Пример #1
def fetch_rssi(socket, bdaddr):
    flt = bluez.hci_filter_new()
    bluez.hci_filter_set_ptype(flt, bluez.HCI_EVENT_PKT)
    socket.setsockopt( bluez.SOL_HCI, bluez.HCI_FILTER, flt )
    cmd_pkt = struct.pack("????")
    bluez.hci_send_cmd(socket, bluez.OGF_LINK_CTL, bluez.OCF_READ_RSSI, cmd_pkt)

    pkt = socket.recv(255)
    ptype, event, plen = struct.unpack("BBB", pkt[:3])
    if event == bluez.EVT_INQUIRY_RESULT_WITH_RSSI:
        pkt = pkt[3:]
        nrsp = bluetooth.get_byte(pkt[0])
        for i in range(nrsp):
            addr = bluez.ba2str( pkt[1+6*i:1+6*i+6] )
            rssi = bluetooth.byte_to_signed_int(
            results.append( ( addr, rssi ) )
            print("[%s] RSSI: [%d]" % (addr, rssi))
    elif event == bluez.EVT_CMD_STATUS:
        status, ncmd, opcode = struct.unpack("BBH", pkt[3:7])
        if status != 0:
            print("uh oh...")
            done = True
    elif event == bluez.EVT_INQUIRY_RESULT:
        pkt = pkt[3:]
        nrsp = bluetooth.get_byte(pkt[0])
        for i in range(nrsp):
            addr = bluez.ba2str( pkt[1+6*i:1+6*i+6] )
            results.append( ( addr, -1 ) )
            print("[%s] (no RRSI)" % addr)
        print("unrecognized packet type 0x%02x" % ptype)
    print("event ", event)
Пример #2
def device_inquiry_with_with_rssi(sock):
    global FOUND
    # save current filter
    old_filter = sock.getsockopt( bluez.SOL_HCI, bluez.HCI_FILTER, 14)

    # perform a device inquiry on bluetooth device #0
    # The inquiry should last 8 * 1.28 = 10.24 seconds
    # before the inquiry is performed, bluez should flush its cache of
    # previously discovered devices
    flt = bluez.hci_filter_new()
    bluez.hci_filter_set_ptype(flt, bluez.HCI_EVENT_PKT)
    sock.setsockopt( bluez.SOL_HCI, bluez.HCI_FILTER, flt )

    duration = 4
    max_responses = 255
    cmd_pkt = struct.pack("BBBBB", 0x33, 0x8b, 0x9e, duration, max_responses)
    bluez.hci_send_cmd(sock, bluez.OGF_LINK_CTL, bluez.OCF_INQUIRY, cmd_pkt)

    results = []

    done = False
    while not done:
        pkt = sock.recv(255)
        ptype, event, plen = struct.unpack("BBB", pkt[:3])
        if event == bluez.EVT_INQUIRY_RESULT_WITH_RSSI:
            pkt = pkt[3:]
            nrsp = struct.unpack("B", pkt[0])[0]
            for i in range(nrsp):
                addr = bluez.ba2str( pkt[1+6*i:1+6*i+6] )
                rssi = struct.unpack("b", pkt[1+13*nrsp+i])[0]
                results.append( ( addr, rssi ) )
                print("[%s] RSSI: [%d]" % (addr, rssi))
                if addr == ADDR:
                    FOUND = True
        elif event == bluez.EVT_INQUIRY_COMPLETE:
            done = True
        elif event == bluez.EVT_CMD_STATUS:
            status, ncmd, opcode = struct.unpack("BBH", pkt[3:7])
            if status != 0:
                print("uh oh...")
                done = True
        elif event == bluez.EVT_INQUIRY_RESULT:
            pkt = pkt[3:]
            nrsp = struct.unpack("B", pkt[0])[0]
            for i in range(nrsp):
                addr = bluez.ba2str( pkt[1+6*i:1+6*i+6] )
                results.append( ( addr, -1 ) )
                print("[%s] (no RRSI)" % addr)
            print("unrecognized packet type 0x%02x" % ptype)
        print("event ", event)

    # restore old filter
    sock.setsockopt( bluez.SOL_HCI, bluez.HCI_FILTER, old_filter )

    return results
Пример #3
def device_inquiry_with_with_rssi(sock):
    # save current filter
    old_filter = sock.getsockopt(bluez.SOL_HCI, bluez.HCI_FILTER, 14)

    # perform a device inquiry on bluetooth device #0
    # The inquiry should last 8 * 1.28 = 10.24 seconds
    # before the inquiry is performed, bluez should flush its cache of
    # previously discovered devices
    flt = bluez.hci_filter_new()
    bluez.hci_filter_set_ptype(flt, bluez.HCI_EVENT_PKT)
    sock.setsockopt(bluez.SOL_HCI, bluez.HCI_FILTER, flt)

    duration = 4
    max_responses = 255
    cmd_pkt = struct.pack("BBBBB", 0x33, 0x8b, 0x9e, duration, max_responses)
    bluez.hci_send_cmd(sock, bluez.OGF_LINK_CTL, bluez.OCF_INQUIRY, cmd_pkt)

    results = []

    while True:
        pkt = sock.recv(255)
        ptype, event, plen = struct.unpack("BBB", pkt[:3])
        print("Event: {}".format(event))
        if event == bluez.EVT_INQUIRY_RESULT_WITH_RSSI:
            pkt = pkt[3:]
            nrsp = bluetooth.get_byte(pkt[0])
            for i in range(nrsp):
                addr = bluez.ba2str(pkt[1 + 6 * i:1 + 6 * i + 6])
                rssi = bluetooth.byte_to_signed_int(
                    bluetooth.get_byte(pkt[1 + 13 * nrsp + i]))
                results.append((addr, rssi))
                print("[{}] RSSI: {}".format(addr, rssi))

                rssi = (pkt[-1])
                print(addr, rssi)
        elif event == bluez.EVT_INQUIRY_COMPLETE:
        elif event == bluez.EVT_CMD_STATUS:
            status, ncmd, opcode = struct.unpack("BBH", pkt[3:7])
            if status:
                print("Uh oh...")
        elif event == bluez.EVT_INQUIRY_RESULT:
            pkt = pkt[3:]
            nrsp = bluetooth.get_byte(pkt[0])
            for i in range(nrsp):
                addr = bluez.ba2str(pkt[1 + 6 * i:1 + 6 * i + 6])
                results.append((addr, -1))
                print("[{}] (no RRSI)".format(addr))
                rssi = (pkt[-1])
                print(addr, rssi)
            print("Unrecognized packet type 0x{:02x}.".format(ptype))

    # restore old filter
    sock.setsockopt(bluez.SOL_HCI, bluez.HCI_FILTER, old_filter)

    return results
Пример #4
    def process_event(self):
        if not self.inquiring:

        # Leer 258 bytes (tamaño máximo: 3 cabecera + 255 datos)
        pkt = self.socket.recv(258)
        ptype, event, plen = struct.unpack("BBB", pkt[:3])
        pkt = pkt[3:]  # Obtiene el payload (quitando cabecera)
        if event == bluez.EVT_INQUIRY_RESULT_WITH_RSSI:
            nrsp = struct.unpack("B", pkt[0])[0]    # Número de respuestas
            for i in range(nrsp):
                # Obtiene la dirección dispositivo
                addr = bluez.ba2str(pkt[1+6*i:1+6*i+6])

                # Obtiene el rssi
                rssi = struct.unpack("b", pkt[1+13*nrsp+i])[0]
                # print addr, rssi
                # r = -0.00680102923817849*(int(rssi)**3) -
                # 1.04905123190747*(int(rssi)**2) - 59.2087843354658*int(rssi)
                # - 1106.35595941215
                # print r
                rssi = float(rssi)
                #if addr[0:5] == self.addr_nino or addr[0:5] == self.addr_nino1:
                    # Organiza los valores recibidos,eliminar errores,
                    # y envia un valor RSSI
                rssi_bueno = self.procesamiento(addr, rssi)
                return rssi_bueno

        elif event == bluez.EVT_INQUIRY_COMPLETE:
            # self.socket.close()
            # self.socket = None
            # self.inquiring = False

        elif event == bluez.EVT_CMD_STATUS:
            status, ncmd, opcode = struct.unpack("BBH", pkt[:4])
            if status != 0:
                print "[Bluetooth] Dispositivo ocupado"
                self.socket = None
                self.inquiring = False
        elif event == bluez.EVT_CMD_COMPLETE:
        elif event == 255:
            # Suponemos que no lee ningun evento y por eso devuelve 255
        elif event == bluez.EVT_INQUIRY_RESULT:
            nrsp = struct.unpack("B", pkt[0])[0]    # Número de respuestas
            for i in range(nrsp):
                addr = bluez.ba2str(pkt[1+6*i:1+6*i+6])
                print "[Bluetooth] %s (no RRSI)" % addr

            self.inquiring = False
            self.socket = None
            print "[Bluetooth] Evento desconocido: ", event
Пример #5
    def _device_inquiry_with_with_rssi(self, sock):
        """inquiry blutooth devices with rssi"""
        # save current filter
        old_filter = sock.getsockopt(bluez.SOL_HCI, bluez.HCI_FILTER, 14)

        # perform a device inquiry on bluetooth device #0
        # The inquiry should last 8 * 1.28 = 10.24 seconds
        # before the inquiry is performed, bluez should flush its cache of
        # previously discovered devices
        flt = bluez.hci_filter_new()
        bluez.hci_filter_set_ptype(flt, bluez.HCI_EVENT_PKT)
        sock.setsockopt(bluez.SOL_HCI, bluez.HCI_FILTER, flt)

        duration = 4
        max_responses = 255
        cmd_pkt = struct.pack("BBBBB", 0x33, 0x8b, 0x9e, duration,
        bluez.hci_send_cmd(sock, bluez.OGF_LINK_CTL, bluez.OCF_INQUIRY,

        results = []

        done = False
        while not done:
            pkt = sock.recv(255)
            ptype, event, plen = struct.unpack("BBB", pkt[:3])
            if event == bluez.EVT_INQUIRY_RESULT_WITH_RSSI:
                pkt = pkt[3:]
                nrsp = bluetooth.get_byte(pkt[0])
                for i in range(nrsp):
                    addr = bluez.ba2str(pkt[1 + 6 * i:1 + 6 * i + 6])
                    rssi = bluetooth.byte_to_signed_int(
                        bluetooth.get_byte(pkt[1 + 13 * nrsp + i]))
                        (addr, rssi, str(datetime.datetime.utcnow())))

            elif event == bluez.EVT_INQUIRY_COMPLETE:
                done = True
            elif event == bluez.EVT_CMD_STATUS:
                status, ncmd, opcode = struct.unpack("BBH", pkt[3:7])
                if status != 0:
                    print("uh oh...")
                    done = True
            elif event == bluez.EVT_INQUIRY_RESULT:
                pkt = pkt[3:]
                nrsp = bluetooth.get_byte(pkt[0])
                for i in range(nrsp):
                    addr = bluez.ba2str(pkt[1 + 6 * i:1 + 6 * i + 6])
                    results.append((addr, -1, str(datetime.datetime.utcnow())))
                print("unrecognized packet type 0x%02x" % ptype)

