def blog_search(x): with connection.cursor() as cursor: # Create a new record sql = """SELECT * from blog_project.blogs1 WHERE title LIKE %s""" cursor.execute(sql, ("%" + x + "%")) connection.commit() return cursor.fetchall()
def blog_delete(id): with connection.cursor() as cursor: # Create a new record sql = """delete from blog_project.blogs1 where id=%s""" cursor.execute(sql, id) connection.commit() return cursor.fetchone()
def blog_update(title, description, owner_name, id, **kwargs): with connection.cursor() as cursor: # Create a new record sql = "Update blog_project.blogs1 Set title=%s, description=%s, owner_name=%s where id =%s" now = created_ad = now.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') cursor.execute(sql, (title, description, owner_name, id)) connection.commit()
def create_website_table(): with connection.cursor() as cursor: # Create a new record sql = """insert into blog_project.about_website(social_adress, email,phone_number) values('', 'Blog@gmail','+994000000') """ cursor.execute(sql) connection.commit()
def create_users_table(): with connection.cursor() as cursor: # Create a new record sql = """create table if not exists users( id int(11) unsigned AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, username varchar(50) NOT NULL UNIQUE, email varchar(40) NOT NULL UNIQUE, first_name varchar(40) NOT NULL, surname varchar(40) NOT NULL, password varchar(255) NOT NULL, date_joined datetime NOT NULL, is_active tinyint(1) default 0 ); """ cursor.execute(sql) connection.commit()
def create_blog_table(): with connection.cursor() as cursor: # Create a new record sql = """create table if not exists blogs1( id int(11) unsigned AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, title varchar(255) NOT NULL, description text NOT NULL, user_id int(11) unsigned NOT NULL, image varchar(500), created_at datetime NOT NULL, is_published tinyint(1) default 1, FOREIGN KEY (user_id) REFERENCES users(id) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE, INDEX (id, user_id) ); """ cursor.execute(sql) connection.commit()
def create_blog(title, description, user_id, image, is_published=True, **kwargs): with connection.cursor() as cursor: # Create a new record sql = """insert into blog_project.blogs1(title, description, user_id, image, created_at, is_published) values(%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s) """ now = created_ad = now.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') cursor.execute( sql, (title, description, user_id, image, created_ad, is_published)) connection.commit()
def create_user(username, email, first_name, surname, password, is_active=1, **kwargs): hashed_pass = generate_password_hash(password) with connection.cursor() as cursor: # Create a new record sql = """INSERT INTO users(username, email, first_name, surname, password, date_joined, is_active) VALUES(%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s); """ now = date_joined = now.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') cursor.execute(sql, (username, email, first_name, surname, hashed_pass, date_joined, is_active)) connection.commit()