Пример #1
 def _do_auth_hmac_cb(self, uuid):
     """Perform mutual HMAC_CB authentication."""
     wwwauth = create_option_header('HMAC_CB', realm=uuid)
     headers = [('WWW-Authenticate', wwwauth)]
     auth = self.environ.get('HTTP_AUTHORIZATION')
     if auth is None:
         raise HTTPReturn(http.UNAUTHORIZED, headers)
         method, options = parse_option_header(auth)
     except ValueError:
         raise HTTPReturn(http.UNAUTHORIZED, headers)
     if method != 'HMAC_CB':
         raise HTTPReturn(http.UNAUTHORIZED, headers)
     if 'name' in options:
         # pair step 1 - ask user for permission to pair
         name = options['name']
         if not self.allow_pairing:
             raise HTTPReturn('403 Pairing Disabled')
         bus = instance(MessageBusServer)
         kxid = self.crypto.random(16).encode('hex')
         pin = '%06d' % (self.crypto.randint(bits=31) % 1000000)
         approved = bus.call_method(None, 'get_pairing_approval',
                                    name, uuid, pin, kxid, timeout=60)
         if not approved:
             raise HTTPReturn('403 Approval Denied')
         restrictions = {}
         self.key_exchanges[kxid] = (time.time(), restrictions, pin)
         wwwauth = create_option_header('HMAC_CB', kxid=kxid)
         headers = [('WWW-Authenticate', wwwauth)]
         raise HTTPReturn(http.UNAUTHORIZED, headers)
     elif 'kxid' in options:
         # pair step 2 - check auth and do the actual pairing
         kxid = options['kxid']
         if kxid not in self.key_exchanges:
             raise HTTPReturn(http.FORBIDDEN)
         starttime, restrictions, pin = self.key_exchanges.pop(kxid)
         signature = base64.try_decode(options.get('signature', ''))
         if not signature:
             raise HTTPReturn(http.FORBIDDEN)
         now = time.time()
         if now - starttime > 60:
             raise HTTPReturn('403 Request Timeout')
         cb = self.environ['SSL_CHANNEL_BINDING_TLS_UNIQUE']
         check = self.crypto.hmac(adjust_pin(pin, +1), cb, 'sha1')
         if check != signature:
             raise HTTPReturn('403 Invalid PIN')
         bus = instance(MessageBusServer)
         bus.send_signal(None, 'PairingComplete', kxid)
         # Prove to the other side we also know the PIN
         signature = self.crypto.hmac(adjust_pin(pin, -1), cb, 'sha1')
         signature = base64.encode(signature)
         authinfo = create_option_header('HMAC_CB', kxid=kxid,
         self.headers.append(('Authentication-Info', authinfo))
         raise HTTPReturn(http.UNAUTHORIZED, headers)
Пример #2
    def locator_is_available(self):
        """Return whether or not the locator is available.

        There are platforms where we don't have a locator at the moment.
        locator = instance(Locator)
        return len(locator.sources) > 0
Пример #3
    def get_vault(self, uuid):
        """Return the vault with UUID *uuid*.

        The result value is a dictionary containing the vault metadata, or
        ``None`` if the vault was not found.
        return instance(Model).get_vault(uuid)
Пример #4
    def add_version(self, vault, version):
        """Add a new version to a vault.

        The *version* parameter must be a dictionary. The version is a new
        version and should not contain and "id" key yet.
        return instance(Model).add_version(vault, version)
Пример #5
    def get_config(self):
        """Return the configuration object.

