Пример #1
    def limits(self, intent_v_tas, intent_vs, intent_h, ax):
        """ apply limits on indent speed, vertical speed, and altitude (called in pilot module)"""
        super(PerfNAP, self).limits(intent_v_tas, intent_vs, intent_h)

        # if isinstance(self.vmin, np.ndarray):
        #     pass
        # else:
        #     self.update()

        allow_h = np.where(intent_h > self.hmax, self.hmax, intent_h)

        intent_v_cas = aero.vtas2cas(intent_v_tas, allow_h)
        allow_v_cas = np.where(intent_v_cas < self.vmin, self.vmin, intent_v_cas)
        allow_v_cas = np.where(intent_v_cas > self.vmax, self.vmax, allow_v_cas)
        allow_v_tas = aero.vcas2tas(allow_v_cas, allow_h)

        vs_max_with_acc = (1 - ax / self.axmax) * self.vsmax
        allow_vs = np.where(intent_vs > self.vsmax, vs_max_with_acc, intent_vs)
        allow_vs = np.where(intent_vs < self.vsmin, self.vsmin, allow_vs)

        # print(intent_h, allow_h, self.hmax)
        # print(intent_v_cas, allow_v_cas, self.vmin, self.vmax)
        # print(self.coeff.limits_rotor['EC35'])

        return allow_v_tas, allow_vs, allow_h
Пример #2
    def FlightEnvelope(self):
        # check for the flight envelope
        bs.traf.delalt = bs.traf.apalt - bs.traf.alt  # [m]

        #print self.aspd[0]/kts

        # Update desired sates with values within the flight envelope
        # To do: add const Mach const CAS mode

        self.spd = np.where(bs.traf.limspd_flag,
                            vcas2tas(bs.traf.limspd, bs.traf.alt), self.spd)

        # Autopilot selected altitude [m]
        self.alt = np.where(bs.traf.limalt > -900., bs.traf.limalt, self.alt)

        # Autopilot selected vertical speed (V/S)
        self.vs = np.where(bs.traf.limvs > -9000., bs.traf.limvs, self.vs)

        # To be discussed: Following change in VNAV mode only?
        # below crossover altitude: CAS=const, above crossover altitude: MA = const
        # climb/descend above crossover: Ma = const, else CAS = const
        # ama is fixed when above crossover
        bs.traf.ama = np.where(bs.traf.abco * (bs.traf.ama == 0.),
                               vcas2mach(bs.traf.aspd, bs.traf.alt),

        # ama is deleted when below crossover
        bs.traf.ama = np.where(bs.traf.belco, 0.0, bs.traf.ama)
Пример #3
    def applylimits(self):
        # check for the flight envelope
        if bs.settings.performance_model == 'openap':
            self.aporasas.tas, self.aporasas.vs, self.aporasas.alt = \
                self.perf.limits(self.aporasas.tas, self.aporasas.vs, \
                                 self.aporasas.alt, self.ax)

            )  # Sets limspd_flag and limspd when it needs to be limited

            # Update desired sates with values within the flight envelope
            # When CAS is limited, it needs to be converted to TAS as only this TAS is used later on!

            self.aporasas.tas = np.where(self.limspd_flag,
                                         vcas2tas(self.limspd, self.alt),

            # Autopilot selected altitude [m]
            self.aporasas.alt = np.where(self.limalt_flag, bs.traf.limalt,

            # Autopilot selected vertical speed (V/S)
            self.aporasas.vs = np.where(self.limvs_flag, self.limvs,
Пример #4
    def limits(self, intent_v_tas, intent_vs, intent_h, ax):
        """ apply limits on indent speed, vertical speed, and altitude (called in pilot module)"""
        super(OpenAP, self).limits(intent_v_tas, intent_vs, intent_h)

        allow_h = np.where(intent_h > self.hmax, self.hmax, intent_h)

        intent_v_cas = aero.vtas2cas(intent_v_tas, allow_h)

        allow_v_cas = np.where((intent_v_cas < self.vmin), self.vmin,
        allow_v_cas = np.where(intent_v_cas > self.vmax, self.vmax,
        allow_v_tas = aero.vcas2tas(allow_v_cas, allow_h)

        vs_max_with_acc = (1 - ax / self.axmax) * self.vsmax
        allow_vs = np.where((intent_vs > 0) & (intent_vs > self.vsmax),
                            intent_vs)  # for climb with vs larger than vsmax
        allow_vs = np.where(
            (intent_vs < 0) & (intent_vs < self.vsmin), vs_max_with_acc,
            allow_vs)  # for descent with vs smaller than vsmin (negative)
        allow_vs = np.where(
            (self.phase == ph.GD) & (bs.traf.tas < self.vminto), 0,
            allow_vs)  # takeoff aircraft

        return allow_v_tas, allow_vs, allow_h
Пример #5
    def limits(self, intent_v_tas, intent_vs, intent_h, ax):
        """ apply limits on indent speed, vertical speed, and altitude (called in pilot module)"""
        super(OpenAP, self).limits(intent_v_tas, intent_vs, intent_h)

        # if isinstance(self.vmin, np.ndarray):
        #     pass
        # else:
        #     self.update()

        allow_h = np.where(intent_h > self.hmax, self.hmax, intent_h)

        intent_v_cas = aero.vtas2cas(intent_v_tas, allow_h)
        allow_v_cas = np.where(intent_v_cas < self.vmin, self.vmin,
        allow_v_cas = np.where(intent_v_cas > self.vmax, self.vmax,
        allow_v_tas = aero.vcas2tas(allow_v_cas, allow_h)

        vs_max_with_acc = (1 - ax / self.axmax) * self.vsmax
        allow_vs = np.where(intent_vs > self.vsmax, vs_max_with_acc, intent_vs)
        allow_vs = np.where(intent_vs < self.vsmin, self.vsmin, allow_vs)

        # print(intent_h, allow_h, self.hmax)
        # print(intent_v_cas, allow_v_cas, self.vmin, self.vmax)
        # print(self.coeff.limits_rotor['EC35'])

        return allow_v_tas, allow_vs, allow_h
Пример #6
    def currentlimits(self, id=None):
        """Get current kinematic performance envelop.

            id (int or 1D-array): Aircraft ID(s). Defualt to None (all aircraft).

