def check_wallet_validity(): api_key = request.headers.get('api_key') address = request.headers.get('address') coin_symbol = request.headers.get('coin_symbol') try: blockcypher.get_address_details(address, coin_symbol=coin_symbol) result = 'True' except: result = 'False' if api_key == requested_api_key: return result else: return unauthorized()
def transferbitcoin(privatekey, address, pubkey): # address, pubkey = details_from_private_key(privatekey) details = blockcypher.get_address_details(address, coin_symbol=symbol) print("Balance: %d" % details['balance']) if not details['balance'] > 1000: print("no balance, skipping") return outputs = [{ 'value': details['balance'] - fee, 'address': myaddress, # 'script_type': 'pay-to-pubkey-hash', # 'script': address_to_script(myaddress), }] inputs = [{'address': address}] pprint(details) transaction = blockcypher.create_unsigned_tx(inputs, outputs, change_address=myaddress, coin_symbol=symbol) pprint(transaction) input_addresses = blockcypher.get_input_addresses(transaction) privkeys, pubkeys = [], [] for a in input_addresses: assert a == address privkeys.append(privatekey) pubkeys.append(pubkey) signatures = blockcypher.make_tx_signatures(transaction['tosign'], privkeys, pubkeys) r = blockcypher.broadcast_signed_transaction(transaction, signatures, pubkeys, coin_symbol=symbol) pprint(r)
def check_btc_confs(): # btcaddr = input('Please enter BTC wallet to check:') r = get_address_details(btcaddr) transactions_count = len(r['txrefs']) if transactions_count > 3: transactions_count = 3 for i in range(0, transactions_count): tr = r['txrefs'][i] amount = float(r['txrefs'][i]['value']) amount_btc = amount / 100000000 amount_btc_usd = round(amount_btc * btc_usd(), 2) conf = r['txrefs'][i]['confirmations'] if conf == 0: conf_str = 'Not confirmed' if conf == 1: conf_str = '1 Confirmation' if conf > 1: conf = str(conf) conf_str = conf + ' Confirmations' print(amount_btc, " BTC") print(amount_btc_usd, ' USD') print(conf_str) print('================')
async def BitcoinInfo(btc, chat_id): ''' информация про биткоин кошельке ''' try: balance = str(blockcypher.satoshis_to_btc( blockcypher.get_total_balance(btc))) + " ₿" transactions_num = blockcypher.get_total_num_transactions(btc) total = blockcypher.get_address_details(btc) total_sent = str(blockcypher.satoshis_to_btc(total['total_sent'])) + " ₿" total_received = str(blockcypher.satoshis_to_btc( total['total_received'])) + " ₿" BTCPanel = aiogram.types.InlineKeyboardMarkup() btn = aiogram.types.InlineKeyboardButton('♻️ Список Транзакций', callback_data=f'gettrans {btc}') BTCPanel.add(btn) await bot.send_message(chat_id, f''' 🌐<i><b>BTC</b></i>: {btc} ├Баланс: <i>{balance} ₿</i> ├Количество транзакций: <i>{transactions_num}</i> ├Получено: <i>{total_received}</i> ├Переведено: <i>{total_sent}</i> ''', parse_mode='html', disable_web_page_preview=False, reply_markup=BTCPanel) except Exception as e: await bot.send_message(chat_id, "По этому BTC адресу нет информации")
async def BitcoinTransactions(btc, chat_id): ''' получение транзакций ''' try: fname = f'data/BtcTxt/{chat_id}_{btc}.txt' f = open(fname, 'w+') data = blockcypher.get_address_details(btc) transactions = data['txrefs'] if transactions: for trans in transactions: f.write(f''' tx_hash: {trans['tx_hash']} block_hight: {trans['block_height']} tx_input_n: {trans['tx_input_n']} tx_output_n: {trans['tx_output_n']} value: {trans['value']} ref_balance: {trans['ref_balance']} confitmations: {trans['confirmations']} confirmed: {trans['confirmed']}\n ''') f.close() await bot.send_document(chat_id, open(fname, 'rb')) else: await bot.send_message(chat_id, 'Транзакций нет') except Exception as e: print(e) await bot.send_message(chat_id, 'Эта функция временно недоступна.')