        The configuration object is a dictionary that can be used by frontends
        to store configuration data.
        return instance(Model).get_config()
Пример #6
 def _do_auth_rsa_cb(self, uuid):
     """Perform mutual RSA_CB authentication."""
     wwwauth = create_option_header('RSA_CB', realm=uuid)
     headers = [('WWW-Authenticate', wwwauth)]
     auth = self.environ.get('HTTP_AUTHORIZATION')
     if auth  is None:
         raise HTTPReturn(http.UNAUTHORIZED, headers)
         method, opts = parse_option_header(auth)
     except ValueError:
         raise HTTPReturn(http.UNAUTHORIZED, headers)
     if method != 'RSA_CB':
         raise HTTPReturn(http.UNAUTHORIZED, headers)
     if 'node' not in opts or not check_uuid4(opts['node']):
         raise HTTPReturn(http.UNAUTHORIZED, headers)
     if 'signature' not in opts or not base64.check(opts['signature']):
         raise HTTPReturn(http.UNAUTHORIZED, headers)
     model = instance(Model)
     cert = model.get_certificate(uuid, opts['node'])
     if cert is None:
         raise HTTPReturn(http.UNAUTHORIZED, headers)
     signature = base64.decode(opts['signature'])
     pubkey = base64.decode(cert['payload']['keys']['auth']['key'])
     cb = self.environ['SSL_CHANNEL_BINDING_TLS_UNIQUE']
     if not self.crypto.rsa_verify(cb, signature, pubkey, 'pss-sha1'):
         raise HTTPReturn(http.UNAUTHORIZED, headers)
     # The peer was authenticated. Authenticate ourselves as well.
     privkey = model.get_auth_key(uuid)
     vault = model.get_vault(uuid)
     node = vault['node']
     signature = self.crypto.rsa_sign(cb, privkey, 'pss-sha1')
     signature = base64.encode(signature)
     auth = create_option_header('RSA_CB', node=node, signature=signature)
     self.headers.append(('Authentication-Info', auth))
Пример #7
    def get_version_history(self, vault, uuid):
        """Get the history of a version.

        This returns a ordered list with the linear history all the way from
        the current newest instance of the version, back to the first version.
        return instance(Model).get_version_history(vault, uuid)
Пример #8
    def delete_vault(self, vault):
        """Delete a vault and all its items.

        The *vault* parameter must be a vault metadata dictionary returned by
        return instance(Model).delete_vault(vault)
Пример #9
    def delete_version(self, vault, version):
        """Delete a version from a vault.

        This create a special updated version of the record with a "deleted"
        flag set. By default, deleted versions do not show up in the output of
        return instance(Model).delete_version(vault, version)
Пример #10
    def password_strength(self, method, *args):
        """Return the strength of a password that was generated by

        The return value is an integer indicating the entropy of the password
        in bits.
        return instance(PasswordGenerator).strength(method, *args)
Пример #11
    def update_version(self, vault, version):
        """Update an existing version.

        The *version* parameter should be a dictionary. It must have an "id"
        of a version that already exists. The version will become the latest
        version of the specific id.
        return instance(Model).update_version(vault, version)
Пример #12
 def exec_(self):
     ctrlapi = instance(ControlApiClient)
     config = ctrlapi.get_config('frontends.qt')
     if config is None:
         config = ctrlapi.create_config({'name': 'frontends.qt'})
     self._config = config
     mainwindow = singleton(MainWindow)
     return super(Bluepass, self).exec_()
Пример #13
    def lock_vault(self, uuid):
        """Lock a vault.

        This destroys the decrypted private keys and any other decrypted items
        that are cached.

        It is not an error to lock a vault that is already locked.
        return instance(Model).lock_vault(uuid)
Пример #14
    def set_allow_pairing(self, timeout):
        """Be visible on the network for *timeout* seconds.

        When visible, other instances of Bluepass will be able to find us, and
        initiate a pairing request. The pairing request will still have to be
        approved, and PIN codes needs to be exchanged.
        publisher = instance(SyncAPIPublisher)
Пример #15
 def __init__(self):
     super(SocketAPIHandler, self).__init__()
     self.crypto = instance(CryptoProvider)
     self.logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
     self.pairdata = {}
Пример #16
    def pair_neighbor_step1(self, node, source):
        """Start a new pairing process.

        A pairing process is started with node *node* residing in source

        The return value is a string containing a random cookie that identifies
        the current request.
        locator = instance(Locator)
        neighbor = locator.get_neighbor(node, source)
        if neighbor is None:
            raise PairingError('NotFound', 'No such neighbor')
        visible = neighbor['properties'].get('visible')
        if not visible:
            raise PairingError('NotFound', 'Node not visible')
        vault = neighbor['vault']
        model = instance(Model)
        if model.get_vault(vault):
            raise PairingError('Exists', 'Vault already exists')
        # Don't keep the GUI blocked while we wait for remote approval.
        cookie = self.crypto.random(16).encode('hex')
        name = misc.gethostname()
        for addr in neighbor['addresses']:
            client = SyncAPIClient(addr)
            except SyncAPIError as e:
                continue  # try next address
                kxid = client.pair_step1(vault, name)
            except SyncAPIError as e:
                status = e[0]
                detail = e.asdict()
                status = 'OK'
                detail = {}
                self.pairdata[cookie] = (kxid, neighbor, addr)
            self.connection.send_signal('PairNeighborStep1Completed', cookie,
                                        status, detail)
Пример #17
    def generate_password(self, method, *args):
        """Generate a password.