            floats or 1D-arrays: Min TAS, Max TAS, Min VS, Max VS

        vtasmin = aero.vcas2tas(self.vmin, bs.traf.alt)

        vtasmax = np.minimum(aero.vcas2tas(self.vmax, bs.traf.alt),
                             aero.vmach2tas(self.mmo, bs.traf.alt))

        if id is not None:
            return vtasmin[id], vtasmax[id], self.vsmin[id], self.vsmax[id]
            return vtasmin, vtasmax, self.vsmin, self.vsmax
Пример #7
    def limits(self, intent_v_tas, intent_vs, intent_h, ax):
        """apply limits on indent speed, vertical speed, and altitude (called in pilot module)

            intent_v_tas (float or 1D-array): intent true airspeed
            intent_vs (float or 1D-array): intent vertical speed
            intent_h (float or 1D-array): intent altitude
            ax (float or 1D-array): acceleration
            floats or 1D-arrays: Allowed TAS, Allowed vetical rate, Allowed altitude
        allow_h = np.where(intent_h > self.hmax, self.hmax, intent_h)

        intent_v_cas = aero.vtas2cas(intent_v_tas, allow_h)
        allow_v_cas = np.where((intent_v_cas < self.vmin), self.vmin, intent_v_cas)
        allow_v_cas = np.where(intent_v_cas > self.vmax, self.vmax, allow_v_cas)
        allow_v_tas = aero.vcas2tas(allow_v_cas, allow_h)
        allow_v_tas = np.where(
            aero.vtas2mach(allow_v_tas, allow_h) > self.mmo,
            aero.vmach2tas(self.mmo, allow_h),
        )  # maximum cannot exceed MMO

        vs_max_with_acc = (1 - ax / self.axmax) * self.vsmax
        allow_vs = np.where(
            (intent_vs > 0) & (intent_vs > self.vsmax), vs_max_with_acc, intent_vs
        )  # for climb with vs larger than vsmax
        allow_vs = np.where(
            (intent_vs < 0) & (intent_vs < self.vsmin), vs_max_with_acc, allow_vs
        )  # for descent with vs smaller than vsmin (negative)
        allow_vs = np.where(
            (self.phase == ph.GD) & (bs.traf.tas < self.vminto), 0, allow_vs
        )  # takeoff aircraft

        # corect rotercraft speed limits
        ir = np.where(self.lifttype == coeff.LIFT_ROTOR)[0]
        allow_v_tas[ir] = np.where(
            (intent_v_tas[ir] < self.vmin[ir]), self.vmin[ir], intent_v_tas[ir]
        allow_v_tas[ir] = np.where(
            (intent_v_tas[ir] > self.vmax[ir]), self.vmax[ir], allow_v_tas[ir]
        allow_vs[ir] = np.where(
            (intent_vs[ir] < self.vsmin[ir]), self.vsmin[ir], intent_vs[ir]
        allow_vs[ir] = np.where(
            (intent_vs[ir] > self.vsmax[ir]), self.vsmax[ir], allow_vs[ir]

        return allow_v_tas, allow_vs, allow_h
Пример #8
    def FlightEnvelope(self):
        # check for the flight envelope
        bs.traf.delalt = bs.traf.selalt - bs.traf.alt  # [m]
        bs.traf.perf.limits() # Sets limspd_flag and limspd when it needs to be limited

        # Update desired sates with values within the flight envelope
        # When CAs is limited, it needs to be converted to TAS as only this TAS is used later on!

        self.tas = np.where(bs.traf.limspd_flag, vcas2tas(bs.traf.limspd, bs.traf.alt), self.tas)

        # Autopilot selected altitude [m]
        self.alt = np.where(bs.traf.limalt_flag, bs.traf.limalt, self.alt)

        # Autopilot selected vertical speed (V/S)
        self.vs = np.where(bs.traf.limvs_flag, bs.traf.limvs, self.vs)
Пример #9
    def limits(self, indent_v, indent_vs, indent_h):
        """ apply limits on indent speed, vertical speed, and altitude """
        super(PerfNAP, self).limits(indent_v, indent_vs, indent_h)

        indent_v = aero.vtas2cas(indent_v, indent_h)
        allow_v = np.where(indent_v < self.vmin, self.vmin, indent_v)
        allow_v = np.where(indent_v > self.vmax, self.vmax, indent_v)
        allow_v = aero.vcas2tas(indent_v, indent_h)

        allow_vs = np.where(indent_vs < self.vsmin, self.vsmin, indent_vs)
        allow_vs = np.where(indent_vs > self.vsmax, self.vsmax, indent_vs)

        allow_h = np.where(indent_h > self.hmaxalt, self.hmaxalt, indent_h)

        return allow_v, allow_vs, allow_h
Пример #10
    def limits(self, indent_v, indent_vs, indent_h):
        """ apply limits on indent speed, vertical speed, and altitude """
        super(PerfNAP, self).limits(indent_v, indent_vs, indent_h)

        indent_v = aero.vtas2cas(indent_v, indent_h)
        allow_v = np.where(indent_v < self.vmin, self.vmin, indent_v)
        allow_v = np.where(indent_v > self.vmax, self.vmax, indent_v)
        allow_v = aero.vcas2tas(indent_v, indent_h)

        allow_vs = np.where(indent_vs < self.vsmin, self.vsmin, indent_vs)
        allow_vs = np.where(indent_vs > self.vsmax, self.vsmax, indent_vs)

        allow_h = np.where(indent_h > self.hmaxalt, self.hmaxalt, indent_h)

        return allow_v, allow_vs, allow_h
Пример #11
def test_wind(start):
    global starttime, timer
    timelimit = 20
    if start:
        # Create a very strong headwind
        cas = 250
        tas = vcas2tas(cas*kts,10000*ft)/kts
        stack.stack("CRE KLM10 B747 52 4 000 FL100 "+str(int(cas)))
        # Mind that wind is defined in the direction that it is coming from
        stack.stack("WIND 52 4 FL100 000 "+str(int(tas)))
        starttime = timer
    elif timer-starttime>timelimit:
        # If the aircraft did not move 
        _, d = geo.qdrdist(52,4,traf.lat[0],traf.lon[0])
        return d < 0.1 # d is measured in nm
Пример #12
    def FlightEnvelope(self):
        # check for the flight envelope
        bs.traf.delalt = bs.traf.selalt - bs.traf.alt  # [m]
        )  # Sets limspd_flag and limspd when it needs to be limited

        # Update desired sates with values within the flight envelope
        # When CAs is limited, it needs to be converted to TAS as only this TAS is used later on!

        self.tas = np.where(bs.traf.limspd_flag,
                            vcas2tas(bs.traf.limspd, bs.traf.alt), self.tas)

        # Autopilot selected altitude [m]
        self.alt = np.where(bs.traf.limalt_flag, bs.traf.limalt, self.alt)

        # Autopilot selected vertical speed (V/S)
        self.vs = np.where(bs.traf.limvs_flag, bs.traf.limvs, self.vs)
Пример #13
    def applylimits(self):
        # check for the flight envelope
        if settings.performance_model == 'openap':
            self.tas, self.vs, self.alt = bs.traf.perf.limits(self.tas, self.vs, self.alt, bs.traf.ax)
            bs.traf.perf.limits() # Sets limspd_flag and limspd when it needs to be limited

            # Update desired sates with values within the flight envelope
            # When CAs is limited, it needs to be converted to TAS as only this TAS is used later on!

            self.tas = np.where(bs.traf.limspd_flag, vcas2tas(bs.traf.limspd, bs.traf.alt), self.tas)

            # Autopilot selected altitude [m]
            self.alt = np.where(bs.traf.limalt_flag, bs.traf.limalt, self.alt)

            # Autopilot selected vertical speed (V/S)
            self.vs = np.where(bs.traf.limvs_flag, bs.traf.limvs, self.vs)
Пример #14
    def limits(self, intent_v, intent_vs, intent_h, ax):
        """FLIGHT ENVELPOE"""
        # summarize minimum speeds - ac in ground mode might be pushing back
        self.vmin =  (self.phase == 1) * self.vmto + (self.phase == 2) * self.vmic + (self.phase == 3) * self.vmcr + \
        (self.phase == 4) * self.vmap + (self.phase == 5) * self.vmld + (self.phase == 6) * -10.

