Пример #1
 def __init__(self):
     self.event = ["timer", "tick", "bar"]
     self.timer_signal = NamedSignal("timer")
     # tick
     self.tick_signal = NamedSignal("tick")
     # bar
     self.bar_signal = NamedSignal("bar")
Пример #2
class MessageActionEvent(Enum):
    created = NamedSignal('message created')
    read = NamedSignal('message read')
    responded = NamedSignal('message responded')

    def send(self, message, **data):
        self.value.send(message, **data)

    def connect(self, func):
        return func
Пример #3
    def __init__(self):
        self.filename = None

        self.parentWindow = None
        self.editor = None


        self.onNew = NamedSignal('onNew')
        self.onRead = NamedSignal('onRead')
        self.onWrite = NamedSignal('onWrite')

        self.recentFiles = RecentFiles(self)
Пример #4
class MessageActionEvent(Enum):
    """The types of an events which can be taken on an action.
    created = NamedSignal('message created')
    read = NamedSignal('message read')
    responded = NamedSignal('message responded')

    def send(self, message, **data):
        self.value.send(message, **data)

    def connect(self, func):
        return func
Пример #5
    def __init__(self, debugger):
        self.variablesToTrack = []

        self.counter = 0
        self.records = deque()
        self.recordsCropped = False


        self.onAddedVariable = NamedSignal('onAddedVariable')
        self.onRemovedVariable = NamedSignal('onRemovedVariable')
        self.onRecorded = NamedSignal('onRecorded')
        self.onReset = NamedSignal('onReset')
Пример #6
 def __init__(self, app_name, ids=uuid4()):
     """ 账户级别的相关信号 """
     self.app_name = app_name
     self.id = ids
     self.event = ['order', "trade", "contract", "warning", "position", "init", "account", "last", "log", "error"]
     self.order_signal = NamedSignal(f"{ids}+order")
     self.trade_signal = NamedSignal(f"{ids}+trade")
     self.position_signal = NamedSignal(f"{ids}+position")
     self.init_signal = NamedSignal(f"{ids}+init")
     self.account_signal = NamedSignal(f"{ids}+account")
     self.last_signal = NamedSignal(f"{ids}+last")
     self.log_signal = NamedSignal(f"{ids}+log")
     self.contract_signal = NamedSignal(f"{ids}+contract")
     self.error_signal = NamedSignal(f"{ids}+error")
     self.warning_signal = NamedSignal(f"{ids}+warning")
Пример #7
class Watcher(object):
    MAX_RECORDS = 200

    def __init__(self, debugger):
        self.variablesToTrack = []

        self.counter = 0
        self.records = deque()
        self.recordsCropped = False


        self.onAddedVariable = NamedSignal('onAddedVariable')
        self.onRemovedVariable = NamedSignal('onRemovedVariable')
        self.onRecorded = NamedSignal('onRecorded')
        self.onReset = NamedSignal('onReset')

    def reset(self):
        self.counter = 0
        self.records = deque()
        self.recordsCropped = False

    def addVariable(self, name):
        self.onAddedVariable.send(self, var=name)

    def removeVariable(self, name):
        self.onRemovedVariable.send(self, var=name)

    def _start(self, debugger, **_):

    def recordFrame(self, debugger, filename, lineno, frame, **_):
        self.counter += 1
        record = Record(self.counter, filename, lineno)

        for var in self.variablesToTrack:
                value = eval(var, frame.f_locals, frame.f_globals)
                record.variables[var] = value

        cropCount = 0
        if len(self.records) >= self.MAX_RECORDS:
            # Drop a bunch of records.
            while len(self.records) >= self.MAX_RECORDS:
                cropCount += 1

            self.recordsCropped = True

        self.onRecorded.send(self, record=record, cropped=cropCount)
Пример #8
class Watcher(object):
    MAX_RECORDS = 200

    def __init__(self, debugger):
        self.variablesToTrack = []

        self.counter = 0
        self.records = deque()
        self.recordsCropped = False