        # restore old filter
        sock.setsockopt(bluez.SOL_HCI, bluez.HCI_FILTER, old_filter)

        return results
Пример #6
def device_inquiry_with_with_rssi(sock):
    # save current filter
    old_filter = sock.getsockopt( bluez.SOL_HCI, bluez.HCI_FILTER, 14)

    # perform a device inquiry on bluetooth device #0
    # The inquiry should last 8 * 1.28 = 10.24 seconds
    # before the inquiry is performed, bluez should flush its cache of
    # previously discovered devices
    flt = bluez.hci_filter_new()
    bluez.hci_filter_set_ptype(flt, bluez.HCI_EVENT_PKT)
    sock.setsockopt( bluez.SOL_HCI, bluez.HCI_FILTER, flt )

    duration = 4
    max_responses = 255
    cmd_pkt = struct.pack("BBBBB", 0x33, 0x8b, 0x9e, duration, max_responses)
    bluez.hci_send_cmd(sock, bluez.OGF_LINK_CTL, bluez.OCF_INQUIRY, cmd_pkt)

    results = []

    done = False
    while not done:
        pkt = sock.recv(255)
        ptype, event, plen = struct.unpack("BBB", pkt[:3])
        if event == bluez.EVT_INQUIRY_RESULT_WITH_RSSI:
            pkt = pkt[3:]
            print("test", pkt, type(pkt[0]))
            nrsp = struct.unpack(b"B", bytes(pkt[0]))[0]
            print(nrsp, type(nrsp))
            for i in range(nrsp):
                addr = bluez.ba2str( pkt[1+6*i:1+6*i+6] )
                rssi = struct.unpack("b", pkt[1+13*nrsp+i])[0]
                print("addr", addr, type(addr))
                results.append( ( addr, rssi ) )
                print ("[%s] RSSI: [%d]" % (addr, rssi))
        elif event == bluez.EVT_INQUIRY_COMPLETE:
            done = True
        elif event == bluez.EVT_CMD_STATUS:
            status, ncmd, opcode = struct.unpack("BBH", pkt[3:7])
            if status != 0:
                print ("uh oh...")
                done = True
        elif event == bluez.EVT_INQUIRY_RESULT:
            pkt = pkt[3:]
            nrsp = struct.unpack("B", pkt[0])[0]
            for i in range(nrsp):
                addr = bluez.ba2str( pkt[1+6*i:1+6*i+6] )
                results.append( ( addr, -1 ) )
                print ("[%s] (no RRSI)" % addr)
            print ("unrecognized packet type 0x%02x" % ptype)
        print ("event ", event)

    # restore old filter
    sock.setsockopt( bluez.SOL_HCI, bluez.HCI_FILTER, old_filter )

    return results
Пример #7
def device_inquiry_with_with_rssi(sock):
    # save current filter
    old_filter = sock.getsockopt( bluez.SOL_HCI, bluez.HCI_FILTER, 14)

    # perform a device inquiry on bluetooth device #0
    # The inquiry should last 8 * 1.28 = 10.24 seconds
    # before the inquiry is performed, bluez should flush its cache of
    # previously discovered devices
    flt = bluez.hci_filter_new()
    bluez.hci_filter_set_ptype(flt, bluez.HCI_EVENT_PKT)
    sock.setsockopt( bluez.SOL_HCI, bluez.HCI_FILTER, flt )

    duration = 4
    max_responses = 255
    cmd_pkt = struct.pack("BBBBB", 0x33, 0x8b, 0x9e, duration, max_responses)
    bluez.hci_send_cmd(sock, bluez.OGF_LINK_CTL, bluez.OCF_INQUIRY, cmd_pkt)

    results = []

    done = False
    while not done:
        pkt = sock.recv(255)
        __, event, __ = struct.unpack("BBB", pkt[:3])
        if event == bluez.EVT_INQUIRY_RESULT_WITH_RSSI:
            pkt = pkt[3:]
            nrsp = bluetooth.get_byte(pkt[0])
            for i in range(nrsp):
                addr = bluez.ba2str( pkt[1+6*i:1+6*i+6] )
                rssi = bluetooth.byte_to_signed_int(
                results.append( ( addr, rssi ) )
        elif event == bluez.EVT_INQUIRY_COMPLETE:
            done = True
        elif event == bluez.EVT_CMD_STATUS:
            status, __, __ = struct.unpack("BBH", pkt[3:7])
            if status != 0:
                done = True
        elif event == bluez.EVT_INQUIRY_RESULT:
            pkt = pkt[3:]
            nrsp = bluetooth.get_byte(pkt[0])
            for i in range(nrsp):
                addr = bluez.ba2str( pkt[1+6*i:1+6*i+6] )
                results.append( ( addr, -1 ) )

    # restore old filter
    sock.setsockopt( bluez.SOL_HCI, bluez.HCI_FILTER, old_filter )

    return results
Пример #8
def search_device(sess, target_name):

    sess.bluetoothSocket.send("\x01\x0c\x20\x02\x01\x00")  #Enable LE scan

    results = []
    done = False
    while not done:
        pkt = sess.bluetoothSocket.recv(255)
        ptype, event, plen = struct.unpack("BBB", pkt[:3])
        if event == 62:
            pkt = pkt[3:]
            nrsp = pybluez.get_byte(pkt[0])
            for i in range(nrsp):
                addr = bluez.ba2str(pkt[4 + 6 * i:4 + 6 * i + 6])
                if target_name in pkt:
                    print(" %s found with mac %s" % (target_name, addr))
                        "\x01\x0c\x20\x02\x00\x00")  #Disable LE scan
                    done = True
                    return pkt[4 + 6 * i:4 + 6 * i + 6]  #Return as hex
                results.append((addr, -1))
                print("[%s] (no RRSI)" % addr)

            print("unrecognized packet type 0x%02x" % ptype)
Пример #9
    def process_event(self):
        if self.inquiring == False:
        # Leer 258 bytes (tamaño máximo: 3 cabecera + 255 datos)
        pkt = self.socket.recv(258)
        ptype, event, plen = struct.unpack("BBB", pkt[:3])
        pkt = pkt[3:] # Obtiene el payload (quitando cabecera)
        if event == bluez.EVT_INQUIRY_RESULT_WITH_RSSI:
            nrsp = struct.unpack("B", pkt[0])[0]    # Número de respuestas
            for i in range(nrsp):
                # Obtiene la dirección dispositivo
                addr = bluez.ba2str( pkt[1+6*i:1+6*i+6] )
                if addr != self.mac:
                # Obtiene el rssi
                rssi = struct.unpack("b", pkt[1+13*nrsp+i])[0]

        elif event == bluez.EVT_INQUIRY_COMPLETE:
            self.socket = None
            self.inquiring = False
        elif event == bluez.EVT_CMD_STATUS:
            status, ncmd, opcode = struct.unpack("BBH", pkt[:4])
            if status != 0:
                print "Dispositivo ocupado"
                self.socket = None
                self.inquiring = False
        elif event == bluez.EVT_INQUIRY_RESULT:
            nrsp = struct.unpack("B", pkt[0])[0]    # Número de respuestas
            for i in range(nrsp):
                addr = bluez.ba2str( pkt[1+6*i:1+6*i+6] )
                if addr != self.mac:

                print "%s (no RRSI)" % addr
            print "Evento desconocido: ", event
Пример #10
def _handle_inquiry_result_with_rssi(pkt):
    result = {}
    num_inquiry_results = struct.unpack("B", pkt[0])[0]
    pkt = pkt[1:]
    result["num_inquiry_results"] = num_inquiry_results
    result["inquiry_results"] = []
    for i in xrange(num_inquiry_results):
        addr = bluez.ba2str(pkt[(6 * i):(6 * i) + 6])
        rssi = struct.unpack("b", pkt[(13 * num_inquiry_results) + i])[0]
        result["inquiry_results"].append({"Address": addr, "RSSI": rssi})
    return result
def device_inquiry_with_with_rssi(sock, wanted_addr):
    global results

    # save current filter
    old_filter = sock.getsockopt( bluez.SOL_HCI, bluez.HCI_FILTER, 14)

    # perform a device inquiry on bluetooth device #0
    # The inquiry should last 8 * 1.28 = 10.24 seconds
    # before the inquiry is performed, bluez should flush its cache of
    # previously discovered devices
    flt = bluez.hci_filter_new()
    bluez.hci_filter_set_ptype(flt, bluez.HCI_EVENT_PKT)
    sock.setsockopt( bluez.SOL_HCI, bluez.HCI_FILTER, flt )

    duration = 4
    max_responses = 255
    # 0x9e8b33 is the reserved code for general inquiry of Bluetooth devices
    cmd_pkt = struct.pack("BBBBB", 0x33, 0x8b, 0x9e, duration, max_responses)
    bluez.hci_send_cmd(sock, bluez.OGF_LINK_CTL, bluez.OCF_INQUIRY, cmd_pkt)

    done = False
    while not done:
        pkt = sock.recv(255)
        ptype, event, plen = struct.unpack("BBB", pkt[:3])
        if event == bluez.EVT_INQUIRY_RESULT_WITH_RSSI:
            pkt = pkt[3:]
            nrsp = struct.unpack("B", pkt[0])[0]
            for i in range(nrsp):
                addr = bluez.ba2str( pkt[1+6*i:1+6*i+6] )
                rssi = struct.unpack("b", pkt[1+13*nrsp+i])[0]
                if addr == wanted_addr:
                    results.append( rssi )
                    # print "*** ",
                # print "[%s] RSSI: [%d]" % (addr, rssi)
        elif event == bluez.EVT_INQUIRY_COMPLETE:
            done = True
        elif event == bluez.EVT_CMD_STATUS:
            status, ncmd, opcode = struct.unpack("BBH", pkt[3:7])
            if status != 0:
                print "uh oh..."
                done = True
            # print "unrecognized packet type 0x%02x" % ptype