        The *method* specifies the method. It can currently be "diceware" or
        "random". The "diceware" method takes one argument: an integer with the
        number of words to generate. The "random" method takes two arguments:
        th size in character, and an alphabest in the form of a regular
        expression character set (e.g. [a-zA-Z0-9]).
        return instance(PasswordGenerator).generate(method, *args)
Пример #18
    def unlock_vault(self, uuid, password):
        """Unlock a vault.

        The vault *uuid* is unlocked using *password*. This decrypts the
        private keys that are stored in the database and stored them in

        On error, an exception is raised. It is not an error to unlock a vault
        that is already unlocked.
        return instance(Model).unlock_vault(uuid, password)
Пример #19
    def update_vault(self, vault):
        """Update a vault's metadata.

        The *vault* parameter must be a dictionary. The recommended way to use
        this function is to use :meth:`get_vault` to retrieve the metadata,
        make updates, make updates to it, and the use this method to save the

        On success, nothing is returned. On error, an exception is raised.
        return instance(Model).update_vault(uuid, vault)
Пример #20
 def sync_inbound(self, env):
     uuid = env['mapper.vault']
     if not check_uuid4(uuid):
         raise HTTPReturn(http.NOT_FOUND)
     model = instance(Model)
     vault = model.get_vault(uuid)
     if vault is None:
         raise HTTPReturn(http.NOT_FOUND)
     items = self.entity
     if items is None or not isinstance(items, list):
         raise HTTPReturn(http.BAD_REQUEST)
     model.import_items(uuid, items)
Пример #21
 def test_pair_and_sync(self):
     # Create two databases and two models
     database1 = Database(self.tempfile())
     model1 = create(Model, database1)
     assert instance(Model) is model1
     vault1 = model1.create_vault('Vault1', 'Passw0rd')
     database2 = Database(self.tempfile())
     model2 = Model(database2)
     vault2 = model2.create_vault('Vault2', 'Passw0rd', uuid=vault1['id'])
     # Start a message bus server and client connection
     lsock = socket.socket()
     lsock.bind(('localhost', 0))
     mbserver = create(MessageBusServer, lsock, 'S3cret', None)
     csock = socket.socket()
     mbhandler = MBTestHandler()
     mbclient = MessageBusConnection(csock, 'S3cret', mbhandler)
     # Start the syncapi
     lsock = socket.socket()
     lsock.bind(('localhost', 0))
     address = lsock.getsockname()
     syncapp = SyncAPIApplication()
     syncapp.allow_pairing = True
     server = SyncAPIServer(lsock, syncapp)
     # Pair with vault1
     client = SyncAPIClient(lsock.getsockname())
     kxid = client.pair_step1(vault1['id'], 'foo')
     assert kxid is not None
     assert mbhandler.name == 'foo'
     certinfo = { 'name': 'node2', 'node': vault2['node'] }
     keys = certinfo['keys'] = {}
     for key in vault2['keys']:
         keys[key] = { 'key': vault2['keys'][key]['public'],
                       'keytype': vault2['keys'][key]['keytype'] }
     peercert = client.pair_step2(vault1['id'], kxid, mbhandler.pin, certinfo)
     assert isinstance(peercert, dict)
     assert model1.check_certinfo(peercert)[0]
     model2.add_certificate(vault2['id'], peercert)
     # Sync
     version1 = model1.add_version(vault1['id'], {'foo': 'bar'})
     client.sync(vault1['id'], model2)
     version2 = model2.get_version(vault1['id'], version1['id'])
     assert version2 is not None
     assert version2['foo'] == 'bar'
Пример #22
    def pair_neighbor_step2(self, cookie, pin, name, password):
        """Complete a pairing process.

        The *cookie* argument are returned by :meth:`pair_neighbor_step1`. The
        *pin* argument is the PIN code that the remote Bluepass instance showed
        to its user. The *name* and *password* arguments specify the name and
        password of the paired vault that is created in the local instance.

        Paired vaults will automatically be kept up to date. Changes made in a
        paired vault in once Bluepass instance will automatically be synced to
        other instances by the Bluepass backend.