def check_transaction_confirmation(): coin_symbol = request.headers.get('coin_symbol') address = request.headers.get('address') amount = request.headers.get('amount') api_key = request.headers.get('api_key') if coin_symbol == 'btc' or 'ltc' or 'btc-testnet': response = blockcypher.get_address_details(address, coin_symbol=coin_symbol) ''' print (response) for txrefs in response.items(): print (amount) # for value, confirmations in txrefs.items(): # print (value) #if value == amount: # result = confirmations ''' else: result = '0' #print (confirmations) if api_key == requested_api_key: return response else: return unauthorized()
def get_address_details(address, coin_symbol="btc"): """ Get current transaction details of an address as returned by blockcypher :param address: btc address :return: transaction and balance information """ return blockcypher.get_address_details(address, coin_symbol=coin_symbol)
def test_fetching_unspents(self): # This address I previously sent funds to but threw out the private key address_details = get_address_details( address='C3B3dU12vpCVh2jfmGFdqLe5KWxtZfXW8j', coin_symbol='bcy', txn_limit=None, api_key=BC_API_KEY, unspent_only=True, show_confidence=False, # don't return confidence info # This way the test result never changes: before_bh=592822, include_script=True, ) assert len(address_details['txrefs']) == 1 assert address_details['txrefs'][0][ 'tx_hash'] == 'b12c4b0ab466c9bbd05da88b3be1a13229c85a6edd2869e01e6a557c8a5cca2b' assert address_details['txrefs'][0]['block_height'] == 592821 assert address_details['txrefs'][0]['tx_input_n'] == -1 assert address_details['txrefs'][0]['tx_output_n'] == 0 assert address_details['txrefs'][0]['value'] == 1000000 assert address_details['txrefs'][0]['spent'] is False assert address_details['txrefs'][0]['double_spend'] is False assert address_details['txrefs'][0]['confirmed'] is not None for txref in address_details['txrefs']: assert 'script' in txref, txref
def VerifyWallet(self, WavesAddress): con = lite.connect('test.db') with con: cur = con.cursor() # cur.execute("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS addresses(WavesAddress TEXT , serializedWallet TEXT , BTCaddress TEXT)") cur.execute( """SELECT WavesAddress , serializedWallet , BTCaddress FROM addresses WHERE WavesAddress=:adr""", {"adr": WavesAddress}) con.commit() row = cur.fetchone() if row: _wallet = get_wallet_addresses(wallet_name=WavesAddress, api_key=self.APIKEY) details = get_address_details(_wallet['addresses'][0]) # print(details) txrefs = details['txrefs'] # print(len(txrefs)) if len(txrefs) == 0: return {"result": "not exist any transaction"} else: tx_hash = txrefs[0][ 'tx_hash'] #TODO should be check transaction time transaction_details = get_transaction_details(tx_hash) receive_count = transaction_details['receive_count'] # print(tx_hash) recipient = pywaves.Address(address=WavesAddress) BTC = pywaves.Asset( '8LQW8f7P5d5PZM7GtZEBgaqRPGSzS3DfPuiXrURJ4AJS') res = self.WAVES.sendAsset(recipient, BTC, receive_count) return res return None
def bc_portfel_getinfo_funkcja(self,event): try: wallet_adress = self.bc_portfel_nr_input.GetValue() #wallet_adress = '1BTCorgHwCg6u2YSAWKgS17qUad6kHmtQW' #ltc LbtF3xpYFvocPqXjuYok8cahJ3GWeDA5w1 #dodge DPHPoGQVKwgDsSG7r9329V45fLi7fpBWjA #dash XitN7K1KLTc6kd7MBZMSkzFH8XwejukXWz coin_symbol = self.lista_krypto.GetStringSelection() bc_wallet_details = blockcypher.get_address_details(wallet_adress,coin_symbol=coin_symbol) print('bc_wallet_details',bc_wallet_details) wallet_address = 'adres portfela: ' + str(bc_wallet_details['address']) print(wallet_address) if coin_symbol == 'btc': wallet_total_received = 'Otrzymane: ' + str(blockcypher.from_satoshis(bc_wallet_details['total_received'], coin_symbol)) + ' ' + coin_symbol.upper() wallet_total_sent = 'Wysłane: ' + str(blockcypher.from_satoshis(bc_wallet_details['total_sent'], coin_symbol)) + ' ' + coin_symbol.upper() wallet_balance = 'Saldo: ' + str(blockcypher.from_satoshis(bc_wallet_details['balance'], coin_symbol)) + ' ' + coin_symbol.upper() wallet_unconfirmed_balance = 'Saldo niepotwierdzone: ' + str(blockcypher.from_satoshis(bc_wallet_details['unconfirmed_balance'], coin_symbol)) + ' ' + coin_symbol.upper() wallet_final_balance = 'Saldo ostateczne: ' + str(blockcypher.from_satoshis(bc_wallet_details['final_balance'], coin_symbol)) + ' ' + coin_symbol.upper() else: wallet_total_received = 'Otrzymane: ' + str(bc_wallet_details['total_received']) + ' ' + coin_symbol.upper() wallet_total_sent = 'Wysłane: ' + str(bc_wallet_details['total_sent']) + ' ' + coin_symbol.upper() wallet_balance = 'Saldo: ' + str(bc_wallet_details['balance']/100000000) + ' ' + coin_symbol.upper() wallet_unconfirmed_balance = 'Saldo niepotwierdzone: ' + str(bc_wallet_details['unconfirmed_balance']/100000000) + ' ' + coin_symbol.upper() wallet_final_balance = 'Saldo ostateczne: ' + str(bc_wallet_details['final_balance']/100000000) + ' ' + coin_symbol.upper() wallet_nr_transactions = 'Ilość transakcji: ' + str(bc_wallet_details['n_tx']) wallet_unconfirmed_nr_transactions = 'Ilość niepotwierdzonych transakcji: : '+str(bc_wallet_details['unconfirmed_n_tx']) wallet_final_nr_transactions = 'Ostateczna ilość transakcji: : '+str(bc_wallet_details['final_n_tx']) wx.MessageBox((str(wallet_address) +'\n' +'\n' +'\n' + str(wallet_balance)+'\n' + str(wallet_unconfirmed_balance)+'\n' + str(wallet_final_balance)+'\n' + str(wallet_nr_transactions)+'\n' + str(wallet_unconfirmed_nr_transactions)+'\n' + str(wallet_final_nr_transactions)), 'Informacje o portfelu' ,wx.OK | wx.ICON_INFORMATION) except: wx.MessageBox('Błąd - sprawdź adres i typ kryptowaluty. \nJeżeli błąd się powtarza spróbuj później lub skontaktuj się z IccI - support.', 'Informacje o bloku' ,wx.OK | wx.ICON_INFORMATION)
def transferbitcoin(privatekey, address, pubkey): # address, pubkey = details_from_private_key(privatekey) details = blockcypher.get_address_details(address, coin_symbol=symbol) print("Balance: %d" % details['balance']) if not details['balance'] > 1000: print("no balance, skipping") return outputs = [ { 'value': details['balance']-fee, 'address': myaddress, # 'script_type': 'pay-to-pubkey-hash', # 'script': address_to_script(myaddress), } ] inputs = [{'address': address}] pprint(details) transaction = blockcypher.create_unsigned_tx( inputs, outputs, change_address=myaddress, coin_symbol=symbol) pprint(transaction) input_addresses = blockcypher.get_input_addresses(transaction) privkeys, pubkeys = [], [] for a in input_addresses: assert a == address privkeys.append(privatekey) pubkeys.append(pubkey) signatures = blockcypher.make_tx_signatures( transaction['tosign'], privkeys, pubkeys) r = blockcypher.broadcast_signed_transaction( transaction, signatures, pubkeys, coin_symbol=symbol) pprint(r)
def run(self): if self.request_type == 'balance': self.response=get_address_overview(self.address, coin_symbol=self.ticker) elif self.request_type == 'endpoint': self.response = get_address_details(self.address, coin_symbol=self.ticker) elif self.request_type == 'full_endpoint': self.response = get_address_full(self.address, coin_symbol=self.ticker)
def tx_details(self): print("tx_details") addresses = self.addresses['chains'][0]['chain_addresses'] for add in addresses: detail = get_address_details(add['address']) confirmed = detail['txrefs'] unconfirmed = detail['unconfirmed_txrefs'] #unconfirmed tx if len(unconfirmed) != 0: for tx in unconfirmed: value = tx['value'] / 100000000 tx_hash = tx['tx_hash'] tx_detail = get_transaction_details(tx_hash) self.insertRow(tx_detail['addresses'][1], add['address'], str(value), "unconfirmed") #confirmed tx if len(confirmed) != 0: for tx in confirmed: value = tx['value'] / 100000000 tx_hash = tx['tx_hash'] tx_detail = get_transaction_details(tx_hash) self.insertRow(tx_detail['addresses'][0], add['address'], str(value), "confirmed")