    # restore old filter
    sock.setsockopt( bluez.SOL_HCI, bluez.HCI_FILTER, old_filter )

    if len(results) > 10:
        results = results[-10:]
    return results
Пример #12
def device_inquiry_with_with_rssi(sock, wanted_addr):
    global results

    # save current filter
    old_filter = sock.getsockopt(bluez.SOL_HCI, bluez.HCI_FILTER, 14)

    # perform a device inquiry on bluetooth device #0
    # The inquiry should last 8 * 1.28 = 10.24 seconds
    # before the inquiry is performed, bluez should flush its cache of
    # previously discovered devices
    flt = bluez.hci_filter_new()
    bluez.hci_filter_set_ptype(flt, bluez.HCI_EVENT_PKT)
    sock.setsockopt(bluez.SOL_HCI, bluez.HCI_FILTER, flt)

    duration = 4
    max_responses = 255
    # 0x9e8b33 is the reserved code for general inquiry of Bluetooth devices
    cmd_pkt = struct.pack("BBBBB", 0x33, 0x8b, 0x9e, duration, max_responses)
    bluez.hci_send_cmd(sock, bluez.OGF_LINK_CTL, bluez.OCF_INQUIRY, cmd_pkt)

    done = False
    while not done:
        pkt = sock.recv(255)
        ptype, event, plen = struct.unpack("BBB", pkt[:3])
        if event == bluez.EVT_INQUIRY_RESULT_WITH_RSSI:
            pkt = pkt[3:]
            nrsp = struct.unpack("B", pkt[0])[0]
            for i in range(nrsp):
                addr = bluez.ba2str(pkt[1 + 6 * i:1 + 6 * i + 6])
                rssi = struct.unpack("b", pkt[1 + 13 * nrsp + i])[0]

                if addr == wanted_addr:
                    # print "*** ",
                # print "[%s] RSSI: [%d]" % (addr, rssi)
        elif event == bluez.EVT_INQUIRY_COMPLETE:
            done = True
        elif event == bluez.EVT_CMD_STATUS:
            status, ncmd, opcode = struct.unpack("BBH", pkt[3:7])
            if status != 0:
                print "uh oh..."
                done = True
            # print "unrecognized packet type 0x%02x" % ptype

    # restore old filter
    sock.setsockopt(bluez.SOL_HCI, bluez.HCI_FILTER, old_filter)

    if len(results) > 10:
        results = results[-10:]
    return results
Пример #13
def bt_print_device_inquiry_list(sock):
    """ void """
    # save current filter
    old_filter = sock.getsockopt(bluez.SOL_HCI, bluez.HCI_FILTER, 14)

    # perform a device inquiry on bluetooth device #0
    # The inquiry should last 8 * 1.28 = 10.24 seconds
    # before the inquiry is performed, bluez should flush its cache of
    # previously discovered devices
    flt = bluez.hci_filter_new()
    bluez.hci_filter_set_ptype(flt, bluez.HCI_EVENT_PKT)
    sock.setsockopt(bluez.SOL_HCI, bluez.HCI_FILTER, flt)

    duration = 16
    max_responses = 255
    cmd_pkt = struct.pack("BBBBB", 0x33, 0x8b, 0x9e, duration, max_responses)
    bluez.hci_send_cmd(sock, bluez.OGF_LINK_CTL, bluez.OCF_INQUIRY, cmd_pkt)

    results = []

    done = False
    while not done:
        pkt = sock.recv(255)
        ptype, event, plen = struct.unpack("BBB", pkt[:3])
        if event == bluez.EVT_INQUIRY_RESULT_WITH_RSSI:
            pkt = pkt[3:]
            nrsp = struct.unpack("B", pkt[0])[0]
            for i in range(nrsp):
                addr = bluez.ba2str(pkt[1 + 6 * i:1 + 6 * i + 6])
                rssi = struct.unpack("b", pkt[1 + 13 * nrsp + i])[0]
        elif event == bluez.EVT_INQUIRY_COMPLETE:
            done = True
        elif event == bluez.EVT_CMD_STATUS:
            status, ncmd, opcode = struct.unpack("BBH", pkt[3:7])
            if status != 0:
                done = True
            print "unrecognized packet type 0x%02x" % ptype

    # restore old filter
    sock.setsockopt(bluez.SOL_HCI, bluez.HCI_FILTER, old_filter)

    # Results become unique
    set = {}
    map(set.__setitem__, results, [])
    print set.keys()
Пример #14
    def inquiry_with_rssi(self):
        cmd_pkt = HCIInquiry(0x9e8b33, 4, 255)

        results = []
        done = False
        while not done:
            evt = self.recv_hci_evt()
            if evt.code == bluez.EVT_INQUIRY_RESULT_WITH_RSSI:
                for i in xrange(evt.num_responses):
                    addr = bluez.ba2str(evt.bd_addr[i])
                    rssi = evt.rssi[i]
                    results.append( ( addr, rssi ) )
                    print "[{}] RSSI: [{}]".format(addr, rssi)
            elif evt.code == bluez.EVT_INQUIRY_COMPLETE:
                done = True
            elif evt.code == bluez.EVT_CMD_STATUS:
                if evt.status != 0:
                    print "uh oh..."
                    done = True
                print "unrecognized event: {}".format(evt)
Пример #15
def _handle_inquiry_result(pkt):
    result = {}
    num_inquiry_results = struct.unpack("B", pkt[0])[0]
    pkt = pkt[1:]
    result["num_inquiry_results"] = num_inquiry_results
    result["inquiry_results"] = []
    for i in xrange(num_inquiry_results):
        addr = bluez.ba2str(pkt[(6 * i):(6 * i) + 6])
        result["inquiry_results"].append({"Address": addr})
    return result

    num_connection_handles = struct.unpack("<B", pkt[0])[0]
    pkt = pkt[1:]
    result["num_connection_handles"] = num_connection_handles
    result["handles"] = []
    for i in xrange(num_connection_handles):
        handle, = struct.unpack("<H", pkt[0:2])
        completed_packets, = struct.unpack("<H", pkt[2:4])
            {"handle": handle, "num_completed_packets": completed_packets})
        pkt = pkt[4:]
    return result
def device_inquiry_with_with_rssi(sock):
    # save current filter
    old_filter = sock.getsockopt( bluez.SOL_HCI, bluez.HCI_FILTER, 14)

    # perform a device inquiry on bluetooth device #0
    # The inquiry should last 8 * 1.28 = 10.24 seconds
    # before the inquiry is performed, bluez should flush its cache of
    # previously discovered devices
    flt = bluez.hci_filter_new()
    bluez.hci_filter_set_ptype(flt, bluez.HCI_EVENT_PKT)
    sock.setsockopt( bluez.SOL_HCI, bluez.HCI_FILTER, flt )

    duration = 4
    max_responses = 255
    cmd_pkt = struct.pack("BBBBB", 0x33, 0x8b, 0x9e, duration, max_responses)
    bluez.hci_send_cmd(sock, bluez.OGF_LINK_CTL, bluez.OCF_INQUIRY, cmd_pkt)
    #send command

    results = []

    done = False
    while not done:
        pkt = sock.recv(255)
        ptype, event, plen = struct.unpack("BBB", pkt[:3])
        if event == bluez.EVT_INQUIRY_RESULT_WITH_RSSI:
            pkt = pkt[3:]
            nrsp = bluetooth.get_byte(pkt[0])
            for i in range(nrsp):
                addr = bluez.ba2str( pkt[1+6*i:1+6*i+6] )
                rssi = bluetooth.byte_to_signed_int(
                        results.append( ( addr, rssi ) )# store rssi and mac
                print("[%s] RSSI: [%d]" % (addr, rssi))
        elif event == bluez.EVT_INQUIRY_COMPLETE:
            #scanning complete
            done = True
Пример #17
    def _device_inquiry_with_with_rssi(self):
        Perform a Bluetooth inquiry with RSSI reception.
        # save current filter
        old_filter = self.sock.getsockopt(bluez.SOL_HCI, bluez.HCI_FILTER, 14)

        flt = bluez.hci_filter_new()
        bluez.hci_filter_set_ptype(flt, bluez.HCI_EVENT_PKT)
        self.sock.setsockopt(bluez.SOL_HCI, bluez.HCI_FILTER, flt)

        max_responses = 255
        cmd_pkt = struct.pack("BBBBB", 0x33, 0x8b, 0x9e, self.buffer_size,

        self.logger_inquiry.write(time.time(), self.buffer_size * 1.28)
        self.mgr.debug("%s: New inquiry" % self.mac)

        bluez.hci_send_cmd(self.sock, bluez.OGF_LINK_CTL, bluez.OCF_INQUIRY,

        done = False
        while not done:
                pkt = self.sock.recv(255)
            except bluetooth._bluetooth.error, e:
                if e[0] == 32:
                    done = True
                    self.done = True
                    self.scanner.stopped_scanning(self, "adapter lost")
            ptype, event, plen = struct.unpack("BBB", pkt[:3])
            if event == bluez.EVT_INQUIRY_RESULT_WITH_RSSI:
                pkt = pkt[3:]
                nrsp = struct.unpack("B", pkt[0])[0]
                for i in range(nrsp):
                    addr = bluez.ba2str(pkt[1 + 6 * i:1 + 6 * i + 6])
                    rssi = struct.unpack("b", pkt[1 + 13 * nrsp + i])[0]
                    devclass_raw = pkt[1 + 8 * nrsp + 3 * i:1 + 8 * nrsp +
                                       3 * i + 3]
                    devclass = struct.unpack("I", "%s\0" % devclass_raw)[0]
                    self.device_discovered(addr, devclass, rssi)
            elif event == bluez.EVT_INQUIRY_RESULT:
                pkt = pkt[3:]
                nrsp = struct.unpack("B", pkt[0])[0]
                for i in range(nrsp):
                    addr = bluez.ba2str(pkt[1 + 6 * i:1 + 6 * i + 6])
                    devclass_raw = struct.unpack(
                        pkt[1 + 9 * nrsp + 3 * i:1 + 9 * nrsp + 3 * i + 3])
                    devclass = (devclass_raw[2] << 16) | \
                            (devclass_raw[1] << 8) | \
                    self.device_discovered(addr, devclass, None)
            elif event == bluez.EVT_INQUIRY_COMPLETE:
                done = True
            elif event == bluez.EVT_CMD_STATUS:
                status, ncmd, opcode = struct.unpack("BBH", pkt[3:7])
                if status != 0:
                    self.mgr.debug('Non-zero Bluetooth status packet received')
                    done = True
                self.mgr.debug('Unrecognized Bluetooth packet type received')
Пример #18
def parse_events(sock, loop_count=100):
    old_filter = sock.getsockopt( bluez.SOL_HCI, bluez.HCI_FILTER, 14)