        To get notified of new versions that were added, listen for the
        ``VersionsAdded`` signal.
        if cookie not in self.pairdata:
            raise PairingError('NotFound', 'No such key exchange ID')
        kxid, neighbor, addr = self.pairdata.pop(cookie)
        # Again don't keep the GUI blocked while we pair and do a full sync
        model = instance(Model)
        vault = model.create_vault(name, password, neighbor['vault'],
        certinfo = { 'node': vault['node'], 'name': misc.gethostname() }
        keys = certinfo['keys'] = {}
        for key in vault['keys']:
            keys[key] = { 'key': vault['keys'][key]['public'],
                          'keytype': vault['keys'][key]['keytype'] }
        client = SyncAPIClient(addr)
            peercert = client.pair_step2(vault['id'], kxid, pin, certinfo)
        except SyncAPIError as e:
            status = e[0]
            detail = e.asdict()
            status = 'OK'
            detail = {}
            model.add_certificate(vault['id'], peercert)
            client.sync(vault['id'], model, notify=False)
            model.raise_event('VaultAdded', vault)
        self.connection.send_signal('PairNeighborStep2Completed', cookie,
                                    status, detail)
Пример #23
    def get_version(self, vault, uuid):
        """Return a version from a vault.

        The latest version identified by *uuid* is returned from *vault*.  The
        version is returned as a dictionary. If the version does not exist,
        ``None`` is returned.
        In Bluepass, vaults contain versions. Think of a version as an
        arbitrary object that is versioned and encrypted. A version has at
        least "id" and "_type" keys. The "id" will stay constant over the
        entire lifetime of the version. Newer versions supersede older
        versions. This method call returns the newest instance of the version.

        Versions are the unit of synchronization in our peer to peer
        replication protocol. They are also the unit of encryption. Both
        passwords are groups are stored as versions.
        return instance(Model).get_version(vault, uuid)
Пример #24
 def sync_outbound(self, env):
     uuid = env['mapper.vault']
     if not check_uuid4(uuid):
         raise HTTPReturn(http.NOT_FOUND)
     model = instance(Model)
     vault = model.get_vault(uuid)
     if vault is None:
         raise HTTPReturn(http.NOT_FOUND)
     args = parse_qs(env.get('QUERY_STRING', ''))
     vector = args.get('vector', [''])[0]
     if vector:
             vector = parse_vector(vector)
         except ValueError:
             raise HTTPReturn(http.BAD_REQUEST)
     items = model.get_items(uuid, vector)
     myvector = model.get_vector(uuid)
     self.headers.append(('X-Vector', dump_vector(myvector)))
     return items
Пример #25
 def pair(self, env):
     uuid = env['mapper.vault']
     if not check_uuid4(uuid):
         raise HTTPReturn(http.NOT_FOUND)
     model = instance(Model)
     vault = model.get_vault(uuid)
     if not vault:
         raise HTTPReturn(http.NOT_FOUND)
     # Sign the certificate request that was sent to tus
     certinfo = self.entity
     if not certinfo or not isinstance(certinfo, dict):
         raise HTTPReturn(http.BAD_REQUEST)
     model.add_certificate(uuid, certinfo)
     # And send our own certificate request in return
     certinfo = { 'node': vault['node'], 'name': socket.gethostname() }
     certkeys = certinfo['keys'] = {}
     for key in vault['keys']:
         certkeys[key] = { 'key': vault['keys'][key]['public'],
                           'keytype': vault['keys'][key]['keytype'] }
     return certinfo
Пример #26
    def get_versions(self, vault):
        """Return the newest instances for all versions in a vault.