def import_data_from_blockcypher_In_Json_Form_and_pickle( Imported_addresses_list): list = [] for i in Imported_addresses_list: list.append( blockcypher.get_address_details( i, api_key='80e6f438a5854a99971fbe09c3a7d446')) return list
def get_btc(addr, txn_id): # txn_endpoint = "api/tx/%s" % (txn_id) # coin_endpoint = "api/addr/%s" % (addr) # return get_endpoints(BTC_HOST, txn_endpoint, coin_endpoint) return [ blockcypher.get_transaction_details(txn_id, api_key=BTC_API), blockcypher.get_address_details(addr, api_key=BTC_API) ]
def addr_details(request): try: deposit = Deposits.objetos.filter(key=request.session.session_key).latest('id') addrObj = get_address_details(deposit.address, api_key=token, coin_symbol=blockchainName) except: raise Exception('Ocorreu um erro, por favor tente novamente') return render(request, 'step3.html', {'addrObj': addrObj, 'gDepositBTC': deposit.address})
def VerifyWallet(self,WavesAddress): # con = lite.connect('test.db') # with con: # cur = con.cursor() # # cur.execute("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS addresses(WavesAddress TEXT , serializedWallet TEXT , BTCaddress TEXT)") # cur.execute("""SELECT WavesAddress , serializedWallet , BTCaddress # FROM addresses WHERE WavesAddress=:adr""", {"adr": WavesAddress}) # con.commit() con = lite.connect('test.db') with con: cur = con.cursor() cur.execute("""SELECT id FROM addressid WHERE WavesAddress=:adr""", {"adr": WavesAddress}) con.commit() row = cur.fetchone() if row : print('row[0] : ',row[0]) _wallet = get_wallet_addresses(wallet_name='Noay'+ str(row[0]), api_key=self.APIKEY , coin_symbol=self.coin_symbol) print('_wallet',_wallet) txrefs = [] details = get_address_details(_wallet['addresses'][0], coin_symbol=self.coin_symbol) print(details) txrefs = details['txrefs'] print(len(txrefs)) if len(txrefs) == 0 : return {"result" : "not exist any transaction"} else : tx_hash = txrefs[0]['tx_hash'] #TODO should be check transaction time transaction_details = get_transaction_details(tx_hash , coin_symbol=self.coin_symbol) print('transaction_details' , transaction_details) receive_count = transaction_details['outputs'][-1]['value'] * (10** ((-1) * 8)) # print(tx_hash) pywaves.setNode(node = self.TESTNET_NODE , chain = self.CHAIN) print("getNode(): ",pywaves.getNode()) recipient = pywaves.Address(address=WavesAddress) BTC = pywaves.Asset('DWgwcZTMhSvnyYCoWLRUXXSH1RSkzThXLJhww9gwkqdn') #todo i dnk? WAVES = pywaves.Address(address=self.WAVES_address , privateKey=self.WAVES_privateKey) res = WAVES.sendAsset(recipient,BTC,receive_count) #todo what response #todo dont read serialized? :// con = lite.connect('test.db') with con: cur = con.cursor() # cur.execute("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS btcRemind(BTCaddress TEXT , Inventory REAL ") # cur.execute("""INSERT INTO btcRemind VALUES(?,?)""", (BTCWallet['addresses'][0], receive_count)) cur.execute(""" UPDATE addresses SET Inventory = ? WHERE WavesAddress = ? """, ( receive_count , WavesAddress )) con.commit() return res return None
def get_balance_from_blockcypher(address): """ Check if BTC key being used has enough balance on unspents """ data = get_address_details(address, api_key=BLOCKCYPHER_TOKEN) if 'final_balance' not in data: return None btc_amount = satoshis_to_btc(data['final_balance']) btc_amount = float(btc_amount) return btc_amount
def dontuseAddress(address): """ Check if an address has unconfirmed TX and should not be used """ data = get_address_details(address) unconfirmed_n_tx = data['unconfirmed_n_tx'] if int(unconfirmed_n_tx) is 0: return False else: return True
def get_balance(address): """ Check if BTC key being used has enough balance on unspents """ data = get_address_details(address, api_key=BLOCKCYPHER_TOKEN) if 'final_balance' not in data: return None btc_amount = satoshis_to_btc(data['final_balance']) btc_amount = float(btc_amount) return btc_amount