    # perform a device inquiry on bluetooth device #0
    # The inquiry should last 8 * 1.28 = 10.24 seconds
    # before the inquiry is performed, bluez should flush its cache of
    # previously discovered devices
    flt = bluez.hci_filter_new()
    bluez.hci_filter_set_ptype(flt, bluez.HCI_EVENT_PKT)
    sock.setsockopt( bluez.SOL_HCI, bluez.HCI_FILTER, flt )
    done = False
    results = []
    for i in range(0, loop_count):
        pkt = sock.recv(255)
        ptype, event, plen = struct.unpack("BBB", pkt[:3])
        print "-------------- ptype: 0x%02x event: 0x%02x plen: 0x%02x" % (ptype, event, plen)
        if event == bluez.EVT_INQUIRY_RESULT_WITH_RSSI:
            pkt = pkt[3:]
            nrsp = struct.unpack("B", pkt[0])[0]
            for i in range(nrsp):
                addr = bluez.ba2str( pkt[1+6*i:1+6*i+6] )
                rssi = struct.unpack("b", pkt[1+13*nrsp+i])[0]
                results.append( ( addr, rssi ) )
                print "Inquiry: [%s] RSSI: [%d]" % (addr, rssi)
        elif event == bluez.EVT_NUM_COMP_PKTS:
            print "num completed packets"
            pkt = pkt[3:]
            num_connection_handles = struct.unpack("B", pkt[0])[0]
            pkt = pkt[1:]
            print "handles:", num_connection_handles
            for i in range(0, num_connection_handles):
                handle, = struct.unpack("H", pkt[0:2])
                completed_packets, = struct.unpack("H", pkt[2:4])
                print "\thandle: 0x%04x completed packets: 0x%04x" % (handle, completed_packets)
                pkt = pkt[4:]
        elif event == bluez.EVT_DISCONN_COMPLETE:
            pkt = pkt[3:]
            status, handle, reason = struct.unpack("<BHB", pkt)
            print "Disconnected, status: 0x%02x handle: 0x%04x reason: 0x%02x" % (status, handle, reason)
        elif event == LE_META_EVENT:
            subevent, = struct.unpack("B", pkt[3])
            pkt = pkt[4:]
            print "LE META EVENT subevent: 0x%02x" %(subevent,)
            if subevent == EVT_LE_CONN_COMPLETE:
                print "connection complete"
            elif subevent == EVT_LE_ADVERTISING_REPORT:
                print "advertising report"
                num_reports = struct.unpack("B", pkt[0])[0]
                report_pkt_offset = 0
                print "Number of reports in the report: 0x%02x" % num_reports
                for i in range(0, num_reports):
                    print "report", i
                    report_event_type = struct.unpack("B", pkt[report_pkt_offset + 1])[0]
                    bdaddr_type = struct.unpack("B", pkt[report_pkt_offset + 2])[0]
                    print "\tadvertising report event type: 0x%02x" % report_event_type
                    print "\tbdaddr type: 0x%02x" % (bdaddr_type,)
                    print "\tdevice address: ", packed_bdaddr_to_string(pkt[report_pkt_offset + 3:report_pkt_offset + 9])
                    report_data_length, = struct.unpack("B", pkt[report_pkt_offset + 9])
                    print "\tadvertising packet metadata length: ", report_data_length
                    if report_event_type == ADV_IND:
                        print "\tADV_IND"
                    elif report_event_type == ADV_DIRECT_IND:
                        print "\tADV_DIRECT_IND"
                    elif report_event_type == ADV_SCAN_IND:
                        print "\tADV_SCAN_IND"
                    elif report_event_type == ADV_NONCONN_IND:
                        print "\tADV_NONCONN_IND"
                    elif report_event_type == ADV_SCAN_RSP:
                        print "\tADV_SCAN_RSP"
                        local_name_len, = struct.unpack("B", pkt[report_pkt_offset + 11])
                        name = pkt[report_pkt_offset + 12:report_pkt_offset + 12+local_name_len]
                        print "\tname:", name 
                        print "\tUnknown or reserved event type"

                    # each report is 2 (event type, bdaddr type) + 6 (the address)
                    #    + 1 (data length field) + data length + 1 (rssi)
                    report_pkt_offset = report_pkt_offset +  10 + report_data_length + 1
                    rssi, = struct.unpack("b", pkt[report_pkt_offset -1])
                    print "\tRSSI:", rssi

                #for i in range(nrsp):
                #    addr = bluez.ba2str( pkt[1+6*i:1+6*i+6] )
                #    rssi = struct.unpack("b", pkt[1+13*nrsp+i])[0]
                #    results.append( ( addr, rssi ) )
                #    print "Meta: [%s] RSSI: [%d]" % (addr, rssi)
            elif subevent == EVT_LE_CONN_UPDATE_COMPLETE:
                print "connection updated"
            elif subevent == EVT_LE_READ_REMOTE_USED_FEATURES_COMPLETE:
                print "read remote used features complete"
                print "unknown LE_META_EVENT subevent"

        elif event == bluez.EVT_INQUIRY_COMPLETE:
            print "device inquiry complete"
        elif event == bluez.EVT_CMD_STATUS:
            status, ncmd, opcode = struct.unpack("<BBH", pkt[3:7])
            if status != 0:
                print "uh oh..."
                done = True
        elif event == bluez.EVT_INQUIRY_RESULT:
            pkt = pkt[3:]
            nrsp = struct.unpack("B", pkt[0])[0]
            for i in range(nrsp):
                addr = bluez.ba2str( pkt[1+6*i:1+6*i+6] )
                results.append( ( addr, -1 ) )
                print "[%s] (no RSSI)" % (addr,)
        elif event == bluez.EVT_CMD_COMPLETE:
            ncmd, opcode = struct.unpack("BB", pkt[4:6])
            print "command complete: cmd: 0x%02x opcode: 0x%02x" % (ncmd, opcode)
            print "unknown packet, event 0x%02x " % event
            print "unrecognized packet type 0x%02x" % ptype
	    print "event ", event
    sock.setsockopt( bluez.SOL_HCI, bluez.HCI_FILTER, old_filter )
Пример #19
def device_inquiry_with_with_rssi(sock):
    btq = BluetoothSupport()
    # save current filter
    old_filter = sock.getsockopt( bluez.SOL_HCI, bluez.HCI_FILTER, 14)

    # perform a device inquiry on bluetooth device #0
    # The inquiry should last 8 * 1.28 = 10.24 seconds
    # before the inquiry is performed, bluez should flush its cache of
    # previously discovered devices
    flt = bluez.hci_filter_new()
    bluez.hci_filter_set_ptype(flt, bluez.HCI_EVENT_PKT)
    sock.setsockopt( bluez.SOL_HCI, bluez.HCI_FILTER, flt )

    duration = 4
    max_responses = 255
    cmd_pkt = struct.pack("BBBBB", 0x33, 0x8b, 0x9e, duration, max_responses)
    bluez.hci_send_cmd(sock, bluez.OGF_LINK_CTL, bluez.OCF_INQUIRY, cmd_pkt)

    results = []

    done = False
    while not done:
        pkt = sock.recv(255)
        ptype, event, plen = struct.unpack("BBB", pkt[:3])
        if event == bluez.EVT_INQUIRY_RESULT_WITH_RSSI:
            pkt = pkt[3:]
            nrsp = struct.unpack("B", pkt[0])[0]
            for i in range(nrsp):
                addr = bluez.ba2str( pkt[1+6*i:1+6*i+6] )
                rssi = struct.unpack("b", pkt[1+13*nrsp+i])[0]
                devclass_raw = pkt[1+8*nrsp+3*i:1+8*nrsp+3*i+3]
                devclass = struct.unpack ("I", "%s\0" % devclass_raw)[0]
                name = btq.get_device_name(addr)
                minor, major, service = btq.get_classes(devclass)
                type =  btq.get_device_type(major)
                services = btq.get_services_from_class(service)
                srv = btq.get_services(addr)
                results.append( ( addr, rssi, devclass, name, type, services, srv ) )
                print("%s %d %x %s %s %s %s" % (addr, rssi, devclass, repr(name), type, '|'.join(services), repr(srv)))
        elif event == bluez.EVT_INQUIRY_COMPLETE:
            done = True
        elif event == bluez.EVT_CMD_STATUS:
            status, ncmd, opcode = struct.unpack("BBH", pkt[3:7])
            if status != 0:
                print("uh oh...")
                done = True
        elif event == bluez.EVT_INQUIRY_RESULT:
            pkt = pkt[3:]
            nrsp = struct.unpack("B", pkt[0])[0]
            for i in range(nrsp):
                addr = bluez.ba2str( pkt[1+6*i:1+6*i+6] )
                results.append( ( addr, -1 ) )
                print("[%s] (no RRSI)" % addr)
            print("unrecognized packet type 0x%02x" % ptype)

    # restore old filter
    sock.setsockopt( bluez.SOL_HCI, bluez.HCI_FILTER, old_filter )

    return results
Пример #20
def device_inquiry_with_with_rssi(sock):
    # save current filter
    old_filter = sock.getsockopt( bluez.SOL_HCI, bluez.HCI_FILTER, 14)

