("... table has {} rows".format(len(inspections)))

    # make features and store in database
    for feature in features_to_generate:
        logging.info("Generating {} features".format(feature.table))
        feature_data = feature.generator_function(con)
        feature_data = feature_data.reset_index()
        logging.debug("... table has {} rows".format(len(feature_data)))
Make a huge csv with a bunch of information about every property

import sys

from sqlalchemy import create_engine
import pandas as pd

import dbconfig
from blight_risk_prediction import util

engine = util.get_engine()

def get_neighbourhood():
    def make_address(row):
        if row["addrst"]:
            street = " ".join([a.capitalize() for a in row["addrst"].split()])
            street = " "
        if row["addrno"]:
            no = row["addrno"]
            no = " "
        if row["addrsf"]:
            typ = " ".join([a.capitalize() for a in row["addrsf"].split()])
            typ = " "
        return no + " " + street + " " +  typ
Пример #10
def generate_labels():
    Generate labels for all the parcels in the inspection view. 


    A pandas dataframe with one row per inspection and three columns: "parcel_id", "inspection_date", "viol_outcome"

    engine = util.get_engine()

    # SQL query to pull down all parcels with a inspection
    all_insp_query = (
        "SELECT parcel.parcel_no, events.number_key, events.date "
        "FROM inspections_views.events AS events "
        "JOIN inspections_views.number_key2parcel_no AS parcel "
        "ON events.number_key = parcel.number_key "
        "WHERE events.comp_type = 'CBHCODE' "
        "AND events.event = 'Initial inspection'")

    df_insp = pd.read_sql_query(all_insp_query, con=engine)

    # SQL query to pull down all parcels with a violation
    all_viol_query = (
        "SELECT parcel.parcel_no, events.number_key, events.date "
        "FROM inspections_views.events AS events "
        "JOIN inspections_views.number_key2parcel_no AS parcel "
        "ON events.number_key = parcel.number_key "
        "WHERE events.comp_type = 'CBHCODE' "
        "AND (events.event = 'Orders issued' OR events.event = 'Civil 2' "
        "OR events.event = 'Civil 1' OR events.event = 'Final notice' OR "
        "events.event = 'Pre-prosecution status' OR events.event = 'Prosecutor approves')"

    df_viol = pd.read_sql_query(all_viol_query, con=engine)

    df_insp.columns = ['parcel_insp', 'number_key', 'date_insp']
    df_viol.columns = ['parcel_viol', 'number_key', 'date_viol']
    df_viol['Label_viol'] = 1
    df_insp['Label_insp'] = 0
    has_violation = df_insp.number_key.isin(df_viol.number_key)

    # If number key from df_insp appears in df_viol, then that case HAS a violation.
    # If number key from df_insp DOES NOT appear in df_viol then it DOES NOT have a violation.
    df_insp['Label'] = has_violation
    convert_to_nums = df_insp.applymap(lambda x: 1 if x else 0)
    df_insp['Label'] = convert_to_nums['Label']

    # Tag parcels that aren't in the inspection list as violations (Reported -> Violation)
    # those parcels that are not in the list should be appended as violations with the date taken
    # from the violations table.
    # TODO: Examine the t_inspection - t_violation distribution and cut out the outliers
    viol_parcels_w_insp = df_viol.number_key.isin(df_insp.number_key)
    df_insp = df_insp.drop('Label_insp', axis=1)
    df_viol = df_viol.drop('Label_viol', axis=1)
    df_viol['Label'] = 1
    df_noinsp = df_viol[viol_parcels_w_insp == False]
    df_noinsp.columns = ['parcel_insp', 'number_key', 'date_insp', 'Label']

    df = df_insp.append(df_noinsp, ignore_index=True)
    df = df.fillna(0)

