def _generate_signature(self, tx_hash: bytes) -> Signature: _, _, signature_der = blocksec2go.generate_signature( self._reader, self._key_id, tx_hash) self._logger.debug('Generated signature') rs_sig = _utils.sigdecode_der(signature_der) v = _utils.get_v(rs_sig, tx_hash, self._pub_key, self._chain_id) r, s = rs_sig return v, r, s
def generateSignature(reader, json_object=None): if json_object is None: hash = (hashlib.sha256(b'Hash' + bytearray(os.urandom(10000)))).digest() else: block_string = json.dumps(json_object, sort_keys=True) hash_object = hashlib.sha256(block_string.encode()) hash = hash_object.digest() try: global_counter, counter, signature = blocksec2go.generate_signature( reader, 1, hash) return hash, signature except: return None, None
def _generate_signature(args): reader = args.reader if is not None: verify_pin(reader, (global_counter, counter, signature) = generate_signature(reader, args.key_id, args.hash) if args.machine_readable: json.dump( { 'status': 'success', 'global_counter': global_counter, 'counter': counter, 'signature': signature.hex() }, fp=sys.stdout) else: print('Remaining signatures with card: {}'.format(global_counter)) print('Remaining signatures with key {}: {}'.format( args.key_id, counter)) print('Signature (hex): ' + signature.hex())
def _generate_signature_der(self, data): _, _, signature = blocksec2go.generate_signature( self.reader, self.key_id, data) self.logger.debug('generated signature') return signature
public_key = get_public_key( reader, key_id ) inf_card_addr = w3.toChecksumAddress( w3.keccak( public_key[1:] )[-20:].hex() ) print( f'Address of account {key_id} on Infineon card: { inf_card_addr }' ) print( f'Balance of account {key_id} on Infineon card: { w3.fromWei( w3.eth.getBalance( inf_card_addr ), "ether" ) }' ) print() # create the transaction as a dictionary nonce = w3.eth.getTransactionCount( inf_card_addr ) transaction = { 'to': w3.eth.accounts[0], 'value': w3.toWei( 1, "ether" ), 'gasPrice': w3.eth.gasPrice, 'nonce': nonce, 'chainId': w3.eth.chainId } transaction['gas'] = w3.eth.estimateGas( transaction ) # serialize the transaction with the RLP encoding scheme unsigned_encoded_transaction = serializable_unsigned_transaction_from_dict( transaction ) # sign the hash of the serialized transaction global_counter, counter, signature = blocksec2go.generate_signature( reader, key_id, bytes( unsigned_encoded_transaction.hash() ) ) print( "Remaining signatures with card:", global_counter ) print( f"Remaining signatures with key {key_id}:", counter ) print( "Signature (hex):" + signature.hex() ) print() # Extract r and s from the signature try: r, s = get_signature_components( signature ) except: print( "Invalid signature components!" ) raise SystemExit() # determine the signature prefix value v = get_signature_prefix( ( r, s ), inf_card_addr, bytes( unsigned_encoded_transaction.hash() ), w3.eth.chainId )
print('ERROR: ' + str(details)) raise SystemExit if ('__main__' == __name__): reader = get_reader() activate_card(reader) hash_object = hashlib.sha256(b'Hello World!') hash = hash_object.digest() print('Hashed message:', hash.hex()) key_id = int( input('Which key would you like to use? (Numbers 1 - 255 only!)\n')) public_key = get_public_key(reader, key_id) try: global_counter, counter, signature = blocksec2go.generate_signature( reader, key_id, hash) print('Remaining signatures with card: ', global_counter) print('Remaining signatures with key 1: ', counter) print('Signature (hex): ' + signature.hex()) print('Is signature correct?', blocksec2go.verify_signature(public_key, hash, signature)) except crypto_except.InvalidSignature: print('Verification failed!') except Exception as details: print('ERROR: ' + str(details)) raise SystemExit
def generate_signature_der(self, data): _, _, signature = blocksec2go.generate_signature( self.reader, self.key_id, data) return signature