    # perform a device inquiry on bluetooth device #0
    # The inquiry should last 8 * 1.28 = 10.24 seconds
    # before the inquiry is performed, bluez should flush its cache of
    # previously discovered devices
    flt = bluez.hci_filter_new()
    bluez.hci_filter_set_ptype(flt, bluez.HCI_EVENT_PKT)
    sock.setsockopt( bluez.SOL_HCI, bluez.HCI_FILTER, flt )
    duration = 4
    max_responses = 255
    cmd_pkt = struct.pack("BBBBB", 0x33, 0x8b, 0x9e, duration, max_responses)
    bluez.hci_send_cmd(sock, bluez.OGF_LINK_CTL, bluez.OCF_INQUIRY, cmd_pkt)

    results = []

    done = False
    if True:
        pkt = sock.recv(255)
        ptype, event, plen = struct.unpack("BBB", pkt[:3])
        if event == bluez.EVT_INQUIRY_RESULT_WITH_RSSI:
            pkt = pkt[3:]
            curr_time = current_milli_time()
            nrsp = struct.unpack("B", pkt[0])[0]
            for i in range(nrsp):
                addr = bluez.ba2str( pkt[1+6*i:1+6*i+6] )
                rssi = struct.unpack("b", pkt[1+13*nrsp+i])[0]
                if (int(rssi) >= -45 and addr not in purchased):
                    if addr in first_time:
                        if curr_time - first_time[addr] >= 4000 and curr_time - prev_time[addr] <= 10000:
                             print("Purchased ticket: [%s], final ping!" % addr)
                             with SocketIO('', 80, LoggingNamespace) as socketIO:
                                 socketIO.emit('beacon-purchased', addr);
                            if curr_time - prev_time[addr] > 10000:
                                print("Purchasing ticket: [%s] (reset), ping!" % addr)
                                first_time[addr] = curr_time
                                prev_time[addr] = curr_time
                                with SocketIO('', 80, LoggingNamespace) as socketIO:
                                     socketIO.emit('beacon-ping', addr);
                                print("Purchasing ticket: [%s], ping!" % addr)
                                prev_time[addr] = curr_time
                                with SocketIO('', 80, LoggingNamespace) as socketIO:
                                     socketIO.emit('beacon-ping', addr);
                        print("Purchasing ticket: [%s], ping!" % addr)
                        first_time[addr] = curr_time
                        prev_time[addr] = curr_time
                        with SocketIO('', 80, LoggingNamespace) as socketIO:
                            socketIO.emit('beacon-ping', addr);

    # restore old filter
    sock.setsockopt( bluez.SOL_HCI, bluez.HCI_FILTER, old_filter )

    return results
Пример #21
def device_inquiry_with_with_rssi(sock):
    global  Send_Flag
    #Get GPS Coordinate 
    report = session.next()
    # save current filter
    old_filter = sock.getsockopt( bluez.SOL_HCI, bluez.HCI_FILTER, 14)

    # perform a device inquiry on bluetooth device #0
    # The inquiry should last 8 * 1.28 = 10.24 seconds
    # before the inquiry is performed, bluez should flush its cache of
    # previously discovered devices
    flt = bluez.hci_filter_new()
    bluez.hci_filter_set_ptype(flt, bluez.HCI_EVENT_PKT)
    sock.setsockopt( bluez.SOL_HCI, bluez.HCI_FILTER, flt )

    duration = 4
    max_responses = 255
    cmd_pkt = struct.pack("BBBBB", 0x33, 0x8b, 0x9e, duration, max_responses)
    bluez.hci_send_cmd(sock, bluez.OGF_LINK_CTL, bluez.OCF_INQUIRY, cmd_pkt)

    results = []

    done = False
    while not done:
        pkt = sock.recv(255)
        ptype, event, plen = struct.unpack("BBB", pkt[:3])
        if event == bluez.EVT_INQUIRY_RESULT_WITH_RSSI:
            pkt = pkt[3:]
            nrsp = bluetooth.get_byte(pkt[0])
            for i in range(nrsp):
                addr = bluez.ba2str( pkt[1+6*i:1+6*i+6] )
                rssi = bluetooth.byte_to_signed_int(
                results.append( ( addr, rssi ) )
                #Compare device addr is connected device
                if addr == dev_addr:
                    power = (abs(rssi)-59)/(10*2.0)
                    meter = pow(10, power)
                    print("[%s] RSSI: [%d]" % (addr, rssi))
                    print("Distance: [%.2f]" % meter)
                    if meter > 0.5:
                        #buzzer warning
                        GPIO.output(23, GPIO.HIGH)
                        GPIO.output(23, GPIO.LOW)
                        #change GPS coordinate
                        loc = wgs2bd(report.lat,report.lon)
                        #Send GPS Info E-mail
                        if os.path.exists('/home/pi/MarkPoint.html'):
                            Send_Flag = 0
                            Send_Flag = 1
                            #Generate HTML File
                        if Send_Flag:
                            Send_Flag = 0
                            yag = yagmail.SMTP(user = '******', password = '******', host = 'smtp.qq.com')
                            yag.send(to = [mail_addr],subject = 'GPS Map',contents = ['GPS Coordinate','/home/pi/MarkPoint.html'])
        elif event == bluez.EVT_INQUIRY_COMPLETE:
            done = True
        elif event == bluez.EVT_CMD_STATUS:
            status, ncmd, opcode = struct.unpack("BBH", pkt[3:7])
            if status != 0:
                print("uh oh...")
                done = True
        elif event == bluez.EVT_INQUIRY_RESULT:
            pkt = pkt[3:]
            nrsp = bluetooth.get_byte(pkt[0])
            for i in range(nrsp):
                addr = bluez.ba2str( pkt[1+6*i:1+6*i+6] )
                results.append( ( addr, -1 ) )
                print("[%s] (no RRSI)" % addr)
        #    print("unrecognized packet type 0x%02x" % ptype)
        #print("event ", event)
    # restore old filter
    sock.setsockopt( bluez.SOL_HCI, bluez.HCI_FILTER, old_filter )

    return results
Пример #22
def device_inquiry_with_with_rssi(sock):
    # save current filter
    old_filter = sock.getsockopt(bluez.SOL_HCI, bluez.HCI_FILTER, 14)

    # perform a device inquiry on bluetooth device #0
    # The inquiry should last 8 * 1.28 = 10.24 seconds
    # before the inquiry is performed, bluez should flush its cache of
    # previously discovered devices
    flt = bluez.hci_filter_new()
    bluez.hci_filter_set_ptype(flt, bluez.HCI_EVENT_PKT)
    sock.setsockopt(bluez.SOL_HCI, bluez.HCI_FILTER, flt)

    duration = 1
    max_responses = 255
    cmd_pkt = struct.pack("BBBBB", 0x33, 0x8b, 0x9e, duration, max_responses)
    while True:
        bluez.hci_send_cmd(sock, bluez.OGF_LINK_CTL, bluez.OCF_INQUIRY,
        results = []

        done = False
        while not done:
            pkt = sock.recv(255)
            ptype, event, plen = struct.unpack("BBB", pkt[:3])
            if event == bluez.EVT_INQUIRY_RESULT_WITH_RSSI:
                pkt = pkt[3:]
                nrsp = bluetooth.get_byte(pkt[0])
                for i in range(nrsp):
                    addr = bluez.ba2str(pkt[1 + 6 * i:1 + 6 * i + 6])
                    rssi = bluetooth.byte_to_signed_int(
                        bluetooth.get_byte(pkt[1 + 13 * nrsp + i]))
                    #     results.append( ( addr, rssi ) )
                    if "98:00" in str(addr) or "30:6A" in str(
                            addr) or 'D4' in str(addr):
                        print("[%s] RSSI: [%d]" % (addr, rssi))
                        #send request to server
                        #serialize json
                        params = {'id': id, 'address': addr, 'rssi': rssi}
                        a = requests.post(
                            headers={'Connection': 'close'})
            elif event == bluez.EVT_INQUIRY_COMPLETE:
                done = True
            elif event == bluez.EVT_CMD_STATUS:
                status, ncmd, opcode = struct.unpack("BBH", pkt[3:7])
                if status != 0:
                    print("uh oh...")
                    done = True
            elif event == bluez.EVT_INQUIRY_RESULT:
                pkt = pkt[3:]
                nrsp = bluetooth.get_byte(pkt[0])
                for i in range(nrsp):
                    addr = bluez.ba2str(pkt[1 + 6 * i:1 + 6 * i + 6])
                    results.append((addr, -1))
                    print("[%s] (no RRSI)" % addr)
                print("unrecognized packet type 0x%02x" % ptype)

    # restore old filter
    sock.setsockopt(bluez.SOL_HCI, bluez.HCI_FILTER, old_filter)

    return results
Пример #23
	def _process_hci_event (s):

		if s.sock is None: return
		# voodoo magic!!!
		pkt = s.sock.recv (255)
		ptype, event, plen = struct.unpack ("BBB", pkt[:3])
		pkt = pkt[3:]
		if event == _bt.EVT_INQUIRY_RESULT:
		    nrsp = struct.unpack ("B", pkt[0])[0]
		    for i in range (nrsp):
			addr = _bt.ba2str (pkt[1+6*i:1+6*i+6])
			psrm = pkt[ 1+6*nrsp+i ]
			pspm = pkt[ 1+7*nrsp+i ]
			devclass_raw = struct.unpack ("BBB", 
			devclass = (devclass_raw[2] << 16) | \
				(devclass_raw[1] << 8) | \
			clockoff = pkt[1+12*nrsp+2*i:1+12*nrsp+2*i+2]

			if addr not in s.names_found and addr not in s.names_to_find:
				s.names_to_find[addr] = (devclass, psrm, pspm, clockoff)
			s.device_discovered (addr, devclass)
		elif event == _bt.EVT_INQUIRY_RESULT_WITH_RSSI:
		    nrsp = struct.unpack ("B", pkt[0])[0]
		    for i in range (nrsp):
			addr = _bt.ba2str (pkt[1+6*i:1+6*i+6])
			psrm = pkt[ 1+6*nrsp+i ]
			pspm = pkt[ 1+7*nrsp+i ]
	#                devclass_raw = pkt[1+8*nrsp+3*i:1+8*nrsp+3*i+3]
	#                devclass = struct.unpack ("I", "%s\0" % devclass_raw)[0]
			devclass_raw = struct.unpack ("BBB", 
			devclass = (devclass_raw[2] << 16) | \
				(devclass_raw[1] << 8) | \
			clockoff = pkt[1+11*nrsp+2*i:1+11*nrsp+2*i+2]
			rssi = struct.unpack ("b", pkt[1+13*nrsp+i])[0]
			#print "%s rssi: %i" % (addr, rssi)
			if addr not in s.names_found and addr not in s.names_to_find:
				s.names_to_find[addr] = (devclass, psrm, pspm, clockoff)
			s.device_discovered (addr, devclass,rssi)
		elif event == _bt.EVT_INQUIRY_COMPLETE:
		    s.is_inquiring = False
		    if len (s.names_to_find) == 0:
	#                print "inquiry complete (evt_inquiry_complete)"
			s.sock.close ()
			s.inquiry_complete ()
			s._send_next_name_req ()