    # Format dataframe to match database table
    df = df.drop('number_key', axis=1)  # don't need number key anymore
    df.columns = ['parcel_id', 'inspection_date', 'viol_outcome']

    return df
Пример #11
Make a huge csv with a bunch of information about every property

import sys

from sqlalchemy import create_engine
import pandas as pd

import dbconfig
from blight_risk_prediction import util

engine = util.get_engine()

def get_neighbourhood():
    def make_address(row):
        if row["addrst"]:
            street = " ".join([a.capitalize() for a in row["addrst"].split()])
            street = " "
        if row["addrno"]:
            no = row["addrno"]
            no = " "
        if row["addrsf"]:
            typ = " ".join([a.capitalize() for a in row["addrsf"].split()])
            typ = " "
        return no + " " + street + " " + typ
Пример #12
def existing_feature_schemas():
    engine = util.get_engine()
    schemas = "SELECT schema_name AS schema FROM information_schema.schemata"
    schemas = pd.read_sql(schemas, con=engine)["schema"]
    schemas = [s for s in schemas.values if s.startswith("features")]
    return schemas
Пример #13
def existing_feature_schemas():
    engine = util.get_engine()
    schemas = "SELECT schema_name AS schema FROM information_schema.schemata"
    schemas = pd.read_sql(schemas, con=engine)["schema"]
    schemas = [s for s in schemas.values if s.startswith("features")]
    return schemas
Пример #14
def generate_labels():
    Generate labels for all the parcels in the inspection view. 


    A pandas dataframe with one row per inspection and three columns: "parcel_id", "inspection_date", "viol_outcome"

    engine = util.get_engine()

    # SQL query to pull down all parcels with a inspection
    all_insp_query = ("SELECT parcel.parcel_no, events.number_key, events.date "
                      "FROM inspections_views.events AS events "
                      "JOIN inspections_views.number_key2parcel_no AS parcel "
                      "ON events.number_key = parcel.number_key "
                      "WHERE events.comp_type = 'CBHCODE' "
                      "AND events.event = 'Initial inspection'")

    df_insp = pd.read_sql_query(all_insp_query, con=engine)

    # SQL query to pull down all parcels with a violation
    all_viol_query = ("SELECT parcel.parcel_no, events.number_key, events.date "
                      "FROM inspections_views.events AS events "
                      "JOIN inspections_views.number_key2parcel_no AS parcel "
                      "ON events.number_key = parcel.number_key "
                      "WHERE events.comp_type = 'CBHCODE' "
                      "AND (events.event = 'Orders issued' OR events.event = 'Civil 2' "
                      "OR events.event = 'Civil 1' OR events.event = 'Final notice' OR "
                      "events.event = 'Pre-prosecution status' OR events.event = 'Prosecutor approves')"

    df_viol = pd.read_sql_query(all_viol_query, con=engine)

    df_insp.columns = ['parcel_insp', 'number_key', 'date_insp']
    df_viol.columns = ['parcel_viol', 'number_key', 'date_viol']
    df_viol['Label_viol'] = 1
    df_insp['Label_insp'] = 0
    has_violation = df_insp.number_key.isin(df_viol.number_key)

    # If number key from df_insp appears in df_viol, then that case HAS a violation.
    # If number key from df_insp DOES NOT appear in df_viol then it DOES NOT have a violation.
    df_insp['Label'] = has_violation
    convert_to_nums = df_insp.applymap(lambda x: 1 if x else 0)
    df_insp['Label'] = convert_to_nums['Label']

    # Tag parcels that aren't in the inspection list as violations (Reported -> Violation)
    # those parcels that are not in the list should be appended as violations with the date taken
    # from the violations table.
    # TODO: Examine the t_inspection - t_violation distribution and cut out the outliers
    viol_parcels_w_insp = df_viol.number_key.isin(df_insp.number_key)
    df_insp = df_insp.drop('Label_insp', axis=1)
    df_viol = df_viol.drop('Label_viol', axis=1)
    df_viol['Label'] = 1
    df_noinsp = df_viol[viol_parcels_w_insp == False]
    df_noinsp.columns = ['parcel_insp', 'number_key', 'date_insp', 'Label']

    df = df_insp.append(df_noinsp, ignore_index=True)
    df = df.fillna(0)

    # Format dataframe to match database table
    df = df.drop('number_key', axis=1)  # don't need number key anymore
    df.columns = ['parcel_id', 'inspection_date', 'viol_outcome']

    return df