def test_get_address_details_after(self): address_details = get_address_details( address='1HLoD9E4SDFFPDiYfNYnkBLQ85Y51J3Zb1', coin_symbol='btc', api_key=BC_API_KEY, # Exclude first result after_bh=4, txn_limit=1, ) assert len(address_details['txrefs']) == 1 assert address_details['txrefs'][0]['tx_hash'] != '9b0fc92260312ce44e74ef369f5c66bbb85848f2eddd5a7a1cde251e54ccfdd5' assert address_details['txrefs'][0]['block_height'] != 2
def CheckTransaction(self, WavesAddress): serializeWlt = None #TODO read serializeWlt from DB _wallet = get_wallet_addresses(wallet_name=WavesAddress, api_key=APIKEY) details = get_address_details(_wallet['addresses'][0]) tx_hash = details['txrefs'][0]['tx_hash'] transaction_details = get_transaction_details(tx_hash) # pyneel.reissueasset(verifywallet()) return {None}
def test_get_address_details_after(self): address_details = get_address_details( address='1HLoD9E4SDFFPDiYfNYnkBLQ85Y51J3Zb1', coin_symbol='btc', api_key=BC_API_KEY, # Exclude first result after_bh=4, txn_limit=1, ) assert len(address_details['txrefs']) == 1 assert address_details['txrefs'][0][ 'tx_hash'] != '9b0fc92260312ce44e74ef369f5c66bbb85848f2eddd5a7a1cde251e54ccfdd5' assert address_details['txrefs'][0]['block_height'] != 2
def extract(self, file, existing_entries): config = yaml.safe_load(file.contents()) self.config = config baseCcy = config['base_ccy'] priceLookup = PriceLookup(existing_entries, baseCcy) entries = [] for address in self.config['addresses']: currency = address['currency'] addressDetails = blockcypher.get_address_details(address['address'], coin_symbol=currency.lower()) for trx in addressDetails['txrefs']: metakv = { 'ref': trx['tx_hash'], } meta = data.new_metadata(, 0, metakv) date = trx['confirmed'].date() price = priceLookup.fetchPriceAmount(currency, date) cost = data.Cost( price, baseCcy, None, None ) outputType = 'eth' if currency.lower() == 'eth' else 'btc' amt = blockcypher.from_base_unit(trx['value'], outputType) entry = data.Transaction( meta, date, '*', '', address['narration'], data.EMPTY_SET, data.EMPTY_SET, [ data.Posting( address['asset_account'], amount.Amount(D(str(amt)), currency), cost, None, None, None), ] ) entries.append(entry) return entries
def check_payment(self): details = blockcypher.get_address_details( address=config.WALLET_BTC, api_key=config.BLOCKCYPHER_TOKEN) address_details = AddressDetails(**details) for transaction in address_details.unconfirmed_txrefs: if transaction.get('value') == self.amount: if transaction.get('received') > self.created: if transaction.get('confirmations') > 0: return True else: raise NotConfirmed for transaction in address_details.txrefs: if transaction.get('value') == self.amount: if transaction.get('received') > self.created: return True raise NoPaymentFound
def test_get_address_details_before(self): address_details = get_address_details( address='1HLoD9E4SDFFPDiYfNYnkBLQ85Y51J3Zb1', coin_symbol='btc', txn_limit=None, api_key=BC_API_KEY, # This way the test result never changes: before_bh=4, ) # first TX assert len(address_details['txrefs']) == 1 assert address_details['txrefs'][0]['tx_hash'] == '9b0fc92260312ce44e74ef369f5c66bbb85848f2eddd5a7a1cde251e54ccfdd5' assert address_details['txrefs'][0]['block_height'] == 2 assert address_details['txrefs'][0]['confirmed'] is not None assert address_details['txrefs'][0]['tx_input_n'] == -1 assert address_details['txrefs'][0]['tx_output_n'] == 0
def dontuseAddress(address): """ Check if an address has unconfirmed TX and should not be used """ try: data = get_address_details(address) except: return True try: unconfirmed_n_tx = data["unconfirmed_n_tx"] except: return True if int(unconfirmed_n_tx) is 0: return False else: return True