		elif event == _bt.EVT_CMD_STATUS:
		    # XXX shold this be "<BBH"
		    status, ncmd, opcode = struct.unpack ("BBH", pkt[:4])
		    if status != 0:
			s.is_inquiring = False
			s.sock.close ()
	#                print "inquiry complete (bad status 0x%X 0x%X 0x%X)" % \
	#                        (status, ncmd, opcode)
			s.names_to_find = {}
			s.inquiry_complete ()
		elif event == _bt.EVT_REMOTE_NAME_REQ_COMPLETE:
		    status = struct.unpack ("B", pkt[0])[0]
		    addr = _bt.ba2str (pkt[1:7])
		    if status == 0:
			    name = pkt[7:].split ('\0')[0]
			except IndexError:
			    name = '' 
			if addr in s.names_to_find:
				device_class = s.names_to_find[addr][0]
				s.names_found[addr] = ( device_class, name)
				#s.device_discovered (addr, device_class, name)
				del s.names_to_find[addr]
			if addr in s.names_to_find: del s.names_to_find[addr]
			# XXX should we do something when a name lookup fails?
	#                print "name req unsuccessful %s - %s" % (addr, status)

		    if len (s.names_to_find) == 0:
			s.is_inquiring = False
			s.sock.close ()
			s.inquiry_complete ()
	#                print "inquiry complete (name req complete)"
			s._send_next_name_req ()
Пример #24
  def device_inquiry_with_with_rssi(self, sock,verbose=False):
    # save current filter
    old_filter = sock.getsockopt( bluez.SOL_HCI, bluez.HCI_FILTER, 14)

    # perform a device inquiry on bluetooth device #0
    # The inquiry should last 8 * 1.28 = 10.24 seconds
    # before the inquiry is performed, bluez should flush its cache of
    # previously discovered devices
    flt = bluez.hci_filter_new()
    bluez.hci_filter_set_ptype(flt, bluez.HCI_EVENT_PKT)
    sock.setsockopt( bluez.SOL_HCI, bluez.HCI_FILTER, flt )

    cmd_pkt = struct.pack("BBBBB", 0x33, 0x8b, 0x9e, self.duration, self.max_responses)
    bluez.hci_send_cmd(sock, bluez.OGF_LINK_CTL, bluez.OCF_INQUIRY, cmd_pkt)

    results = []

    done = False
    while not done:
      pkt = sock.recv(255)
      ptype, event, plen = struct.unpack("BBB", pkt[:3])
      if event == bluez.EVT_INQUIRY_RESULT_WITH_RSSI:
        pkt = pkt[3:]
        nrsp = bluetooth.get_byte(pkt[0])
        for i in range(nrsp):
          addr = bluez.ba2str( pkt[1+6*i:1+6*i+6] )
          rssi = bluetooth.byte_to_signed_int(
          devclass_raw = struct.unpack ("BBB",
          devclass = (devclass_raw[2] << 16) | \
                 (devclass_raw[1] << 8) | \
            name = bluetooth.lookup_name(addr)
            name = 'unknown'
          time = datetime.datetime.now().isoformat()
          results.append( [time, addr, name, rssi, devclass] )
          if verbose:
            print("%s,%s,%s,%s,%s" % (time,addr,name, rssi, devclass))
      elif event == bluez.EVT_INQUIRY_COMPLETE:
        done = True
      elif event == bluez.EVT_CMD_STATUS:
        status, ncmd, opcode = struct.unpack("BBH", pkt[3:7])
        if status != 0:
          print("uh oh...")
          done = True
      elif event == bluez.EVT_INQUIRY_RESULT:
        pkt = pkt[3:]
        nrsp = bluetooth.get_byte(pkt[0])
        for i in range(nrsp):
          addr = bluez.ba2str( pkt[1+6*i:1+6*i+6] )
          results.append( ( addr, -1 ) )
          if verbose:
            print("[%s] (no RRSI)" % addr)
        print("unrecognized packet type 0x%02x" % ptype)
      if verbose:
        print("event ", event)

    # restore old filter
    sock.setsockopt( bluez.SOL_HCI, bluez.HCI_FILTER, old_filter )

    return results
Пример #25
    def _device_inquiry_with_with_rssi(self):
        Perform a Bluetooth inquiry with RSSI reception.
        # save current filter
        old_filter = self.sock.getsockopt(bluez.SOL_HCI, bluez.HCI_FILTER, 14)

        flt = bluez.hci_filter_new()
        bluez.hci_filter_set_ptype(flt, bluez.HCI_EVENT_PKT)
        self.sock.setsockopt(bluez.SOL_HCI, bluez.HCI_FILTER, flt)

        max_responses = 0 # unlimited number of responses
        cnt_responses = 0
        cmd_pkt = struct.pack("BBBBB", 0x33, 0x8b, 0x9e, self.buffer_size,

        self.logger_inquiry.new_inquiry(time.time(), self.buffer_size*1.28)
        self.mgr.debug("%s: New inquiry" % self.mac)

        bluez.hci_send_cmd(self.sock, bluez.OGF_LINK_CTL, bluez.OCF_INQUIRY,

        done = False
        while not done:
                pkt = self.sock.recv(255)
            except bluetooth._bluetooth.error, e:
                if e[0] == 32:
                    done = True
                    self.done = True
                    self.scanner.stopped_scanning(self, "adapter lost")
            ptype, event, plen = struct.unpack("BBB", pkt[:3])
            timestamp = time.time()
            if event == bluez.EVT_INQUIRY_RESULT_WITH_RSSI:
                pkt = pkt[3:]
                nrsp = struct.unpack("B", pkt[0])[0]
                cnt_responses += nrsp
                if nrsp > 1:
                    self.mgr.log_info("%s: Discarding %i responses queued into a single result event" % (self.mac, nrsp))
                for i in range(nrsp):
                    addr = bluez.ba2str(pkt[1+6*i:1+6*i+6])
                    rssi = struct.unpack("b", pkt[1+13*nrsp+i])[0]
                    devclass_raw = pkt[1+8*nrsp+3*i:1+8*nrsp+3*i+3]
                    devclass = struct.unpack ("I", "%s\0" % devclass_raw)[0]
                    self.device_discovered(timestamp, addr, devclass, None, rssi)
            elif event == 0x2f: # EVT_EXTENDED_INQUIRY_RESULT
                cnt_responses += 1
                pkt = pkt[3:]
                addr = bluez.ba2str(pkt[1:1+6])
                rssi = struct.unpack("b", pkt[14])[0]
                devclass_raw = pkt[9:9+3]
                devclass = struct.unpack ("I", "%s\0" % devclass_raw)[0]
                eir_data = {}

                eir = pkt[15:]
                eir_idx = 0
                while eir_idx < len(eir):
                    l = struct.unpack("B", eir[eir_idx])[0]
                    eir_idx += 1
                    if l > 0:
                        data_type = struct.unpack("B", eir[eir_idx])[0]
                        eir_idx += 1
                        data = None
                        if data_type in self.eir_datatypes:
                            dt = self.eir_datatypes[data_type]
                            eir_data[dt[0]] = dt[2](struct.unpack("%i%s" % ((l-1), dt[1]), eir[eir_idx:eir_idx+l-1]))
                        eir_idx += (l-1)
                self.device_discovered(timestamp, addr, devclass, eir_data.get('tx_power_level', None), rssi)
            elif event == bluez.EVT_INQUIRY_RESULT:
                pkt = pkt[3:]
                nrsp = struct.unpack("B", pkt[0])[0]
                cnt_responses += nrsp
                if nrsp > 1:
                    self.mgr.log_info("%s: Discarding %i responses queued into a single result event" % (self.mac, nrsp))
                for i in range(nrsp):
                    addr = bluez.ba2str(pkt[1+6*i:1+6*i+6])
                    devclass_raw = struct.unpack("BBB",
                    devclass = (devclass_raw[2] << 16) | \
                            (devclass_raw[1] << 8) | \
                    self.device_discovered(timestamp, addr, devclass, None, None)
            elif event == bluez.EVT_INQUIRY_COMPLETE:
                done = True
            elif event == bluez.EVT_CMD_STATUS:
                status, ncmd, opcode = struct.unpack("BBH", pkt[3:7])
                if status != 0:
                    self.mgr.debug('Non-zero Bluetooth status packet received')
                    done = True
                self.mgr.debug('Unrecognized Bluetooth packet type received')
Пример #26
def device_inquiry(sock, cycle_period, hash_addrs, log_out, device_queue):

    # save current filter
    old_filter = sock.getsockopt(bluez.SOL_HCI, bluez.HCI_FILTER, 14)

    # perform a device inquiry on bluetooth device #0
    # The inquiry should last 8 * 1.28 = 10.24 seconds
    # before the inquiry is performed, bluez should flush its cache of
    # previously discovered devices
    filtr = bluez.hci_filter_new()
    bluez.hci_filter_set_ptype(filtr, bluez.HCI_EVENT_PKT)
    sock.setsockopt(bluez.SOL_HCI, bluez.HCI_FILTER, filtr)

    max_responses = 255
    cmd_pkt = struct.pack("BBBBB", 0x33, 0x8b, 0x9e, int(cycle_period / 1.25),
    bluez.hci_send_cmd(sock, bluez.OGF_LINK_CTL, bluez.OCF_INQUIRY, cmd_pkt)

    #While still scanning
    done = False
    while not done:
            pkt = sock.recv(255)
        ptype, event, plen = struct.unpack("BBB", pkt[:3])
        #Enquiry result with rssi
        if event == bluez.EVT_INQUIRY_RESULT_WITH_RSSI:
            pkt = pkt[3:]
            nrsp = bluetooth.get_byte(pkt[0])
            for i in range(nrsp):
                addr = bluez.ba2str(pkt[1 + 6 * i:1 + 6 * i + 6])
                if (hash_addrs):
                    addr = hashlib.sha224(addr.replace(":", "")).hexdigest()
                rssi = bluetooth.byte_to_signed_int(
                    bluetooth.get_byte(pkt[1 + 13 * nrsp + i]))
                register_device(addr, rssi, log_out, device_queue)

