Пример #1
    def _get(self):
        if self._secret:
            raise NotImplementedError(
                "No auth protocols currently supported".format(
            if self._key:
                params[self._key_param] = self._key
            url = self._form_url()

        req = urllib.request.Request(url)

            resp = urllib.request.urlopen(req, None, self._request_timeout)

        except urllib.request.HTTPError as e:
            # TODO: should we do this check? any other codes to
            # raise BlueSkyUnavailableResourceError for?
            if e.getcode() == 404:
                raise BlueSkyUnavailableResourceError(
                    "Unavailable resource for loading: {}".format(url))

        # else if URLError (e.g. hostname doesn't exist -
        #   'nodename nor servname provided, or not known'), then
        #   there's no use in retrying
        # TODO: handleany other errors?
        #   - CertificateError (e.g. "hostname 'www.googlesds.com' doesn't match either of '*.dadapro.com', 'dadapro.com'"")
        #   - other???

        body = resp.read().decode('ascii')

        return body
Пример #2
    def _find():
        files = []
        for time_window in time_windows:
            logging.debug("Findmetdata time window: %s to %s",
                          time_window['start'], time_window['end'])
                                time_window['end']).get('files', []))

        if not files:
            raise BlueSkyUnavailableResourceError("No met files found")

        # It's possible that the following filtering by forecast whitelist
        # will result in waiting on a forecast that
        # already exists, but was passed over by arlfinder.ArlFinder because
        # there were newer data.  To avoid that situation, we'd need to
        # move the forecast whitelist logic into arlfinder.ArlFinder.
        # The practical use case for this forecast whitelist logic, however,
        # is to wait for the latest applicable met data for the dispersion
        # window (e.g. to wait for 2019-07-31 OOZ met data for the
        # run starting at 2019-07-31T00:00:00), which should never result
        # in waiting for already existing data.

        # TODO: move whitelist logic into findmetdata package. support three modes:
        #   - any met:  e.g. allow 7/27 met for 7/28 run if 7/28 met isn't available
        #   - want only met thats newer than spcified data; e.g. for 7/28 run,
        #     don't allow use of 7/27 data, but allow met after 7/28 for
        #     hours in dispersion that are after 7/28 (which can happen if re-running
        #     past data)
        #   - want specificc date for run;  e.g. for 7/28 run, only allow 7/28 met,
        #     even for hours after 7/28 in dispersion window

        files = _filter_forecasts(accepted_forecasts_config, files)

        return files
Пример #3
    def __init__(self, **config):
        super(BaseFileLoader, self).__init__(**config)
        self._filename = config.get('file')
        if not self._filename:
            raise BlueSkyConfigurationError("Fires file to load not specified")
        if not os.path.isfile(self._filename):
            raise BlueSkyUnavailableResourceError(
                "Fires file to "
                "load {} does not exist".format(self._filename))
        self._saved_copy_filename = config.get('saved_copy_file')

        self._events_filename = None
        if config.get('events_file'):
            self._events_filename = config['events_file']
            if not os.path.isfile(self._events_filename):
                raise BlueSkyUnavailableResourceError(
                    "Fire events file to load {} "
                    "does not exist".format(self._events_filename))
        self._saved_copy_events_filename = config.get('saved_copy_events_file')
Пример #4
    def _find():
        files = []
        for time_window in time_windows:
            logging.debug("Findmetdata time window: %s to %s",
                          time_window['start'], time_window['end'])
                                time_window['end']).get('files', []))

        if not files:
            raise BlueSkyUnavailableResourceError("No met files found")

        return files
Пример #5
def _filter_forecasts(config, files):
    if not config:
        return files

    filtered_files = []
    for init_time in config['init_times']:
        to_match = init_time.strftime(config['met_file_name_pattern'])
            [f for f in files if f['file'].find(to_match) > -1])

    if not filtered_files:
        raise BlueSkyUnavailableResourceError(
            "Only accepting forecasts: {}".format(', '.join(
                [i.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %HZ") for i in config['init_times']])))

    return filtered_files
Пример #6
    def get(self, **query):
        saved_data_filename = (self._config.get('saved_data_file')
                               or self._config.get('saved_copy_file'))

        if self._secret:
            if self._auth_protocol == 'afweb':
                url = self._form_url(**query)
                url = auth.sign_url(url, self._key, self._secret)
                raise NotImplementedError(
                    "{} auth protocol not supported".format(
            if self._key:
                params[self._key_param] = self._key
            url = self._form_url(**query)

        req = urllib.request.Request(url)

            resp = urllib.request.urlopen(req, None, self._request_timeout)

        except urllib.request.HTTPError as e:
            # TODO: should we do this check? any other codes to
            # raise BlueSkyUnavailableResourceError for?
            if e.getcode() == 404:
                raise BlueSkyUnavailableResourceError(
                    "Unavailable resource for loading: {}".format(url))

        # else if URLError (e.g. hostname doesn't exist -
        #   'nodename nor servname provided, or not known'), then
        #   there's no use in retrying
        # TODO: handleany other errors?
        #   - CertificateError (e.g. "hostname 'www.googlesds.com' doesn't match either of '*.dadapro.com', 'dadapro.com'"")
        #   - other???

        body = resp.read().decode('ascii')

        self._write_data(saved_data_filename, body)

        return body
Пример #7
 def bskur_error():
     self.counter += 1
     if self.counter <= 2:
         raise BlueSkyUnavailableResourceError()
Пример #8
 def bskur_error():
     raise BlueSkyUnavailableResourceError()