        The return value is a list of dictionaries.
        return instance(Model).get_versions(vault)
Пример #27
 def _event_callback(self, event, *args):
     # Forward the event over the message bus.
     instance(MessageBusServer).send_signal(None, event, *args)
Пример #28
 def _do_auth_hmac_cb(self, uuid):
     """Perform mutual HMAC_CB authentication."""
     wwwauth = create_option_header('HMAC_CB', realm=uuid)
     headers = [('WWW-Authenticate', wwwauth)]
     auth = self.environ.get('HTTP_AUTHORIZATION')
     if auth is None:
         raise HTTPReturn(http.UNAUTHORIZED, headers)
         method, options = parse_option_header(auth)
     except ValueError:
         raise HTTPReturn(http.UNAUTHORIZED, headers)
     if method != 'HMAC_CB':
         raise HTTPReturn(http.UNAUTHORIZED, headers)
     if 'name' in options:
         # pair step 1 - ask user for permission to pair
         name = options['name']
         if not self.allow_pairing:
             raise HTTPReturn('403 Pairing Disabled')
         bus = instance(MessageBusServer)
         kxid = self.crypto.random(16).encode('hex')
         pin = '%06d' % (self.crypto.randint(bits=31) % 1000000)
         approved = bus.call_method(None,
         if not approved:
             raise HTTPReturn('403 Approval Denied')
         restrictions = {}
         self.key_exchanges[kxid] = (time.time(), restrictions, pin)
         wwwauth = create_option_header('HMAC_CB', kxid=kxid)
         headers = [('WWW-Authenticate', wwwauth)]
         raise HTTPReturn(http.UNAUTHORIZED, headers)
     elif 'kxid' in options:
         # pair step 2 - check auth and do the actual pairing
         kxid = options['kxid']
         if kxid not in self.key_exchanges:
             raise HTTPReturn(http.FORBIDDEN)
         starttime, restrictions, pin = self.key_exchanges.pop(kxid)
         signature = base64.try_decode(options.get('signature', ''))
         if not signature:
             raise HTTPReturn(http.FORBIDDEN)
         now = time.time()
         if now - starttime > 60:
             raise HTTPReturn('403 Request Timeout')
         cb = self.environ['SSL_CHANNEL_BINDING_TLS_UNIQUE']
         check = self.crypto.hmac(adjust_pin(pin, +1), cb, 'sha1')
         if check != signature:
             raise HTTPReturn('403 Invalid PIN')
         bus = instance(MessageBusServer)
         bus.send_signal(None, 'PairingComplete', kxid)
         # Prove to the other side we also know the PIN
         signature = self.crypto.hmac(adjust_pin(pin, -1), cb, 'sha1')
         signature = base64.encode(signature)
         authinfo = create_option_header('HMAC_CB',
         self.headers.append(('Authentication-Info', authinfo))
         raise HTTPReturn(http.UNAUTHORIZED, headers)
Пример #29
 def backend(self):
     return instance(BackendProxy)
Пример #30
 def mainWindow(self):
     return instance(MainWindow)
Пример #31
    def get_neighbors(self):
        """Return current neighbords on the network.

        The return value is a list of dictionaries.
        return instance(Locator).get_neighbors()
Пример #32
 def mainWindow(self):
     return instance(MainWindow)
Пример #33
 def update_config(self, config):
     """Update the configuration object."""
     return instance(Model).update_config(config)
Пример #34
 def _event_callback(self, event, *args):
     # Forward the event over the message bus.
     instance(MessageBusServer).send_signal(None, event, *args)
Пример #35
class SocketAPIHandler(MessageBusHandler):
    """A message bus handler that implements our socket API."""

    # NOTE: all methods run in separate greenlets!

    def __init__(self):
        super(SocketAPIHandler, self).__init__()
        self.crypto = instance(CryptoProvider)
        self.logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
        self.pairdata = {}

    def _event_callback(self, event, *args):
        # Forward the event over the message bus.
        instance(MessageBusServer).send_signal(None, event, *args)

    # Version

    def get_version_info(self):
        """Get version information.

        Returns a dictionary containing at least the key "version".
        version_info = {}
        for name in dir(_version):
            if name.startswith('_'):
            version_info[name] = getattr(_version, name)
        return version_info

    # Model methods

    def get_config(self):
        """Return the configuration object.

        The configuration object is a dictionary that can be used by frontends
        to store configuration data.
        return instance(Model).get_config()

    def update_config(self, config):
        """Update the configuration object."""
        return instance(Model).update_config(config)

    def create_vault(self, name, password, async=False):
        """Create a new vault.

        The vault will have the name *name*. The vault's private keys will be
        encrypted with *password*.

        The *async* parameter specifies if the vault creation needs to be
        asynchronous. If it is set to False, then the vault is created
        synchronously and it is returned as a dictionary. If async is set to
        True, then this will return the UUID of the vault as a stirng. Once the
        vault has been created, the ``VaultCreationComplete`` signal will be
        raised. The signal has three arguments: the UUID, a status code, and a
        detailed message.

