Пример #1
def file_key_lookup(blockchain_id,
    Get the file-encryption GPG key for the given blockchain ID, by index.

    if index == 0, then give back the current key
    if index > 0, then give back an older (revoked) key.
    if key_id is given, index and hostname will be ignored

    Return {'status': True, 'key_data': ..., 'key_id': key_id, OPTIONAL['stale_key_index': idx]} on success
    Return {'error': ...} on failure

    log.debug("lookup '%s' key for %s (index %s, key_id = %s)" %
              (hostname, blockchain_id, index, key_id))
    conf = get_config(config_path)
    config_dir = os.path.dirname(config_path)

    proxy = blockstack_client.get_default_proxy(config_path=config_path)
    immutable = conf['immutable_key']

    if key_id is not None:
        # we know exactly which key to get
        # try each current key
        hosts_listing = file_list_hosts(blockchain_id,
        if 'error' in hosts_listing:
            log.error("Failed to list hosts for %s: %s" %
                      (blockchain_id, hosts_listing['error']))
            return {'error': 'Failed to look up hosts'}

        hosts = hosts_listing['hosts']
        for hostname in hosts:
            file_key = blockstack_gpg.gpg_app_get_key(blockchain_id,
            if 'error' not in file_key:
                if key_id == file_key['key_id']:
                    # success!
                    return file_key

        # check previous keys...
        url = file_url_expired_keys(blockchain_id)
        old_key_bundle_res = blockstack_client.data_get(
            url, wallet_keys=wallet_keys, proxy=proxy)
        if 'error' in old_key_bundle_res:
            return old_key_bundle_res

        old_key_list = old_key_bundle_res['data']['old_keys']
        for i in xrange(0, len(old_key_list)):
            old_key = old_key_list[i]
            if old_key['key_id'] == key_id:
                # success!
                ret = {}
                ret['stale_key_index'] = i + 1
                return old_key

        return {'error': 'No such key %s' % key_id}

    elif index == 0:
        file_key = blockstack_gpg.gpg_app_get_key(blockchain_id,
        if 'error' in file_key:
            return file_key

        return file_key

        # get the bundle of revoked keys
        url = file_url_expired_keys(blockchain_id)
        old_key_bundle_res = blockstack_client.data_get(
            url, wallet_keys=wallet_keys, proxy=proxy)
        if 'error' in old_key_bundle_res:
            return old_key_bundle_res

        old_key_list = old_key_bundle_res['data']['old_keys']
        if index >= len(old_key_list) + 1:
            return {'error': 'Index out of bounds: %s' % index}

        return old_key_list[index - 1]
def check( state_engine ):

    global wallet_keys, wallet_keys_2, key_names, error, gpghome

    if error:
        print "Key operation failed."
        return False

    # not revealed, but ready 
    ns = state_engine.get_namespace_reveal( "test" )
    if ns is not None:
        print "namespace not ready"
        return False 

    ns = state_engine.get_namespace( "test" )
    if ns is None:
        print "no namespace"
        return False 

    if ns['namespace_id'] != 'test':
        print "wrong namespace"
        return False 

    # not preordered
    names = ['foo.test', 'bar.test']
    wallet_keys_list = [wallet_keys, wallet_keys_2]

    for i in xrange(0, len(names)):
        name = names[i]
        wallet_payer = 3 * (i+1) - 1
        wallet_owner = 3 * (i+1)
        wallet_data_pubkey = 3 * (i+1) + 1
        wallet_keys = wallet_keys_list[i]
        key_res = key_names[name]

        preorder = state_engine.get_name_preorder( name, pybitcoin.make_pay_to_address_script(wallets[wallet_payer].addr), wallets[wallet_owner].addr )
        if preorder is not None:
            print "still have preorder"
            return False
        # registered 
        name_rec = state_engine.get_name( name )
        if name_rec is None:
            print "name does not exist"
            return False 

        # owned 
        if name_rec['address'] != wallets[wallet_owner].addr or name_rec['sender'] != pybitcoin.make_pay_to_address_script(wallets[wallet_owner].addr):
            print "name has wrong owner"
            return False 

        # account listing exists, and other keys are deleted
        account_key_listing = blockstack_gpg.gpg_list_profile_keys( name )
        secure_app_listing = blockstack_gpg.gpg_list_app_keys( name, "secure_messaging" )
        less_secure_app_listing = blockstack_gpg.gpg_list_app_keys( name, "less-secure_messaging" )

        if 'error' in account_key_listing:
            print json.dumps(account_key_listing)
            return False 

        if len(account_key_listing) != 1:
            print "Invalid account keys:\n%s" % json.dumps(account_key_listing)
            return False 

        key_id, key_url = account_key_listing[0]['identifier'], account_key_listing[0]['contentUrl']
        if key_url != key_res[0]['key_url']:
            print "Key ID mismatch (account): %s != %s\nFull listing:\n%s\n\nKeys we generated:\n%s\n" % \
                    (key_url, key_res[0]['key_url'], account_key_listing[0], json.dumps(key_res, indent=4, sort_keys=True))
            return False 