def test_get_address_details_before(self): address_details = get_address_details( address='1HLoD9E4SDFFPDiYfNYnkBLQ85Y51J3Zb1', coin_symbol='btc', txn_limit=None, api_key=BC_API_KEY, # This way the test result never changes: before_bh=4, ) # first TX assert len(address_details['txrefs']) == 1 assert address_details['txrefs'][0][ 'tx_hash'] == '9b0fc92260312ce44e74ef369f5c66bbb85848f2eddd5a7a1cde251e54ccfdd5' assert address_details['txrefs'][0]['block_height'] == 2 assert address_details['txrefs'][0]['confirmed'] is not None assert address_details['txrefs'][0]['tx_input_n'] == -1 assert address_details['txrefs'][0]['tx_output_n'] == 0
def wallet_transactions(wallet_address, coinname): content = blockcypher.get_address_details( wallet_address, coin_symbol=coinname.lower(), api_key='cc5441d1862a4463961abaf964cdfe84') print "\n" out_file = open(coinname + "_" + wallet_address + ".txt", "w") for transaction in content['txrefs']: transactions_str = transaction['tx_hash'] + " -- " + str( transaction['confirmed']) + " -- " + str( float(transaction['value']) / 100000000) print transactions_str out_file.write(transactions_str + "\n") out_file.close()
def test_fetching_unspents(self): # This address I previously sent funds to but threw out the private key address_details = get_address_details( address='C3B3dU12vpCVh2jfmGFdqLe5KWxtZfXW8j', coin_symbol='bcy', txn_limit=None, api_key=BC_API_KEY, unspent_only=True, # This way the test result never changes: before_bh=592822, ) assert len(address_details['txrefs']) == 1 assert address_details['txrefs'][0]['tx_hash'] == 'b12c4b0ab466c9bbd05da88b3be1a13229c85a6edd2869e01e6a557c8a5cca2b' assert address_details['txrefs'][0]['block_height'] == 592821 assert address_details['txrefs'][0]['tx_input_n'] == -1 assert address_details['txrefs'][0]['tx_output_n'] == 0 assert address_details['txrefs'][0]['value'] == 1000000 assert address_details['txrefs'][0]['spent'] is False assert address_details['txrefs'][0]['double_spend'] is False assert address_details['txrefs'][0]['confirmed'] is not None
def get_address_txs(address): address_details = blockcypher.get_address_details( address, coin_symbol="btc-testnet", api_key="acb0b8a2fe3d479c8b05b415ded8021e") confirmed_txs = address_details['txrefs'] unconfirmed_txs = address_details['unconfirmed_txrefs'] address_txs = [] for tx in confirmed_txs: address_txs.append([ tx['confirmed'], tx['tx_hash'], blockcypher.from_satoshis(tx['value'], 'btc') ]) for tx in unconfirmed_txs: address_txs.append([ tx['received'], tx['tx_hash'], blockcypher.from_satoshis(tx['value'], 'btc') ]) address_txs = list(reversed(sorted(address_txs, key=itemgetter(0)))) return address_txs
def get_latest_txs(address): address_details = blockcypher.get_address_details( address, coin_symbol="btc-testnet", api_key="acb0b8a2fe3d479c8b05b415ded8021e") confirmed_txs = address_details['unconfirmed_txrefs'] unconfirmed_txs = address_details['txrefs'] latest_txs = [] for tx in unconfirmed_txs + confirmed_txs: if tx['confirmations'] <= 3: try: received = tx['received'] except KeyError: received = tx['confirmed'] amount = blockcypher.from_satoshis(tx['value'], 'btc') latest_txs.append([ tx['tx_hash'], format_date(received), format_time(received), amount, tx['confirmations'] ]) return latest_txs[:1]
def dontuseAddress(address): """ Check if an address should not be used because of: a) it has unconfirmed TX b) it has more than maximum registered names (blockstore restriction) """ try: data = get_address_details(address, api_key=BLOCKCYPHER_TOKEN) except Exception as e: log.debug(e) return True try: unconfirmed_n_tx = data['unconfirmed_n_tx'] except: return True if int(unconfirmed_n_tx) != 0: return True # if all tests pass, then can use the address return False