        self.onAddedVariable = NamedSignal('onAddedVariable')
        self.onRemovedVariable = NamedSignal('onRemovedVariable')
        self.onRecorded = NamedSignal('onRecorded')
        self.onReset = NamedSignal('onReset')

    def reset(self):
        self.counter = 0
        self.records = deque()
        self.recordsCropped = False

    def addVariable(self, name):
        self.onAddedVariable.send(self, var=name)

    def removeVariable(self, name):
        self.onRemovedVariable.send(self, var=name)

    def _start(self, debugger, **_):

    def recordFrame(self, debugger, filename, lineno, frame, **_):
        self.counter += 1
        record = Record(self.counter, filename, lineno)

        for var in self.variablesToTrack:
                value = eval(var, frame.f_locals, frame.f_globals)
                record.variables[var] = value

        cropCount = 0
        if len(self.records) >= self.MAX_RECORDS:
            # Drop a bunch of records.
            while len(self.records) >= self.MAX_RECORDS:
                cropCount += 1

            self.recordsCropped = True

        self.onRecorded.send(self, record=record, cropped=cropCount)
Пример #9
    def __init__(self):
        self.lock = Lock()
        self.isRunning = False
        self.runningThread = None
        #self._threadLaunched = Semaphore(0)

        self.debugger = Debugger(self)
        self.debugMode = False

        self.namespace = {}
        self.initialNamespace = {}
        self.initialNames = set()

        self.beforeRun = NamedSignal('afterLock')
        self.onException = NamedSignal('onException')
        self.afterRun = NamedSignal('beforeUnlock')

        self.onDebugSet = NamedSignal('onDebugSet')
Пример #10
    def __init__(self, debugger):
        self.variablesToTrack = []

        self.counter = 0
        self.records = deque()
        self.recordsCropped = False


        self.onAddedVariable = NamedSignal('onAddedVariable')
        self.onRemovedVariable = NamedSignal('onRemovedVariable')
        self.onRecorded = NamedSignal('onRecorded')
        self.onReset = NamedSignal('onReset')
Пример #11
    def __init__(self, interpreter):
        Connects the debugger to the interpreter.
        super(Debugger, self).__init__()
        self.interpreter = interpreter
        self.speed = self.DEFAULT_SPEED
        self.targetFilenames = set()
        self.running = False

        self.onSpeedSet = NamedSignal('onSpeedSet')

        self.onStart = NamedSignal('onStart')
        self.onStop = NamedSignal('onStop')
        self.onFrame = NamedSignal('onFrame')
Пример #12
    def __init__(self, history, themeName=DEFAULT_THEME_NAME):
        self.history = history

        self.promptText = None
        self.promptStyle = None
        self.responseStyle = None

        self.inputLimit = None

        # Initialize the transcripts
        self.transcripts = [[]]
        self.transcript = self.transcripts[0]

        # Set the themes
        self.onThemeSet = NamedSignal('onThemeSet')

        # Install the filter and document listener
        self.filter = CommandDocumentFilter()

        self.listener = CommandDocumentListener(self.history)
Пример #13
    def __init__(self):
        self.lock = Lock()
        self.isRunning = False
        self.runningThread = None
        self._threadLaunched = Semaphore(0)

        self.debugger = Debugger(self)
        self.debugMode = False

        self.namespace = {}
        self.initialNamespace = {}
        self.initialNames = set()

        self.beforeRun = NamedSignal('afterLock')
        self.onException = NamedSignal('onException')
        self.afterRun = NamedSignal('beforeUnlock')

        self.onDebugSet = NamedSignal('onDebugSet')
Пример #14
    def __init__(self, history, themeName=DEFAULT_THEME_NAME):
        self.history = history

        self.promptText = None
        self.promptStyle = None
        self.responseStyle = None