        Creating a vault requires the backend to generate 3 RSA keys. This can
        be a time consuming process. Therefore it is recommended to use
        asynchronous vault creation in user interfaces.
        # Vault creation is time consuming because 3 RSA keys have
        # to be generated. Therefore an async variant is provided.
        model = instance(Model)
        if not async:
            return model.create_vault(name, password)
        uuid = self.crypto.randuuid()
            vault = model.create_vault(name, password, uuid)
        except StructuredError as e:
            status = e[0]
            detail = e.asdict()
        except Exception:
            e = StructuredError.uncaught_exception()
            status = e[0]
            detail = e.asdict()
            status = 'OK'
            detail = vault
        self.connection.send_signal('VaultCreationComplete', uuid, status,
Пример #36
 def vault_is_locked(self, uuid):
     """Return whether or not the vault *uuid* is locked."""
     return instance(Model).vault_is_locked(uuid)
Пример #37
    def get_vault_statistics(self, uuid):
        """Return statistics about a vault.

        The return value is a dictionary.
        return instance(Model).get_vault_statistics(uuid)
Пример #38
 def _run(self):
     """Main execution loop, runs in its own greenlet."""
     logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
     locator = instance(Locator)
     self.locator = locator
     model = instance(Model)
     nodename = self._get_hostname()
     vaults = model.get_vaults()
     for vault in vaults:
         locator.register(vault['node'], nodename, vault['id'],
                          vault['name'], self.server.address)
         logger.debug('published node %s', vault['node'])
     stopped = False
     while not stopped:
         timeout = self.allow_pairing_until - time.time() \
                     if self.allow_pairing else None
         while self.queue:
             event, args = self.queue.pop(0)
             logger.debug('processing event: %s', event)
             if event == 'allow_pairing':
                 timeout = args[0]
                 if timeout > 0:
                     self.allow_pairing = True
                     self.allow_pairing_until = time.time() + timeout
                     for node in self.published_nodes:
                         locator.set_property(node, 'visible', 'true')
                         logger.debug('make node %s visible', node)
                     instance(SyncAPIApplication).allow_pairing = True
                     self.raise_event('AllowPairingStarted', timeout)
                     self.allow_pairing = False
                     self.allow_pairing_until = None
                     for node in self.published_nodes:
                         locator.set_property(node, 'visible', 'false')
                         logger.debug('make node %s invisible (user)', node)
                     instance(SyncAPIApplication).allow_pairing = False
             elif event == 'VaultAdded':
                 vault = args[0]
                 node = vault['node']
                 if node in self.published_nodes:
                         'got VaultAdded signal for published node')
                 properties = {}
                 if self.allow_pairing:
                     properties['visible'] = 'true'
                 locator.register(node, nodename, vault['id'],
                                  vault['name'], self.server.address,
                 logger.debug('published node %s', node)
             elif event == 'VaultRemoved':
                 vault = args[0]
                 node = vault['node']
                 if node not in self.published_nodes:
                         'got VaultRemoved signal for unpublished node')
                 logger.debug('unpublished node %s', node)
             elif event == 'stop':
                 stopped = True
         now = time.time()
         if self.allow_pairing and now >= self.allow_pairing_until:
             for node in self.published_nodes:
                 self.locator.set_property(node, 'visible', 'false')
                 logger.debug('make node %s invisible (timeout)', node)
             self.allow_pairing = False
             self.allow_pairing_until = None
             instance(SyncAPIApplication).allow_pairing = False
         logger.debug('done processing queue, sleeping')
     logger.debug('shutting down publisher')
Пример #39
    def get_vaults(self):
        """Return a list of all vaults.