        # maximum altitude: hmax/act = MIN[hmo, hmax+gt*(dtemp-ctc1)+gw*(mmax-mact)]
        #                   or hmo if hmx ==0 ()
        # at the moment just ISA atmosphere, dtemp  = 0
        c1 = self.dtemp - self.ctct1

        # if c1<0: c1 = 0
        # values above 0 remain, values below are replaced through 0
        c1m = np.array(c1 < 0) * 0.00000000000001
        c1def = np.maximum(c1, c1m)

        self.hact = self.hmax + self.gt * c1def + self.gw * (self.mmax -
        # if hmax in OPF File ==0: hmaxact = hmo, else minimum(hmo, hmact)
        self.hmaxact = (self.hmax == 0) * self.hmo + (
            self.hmax != 0) * np.minimum(self.hmo, self.hact)

        # forwarding to tools
        self.limspd, self.limspd_flag, self.limalt, \
            self.limalt_flag, self.limvs, self.limvs_flag = calclimits(
                vtas2cas(intent_v, bs.traf.alt), bs.traf.gs,
                self.vmto, self.vmin, self.vmo, self.mmo,
                bs.traf.M, bs.traf.alt, self.hmaxact,
                intent_h, intent_vs, self.maxthr,
                self.thrust, self.D, bs.traf.tas,
                self.mass, self.ESF, self.phase)

        # Update desired sates with values within the flight envelope
        # When CAS is limited, it needs to be converted to TAS as only this TAS is used later on!
        allowed_tas = np.where(self.limspd_flag,
                               vcas2tas(self.limspd, bs.traf.alt), intent_v)

        # Autopilot selected altitude [m]
        allowed_alt = np.where(self.limalt_flag, self.limalt, intent_h)

        # Autopilot selected vertical speed (V/S)
        allowed_vs = np.where(self.limvs_flag, self.limvs, intent_vs)

        return allowed_tas, allowed_vs, allowed_alt
Пример #15
    def limits(self, intent_v_tas, intent_vs, intent_h, ax):
        """ apply limits on indent speed, vertical speed, and altitude (called in pilot module)"""
        super(OpenAP, self).limits(intent_v_tas, intent_vs, intent_h)

        allow_h = np.where(intent_h > self.hmax, self.hmax, intent_h)

        intent_v_cas = aero.vtas2cas(intent_v_tas, allow_h)

        allow_v_cas = np.where((intent_v_cas < self.vmin), self.vmin, intent_v_cas)
        allow_v_cas = np.where(intent_v_cas > self.vmax, self.vmax, allow_v_cas)
        allow_v_tas = aero.vcas2tas(allow_v_cas, allow_h)

        vs_max_with_acc = (1 - ax / self.axmax) * self.vsmax
        allow_vs = np.where((intent_vs > 0) & (intent_vs>self.vsmax), vs_max_with_acc, intent_vs)   # for climb with vs larger than vsmax
        allow_vs = np.where((intent_vs < 0) & (intent_vs<self.vsmin), vs_max_with_acc, allow_vs)   # for descent with vs smaller than vsmin (negative)
        allow_vs = np.where((self.phase==ph.GD) & (bs.traf.tas < self.vminto), 0, allow_vs)        # takeoff aircraft

        return allow_v_tas, allow_vs, allow_h
Пример #16
    def limits(self, indent_v, indent_vs, indent_h):
        """ apply limits on indent speed, vertical speed, and altitude """
        super(PerfNAP, self).limits(indent_v, indent_vs, indent_h)

        # if isinstance(self.vmin, np.ndarray):
        #     pass
        # else:
        #     self.update()

        indent_v = aero.vtas2cas(indent_v, indent_h)
        allow_v = np.where(indent_v < self.vmin, self.vmin, indent_v)
        allow_v = np.where(indent_v > self.vmax, self.vmax, indent_v)
        allow_v = aero.vcas2tas(indent_v, indent_h)

        allow_vs = np.where(indent_vs < self.vsmin, self.vsmin, indent_vs)
        allow_vs = np.where(indent_vs > self.vsmax, self.vsmax, indent_vs)

        allow_h = np.where(indent_h > self.hmaxalt, self.hmaxalt, indent_h)

        return allow_v, allow_vs, allow_h
Пример #17
    def limits(self, intent_v, intent_vs, intent_h, ax):
        """Flight envelope"""  # Connect this with function limits in performance.py

        # combine minimum speeds and flight phases. Phases initial climb, cruise
        # and approach use the same CLmax and thus the same function for Vmin
        self.vmto = self.vm_to * np.sqrt(self.mass / bs.traf.rho)
        self.vmic = np.sqrt(2 * self.mass * g0 /
                            (bs.traf.rho * self.clmaxcr * self.Sref))
        self.vmcr = self.vmic
        self.vmap = self.vmic
        self.vmld = self.vm_ld * np.sqrt(self.mass / bs.traf.rho)

        # summarize and convert to cas
        # note: aircraft on ground may be pushed back
        self.vmin = (self.phase==1)*vtas2cas(self.vmto, bs.traf.alt) + \
                        ((self.phase==2) + (self.phase==3) + (self.phase==4))*vtas2cas(self.vmcr, bs.traf.alt) + \
                            (self.phase==5)*vtas2cas(self.vmld, bs.traf.alt) + (self.phase==6)*-10.0

        # forwarding to tools
        self.limspd, self.limspd_flag, self.limalt, \
            self.limalt_flag, self.limvs, self.limvs_flag  =  calclimits(
                vtas2cas(intent_v, bs.traf.alt), bs.traf.gs, \
                self.vmto, self.vmin, self.vmo, self.mmo, \
                bs.traf.M, bs.traf.alt, self.hmaxact, \
                intent_h, intent_vs, self.maxthr, \
                self.thrust_pilot, self.D, bs.traf.tas, \
                self.mass, self.ESF, self.phase)

        # Update desired sates with values within the flight envelope
        # When CAS is limited, it needs to be converted to TAS as only this TAS is used later on!
        allowed_tas = np.where(self.limspd_flag,
                               vcas2tas(self.limspd, bs.traf.alt), intent_v)