        self.inputLimit = None

        # Initialize the transcripts
        self.transcripts = [[]]
        self.transcript = self.transcripts[0]

        # Set the themes
        self.onThemeSet = NamedSignal('onThemeSet')

        # Install the filter and document listener
        self.filter = CommandDocumentFilter()

        self.listener = CommandDocumentListener(self.history)
Пример #15
class CommandDocument(DefaultStyledDocument):
    This is the document subclass used for the JES command window.
    Its only responsibilities compared to a normal document are protecting
    everything written by the program up to the last prompt, and keeping
    the History up to date with what the current prompt text is.
    def __init__(self, history, themeName=DEFAULT_THEME_NAME):
        self.history = history

        self.promptText = None
        self.promptStyle = None
        self.responseStyle = None

        self.inputLimit = None

        # Initialize the transcripts
        self.transcripts = [[]]
        self.transcript = self.transcripts[0]

        # Set the themes
        self.onThemeSet = NamedSignal('onThemeSet')

        # Install the filter and document listener
        self.filter = CommandDocumentFilter()

        self.listener = CommandDocumentListener(self.history)

    def setTheme(self, themeName):
        Updates all the existing styles, and recolors the command window
        to match the new styles if any text is present.
        # Pick our fonts!
        self.defaultFontFamily = \
        self.monoFontFamily = 'Monospaced'

        # Check that the theme exists
        if themeName not in THEMES:
            themeName = DEFAULT_THEME_NAME

        self.themeName = themeName
        self.theme = theme = THEMES[themeName]

        # Set the default style
        baseStyle = self.getStyle('default')
        StyleConstants.setBackground(baseStyle, theme.backgroundColor)
        self._setStyle(baseStyle, theme.defaultStyle)

        # Set the pretty text styles
        existingStyles = set(self.getStyleNames())
        for name in ALL_STYLES:
            if name in existingStyles:
                style = self.getStyle(name)
                style = self.addStyle(name, baseStyle)

            styleSpec = theme.styles.get(name, (None, None))
            styleSpec = ((theme.defaultStyle[0]
                          if styleSpec[0] is None else styleSpec[0]),
                          if styleSpec[1] is None else styleSpec[1]))
            self._setStyle(style, styleSpec)


    def _recolorDocument(self):
        # Reapply character styles to the text in the transcript
        offset = 0
        for styleName, text in self.transcript:
            length = len(text)
            self.setCharacterAttributes(offset, length,
                                        self.getStyle(styleName), False)
            offset += length

        # Reapply character styles to the user input
        if self.responseStyle:
                                        self.getLength() - offset,

    def _setStyle(self, attrSet, styleSpec):
        flags, color = styleSpec

        StyleConstants.setForeground(attrSet, color)

        if flags & MONOSPACE:
            StyleConstants.setFontFamily(attrSet, self.monoFontFamily)
            StyleConstants.setFontFamily(attrSet, self.defaultFontFamily)

    def getBackgroundColor(self):
        Returns the background color that this document's editor window
        should have.
        return self.theme.backgroundColor

    def getDefaultTextColor(self):
        Returns the default text color. (The theme really should specify one!)
        return self.theme.defaultStyle[1]

    def setFontSize(self, size):
        Updates the document to have the provided font size.
        # First, we need to resize all the existing text.
        attr = SimpleAttributeSet()
        StyleConstants.setFontSize(attr, size)
        self.setCharacterAttributes(0, self.getLength(), attr, False)

        # Next, ensure that new text is given the proper size.
        for name in self.getStyleNames():
            StyleConstants.setFontSize(self.getStyle(name), size)

    def append(self, text, style):
        Writes text at the end of the document, in a specific style.
        self.transcript.append(TranscriptLine(style, text))
        self.insertString(self.getLength(), text, self.getStyle(style))

    def openPrompt(self, promptText, promptStyle, responseStyle):
        Indicates a prompt to draw on the screen, and starts displaying
        user input in response. This requires the history to have already
        been activated.
        if self.promptText is not None:
            raise Exception("A prompt is currently being displayed!")

        self.promptText = promptText
        self.promptStyle = promptStyle
        self.responseStyle = responseStyle


    def closePrompt(self):
        Suspends the prompt, then resets it so a different prompt can be
        displayed. After this, you should either commit or close the history.
        if self.promptText is None:
            raise Exception("A prompt is not being displayed!")