        #Enquiry result without rssi
        elif event == bluez.EVT_INQUIRY_RESULT:
            pkt = pkt[3:]
            nrsp = bluetooth.get_byte(pkt[0])
            for i in range(nrsp):
                addr = bluez.ba2str(pkt[1 + 6 * i:1 + 6 * i + 6])
                if (hash_addrs):
                    addr = hashlib.sha224(addr.replace(":", "")).hexdigest()
                register_device(addr, None, log_out, device_queue)

        #On finish
        elif event == bluez.EVT_INQUIRY_COMPLETE:
            done = True

        #Status update?
        elif event == bluez.EVT_CMD_STATUS:
            status, ncmd, opcode = struct.unpack("BBH", pkt[3:7])
            if status != 0:
                done = True

    # restore old filter
    sock.setsockopt(bluez.SOL_HCI, bluez.HCI_FILTER, old_filter)
Пример #27
def device_inquiry_with_with_rssi(sock, show_name=False, show_extra_info=False, color=True, ret_table=False):
    # save current filter
    old_filter = sock.getsockopt( bluez.SOL_HCI, bluez.HCI_FILTER, 14)

    # perform a device inquiry on bluetooth device #0
    # The inquiry should last 8 * 1.28 = 10.24 seconds
    # before the inquiry is performed, bluez should flush its cache of
    # previously discovered devices
    flt = bluez.hci_filter_new()
    bluez.hci_filter_set_ptype(flt, bluez.HCI_EVENT_PKT)
    sock.setsockopt( bluez.SOL_HCI, bluez.HCI_FILTER, flt )

    duration = 1
    max_responses = 255
    cmd_pkt = struct.pack("BBBBB", 0x33, 0x8b, 0x9e, duration, max_responses)
    # TODO Optimize code for performance
    # update the global device name dictionary before sending hci cmd(which changes mode)
    headers =["Name", "MAC Address", "RSSI"]
    data = []
    results = []
    if show_extra_info or show_name:
        devices = bluetooth.discover_devices(lookup_names=True, lookup_class=True)
        if show_name:
            update_dict = {i[0]: i[1] for i in devices}
        if show_extra_info:
            update_dict = {i[0]: i[2] for i in devices}
            headers.extend(["Major Dev Class", "Minor Dev Class", "Services"])
    bluez.hci_send_cmd(sock, bluez.OGF_LINK_CTL, bluez.OCF_INQUIRY, cmd_pkt)

    done = False
    while not done:
        pkt = sock.recv(255)
        ptype, event, plen = struct.unpack("BBB", pkt[:3])
        if event == bluez.EVT_INQUIRY_RESULT_WITH_RSSI:
            pkt = pkt[3:]
            nrsp = bluetooth.get_byte(pkt[0])
            for i in range(nrsp):
                # get human readable addr
                addr = bluez.ba2str( pkt[1+6*i:1+6*i+6] )
                rssi = bluetooth.byte_to_signed_int(
                # retrieve device name, or assign address as name
                    name = NAME_DICT[addr]
                    name = addr
                results.append( ( addr, rssi, name ) )
                if color:
                    data.append([name, addr, rssi_to_colour_str(rssi)])
                    data.append([name, addr, rssi])
                if show_extra_info:
                    extra_info = get_device_extra(addr)
                    # extend last data list with extra info
        elif event == bluez.EVT_INQUIRY_COMPLETE:
            done = True
        elif event == bluez.EVT_CMD_STATUS:
            status, ncmd, opcode = struct.unpack("BBH", pkt[3:7])
            if status != 0:
                print("uh oh...")
                done = True
        elif event == bluez.EVT_INQUIRY_RESULT:
            pkt = pkt[3:]
            nrsp = bluetooth.get_byte(pkt[0])
            for i in range(nrsp):
                addr = bluez.ba2str( pkt[1+6*i:1+6*i+6] )
                results.append( ( addr, -1 , "UNK") )
                print("[%s] (no RRSI)" % addr)
            logging.debug("unrecognized packet type 0x%02x" % ptype)
        logging.debug("event %s", event)

    # restore old filter
    sock.setsockopt( bluez.SOL_HCI, bluez.HCI_FILTER, old_filter )
    # if ordered to return a table by analyze_all, ignore other sequence
    if ret_table:
        if len(results) < 1:
            return ( (None, headers ))
        return( (data, headers) )
        # print all the data at once since blessings clears the screen just before
        if len(results)>= 1:
            # terminate concurrent loading handler
            if bool(LOADING_HANDLER):
            print(tabulate(data, headers=headers, disable_numparse=True))
            # LOADING_HANDLER = spin(before="Searching",
            #                    after="\nNo devices found in nearby range")
            LOADING_HANDLER = spin(before="No BT devices in nearby range")
        return results
Пример #28
def parse_events(sock, loop_count=2):
    Adstring = ""
    old_filter = sock.getsockopt(bluez.SOL_HCI, bluez.HCI_FILTER, 14)

    # perform a device inquiry on bluetooth device #0
    # The inquiry should last 8 * 1.28 = 10.24 seconds
    # before the inquiry is performed, bluez should flush its cache of
    # previously discovered devices
    flt = bluez.hci_filter_new()
    bluez.hci_filter_set_ptype(flt, bluez.HCI_EVENT_PKT)
    sock.setsockopt(bluez.SOL_HCI, bluez.HCI_FILTER, flt)
    done = False
    results = []
    myFullList = []
    for i in range(0, loop_count):
        pkt = sock.recv(255)
        ptype, event, plen = struct.unpack("BBB", pkt[:3])
        #print "-------------- ptype: 0x%02x event: 0x%02x plen: 0x%02x" % (ptype, event, plen)
        if event == bluez.EVT_INQUIRY_RESULT_WITH_RSSI:
            pkt = pkt[3:]
            nrsp = struct.unpack("B", pkt[0])[0]
            for i in range(nrsp):
                addr = bluez.ba2str(pkt[1 + 6 * i:1 + 6 * i + 6])
                rssi = struct.unpack("b", pkt[1 + 13 * nrsp + i])[0]
                results.append((addr, rssi))
                #print "Inquiry: [%s] RSSI: [%d]" % (addr, rssi)
        elif event == bluez.EVT_NUM_COMP_PKTS:
            #print "num completed packets"
            pkt = pkt[3:]
            num_connection_handles = struct.unpack("B", pkt[0])[0]
            pkt = pkt[1:]
            #print "handles:", num_connection_handles
            for i in range(0, num_connection_handles):
                handle, = struct.unpack("H", pkt[0:2])
                completed_packets, = struct.unpack("H", pkt[2:4])
                print "\thandle: 0x%04x completed packets: 0x%04x" % (
                    handle, completed_packets)
                pkt = pkt[4:]
        elif event == bluez.EVT_DISCONN_COMPLETE:
            pkt = pkt[3:]
            status, handle, reason = struct.unpack("<BHB", pkt)
            print "Disconnected, status: 0x%02x handle: 0x%04x reason: 0x%02x" % (
                status, handle, reason)
        elif event == LE_META_EVENT:
            subevent, = struct.unpack("B", pkt[3])
            pkt = pkt[4:]
            #print "LE META EVENT subevent: 0x%02x" %(subevent,)
            if subevent == EVT_LE_CONN_COMPLETE:
                print "connection complete"
            elif subevent == EVT_LE_ADVERTISING_REPORT:
                #print "advertising report"
                num_reports = struct.unpack("B", pkt[0])[0]
                report_pkt_offset = 0
                #print "Number of reports in the report: 0x%02x" % num_reports
                for i in range(0, num_reports):
                    #print "report", i
                    report_event_type = struct.unpack(
                        "B", pkt[report_pkt_offset + 1])[0]
                    bdaddr_type = struct.unpack("B",
                                                pkt[report_pkt_offset + 2])[0]
                    #print "\tadvertising report event type: 0x%02x" % report_event_type
                    #print "\tbdaddr type: 0x%02x" % (bdaddr_type,)
                    #print "\tdevice address: ", packed_bdaddr_to_string(pkt[report_pkt_offset + 3:report_pkt_offset + 9])
                    Adstring += packed_bdaddr_to_string(
                        pkt[report_pkt_offset + 3:report_pkt_offset + 9]) + ","
                    report_data_length, = struct.unpack(
                        "B", pkt[report_pkt_offset + 9])
                    #print "\tadvertising packet metadata length: ", report_data_length
                    if report_event_type == ADV_IND:
                        Adstring += "ADV_IND,"
                    elif report_event_type == ADV_DIRECT_IND:
                        Adstring += "ADV_DIRECT_IND,"
                    elif report_event_type == ADV_SCAN_IND:
                        Adstring += "ADV_SCAN_IND,"
                    elif report_event_type == ADV_NONCONN_IND:
                        Adstring += "ADV_NONCONN_IND,"
                        #Adstring  = packed_bdaddr_to_string(pkt[report_pkt_offset + 3:report_pkt_offset + 9]) + ",ADV_NONCONN_IND,"
                    elif report_event_type == ADV_SCAN_RSP:
                        local_name_len = ""
                        name = ""
                            local_name_len, = struct.unpack(
                                "B", pkt[report_pkt_offset + 11])
                            name = pkt[report_pkt_offset +
                                       12:report_pkt_offset + 12 +
                            name = "n/a"
                        Adstring = packed_bdaddr_to_string(
                            pkt[report_pkt_offset + 3:report_pkt_offset + 9]
                        ) + ",ADV_SCAN_RSP," + "name:" + name.replace(
                            "\n", "") + ","
                        Adstring += "Unk,"

                    # each report is 2 (event type, bdaddr type) + 6 (the address)
                    #    + 1 (data length field) + data length + 1 (rssi)
                    meta = ""
                    if report_data_length > 1:
                        for c in pkt[report_pkt_offset + 10:report_pkt_offset +
                                     10 + report_data_length]:
                            meta += "%02x " % struct.unpack("B", c)[0]