        # Autopilot selected altitude [m]
        allowed_alt = np.where(self.limalt_flag, self.limalt, intent_h)

        # Autopilot selected vertical speed (V/S)
        allowed_vs = np.where(self.limvs_flag, self.limvs, intent_vs)

        return allowed_tas, allowed_vs, allowed_alt
Пример #18
    def update(self):
        # FMS LNAV mode:
        # qdr[deg],distinnm[nm]
        qdr, distinnm = geo.qdrdist(bs.traf.lat, bs.traf.lon,
                                    bs.traf.actwp.lat, bs.traf.actwp.lon)  # [deg][nm])
        dist = distinnm*nm  # Conversion to meters

        # FMS route update
        self.update_fms(qdr, dist)

        #================= Continuous FMS guidance ========================

        # Waypoint switching in the loop above was scalar (per a/c with index i)
        # Code below is vectorized, with arrays for all aircraft

        # Do VNAV start of descent check
        dy = (bs.traf.actwp.lat - bs.traf.lat)  #[deg lat = 60 nm]
        dx = (bs.traf.actwp.lon - bs.traf.lon) * bs.traf.coslat #[corrected deg lon = 60 nm]
        dist2wp   = 60. * nm * np.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy) # [m]

        # VNAV logic: descend as late as possible, climb as soon as possible
        startdescent = (dist2wp < self.dist2vs) + (bs.traf.actwp.nextaltco > bs.traf.alt)

        # If not lnav:Climb/descend if doing so before lnav/vnav was switched off
        #    (because there are no more waypoints). This is needed
        #    to continue descending when you get into a conflict
        #    while descending to the destination (the last waypoint)
        #    Use 0.1 nm (185.2 m) circle in case turndist might be zero
        self.swvnavvs = bs.traf.swvnav * np.where(bs.traf.swlnav, startdescent,
                                        dist <= np.maximum(185.2,bs.traf.actwp.turndist))

        #Recalculate V/S based on current altitude and distance to next alt constraint
        # How much time do we have before we need to descend?

        t2go2alt = np.maximum(0.,(dist2wp + bs.traf.actwp.xtoalt - bs.traf.actwp.turndist)) \
                                    / np.maximum(0.5,bs.traf.gs)

        # use steepness to calculate V/S unless we need to descend faster
        bs.traf.actwp.vs = np.maximum(self.steepness*bs.traf.gs, \
                                np.abs((bs.traf.actwp.nextaltco-bs.traf.alt))  \

        self.vnavvs  = np.where(self.swvnavvs, bs.traf.actwp.vs, self.vnavvs)
        #was: self.vnavvs  = np.where(self.swvnavvs, self.steepness * bs.traf.gs, self.vnavvs)

        # self.vs = np.where(self.swvnavvs, self.vnavvs, bs.traf.apvsdef * bs.traf.limvs_flag)
        selvs    = np.where(abs(bs.traf.selvs) > 0.1, bs.traf.selvs, bs.traf.apvsdef) # m/s
        self.vs  = np.where(self.swvnavvs, self.vnavvs, selvs)
        self.alt = np.where(self.swvnavvs, bs.traf.actwp.nextaltco, bs.traf.selalt)

        # When descending or climbing in VNAV also update altitude command of select/hold mode
        bs.traf.selalt = np.where(self.swvnavvs,bs.traf.actwp.nextaltco,bs.traf.selalt)

        # LNAV commanded track angle
        self.trk = np.where(bs.traf.swlnav, qdr, self.trk)

        # FMS speed guidance: anticipate accel/decel distance for next leg or turn

        # Actual distance it takes to decelerate
        # Normally next leg speed (actwp.spd) but in case we fly turns with a specified turn speed
        # use the turn speed
        swturnspd = bs.traf.actwp.flyturn*(bs.traf.actwp.turnspd>0.001)
        nexttas   = np.where(swturnspd,
        tasdiff   = nexttas - bs.traf.tas # [m/s]

        # dt = dv/a   dx = v*dt + 0.5*a*dt2 => dx = dv/a * (v + 0.5*dv)
        dxspdchg = swturnspd*bs.traf.actwp.turndist + np.sign(tasdiff)/np.maximum(0.01,np.abs(bs.traf.ax)) * \

        # Check also whether VNAVSPD is on, if not, SPD SEL has override for next leg
        # and same for turn logic
        usespdcon      = (dist2wp < dxspdchg)*(bs.traf.actwp.spdcon > -990.) * \

        bs.traf.selspd = np.where(usespdcon, np.where(swturnspd,bs.traf.actwp.turnspd,
                                                      bs.traf.actwp.spd), bs.traf.selspd)

        # Below crossover altitude: CAS=const, above crossover altitude: Mach = const
        self.tas = vcasormach2tas(bs.traf.selspd, bs.traf.alt)
Пример #19
def ETA(acidx):
    # Assuming no wind.
    # Assume complete route is available including orig --> destination

    #    print(np.where(traf.ap.route[acidx].wptype))
    # Acceleration value depends on flight phase and aircraft type in BADA
    # The longitudinal acceleration is constant for all airborne flight
    # phases in the bada model.
    ax = traf.perf.acceleration()
    iactwp = traf.ap.route[acidx].iactwp
    nwp = len(traf.ap.route[acidx].wpname)

    # Construct a tables with relevant route parameters before the 4D prediction
    dist2vs = [0] * nwp
    Vtas = [0] * nwp
    Vcas = traf.ap.route[acidx].wpspd.copy()
    dsturn = [0] * nwp
    qdr = [0] * nwp
    s = [0] * nwp
    turndist = [0] * nwp
    lat = traf.ap.route[acidx].wplat.copy()
    lon = traf.ap.route[acidx].wplon.copy()
    altatwp = traf.ap.route[acidx].wpalt.copy()
    wpialt = traf.ap.route[acidx].wpialt.copy()

    for wpidx in range(iactwp - 1, nwp):
        # If the next waypoint is the active waypoint, use aircraft data
        # Else use previous waypoint data
        if wpidx == iactwp - 1:
            Vtas[wpidx] = traf.gs[acidx]  # [m/s]
            Vcas[wpidx] = traf.cas[acidx]
            lat[wpidx] = traf.lat[acidx]  # [deg]
            lon[wpidx] = traf.lon[acidx]  # [deg]
            altatwp[wpidx] = traf.alt[acidx]  # [m]

            lat[wpidx] = traf.ap.route[acidx].wplat[wpidx]  # [deg]
            lon[wpidx] = traf.ap.route[acidx].wplon[wpidx]  #[deg]

            qdr, s[wpidx] = qdrdist(lat[wpidx - 1], lon[wpidx - 1], lat[wpidx],
                                    lon[wpidx])  # [nm]
            s[wpidx] *= nm  # [m]