        self.promptText = None
        self.promptStyle = None
        self.responseStyle = None

    def resumePrompt(self):
        Draws the prompt and starts allowing user input again,
        also locking the program from writing before the prompt.
        if self.promptText is None:
            raise Exception("A prompt is not being displayed!")

        self.append(self.promptText, self.promptStyle)

        self.inputLimit = self.getLength()
        self.filter.enable(self.inputLimit, self.getStyle(self.responseStyle))


    def suspendPrompt(self):
        Stops allowing user input and moves the caret to the next line,
        so content can be printed to the command window by the program
        without restriction.
        if self.promptText is None:
            raise Exception("A prompt is not being displayed!")

        inputLength = self.getLength() - self.inputLimit
        text = self.getText(self.inputLimit, inputLength)
        self.transcript.append(TranscriptLine(self.responseStyle, text))

        self.inputLimit = None

    def setResponseText(self, text):
        Replaces the current response text with some new text.
        if self.inputLimit is None:
            raise Exception("A prompt is not being displayed!")

        offset = self.inputLimit
                     self.getLength() - offset, text,

    def ensureNewline(self, style):
        Ensures that there's a newline at the end of the buffer,
        so that anything appended will appear at the start of the line.
        length = self.getLength()
        if length != 0 and self.getText(length - 1, 1) != '\n':
            self.append('\n', style)

    def clear(self):
        Erase everything in the document.
        self.transcript = self.transcripts[-1]
        self.remove(0, self.getLength())
Пример #16
class Interpreter(object):
    This contains a Python interpreter state. It starts out empty,
    but ready to run code.
    def __init__(self):
        self.lock = Lock()
        self.isRunning = False
        self.runningThread = None
        self._threadLaunched = Semaphore(0)

        self.debugger = Debugger(self)
        self.debugMode = False

        self.namespace = {}
        self.initialNamespace = {}
        self.initialNames = set()

        self.beforeRun = NamedSignal('afterLock')
        self.onException = NamedSignal('onException')
        self.afterRun = NamedSignal('beforeUnlock')

        self.onDebugSet = NamedSignal('onDebugSet')

    def toggleDebugMode(self):
        Flips the debug mode setting.
        self.setDebugMode(not self.debugMode)

    def setDebugMode(self, mode):
        Sets the debug mode to true or false.
        mode = bool(mode)
        self.debugMode = mode
        self.onDebugSet.send(self, debugMode=mode)

    def initialize(self, initCode):
        Create an "initial context" for the interpreter, by running code.
        The `initCode` function provided is passed the interpreter as an
        argument, and it can either manipulate its namespace dictionary
        directly, or run files or code fragments.
        # Reset the context to blanks.
        self.namespace = {}
        self.initialNamespace = None
        self.initialNames = None

        # Call the function.

        # Capture the variables from the function.
        # (Lock to ensure that all the threads launched by initCode
        # have finished.)
        with self.lock:
            self.initialNamespace = self.namespace.copy()
            self.initialNames = set(self.initialNamespace.keys())

    def quickReset(self):
        Restores the context that was present after the last call to
        initialize. (Changes to mutable objects will be included!)
        self.namespace = self.initialNamespace.copy()

    def runFile(self, filename, setDunderFile=True):
        Executes a file in the interpreter context (in a separate thread).

        (setDunderFile controls whether the __file__ variable is available.)
        extraVars = {'__file__': filename} if setDunderFile else {}
        thread = ExecFileThread(self, filename, extraVars)
        return self._launchThread(thread)

    def runCodeFragment(self, fragment):
        Executes some code in the interpreter context (in a separate thread).
        if self.debugMode:
            return self.debugCodeFragment(fragment)
            return self.runCodeFragmentDirect(fragment)

    def runCodeFragmentDirect(self, fragment):
        Executes some code in the interpreter context, without activating
        the debugger if it's enabled.
        thread = ExecThread(self, fragment, {})
        return self._launchThread(thread)