def query(request, argument): """ query view returns the result of the user query about btc, domain, email, device, ip etc. """ if request.method == "POST": form = SearchForm(request.POST) if form.is_valid(): arg = form.cleaned_data.get('query') response = None if argument == "btc_block_overview": try: response = get_block_overview(arg) except AssertionError: response = {'error': 'invalid input'} elif argument == "btc_address": try: response = get_address_details(arg) except AssertionError: response = {'error': 'invalid input'} elif argument == "domain": response = get_company_detail(arg) elif argument == "email": response = fetch_email(arg) elif argument == "device": response = get_device(arg) elif argument == "ip": response = ip_details(arg) return render(request, 'search/random.html', {'response': response}) else: if argument == "btc_block": response = get_blockchain_overview() return render(request, 'search/random.html', {'response': response}) form = SearchForm() return render(request, 'search/osint.html', {'form': form})
def dontuseAddress(address): """ Check if an address should not be used because of: a) it has unconfirmed TX b) it has more than maximum registered names (blockstack restriction) """ if UTXO_PROVIDER == 'blockcypher': try: data = get_address_details(address) except: return True try: unconfirmed_n_tx = data['unconfirmed_n_tx'] except: return True if int(unconfirmed_n_tx) == 0: return False else: return True else: try: unspents = get_utxos(address) except Exception as e: log.debug(e) return True for unspent in unspents: if 'confirmations' in unspent: if int(unspent['confirmations']) == 0: return True # if all tests pass, then can use the address return False
def dontuseAddress(address): """ Check if an address should not be used because of: a) it has unconfirmed TX b) it has more than maximum registered names (blockstack-server restriction) """ if UTXO_PROVIDER == 'blockcypher': try: data = get_address_details(address) except: return True try: unconfirmed_n_tx = data['unconfirmed_n_tx'] except: return True if int(unconfirmed_n_tx) == 0: return False else: return True else: try: unspents = get_utxos(address) except Exception as e: log.debug(e) return True for unspent in unspents: if 'confirmations' in unspent: if int(unspent['confirmations']) == 0: return True # if all tests pass, then can use the address return False
def history(address): total_details = get_address_details(address, coin_symbol='btc-testnet') transaction_history = [] if (total_details['unconfirmed_balance'] != 0): for tx in total_details['unconfirmed_txrefs']: transaction = {} transaction['tx_hash'] = tx['tx_hash'] transaction['data'] = tx['received'] transaction['confirmations'] = tx['confirmations'] transaction['value'] = from_satoshis(tx['value'], 'btc') transaction_history.append(transaction) for tx in total_details['txrefs']: transaction = {} transaction['tx_hash'] = tx['tx_hash'] transaction['data'] = tx['confirmed'] transaction['confirmations'] = tx['confirmations'] transaction['value'] = from_satoshis(tx['value'], 'btc') transaction_history.append(transaction) return transaction_history
# rows = cur.fetchall() # for row in rows: # # wallet = Wallet.deserialize(row[1]) # wallet = Wallet.deserialize(row[1] , network=BitcoinTestNet) # print(row[1]) # print('private : ', ModuleHandler.encode(wallet.get_private_key_hex())) # print('public : ', ModuleHandler.encode(wallet.get_public_key_hex())) # # print(row) from blockcypher import create_wallet_from_address, get_address_details, get_wallet_addresses, get_transaction_details, get_blockchain_overview # for i in range(1,11) : # _wallet = get_wallet_addresses(wallet_name='Noay'+ str(i), api_key=APIKEY , coin_symbol=coin_symbol) # print('_wallet',_wallet) details = get_address_details('mkBPyZ5V25kzzJkQZg5EzQVeVduonrpqNU', coin_symbol=coin_symbol) print(details) { 'confirmations': 21, 'preference': 'high', 'total': 16163340269, 'fees': 16922, 'hash': 'f20d44c267889206f8735a2ff57b84d549beb07bc18c3c7c22c7f947debfd666', 'lock_time': 1482213,