            # check for valid speed, if no speed is given take the speed
            # already in memory from previous waypoint.
            if traf.ap.route[acidx].wpspd[wpidx] < 0:
                Vtas[wpidx] = Vtas[wpidx - 1]
                Vcas[wpidx] = Vcas[wpidx - 1]

                Vtas[wpidx] = vcas2tas(
                    traf.ap.route[acidx].wpalt[wpidx]).item()  # [m/s]

            # Compute distance correction for flyby turns.
            if wpidx < nwp - 2:
                #bearing of leg --> Second leg.
                nextqdr, nexts = qdrdist(lat[wpidx], lon[wpidx],
                                         lat[wpidx + 1],
                                         lon[wpidx + 1])  #[deg, nm]
                nexts *= nm  # [m]
                dist2turn, turnrad = traf.actwp.calcturn(
                    Vtas[wpidx], traf.bank[acidx], qdr, nextqdr)  # [m], [m]
                delhdg = np.abs(
                    degto180(qdr % 360 -
                             nextqdr % 360))  # [deg] Heading change
                distofturn = np.pi * turnrad * delhdg / 360  # [m] half of distance on turn radius

                dsturn[wpidx] = dist2turn - distofturn
                turndist[wpidx] = dist2turn

    # Now loop to fill the VNAV constraints. A second loop is necessary
    # Because the complete speed profile and turn profile is required.
    curalt = traf.alt[acidx]
    for wpidx in range(iactwp, nwp):
        # If Next altitude is not the altitude constraint, check if the
        # aircraft should already decent. Otherwise aircraft stays at
        # current altitude. Otherwise expected altitude is filled in.
        if wpidx < wpialt[wpidx]:
            # Compute whether decent should start or speed is still same
            dist2vs[wpidx] = turndist[wpidx] + \
                               np.abs(curalt - traf.ap.route[acidx].wptoalt[wpidx]) / traf.ap.steepness

            # If the dist2vs is smaller everything should be fine
            if traf.ap.route[acidx].wpxtoalt[wpidx] > dist2vs[wpidx]:
                dist2vs[wpidx] = 0
                altatwp[wpidx] = curalt
                dist2vs[wpidx] = dist2vs[wpidx] - traf.ap.route[
                if curalt > traf.ap.route[acidx].wptoalt[wpidx]:
                    sign = -1
                    sign = 1
                curalt = curalt + dist2vs[wpidx] * traf.ap.steepness * sign
                altatwp[wpidx] = curalt

        # If there is an altitude constraint on the current waypoint compute
        # dist2vs for that waypoint.
            dist2vs[wpidx] = np.abs(
                curalt -
                traf.ap.route[acidx].wptoalt[wpidx]) / traf.ap.steepness
            if dist2vs[wpidx] > traf.ap.route[acidx].wpxtoalt[wpidx]:
                dist2vs[wpidx] = traf.ap.route[acidx].wpxtoalt[wpidx]

    # Start computing the actual 4D trajectory
    t_total = 0
    for wpidx in range(iactwp, nwp):
        # If V1 != V2 the aircraft will first immediately accelerate
        # according to the performance model. To compute the time for the
        # leg, constant acceleration is assumed
        Vcas1 = Vcas[wpidx - 1]
        Vtas1 = Vtas[wpidx - 1]
        Vcas2 = Vcas[wpidx]
        Vtas2 = Vtas[wpidx]
        s_leg = s[wpidx] - dsturn[wpidx - 1] - dsturn[wpidx]

        if Vcas1 != Vcas2:
            axsign = 1 + -2 * (Vcas1 > Vcas2)  # [-]
            t_acc = (Vcas2 - Vcas1) / ax * axsign  # [s]
            s_ax = t_acc * (Vtas2 + Vtas1) / 2  # [m] Constant acceleration
            s_ax = 0  # [m]
            t_acc = 0

        s_nom = s_leg - s_ax - dist2vs[wpidx]  # [m] Distance of normal flight
        # Check if acceleration distance and start of descent overlap
        if s_nom < 0:
            t_vs = 0
            t_nom = 0
            if dist2vs[wpidx] <= s_leg:
                s1 = 0
                s2 = s_ax
                s3 = s_leg - s_ax
                s1 = s_leg - dist2vs[wpidx]
                s2 = dist2vs[wpidx] + s_ax - s_leg
                s3 = s_leg - s_ax

            t1 = abc(0.5 * vcas2tas(ax, altatwp[wpidx - 1]), Vtas1, s1)
            Vcas_vs = Vcas1 - t1 * ax
            t2 = (Vcas2 - Vcas_vs) / ax
            alt2 = altatwp[wpidx - 1] - s2 * traf.ap.steepness
            Vtas_vs = vcas2tas(Vcas_vs, alt2)
            t3 = s3 / ((Vtas_vs + Vtas2) / 2)
            t_leg = t1 + t2 + t3

            Vtas_nom = vcas2tas(Vcas2, altatwp[wpidx - 1])
            t_nom = s_nom / Vtas_nom

            #Assume same speed for now.
            t_vs = dist2vs[wpidx] / (Vtas_nom + Vtas2) / 2

            if dist2vs[wpidx] < 1:
                t_vs = 0

            t_leg = t_nom + t_acc + t_vs
        t_total += t_leg

    # Debug print statements

#    print('wptype ', traf.ap.route[acidx].wptype[traf.ap.route[acidx].iactwp])
#    print('DEBUG')
#    print('Vtas ', Vtas)
#    print('Vcas ', Vcas)
#    print('dsturn ', dsturn)
#    print('s ', s)
#    print('turndist ', turndist)
#    print('lat ', lat)
#    print('lon ', lon)
#    print('altatwp ', altatwp)
#    print('wpialt ', traf.ap.route[acidx].wpialt)
#    print('wptoalt ', traf.ap.route[acidx].wptoalt)
#    print('wpxtoalt ', traf.ap.route[acidx].wpxtoalt)
#    print('altatwp ', altatwp)
#    print('dist2vs ', dist2vs)
#    print('eta', sim.simt + t_total)
#    print(' ')

    return t_total
Пример #20
    def update(self, simt):
        # Scheduling: when dt has passed or restart
        if self.t0 + self.dt < simt or simt < self.t0:
            self.t0 = simt

            # FMS LNAV mode:
            qdr, dist = geo.qdrdist(bs.traf.lat, bs.traf.lon,
                                    bs.traf.actwp.lat, bs.traf.actwp.lon)  # [deg][nm])

            # Shift waypoints for aircraft i where necessary
            for i in bs.traf.actwp.Reached(qdr, dist):
                # Save current wp speed
                oldspd = bs.traf.actwp.spd[i]

                # Get next wp (lnavon = False if no more waypoints)
                lat, lon, alt, spd, xtoalt, toalt, lnavon, flyby, bs.traf.actwp.next_qdr[i] =  \
                       self.route[i].getnextwp()  # note: xtoalt,toalt in [m]

                # End of route/no more waypoints: switch off LNAV
                bs.traf.swlnav[i] = bs.traf.swlnav[i] and lnavon

                # In case of no LNAV, do not allow VNAV mode on its own
                bs.traf.swvnav[i] = bs.traf.swvnav[i] and bs.traf.swlnav[i]

                bs.traf.actwp.lat[i]   = lat
                bs.traf.actwp.lon[i]   = lon
                bs.traf.actwp.flyby[i] = int(flyby)  # 1.0 in case of fly by, else fly over

                # User has entered an altitude for this waypoint
                if alt >= 0.:
                    bs.traf.actwp.alt[i] = alt

                if spd > 0. and bs.traf.swlnav[i] and bs.traf.swvnav[i]:
                    # Valid speed and LNAV and VNAV ap modes are on
                    bs.traf.actwp.spd[i] = spd
                    bs.traf.actwp.spd[i] = -999.