    def debugCodeFragment(self, fragment):
        Executes some code in the debugger, even if debug mode is disabled.
        thread = DebugThread(self, fragment, {})
        return self._launchThread(thread)

    def _launchThread(self, thread):
        Fires off a thread, and waits for it to acquire the interpreter
        lock before returning. This is used to serialize execution.
        return thread

    def stopThread(self):
        Kills whatever thread happens to be running now.
        if self.runningThread is None:
            raise RuntimeError("Can't stop while thread isn't running")
Пример #17
class CommandDocument(DefaultStyledDocument):
    This is the document subclass used for the JES command window.
    Its only responsibilities compared to a normal document are protecting
    everything written by the program up to the last prompt, and keeping
    the History up to date with what the current prompt text is.
    def __init__(self, history, themeName=DEFAULT_THEME_NAME):
        self.history = history

        self.promptText = None
        self.promptStyle = None
        self.responseStyle = None

        self.inputLimit = None

        # Initialize the transcripts
        self.transcripts = [[]]
        self.transcript = self.transcripts[0]

        # Set the themes
        self.onThemeSet = NamedSignal('onThemeSet')

        # Install the filter and document listener
        self.filter = CommandDocumentFilter()

        self.listener = CommandDocumentListener(self.history)

    def setTheme(self, themeName):
        Updates all the existing styles, and recolors the command window
        to match the new styles if any text is present.
        # Pick our fonts!
        self.defaultFontFamily = \
        self.monoFontFamily = 'Monospaced'

        # Check that the theme exists
        if themeName not in THEMES:
            themeName = DEFAULT_THEME_NAME

        self.themeName = themeName
        self.theme = theme = THEMES[themeName]

        # Set the default style
        baseStyle = self.getStyle('default')
        StyleConstants.setBackground(baseStyle, theme.backgroundColor)
        self._setStyle(baseStyle, theme.defaultStyle)

        # Set the pretty text styles
        existingStyles = set(self.getStyleNames())
        for name in ALL_STYLES:
            if name in existingStyles:
                style = self.getStyle(name)
                style = self.addStyle(name, baseStyle)

            styleSpec = theme.styles.get(name, (None, None))
            styleSpec = (
                (theme.defaultStyle[0] if styleSpec[0] is None else styleSpec[0]),
                (theme.defaultStyle[1] if styleSpec[1] is None else styleSpec[1])
            self._setStyle(style, styleSpec)


    def _recolorDocument(self):
        # Reapply character styles to the text in the transcript
        offset = 0
        for styleName, text in self.transcript:
            length = len(text)
            self.setCharacterAttributes(offset, length,
                                        self.getStyle(styleName), False)
            offset += length

        # Reapply character styles to the user input
        if self.responseStyle:
            self.setCharacterAttributes(offset, self.getLength() - offset,

    def _setStyle(self, attrSet, styleSpec):
        flags, color = styleSpec

        StyleConstants.setForeground(attrSet, color)

        if flags & MONOSPACE:
            StyleConstants.setFontFamily(attrSet, self.monoFontFamily)
            StyleConstants.setFontFamily(attrSet, self.defaultFontFamily)

    def getBackgroundColor(self):
        Returns the background color that this document's editor window
        should have.
        return self.theme.backgroundColor

    def getDefaultTextColor(self):
        Returns the default text color. (The theme really should specify one!)
        return self.theme.defaultStyle[1]

    def setFontSize(self, size):
        Updates the document to have the provided font size.
        # First, we need to resize all the existing text.
        attr = SimpleAttributeSet()
        StyleConstants.setFontSize(attr, size)
        self.setCharacterAttributes(0, self.getLength(), attr, False)

        # Next, ensure that new text is given the proper size.
        for name in self.getStyleNames():
            StyleConstants.setFontSize(self.getStyle(name), size)

    def append(self, text, style):
        Writes text at the end of the document, in a specific style.
        self.transcript.append(TranscriptLine(style, text))
        self.insertString(self.getLength(), text, self.getStyle(style))

    def openPrompt(self, promptText, promptStyle, responseStyle):
        Indicates a prompt to draw on the screen, and starts displaying
        user input in response. This requires the history to have already
        been activated.
        if self.promptText is not None:
            raise Exception("A prompt is currently being displayed!")

