def _gen(self): yield Msg('hxn_next_scan_id') yield Msg('configure', self.flyer, **self._configure_kw) self._update_md() yield Msg('open_run', ** for subscan in range(self.flyer.scan_count): yield from flyer_plan(self.flyer, subscan=subscan) yield Msg('close_run')
def stepscan(det, motor): yield Msg('open_run') for i in range(-5, 5): yield Msg('create', name='primary') yield Msg('set', motor, i) yield Msg('trigger', det) yield Msg('read', motor) yield Msg('read', det) yield Msg('save') yield Msg('close_run')
def flyer_plan(flyer, subscan, *, name='primary'): '''Plan to run a flyer''' with elapsed_time_context('checkpoint'): yield Msg('checkpoint') # start the flyscan with elapsed_time_context('flyscan'): yield Msg('kickoff', flyer, subscan=subscan, group='fly-kickoff', name=name) yield Msg('wait', None, 'fly-kickoff') # wait for the collect to be ready yield Msg('complete', flyer, group='fly-collect') yield Msg('wait', None, 'fly-collect') yield Msg('collect', flyer)
def test_zmq(fresh_RE): # COMPONENT 1 # Run a 0MQ proxy on a separate process. def start_proxy(): Proxy(5567, 5568).start() proxy_proc = multiprocessing.Process(target=start_proxy, daemon=True) proxy_proc.start() time.sleep(5) # Give this plenty of time to start up. # COMPONENT 2 # Run a Publisher and a RunEngine in this main process. RE = fresh_RE p = Publisher(RE, '') # noqa # COMPONENT 3 # Run a RemoteDispatcher on another separate process. Pass the documents # it receives over a Queue to this process, so we can count them for our # test. def make_and_start_dispatcher(queue): def put_in_queue(name, doc): print('putting ', name, 'in queue') queue.put((name, doc)) d = RemoteDispatcher('') d.subscribe('all', put_in_queue) print("REMOTE IS READY TO START") d._loop.call_later(9, d.stop) d.start() queue = multiprocessing.Queue() dispatcher_proc = multiprocessing.Process(target=make_and_start_dispatcher, daemon=True, args=(queue, )) dispatcher_proc.start() time.sleep(5) # As above, give this plenty of time to start. # Generate two documents. The Publisher will send them to the proxy # device over 5567, and the proxy will send them to the # RemoteDispatcher over 5568. The RemoteDispatcher will push them into # the queue, where we can verify that they round-tripped. local_accumulator = [] def local_cb(name, doc): local_accumulator.append((name, doc)) RE([Msg('open_run'), Msg('close_run')], local_cb) time.sleep(1) # Get the two documents from the queue (or timeout --- test will fail) remote_accumulator = [] for i in range(2): remote_accumulator.append(queue.get(timeout=2)) p.close() proxy_proc.terminate() dispatcher_proc.terminate() proxy_proc.join() dispatcher_proc.join() assert remote_accumulator == local_accumulator
def counting_stepscan(det, motor): yield Msg('subscribe', None, 'start', c) yield from stepscan(det, motor)
def counting_stepscan(det, motor): yield Msg("subscribe", None, c, "start") yield from stepscan(det, motor)
def test_zmq(fresh_RE): # COMPONENT 1 # Run a forwarder device on a separate process. # This is a variant of the code in bluesky/examples/, # but with hard-coded config. def forwarder(): import zmq def main(frontend_port, backend_port): print('Starting forwarder device...') try: context = zmq.Context(1) # Socket facing clients frontend = context.socket(zmq.SUB) frontend.bind("tcp://*:%d" % frontend_port) frontend.setsockopt_string(zmq.SUBSCRIBE, "") # Socket facing services backend = context.socket(zmq.PUB) backend.bind("tcp://*:%d" % backend_port) print('Receiving on %d; publishing on %d' % (frontend_port, backend_port)) zmq.device(zmq.FORWARDER, frontend, backend) except Exception as exc: print('Exception in forwarder device:', exc) finally: print('Closing forwarder device...') frontend.close() backend.close() context.term() main(5567, 5568) forwarder_proc = multiprocessing.Process(target=forwarder, daemon=True) forwarder_proc.start() time.sleep(5) # Give this plenty of time to start up. # COMPONENT 2 # Run a Publisher and a RunEngine in this main process. RE = fresh_RE p = Publisher(RE, '', 5567) # noqa # COMPONENT 3 # Run a RemoteDispatcher on another separate process. Pass the documents # it receives over a Queue to this process, so we can count them for our # test. def make_and_start_dispatcher(queue): def put_in_queue(name, doc): print('putting ', name, 'in queue') queue.put((name, doc)) d = RemoteDispatcher('', 5568) d.subscribe('all', put_in_queue) print("REMOTE IS READY TO START") d._loop.call_later(9, d.stop) d.start() queue = multiprocessing.Queue() dispatcher_proc = multiprocessing.Process(target=make_and_start_dispatcher, daemon=True, args=(queue,)) dispatcher_proc.start() time.sleep(5) # As above, give this plenty of time to start. # Generate two documents. The Publisher will send them to the forwarder # device over 5567, and the forwarder will send them to the # RemoteDispatcher over 5568. The RemoteDispatcher will push them into # the queue, where we can verify that they round-tripped. local_accumulator = [] def local_cb(name, doc): local_accumulator.append((name, doc)) RE([Msg('open_run'), Msg('close_run')], local_cb) time.sleep(1) # Get the two documents from the queue (or timeout --- test will fail) remote_accumulator = [] for i in range(2): remote_accumulator.append(queue.get(timeout=2)) p.close() forwarder_proc.terminate() dispatcher_proc.terminate() forwarder_proc.join() dispatcher_proc.join() assert remote_accumulator == local_accumulator
def simple_scan(motor): yield Msg('open_run') yield Msg('set', motor, 5) yield Msg('read', motor) yield Msg('close_run')
def _gen(self): # over-rides default gen yield Msg('hxn_next_scan_id') yield Msg('configure', self.flyer, **self._configure_kw) self._update_md() if len(self.flyer._subscans) != len(self.slow_steps): # fun hack: duplicate the sub-scan configuration for all # slow-steps in the flyer. this will allow liveimage to work # without modification. self.flyer._subscans = ([self.flyer._subscans[0]] * len(self.slow_steps)) yield Msg('open_run', ** if self.slow_flyer is not None: yield Msg('kickoff', self.slow_flyer, group='slowflyer-kickoff') yield Msg('wait', None, 'slowflyer-kickoff') for subscan, pt in enumerate(iter(self.slow_steps)): for mtr, pos in pt.items(): yield Msg('set', mtr, pos, group='step-motors') yield Msg('wait', None, 'step-motors') yield from flyer_plan(self.flyer, subscan=subscan) if self.slow_flyer is not None: yield Msg('complete', self.slow_flyer, group='slowflyer-collect') yield Msg('wait', None, 'slowflyer-collect') yield Msg('collect', self.slow_flyer) yield Msg('close_run')