                # VNAV spd mode: use speed of this waypoint as commanded speed
                # while passing waypoint and save next speed for passing next wp
                if bs.traf.swvnav[i] and oldspd > 0.0:
                    destalt = alt if alt > 0.0 else bs.traf.alt[i]
                    if oldspd<2.0:
                        bs.traf.aspd[i] = mach2cas(oldspd, destalt)
                        bs.traf.ama[i]  = oldspd
                        bs.traf.aspd[i] = oldspd
                        bs.traf.ama[i]  = cas2mach(oldspd, destalt)

                # VNAV = FMS ALT/SPD mode
                self.ComputeVNAV(i, toalt, xtoalt)

            #=============== End of Waypoint switching loop ===================

            #================= Continuous FMS guidance ========================
            # Do VNAV start of descent check
            dy = (bs.traf.actwp.lat - bs.traf.lat)
            dx = (bs.traf.actwp.lon - bs.traf.lon) * bs.traf.coslat
            dist2wp   = 60. * nm * np.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy)

            # VNAV logic: descend as late as possible, climb as soon as possible
            startdescent = bs.traf.swvnav * ((dist2wp < self.dist2vs)+(bs.traf.actwp.alt > bs.traf.alt))

            # If not lnav:Climb/descend if doing so before lnav/vnav was switched off
            #    (because there are no more waypoints). This is needed
            #    to continue descending when you get into a conflict
            #    while descending to the destination (the last waypoint)
            #    Use 100 nm (185.2 m) circle in case turndist might be zero
            self.swvnavvs = np.where(bs.traf.swlnav, startdescent, dist <= np.maximum(185.2,bs.traf.actwp.turndist))

            #Recalculate V/S based on current altitude and distance
            t2go = dist2wp/np.maximum(0.5,bs.traf.gs)
            bs.traf.actwp.vs = (bs.traf.actwp.alt-bs.traf.alt)/np.maximum(1.0,t2go)

            self.vnavvs  = np.where(self.swvnavvs, bs.traf.actwp.vs, self.vnavvs)
            #was: self.vnavvs  = np.where(self.swvnavvs, self.steepness * bs.traf.gs, self.vnavvs)

            # self.vs = np.where(self.swvnavvs, self.vnavvs, bs.traf.avsdef * bs.traf.limvs_flag)
            avs = np.where(abs(bs.traf.avs) > 0.1, bs.traf.avs, bs.traf.avsdef) # m/s
            self.vs = np.where(self.swvnavvs, self.vnavvs, avs * bs.traf.limvs_flag)

            self.alt = np.where(self.swvnavvs, bs.traf.actwp.alt, bs.traf.apalt)

            # When descending or climbing in VNAV also update altitude command of select/hold mode
            bs.traf.apalt = np.where(self.swvnavvs,bs.traf.actwp.alt,bs.traf.apalt)

            # LNAV commanded track angle
            self.trk = np.where(bs.traf.swlnav, qdr, self.trk)

        # Below crossover altitude: CAS=const, above crossover altitude: MA = const
        self.tas = vcas2tas(bs.traf.aspd, bs.traf.alt) * bs.traf.belco + vmach2tas(bs.traf.ama, bs.traf.alt) * bs.traf.abco
Пример #21
    def update(self):
        # FMS LNAV mode:
        # qdr[deg],distinnm[nm]
        qdr, distinnm = geo.qdrdist(bs.traf.lat, bs.traf.lon,
                                    bs.traf.actwp.lat, bs.traf.actwp.lon)  # [deg][nm])
        self.qdr2wp  = qdr
        dist2wp = distinnm*nm  # Conversion to meters

        # FMS route update and possibly waypoint shift. Note: qdr, dist2wp will be updated accordingly in case of wp switch
        self.update_fms(qdr, dist2wp) # Updates self.qdr2wp when necessary

        #================= Continuous FMS guidance ========================

        # Waypoint switching in the loop above was scalar (per a/c with index i)
        # Code below is vectorized, with arrays for all aircraft

        # Do VNAV start of descent check
        #dy = (bs.traf.actwp.lat - bs.traf.lat)  #[deg lat = 60 nm]
        #dx = (bs.traf.actwp.lon - bs.traf.lon) * bs.traf.coslat #[corrected deg lon = 60 nm]
        #dist2wp   = 60. * nm * np.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy) # [m]

        # VNAV logic: descend as late as possible, climb as soon as possible
        startdescent = (dist2wp < self.dist2vs) + (bs.traf.actwp.nextaltco > bs.traf.alt)

        # If not lnav:Climb/descend if doing so before lnav/vnav was switched off
        #    (because there are no more waypoints). This is needed
        #    to continue descending when you get into a conflict
        #    while descending to the destination (the last waypoint)
        #    Use 0.1 nm (185.2 m) circle in case turndist might be zero
        self.swvnavvs = bs.traf.swvnav * np.where(bs.traf.swlnav, startdescent,
                                        dist2wp <= np.maximum(185.2,bs.traf.actwp.turndist))

        #Recalculate V/S based on current altitude and distance to next alt constraint
        # How much time do we have before we need to descend?

        t2go2alt = np.maximum(0.,(dist2wp + bs.traf.actwp.xtoalt - bs.traf.actwp.turndist)) \
                                    / np.maximum(0.5,bs.traf.gs)

        # use steepness to calculate V/S unless we need to descend faster
        bs.traf.actwp.vs = np.maximum(self.steepness*bs.traf.gs, \
                                np.abs((bs.traf.actwp.nextaltco-bs.traf.alt))  \

        self.vnavvs  = np.where(self.swvnavvs, bs.traf.actwp.vs, self.vnavvs)
        #was: self.vnavvs  = np.where(self.swvnavvs, self.steepness * bs.traf.gs, self.vnavvs)