        self.promptText = promptText
        self.promptStyle = promptStyle
        self.responseStyle = responseStyle


    def closePrompt(self):
        Suspends the prompt, then resets it so a different prompt can be
        displayed. After this, you should either commit or close the history.
        if self.promptText is None:
            raise Exception("A prompt is not being displayed!")

        self.promptText = None
        self.promptStyle = None
        self.responseStyle = None

    def resumePrompt(self):
        Draws the prompt and starts allowing user input again,
        also locking the program from writing before the prompt.
        if self.promptText is None:
            raise Exception("A prompt is not being displayed!")

        self.append(self.promptText, self.promptStyle)

        self.inputLimit = self.getLength()
        self.filter.enable(self.inputLimit, self.getStyle(self.responseStyle))


    def suspendPrompt(self):
        Stops allowing user input and moves the caret to the next line,
        so content can be printed to the command window by the program
        without restriction.
        if self.promptText is None:
            raise Exception("A prompt is not being displayed!")

        inputLength = self.getLength() - self.inputLimit
        text = self.getText(self.inputLimit, inputLength)
        self.transcript.append(TranscriptLine(self.responseStyle, text))

        self.inputLimit = None

    def setResponseText(self, text):
        Replaces the current response text with some new text.
        if self.inputLimit is None:
            raise Exception("A prompt is not being displayed!")

        offset = self.inputLimit
        self.replace(offset, self.getLength() - offset, text, self.getStyle(self.responseStyle))

    def ensureNewline(self, style):
        Ensures that there's a newline at the end of the buffer,
        so that anything appended will appear at the start of the line.
        length = self.getLength()
        if length != 0 and self.getText(length - 1, 1) != '\n':
            self.append('\n', style)

    def clear(self):
        Erase everything in the document.
        self.transcript = self.transcripts[-1]
        self.remove(0, self.getLength())
Пример #18
 def register(self, name, doc=None, subscriber=None):
     self.update({name: NamedSignal(name, doc)})
     if subscriber:
Пример #19
class Debugger(Pdb, object):
    #: When the debugger's speed is set to this, execution proceeds
    #: at 1 statement per second. Double this is 2 statements per second,
    #: half this is a statement every 2 seconds.
    UNIT_SPEED = 20.0

    #: The lowest speed you (should) be able to set the debugger to.
    #: You can technically set it to any nonnegative integral speed,
    #: but sticking above this is preferred.
    #: (A speed setting of 2 is a statement every 10 seconds.)
    MIN_SPEED = 2

    #: When the debugger's speed is set to this, the speed is ignored.
    #: Statements are simply run as fast as possible.
    MAX_SPEED = int(3 * UNIT_SPEED)

    #: The default speed setting for the debugger.
    #: (Twice unit speed is 2 statements per second.)

    def __init__(self, interpreter):
        Connects the debugger to the interpreter.
        super(Debugger, self).__init__()
        self.interpreter = interpreter
        self.speed = self.DEFAULT_SPEED
        self.targetFilenames = set()
        self.running = False

        self.onSpeedSet = NamedSignal('onSpeedSet')

        self.onStart = NamedSignal('onStart')
        self.onStop = NamedSignal('onStop')
        self.onFrame = NamedSignal('onFrame')

    def starting(self):
        Fires the debugger's start signal.
        self.running = True

    def stopping(self):
        Fires the debugger's stop signal.
        self.running = False

    def setSpeed(self, speed):
        Sets a new speed for the debugger. This fires onSpeedSet.
        speed = int(speed)
        if speed > self.MAX_SPEED:
            speed = self.MAX_SPEED
        elif speed <= 0:
            raise ValueError("Speed must be a positive integer")

        self.speed = speed
        self.onSpeedSet.send(self, newSpeed=speed)

    def setTargetFilenames(self, filenames):
        Sets the set of filenames which will make the debugger stop.
        self.targetFilenames = set(filenames)