        The result value is a list if dictionaries containing vault metadata.
        return instance(Model).get_vaults()
Пример #40
 def backend(self):
     return instance(ControlApiClient)
Пример #41
 def update_config(self, config):
     """Update the configuration object."""
     return instance(Model).update_config(config)
Пример #42
 def _run(self):
     """This runs the synchronization loop."""
     logger = self.logger
     model = instance(Model)
     locator = instance(Locator)
     neighbors = locator.get_neighbors()
     mynodes = set((v['node'] for v in model.get_vaults()))
     myvaults = set((v['id'] for v in model.get_vaults()))
     while True:
         # Determine how long we need to wait
         now = time.time()
         timeout = self.interval
         for neighbor in neighbors:
             node = neighbor['node']
             vault = neighbor['vault']
             if node in mynodes or vault not in myvaults \
                         or not model.get_certificate(vault, node):
             last_sync = self.last_sync.get(node, 0)
             timeout = min(timeout, max(0, last_sync + self.interval - now))
         # Now wait for a timeout, or an event.
         # Build a list of nodes that we need to sync with.
         # We sync to nodes that are are not ours, whose vault we also
         # have, and where there is a certificate. In addition, at least
         # one of the following three needs to be true:
         # 1. The last sync to this node is > interval seconds ago.
         # 2. A version was added locally to the node's vault
         # 3. The node resides at an address that we are already syncing
         #    with.
         # Regarding #3, we organize the nodes by network address, and try
         # to sync all nodes over a single connection. So the nodes in #3
         # are almost "free" to do so that's they are included.
         now = time.time()
         neighbors = locator.get_neighbors()
         mynodes = set((v['node'] for v in model.get_vaults()))
         myvaults = set((v['id'] for v in model.get_vaults()))
         byaddress = {}
         sync_nodes = set()
         sync_vaults = set()
         # First process events.
         while self.queue:
             event, args = self.queue.pop(0)
             if event == 'NeighborDiscovered':
                 neighbor = args[0]
                 # As an optimization do not sync with new neighbors that
                 # are discovered while we are running, because we known
                 # that when they are started up they will sync with us.
                 self.last_sync[neighbor['node']] = now
             elif event == 'VersionsAdded':
                 vault, versions = args
                 # As an optimization, only push out a list of added
                 # versions in case it is generated locally, because we know
                 # the originator will push the update to everybody else.
                 for version in versions:
                     item = model.get_version_item(vault, version['id'])
                     if item['origin']['node'] not in mynodes:
                     logger.debug('local update, syncing to all nodes for '
                                  'vault %s', vault)
         # Now build a list of nodes including a "byaddress" list.
         for neighbor in neighbors:
             node = neighbor['node']
             vault = neighbor['vault']
             if node in mynodes or vault not in myvaults \
                         or not model.get_certificate(vault, node):
                 # Never sync with these nodes...
             last_sync = self.last_sync.get(node, 0)
             timeout = last_sync + self.interval < now
             if timeout or vault in sync_vaults:
                 for addr in neighbor['addresses']:
                     key = addr['id']
                     if key not in byaddress:
                         byaddress[key] = (addr['family'], addr, [])
             # See if we are already syncing with an address, and if so,
             # include /that address only/ in the sync job.
             for addr in neighbor['addresses']:
                 key = addr['id']
                 if key in byaddress:
         if not sync_nodes:
             # Nothing to do...
         logger.debug('total nodes to sync: %d', len(sync_nodes))
         # Now sync to the nodes. Try to reuse the network connection for
         # multiple nodes. We sort the addresses on location source so that
         # we will be able to give different priorites to different sources
         # later.
         nnodes = nconnections = 0
         addresses = sorted(byaddress.itervalues(), key=lambda x: x[0])
         for source,addr,neighbors in addresses:
             client = None
             for neighbor in neighbors:
                 node = neighbor['node']
                 if node not in sync_nodes:
                     continue  # already synced
                 logger.debug('syncing with node %s', node)
                 if client is None:
                     client = SyncAPIClient(addr)
                     except SyncAPIError as e:
                         logger.error('could not connect to %s: %s',
                                       addr, str(e))
                     logger.debug('connected to %s', addr)
                     nconnections += 1
                 vault = neighbor['vault']
                 starttime = time.time()
                     client.sync(vault, model)
                 except SyncAPIError:
                     logger.error('failed to sync vault %s at %s',
                                   vault, addr)
                     client = None
                     logger.debug('succesfully synced vault %s at %s',
                                  vault, addr)
                     nnodes += 1
                     self.last_sync[node] = starttime
             if client:
             if not sync_nodes:
                 break  # we are done
         logger.debug('synced to %d nodes using %d network connections',