        # self.vs = np.where(self.swvnavvs, self.vnavvs, bs.traf.apvsdef * bs.traf.limvs_flag)
        selvs    = np.where(abs(bs.traf.selvs) > 0.1, bs.traf.selvs, bs.traf.apvsdef) # m/s
        self.vs  = np.where(self.swvnavvs, self.vnavvs, selvs)
        self.alt = np.where(self.swvnavvs, bs.traf.actwp.nextaltco, bs.traf.selalt)

        # When descending or climbing in VNAV also update altitude command of select/hold mode
        bs.traf.selalt = np.where(self.swvnavvs,bs.traf.actwp.nextaltco,bs.traf.selalt)

        # LNAV commanded track angle
        self.trk = np.where(bs.traf.swlnav, self.qdr2wp, self.trk)

        # FMS speed guidance: anticipate accel/decel distance for next leg or turn

        # Calculate actual distance it takes to decelerate/accelerate based on two cases: turning speed (decel)

        # Normally next leg speed (actwp.spd) but in case we fly turns with a specified turn speed
        # use the turn speed

        # Is turn speed specified and are we not already slow enough? We only decelerate for turns, not accel.
        turntas       = np.where(bs.traf.actwp.turnspd>0.0, vcas2tas(bs.traf.actwp.turnspd, bs.traf.alt),
        swturnspd     = bs.traf.actwp.flyturn*(turntas>0.0)*(bs.traf.actwp.turnspd>0.0)
        turntasdiff   = np.maximum(0.,(bs.traf.tas - turntas)*(turntas>0.0))

        # dt = dv/a ;  dx = v*dt + 0.5*a*dt2 => dx = dv/a * (v + 0.5*dv)
        ax = bs.traf.perf.acceleration()
        dxturnspdchg  = np.where(swturnspd, np.abs(turntasdiff)/np.maximum(0.01,ax)*(bs.traf.tas+0.5*np.abs(turntasdiff)),

        # Decelerate or accelerate for next required speed because of speed constraint or RTA speed
        nexttas   = vcasormach2tas(bs.traf.actwp.nextspd,bs.traf.alt)
        tasdiff   = (nexttas - bs.traf.tas)*(bs.traf.actwp.spd>=0.) # [m/s]

        # dt = dv/a   dx = v*dt + 0.5*a*dt2 => dx = dv/a * (v + 0.5*dv)
        dxspdconchg = np.abs(tasdiff)/np.maximum(0.01, np.abs(ax)) * (bs.traf.tas+0.5*np.abs(tasdiff))

        # Check also whether VNAVSPD is on, if not, SPD SEL has override for next leg
        # and same for turn logic
        usenextspdcon = (dist2wp < dxspdconchg)*(bs.traf.actwp.nextspd> -990.) * \
        useturnspd = np.logical_or(bs.traf.actwp.turntonextwp,(dist2wp < dxturnspdchg+bs.traf.actwp.turndist) *\

        # Hold turn mode can only be switched on here, cannot be switched off here (happeps upon passing wp)
        bs.traf.actwp.turntonextwp = np.logical_or(bs.traf.actwp.turntonextwp,useturnspd)

        # Which CAS/Mach do we have to keep? VNAV, last turn or next turn?
        oncurrentleg = (abs(degto180(bs.traf.trk - qdr)) < 2.0) # [deg]
        inoldturn    = (bs.traf.actwp.oldturnspd > 0.) * np.logical_not(oncurrentleg)

        # Avoid using old turning speeds when turning of this leg to the next leg
        # by disabling (old) turningspd when on leg
        bs.traf.actwp.oldturnspd = np.where(oncurrentleg*(bs.traf.actwp.oldturnspd>0.), -999.,

        # turnfromlastwp can only be switched off here, not on (latter happens upon passing wp)
        bs.traf.actwp.turnfromlastwp = np.logical_and(bs.traf.actwp.turnfromlastwp,inoldturn)

        # Select speed: turn sped, next speed constraint, or current speed constraint
        bs.traf.selspd = np.where(useturnspd,bs.traf.actwp.turnspd,
                                  np.where(usenextspdcon, bs.traf.actwp.nextspd,

        # Temporary override when still in old turn
        bs.traf.selspd = np.where(inoldturn*(bs.traf.actwp.oldturnspd>0.)*bs.traf.swvnavspd*bs.traf.swvnav*bs.traf.swlnav,

        #debug if inoldturn[0]:
        #debug     print("inoldturn bs.traf.trk =",bs.traf.trk[0],"qdr =",qdr)
        #debug elif usenextspdcon[0]:
        #debug     print("usenextspdcon")
        #debug elif useturnspd[0]:
        #debug     print("useturnspd")
        #debug elif bs.traf.actwp.spdcon>0:
        #debug     print("using current speed constraint")
        #debug else:
        #debug     print("no speed given")

        # Below crossover altitude: CAS=const, above crossover altitude: Mach = const
        self.tas = vcasormach2tas(bs.traf.selspd, bs.traf.alt)

Пример #22
    def update(self):
        # FMS LNAV mode:
        # qdr[deg],distinnm[nm]
        qdr, distinnm = geo.qdrdist(bs.traf.lat, bs.traf.lon,
                                    bs.traf.actwp.lon)  # [deg][nm])

        self.qdr2wp = qdr
        self.dist2wp = distinnm * nm  # Conversion to meters

        # FMS route update and possibly waypoint shift. Note: qdr, dist2wp will be updated accordingly in case of wp switch
                        self.dist2wp)  # Updates self.qdr2wp when necessary

        #================= Continuous FMS guidance ========================

        # Note that the code below is vectorized, with traffic arrays, so for all aircraft
        # ComputeVNAV and inside waypoint loop of update_fms, it was scalar (per a/c with index i)

        # VNAV guidance logic (using the variables prepared by ComputeVNAV when activating waypoint)
        # Central question is:
        # - Can we please we start to descend or to climb?
        # Well, when Top of Descent (ToD) switch is on, descend as late as possible,
        # But when Top of Climb switch is on or off, climb as soon as possible, only difference is steepness used in ComputeVNAV
        # to calculate bs.traf.actwp.vs
        # Only use this logic if there is a valid next altitude constraint (nextaltco)

        startdescorclimb = (bs.traf.actwp.nextaltco>=-0.1) * \
                           np.logical_or(self.swtod * (bs.traf.alt>bs.traf.actwp.nextaltco) * (self.dist2wp < self.dist2vs),

        #print("self.dist2vs =",self.dist2vs)

        # If not lnav:Climb/descend if doing so before lnav/vnav was switched off
        #    (because there are no more waypoints). This is needed
        #    to continue descending when you get into a conflict
        #    while descending to the destination (the last waypoint)
        #    Use 0.1 nm (185.2 m) circle in case turndist might be zero
        self.swvnavvs = bs.traf.swvnav * np.where(
            bs.traf.swlnav, startdescorclimb,
            self.dist2wp <= np.maximum(0.1 * nm, bs.traf.actwp.turndist))