    # Overrides Pdb.interaction
    # This is used whever the debugger would step
    def interaction(self, frame, traceback):
        currentFilename = frame.f_code.co_filename

        if currentFilename in self.targetFilenames:
            lineno = frame.f_lineno

                filename=currentFilename, lineno=lineno,
                frame=frame, traceback=traceback

            if self.interpreter.runningThread.stopSignal:
                raise ThreadDeath

            if self.speed < self.MAX_SPEED:
                period = self.UNIT_SPEED / self.speed

            if self.interpreter.runningThread.stopSignal:
                raise ThreadDeath

    # Overrides pdb.user_line
    def user_line(self, frame):
        """This function is called when we stop or break at this line."""
        self.interaction(frame, None)

    # Overrides pdb.user_return
    def user_return(self, frame, return_value):

    # Overrides pdb.user_return
    def user_exception(self, frame, (exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback)):
Пример #20
 def proc_sig(sig:NamedSignal):
     result = sig.send(sender, **kwargs)
     results.extend([{'name':fn.__name__, 'result':r} for fn, r in result])
Пример #21
class Interpreter(object):
    This contains a Python interpreter state. It starts out empty,
    but ready to run code.
    def __init__(self):
        self.lock = Lock()
        self.isRunning = False
        self.runningThread = None
        #self._threadLaunched = Semaphore(0)

        self.debugger = Debugger(self)
        self.debugMode = False

        self.namespace = {}
        self.initialNamespace = {}
        self.initialNames = set()

        self.beforeRun = NamedSignal('afterLock')
        self.onException = NamedSignal('onException')
        self.afterRun = NamedSignal('beforeUnlock')

        self.onDebugSet = NamedSignal('onDebugSet')

    def toggleDebugMode(self):
        Flips the debug mode setting.
        self.setDebugMode(not self.debugMode)

    def setDebugMode(self, mode):
        Sets the debug mode to true or false.
        mode = bool(mode)
        self.debugMode = mode
        self.onDebugSet.send(self, debugMode=mode)

    def initialize(self, initCode):
        Create an "initial context" for the interpreter, by running code.
        The `initCode` function provided is passed the interpreter as an
        argument, and it can either manipulate its namespace dictionary
        directly, or run files or code fragments.
        # Reset the context to blanks.
        self.namespace = {}
        self.initialNamespace = None
        self.initialNames = None

        # Call the function.

        # Capture the variables from the function.
        # (Lock to ensure that all the threads launched by initCode
        # have finished.)
        with self.lock:
            self.initialNamespace = self.namespace.copy()
            self.initialNames = set(self.initialNamespace.keys())

    def quickReset(self):
        Restores the context that was present after the last call to
        initialize. (Changes to mutable objects will be included!)
        self.namespace = self.initialNamespace.copy()

    def runFile(self, filename, setDunderFile=True):
        Executes a file in the interpreter context (in a separate thread).

        (setDunderFile controls whether the __file__ variable is available.)
        extraVars = {'__file__': filename} if setDunderFile else {}
        thread = ExecFileThread(self, filename, extraVars)
        return self._launchThread(thread)

    def runCodeFragment(self, fragment):
        Executes some code in the interpreter context (in a separate thread).
        if self.debugMode:
            return self.debugCodeFragment(fragment)
            return self.runCodeFragmentDirect(fragment)

    def runCodeFragmentDirect(self, fragment):
        Executes some code in the interpreter context, without activating
        the debugger if it's enabled.
        thread = ExecThread(self, fragment, {})
        return self._launchThread(thread)

    def debugCodeFragment(self, fragment):
        Executes some code in the debugger, even if debug mode is disabled.
        thread = DebugThread(self, fragment, {})
        return self._launchThread(thread)

    def _launchThread(self, thread):
        Fires off a thread, and waits for it to acquire the interpreter
        lock before returning. This is used to serialize execution.
        return thread

    def stopThread(self):
        Kills whatever thread happens to be running now.
        if self.runningThread is None:
            raise RuntimeError("Can't stop while thread isn't running")