                      nnodes, nconnections)
         if sync_nodes:
             logger.debug('failed to sync with %d nodes', len(sync_nodes))
     logger.debug('syncer loop terminated')
Пример #43
 def _run(self):
     """This runs the synchronization loop."""
     logger = self.logger
     model = instance(Model)
     locator = instance(Locator)
     neighbors = locator.get_neighbors()
     mynodes = set((v['node'] for v in model.get_vaults()))
     myvaults = set((v['id'] for v in model.get_vaults()))
     while True:
         # Determine how long we need to wait
         now = time.time()
         timeout = self.interval
         for neighbor in neighbors:
             node = neighbor['node']
             vault = neighbor['vault']
             if node in mynodes or vault not in myvaults \
                         or not model.get_certificate(vault, node):
             last_sync = self.last_sync.get(node, 0)
             timeout = min(timeout, max(0, last_sync + self.interval - now))
         # Now wait for a timeout, or an event.
         # Build a list of nodes that we need to sync with.
         # We sync to nodes that are are not ours, whose vault we also
         # have, and where there is a certificate. In addition, at least
         # one of the following three needs to be true:
         # 1. The last sync to this node is > interval seconds ago.
         # 2. A version was added locally to the node's vault
         # 3. The node resides at an address that we are already syncing
         #    with.
         # Regarding #3, we organize the nodes by network address, and try
         # to sync all nodes over a single connection. So the nodes in #3
         # are almost "free" to do so that's they are included.
         now = time.time()
         neighbors = locator.get_neighbors()
         mynodes = set((v['node'] for v in model.get_vaults()))
         myvaults = set((v['id'] for v in model.get_vaults()))
         byaddress = {}
         sync_nodes = set()
         sync_vaults = set()
         # First process events.
         while self.queue:
             event, args = self.queue.pop(0)
             if event == 'NeighborDiscovered':
                 neighbor = args[0]
                 # As an optimization do not sync with new neighbors that
                 # are discovered while we are running, because we known
                 # that when they are started up they will sync with us.
                 self.last_sync[neighbor['node']] = now
             elif event == 'VersionsAdded':
                 vault, versions = args
                 # As an optimization, only push out a list of added
                 # versions in case it is generated locally, because we know
                 # the originator will push the update to everybody else.
                 for version in versions:
                     item = model.get_version_item(vault, version['id'])
                     if item['origin']['node'] not in mynodes:
                         'local update, syncing to all nodes for '
                         'vault %s', vault)
         # Now build a list of nodes including a "byaddress" list.
         for neighbor in neighbors:
             node = neighbor['node']
             vault = neighbor['vault']
             if node in mynodes or vault not in myvaults \
                         or not model.get_certificate(vault, node):
                 # Never sync with these nodes...
             last_sync = self.last_sync.get(node, 0)
             timeout = last_sync + self.interval < now
             if timeout or vault in sync_vaults:
                 for addr in neighbor['addresses']:
                     key = addr['id']
                     if key not in byaddress:
                         byaddress[key] = (addr['family'], addr, [])
             # See if we are already syncing with an address, and if so,
             # include /that address only/ in the sync job.
             for addr in neighbor['addresses']:
                 key = addr['id']
                 if key in byaddress:
         if not sync_nodes:
             # Nothing to do...
         logger.debug('total nodes to sync: %d', len(sync_nodes))
         # Now sync to the nodes. Try to reuse the network connection for
         # multiple nodes. We sort the addresses on location source so that
         # we will be able to give different priorites to different sources
         # later.
         nnodes = nconnections = 0
         addresses = sorted(byaddress.itervalues(), key=lambda x: x[0])
         for source, addr, neighbors in addresses:
             client = None
             for neighbor in neighbors:
                 node = neighbor['node']
                 if node not in sync_nodes:
                     continue  # already synced
                 logger.debug('syncing with node %s', node)
                 if client is None:
                     client = SyncAPIClient(addr)
                     except SyncAPIError as e:
                         logger.error('could not connect to %s: %s', addr,
                     logger.debug('connected to %s', addr)
                     nconnections += 1
                 vault = neighbor['vault']
                 starttime = time.time()
                     client.sync(vault, model)
                 except SyncAPIError:
                     logger.error('failed to sync vault %s at %s', vault,
                     client = None
                     logger.debug('succesfully synced vault %s at %s',
                                  vault, addr)
                     nnodes += 1
                     self.last_sync[node] = starttime
             if client:
             if not sync_nodes:
                 break  # we are done
         logger.debug('synced to %d nodes using %d network connections',
                      nnodes, nconnections)
         if sync_nodes:
             logger.debug('failed to sync with %d nodes', len(sync_nodes))
     logger.debug('syncer loop terminated')