        # Recalculate V/S based on current altitude and distance to next alt constraint
        # How much time do we have before we need to descend?
        # Now done in ComputeVNAV
        # See ComputeVNAV for bs.traf.actwp.vs calculation

        self.vnavvs = np.where(self.swvnavvs, bs.traf.actwp.vs, self.vnavvs)
        #was: self.vnavvs  = np.where(self.swvnavvs, self.steepness * bs.traf.gs, self.vnavvs)

        # self.vs = np.where(self.swvnavvs, self.vnavvs, self.vsdef * bs.traf.limvs_flag)
        # for VNAV use fixed V/S and change start of descent
        selvs = np.where(abs(bs.traf.selvs) > 0.1, bs.traf.selvs,
                         self.vsdef)  # m/s
        self.vs = np.where(self.swvnavvs, self.vnavvs, selvs)
        self.alt = np.where(self.swvnavvs, bs.traf.actwp.nextaltco,

        # When descending or climbing in VNAV also update altitude command of select/hold mode
        bs.traf.selalt = np.where(self.swvnavvs, bs.traf.actwp.nextaltco,

        # LNAV commanded track angle
        self.trk = np.where(bs.traf.swlnav, self.qdr2wp, self.trk)

        # FMS speed guidance: anticipate accel/decel distance for next leg or turn

        # Calculate actual distance it takes to decelerate/accelerate based on two cases: turning speed (decel)

        # Normally next leg speed (actwp.spd) but in case we fly turns with a specified turn speed
        # use the turn speed

        # Is turn speed specified and are we not already slow enough? We only decelerate for turns, not accel.
        turntas = np.where(bs.traf.actwp.nextturnspd > 0.0,
                           vcas2tas(bs.traf.actwp.nextturnspd, bs.traf.alt),
                           -1.0 + 0. * bs.traf.tas)
        # Switch is now whether the aircraft has any turn waypoints
        swturnspd = bs.traf.actwp.nextturnidx > 0
        turntasdiff = np.maximum(0., (bs.traf.tas - turntas) * (turntas > 0.0))

        # t = (v1-v0)/a ; x = v0*t+1/2*a*t*t => dx = (v1*v1-v0*v0)/ (2a)
        dxturnspdchg = distaccel(turntas, bs.traf.perf.vmax,
        #        dxturnspdchg = 0.5*np.abs(turntas*turntas-bs.traf.tas*bs.traf.tas)/(np.sign(turntas-bs.traf.tas)*np.maximum(0.01,np.abs(ax)))
        #        dxturnspdchg  = np.where(swturnspd, np.abs(turntasdiff)/np.maximum(0.01,ax)*(bs.traf.tas+0.5*np.abs(turntasdiff)),
        #                                                                   0.0*bs.traf.tas)

        # Decelerate or accelerate for next required speed because of speed constraint or RTA speed
        # Note that because nextspd comes from the stack, and can be either a mach number or
        # a calibrated airspeed, it can only be converted from Mach / CAS [kts] to TAS [m/s]
        # once the altitude is known.
        nexttas = vcasormach2tas(bs.traf.actwp.nextspd, bs.traf.alt)

        #        tasdiff   = (nexttas - bs.traf.tas)*(bs.traf.actwp.spd>=0.) # [m/s]

        # t = (v1-v0)/a ; x = v0*t+1/2*a*t*t => dx = (v1*v1-v0*v0)/ (2a)

        dxspdconchg = distaccel(bs.traf.tas, nexttas, bs.traf.perf.axmax)

        qdrturn, dist2turn = geo.qdrdist(bs.traf.lat, bs.traf.lon,

        self.qdrturn = qdrturn
        dist2turn = dist2turn * nm

        # Where we don't have a turn waypoint, as in turn idx is negative, then put distance
        # as Earth circumference.
        self.dist2turn = np.where(bs.traf.actwp.nextturnidx > 0, dist2turn,

        # Check also whether VNAVSPD is on, if not, SPD SEL has override for next leg
        # and same for turn logic
        usenextspdcon = (self.dist2wp < dxspdconchg)*(bs.traf.actwp.nextspd>-990.) * \
        useturnspd = np.logical_or(bs.traf.actwp.turntonextwp,
                                   (self.dist2turn < (dxturnspdchg+bs.traf.actwp.turndist))) * \

        # Hold turn mode can only be switched on here, cannot be switched off here (happeps upon passing wp)
        bs.traf.actwp.turntonextwp = bs.traf.swlnav * np.logical_or(
            bs.traf.actwp.turntonextwp, useturnspd)

        # Which CAS/Mach do we have to keep? VNAV, last turn or next turn?
        oncurrentleg = (abs(degto180(bs.traf.trk - qdr)) < 2.0)  # [deg]
        inoldturn = (bs.traf.actwp.oldturnspd >
                     0.) * np.logical_not(oncurrentleg)

        # Avoid using old turning speeds when turning of this leg to the next leg
        # by disabling (old) turningspd when on leg
        bs.traf.actwp.oldturnspd = np.where(
            oncurrentleg * (bs.traf.actwp.oldturnspd > 0.), -998.,

        # turnfromlastwp can only be switched off here, not on (latter happens upon passing wp)
        bs.traf.actwp.turnfromlastwp = np.logical_and(
            bs.traf.actwp.turnfromlastwp, inoldturn)

        # Select speed: turn sped, next speed constraint, or current speed constraint
        bs.traf.selspd = np.where(
            useturnspd, bs.traf.actwp.nextturnspd,
                usenextspdcon, bs.traf.actwp.nextspd,
                np.where((bs.traf.actwp.spdcon >= 0) * bs.traf.swvnavspd,
                         bs.traf.actwp.spd, bs.traf.selspd)))

        # Temporary override when still in old turn
        bs.traf.selspd = np.where(
            inoldturn * (bs.traf.actwp.oldturnspd > 0.) * bs.traf.swvnavspd *
            bs.traf.swvnav * bs.traf.swlnav, bs.traf.actwp.oldturnspd,

        self.inturn = np.logical_or(useturnspd, inoldturn)

        #debug if inoldturn[0]:
        #debug     print("inoldturn bs.traf.trk =",bs.traf.trk[0],"qdr =",qdr)
        #debug elif usenextspdcon[0]:
        #debug     print("usenextspdcon")
        #debug elif useturnspd[0]:
        #debug     print("useturnspd")
        #debug elif bs.traf.actwp.spdcon>0:
        #debug     print("using current speed constraint")
        #debug else:
        #debug     print("no speed given")

        # Below crossover altitude: CAS=const, above crossover altitude: Mach = const
        self.tas = vcasormach2tas(bs.traf.selspd, bs.traf.alt)
Пример #23
 def show_vminmax(self):
     return {
         'vmin': aero.vcas2tas(self.vmin, bs.traf.alt),
         'vmax': aero.vcas2tas(self.vmax, bs.traf.alt)