        # immutable listings exist, and other keys are deleted
        if 'error' in secure_app_listing:
            print json.dumps(secure_app_listing)
            return False 

        if len(secure_app_listing) != 1:
            print "Invalid immutable keys:\n%s" % json.dumps(secure_app_listing)
            return False 

        key_id, key_url = secure_app_listing[0]['keyName'], secure_app_listing[0]['contentUrl']
        if key_url != key_res[1]['key_url']:
            print "Key ID mismatch (immutable app): %s != %s\nFull listing:\n%s\n\nKeys we generated:\n%s\n" % \
                    (key_url, key_res[1]['key_url'], secure_app_listing[0], json.dumps(key_res, indent=4, sort_keys=True))
            return False 

        # mutable listings exist, and other keys are deleted
        if 'error' in less_secure_app_listing:
            print json.dumps(less_secure_app_listing)
            return False 

        if len(less_secure_app_listing) != 1:
            print "Invalid mutable keys (mutable app):\n%s" % json.dumps(less_secure_app_listing)
            return False 

        key_id, key_url = less_secure_app_listing[0]['keyName'], less_secure_app_listing[0]['contentUrl']
        if key_url != key_res[2]['key_url']:
            print "Key ID mismatch: %s != %s\nFull listing:\n%s\n\nKeys we generated:\n%s\n" % \
                    (key_url, key_res[2]['key_url'], less_secure_app_listing[0], json.dumps(key_res, indent=4, sort_keys=True))
            return False

        profile_key = blockstack_gpg.gpg_profile_get_key( name, account_key_listing[0]['keyName'], gpghome=gpghome )
        if 'error' in profile_key:
            print "no key in account %s: %s" % (account_key_listing, profile_key['error'])
            return False

        secure_app_key = blockstack_gpg.gpg_app_get_key( name, "secure_messaging", secure_app_listing[0]['keyName'], \
                                                         immutable=True )

        if 'error' in secure_app_key:
            print "no key in secure_messaging listing %s: %s" % (secure_app_listing, secure_app_key['error'])
            return False

        less_secure_app_key = blockstack_gpg.gpg_app_get_key( name, "less-secure_messaging", less_secure_app_listing[0]['keyName'] )
        if 'error' in less_secure_app_key:
            print "no key in less-secure_messaging listing %s: %s" % (less_secure_app_listing, less_secure_app_key['error'])
            return False

    return True
def file_key_lookup( blockchain_id, index, hostname, key_id=None, config_path=CONFIG_PATH, wallet_keys=None ):
    Get the file-encryption GPG key for the given blockchain ID, by index.

    if index == 0, then give back the current key
    if index > 0, then give back an older (revoked) key.
    if key_id is given, index and hostname will be ignored

    Return {'status': True, 'key_data': ..., 'key_id': key_id, OPTIONAL['stale_key_index': idx]} on success
    Return {'error': ...} on failure

    log.debug("lookup '%s' key for %s (index %s, key_id = %s)" % (hostname, blockchain_id, index, key_id))
    conf = get_config( config_path )
    config_dir = os.path.dirname(config_path)
    proxy = blockstack_client.get_default_proxy( config_path=config_path )
    immutable = conf['immutable_key']

    if key_id is not None:
        # we know exactly which key to get 
        # try each current key 
        hosts_listing = file_list_hosts( blockchain_id, wallet_keys=wallet_keys, config_path=config_path )
        if 'error' in hosts_listing:
            log.error("Failed to list hosts for %s: %s" % (blockchain_id, hosts_listing['error']))
            return {'error': 'Failed to look up hosts'}

        hosts = hosts_listing['hosts']
        for hostname in hosts:
            file_key = blockstack_gpg.gpg_app_get_key( blockchain_id, APP_NAME, hostname, immutable=immutable, key_id=key_id, config_dir=config_dir )
            if 'error' not in file_key:
                if key_id == file_key['key_id']:
                    # success!
                    return file_key

        # check previous keys...
        url = file_url_expired_keys( blockchain_id )
        old_key_bundle_res = blockstack_client.data_get( url, wallet_keys=wallet_keys, proxy=proxy )
        if 'error' in old_key_bundle_res:
            return old_key_bundle_res

        old_key_list = old_key_bundle_res['data']['old_keys']
        for i in xrange(0, len(old_key_list)):
            old_key = old_key_list[i]
            if old_key['key_id'] == key_id:
                # success!
                ret = {}
                ret.update( old_key )
                ret['stale_key_index'] = i+1 
                return old_key

        return {'error': 'No such key %s' % key_id}

    elif index == 0:
        file_key = blockstack_gpg.gpg_app_get_key( blockchain_id, APP_NAME, hostname, immutable=immutable, key_id=key_id, config_dir=config_dir )
        if 'error' in file_key:
            return file_key

        return file_key
        # get the bundle of revoked keys
        url = file_url_expired_keys( blockchain_id )
        old_key_bundle_res = blockstack_client.data_get( url, wallet_keys=wallet_keys, proxy=proxy )
        if 'error' in old_key_bundle_res:
            return old_key_bundle_res

        old_key_list = old_key_bundle_res['data']['old_keys']
        if index >= len(old_key_list)+1:
            return {'error': 'Index out of bounds: %s' % index}

        return old_key_list[index-1]