#print "\tMmeta:", meta
                    Adstring += meta + ","

                    report_pkt_offset = report_pkt_offset + 10 + report_data_length + 1
                    rssi, = struct.unpack("b", pkt[report_pkt_offset - 1])
                    #print "\tRSSI:", rssi
                    Adstring += "%s" % (rssi)

            elif subevent == EVT_LE_CONN_UPDATE_COMPLETE:
                print "connection updated"
            elif subevent == EVT_LE_READ_REMOTE_USED_FEATURES_COMPLETE:
                print "read remote used features complete"
                print "unknown LE_META_EVENT subevent"

        elif event == bluez.EVT_INQUIRY_COMPLETE:
            print "device inquiry complete"
        elif event == bluez.EVT_CMD_STATUS:
            status, ncmd, opcode = struct.unpack("<BBH", pkt[3:7])
            if status != 0:
                print "uh oh..."
                done = True
        elif event == bluez.EVT_INQUIRY_RESULT:
            pkt = pkt[3:]
            nrsp = struct.unpack("B", pkt[0])[0]
            for i in range(nrsp):
                addr = bluez.ba2str(pkt[1 + 6 * i:1 + 6 * i + 6])
                results.append((addr, -1))
                print "[%s] (no RSSI)" % (addr, )
        elif event == bluez.EVT_CMD_COMPLETE:
            ncmd, opcode = struct.unpack("BB", pkt[4:6])
            print "command complete: cmd: 0x%02x opcode: 0x%02x" % (ncmd,
            print "unknown packet, event 0x%02x " % event
            print "unrecognized packet type 0x%02x" % ptype
            print "event ", event

#print "\tAdstring=", Adstring

    done = True

    print "\tAdstring=", Adstring

    Adstring = ""
    sock.setsockopt(bluez.SOL_HCI, bluez.HCI_FILTER, old_filter)
    return myFullList
Пример #29
def device_inquiry_with_with_rssi(sock):
    btq = BluetoothSupport()
    # save current filter
    old_filter = sock.getsockopt(bluez.SOL_HCI, bluez.HCI_FILTER, 14)

    # perform a device inquiry on bluetooth device #0
    # The inquiry should last 8 * 1.28 = 10.24 seconds
    # before the inquiry is performed, bluez should flush its cache of
    # previously discovered devices
    flt = bluez.hci_filter_new()
    bluez.hci_filter_set_ptype(flt, bluez.HCI_EVENT_PKT)
    sock.setsockopt(bluez.SOL_HCI, bluez.HCI_FILTER, flt)

    duration = 4
    max_responses = 255
    cmd_pkt = struct.pack("BBBBB", 0x33, 0x8b, 0x9e, duration, max_responses)
    bluez.hci_send_cmd(sock, bluez.OGF_LINK_CTL, bluez.OCF_INQUIRY, cmd_pkt)

    results = []

    done = False
    while not done:
        pkt = sock.recv(255)
        ptype, event, plen = struct.unpack("BBB", pkt[:3])
        if event == bluez.EVT_INQUIRY_RESULT_WITH_RSSI:
            pkt = pkt[3:]
            nrsp = struct.unpack("B", pkt[0])[0]
            for i in range(nrsp):
                addr = bluez.ba2str(pkt[1 + 6 * i:1 + 6 * i + 6])
                rssi = struct.unpack("b", pkt[1 + 13 * nrsp + i])[0]
                devclass_raw = pkt[1 + 8 * nrsp + 3 * i:1 + 8 * nrsp + 3 * i +
                devclass = struct.unpack("I", "%s\0" % devclass_raw)[0]
                name = btq.get_device_name(addr)
                minor, major, service = btq.get_classes(devclass)
                type = btq.get_device_type(major)
                services = btq.get_services_from_class(service)
                srv = btq.get_services(addr)
                    (addr, rssi, devclass, name, type, services, srv))
                print("%s %d %x %s %s %s %s" %
                      (addr, rssi, devclass, repr(name), type,
                       '|'.join(services), repr(srv)))
        elif event == bluez.EVT_INQUIRY_COMPLETE:
            done = True
        elif event == bluez.EVT_CMD_STATUS:
            status, ncmd, opcode = struct.unpack("BBH", pkt[3:7])
            if status != 0:
                print("uh oh...")
                done = True
        elif event == bluez.EVT_INQUIRY_RESULT:
            pkt = pkt[3:]
            nrsp = struct.unpack("B", pkt[0])[0]
            for i in range(nrsp):
                addr = bluez.ba2str(pkt[1 + 6 * i:1 + 6 * i + 6])
                results.append((addr, -1))
                print("[%s] (no RRSI)" % addr)
            print("unrecognized packet type 0x%02x" % ptype)

    # restore old filter
    sock.setsockopt(bluez.SOL_HCI, bluez.HCI_FILTER, old_filter)

    return results
Пример #30
    def _process_hci_event(self):
        # FIXME may not wrap _bluetooth.error properly
        if self.sock is None: return
        # voodoo magic!!!
        pkt = self.sock.recv(258)
        ptype, event, plen = struct.unpack("BBB", pkt[:3])
        pkt = pkt[3:]
        if event == _bt.EVT_INQUIRY_RESULT:
            nrsp = get_byte(pkt[0])
            for i in range(nrsp):
                addr = _bt.ba2str(pkt[1 + 6 * i:1 + 6 * i + 6])
                psrm = pkt[1 + 6 * nrsp + i]
                pspm = pkt[1 + 7 * nrsp + i]
                devclass_raw = struct.unpack(
                    "BBB", pkt[1 + 9 * nrsp + 3 * i:1 + 9 * nrsp + 3 * i + 3])
                devclass = (devclass_raw[2] << 16) | \
                        (devclass_raw[1] << 8) | \
                clockoff = pkt[1 + 12 * nrsp + 2 * i:1 + 12 * nrsp + 2 * i + 2]

                self._device_discovered(addr, devclass, psrm, pspm, clockoff,
                                        None, None)
        elif event == _bt.EVT_INQUIRY_RESULT_WITH_RSSI:
            nrsp = get_byte(pkt[0])
            for i in range(nrsp):
                addr = _bt.ba2str(pkt[1 + 6 * i:1 + 6 * i + 6])
                psrm = pkt[1 + 6 * nrsp + i]
                pspm = pkt[1 + 7 * nrsp + i]
                #                devclass_raw = pkt[1+8*nrsp+3*i:1+8*nrsp+3*i+3]
                #                devclass = struct.unpack ("I", "%s\0" % devclass_raw)[0]
                devclass_raw = struct.unpack(
                    "BBB", pkt[1 + 8 * nrsp + 3 * i:1 + 8 * nrsp + 3 * i + 3])
                devclass = (devclass_raw[2] << 16) | \
                        (devclass_raw[1] << 8) | \
                clockoff = pkt[1 + 11 * nrsp + 2 * i:1 + 11 * nrsp + 2 * i + 2]
                rssi = byte_to_signed_int(get_byte(pkt[1 + 13 * nrsp + i]))

                self._device_discovered(addr, devclass, psrm, pspm, clockoff,
                                        rssi, None)
            nrsp = get_byte(pkt[0])
            for i in range(nrsp):
                addr = _bt.ba2str(pkt[1 + 6 * i:1 + 6 * i + 6])
                psrm = pkt[1 + 6 * nrsp + i]
                pspm = pkt[1 + 7 * nrsp + i]
                devclass_raw = struct.unpack(
                    "BBB", pkt[1 + 8 * nrsp + 3 * i:1 + 8 * nrsp + 3 * i + 3])
                devclass = (devclass_raw[2] << 16) | \
                        (devclass_raw[1] << 8) | \
                clockoff = pkt[1 + 11 * nrsp + 2 * i:1 + 11 * nrsp + 2 * i + 2]
                rssi = byte_to_signed_int(get_byte(pkt[1 + 13 * nrsp + i]))

                data = pkt[1 + 14 * nrsp + i:1 + 14 * nrsp + i + data_len]
                name = None
                pos = 0
                while (pos <= len(data)):
                    struct_len = get_byte(data[pos])
                    if struct_len == 0:
                    eir_type = get_byte(data[pos + 1])
                    if eir_type == 0x09:  # Complete local name
                        name = data[pos + 2:pos + struct_len + 1]
                    pos += struct_len + 2

                self._device_discovered(addr, devclass, psrm, pspm, clockoff,
                                        rssi, name)
        elif event == _bt.EVT_INQUIRY_COMPLETE or event == _bt.EVT_CMD_COMPLETE:
            self.is_inquiring = False
            if len(self.names_to_find) == 0:
                #                print "inquiry complete (evt_inquiry_complete)"

        elif event == _bt.EVT_CMD_STATUS:
            # XXX shold this be "<BBH"
            status, ncmd, opcode = struct.unpack("BBH", pkt[:4])
            if status != 0:
                self.is_inquiring = False

                #                print "inquiry complete (bad status 0x%X 0x%X 0x%X)" % \
                #                        (status, ncmd, opcode)
                self.names_to_find = {}
        elif event == _bt.EVT_REMOTE_NAME_REQ_COMPLETE:
            status = get_byte(pkt[0])
            addr = _bt.ba2str(pkt[1:7])
            if status == 0:
                    name = pkt[7:].split('\0')[0]
                except IndexError:
                    name = ''
                if addr in self.names_to_find:
                    device_class, rssi = self.names_to_find[addr][:2]
                    self.device_discovered(addr, device_class, rssi, name)
                    del self.names_to_find[addr]
                    self.names_found[addr] = (device_class, rssi, name)
                if addr in self.names_to_find: del self.names_to_find[addr]
                # XXX should we do something when a name lookup fails?
#                print "name req unsuccessful %s - %s" % (addr, status)

            if len(self.names_to_find) == 0:
                self.is_inquiring = False
#                print "inquiry complete (name req complete)"
def device_inquiry_with_with_rssi(sock):
    # save current filter
    old_filter = sock.getsockopt(bluez.SOL_HCI, bluez.HCI_FILTER, 14)

    # perform a device inquiry on bluetooth device #0
    # The inquiry should last 8 * 1.28 = 10.24 seconds
    # before the inquiry is performed, bluez should flush its cache of
    # previously discovered devices
    flt = bluez.hci_filter_new()
    bluez.hci_filter_set_ptype(flt, bluez.HCI_EVENT_PKT)
    sock.setsockopt(bluez.SOL_HCI, bluez.HCI_FILTER, flt)

    duration = 4
    max_responses = 255
    cmd_pkt = struct.pack("BBBBB", 0x33, 0x8b, 0x9e, duration, max_responses)
    bluez.hci_send_cmd(sock, bluez.OGF_LINK_CTL, bluez.OCF_INQUIRY, cmd_pkt)

    results = []

    pkt = sock.recv(255)
    ptype, event, plen = struct.unpack("BBB", pkt[:3])

    done = False
    xil = 0
    while not done:
        pkt = sock.recv(255)
        ptype, event, plen = struct.unpack("BBB", pkt[:3])
        if event == bluez.EVT_INQUIRY_RESULT_WITH_RSSI:
            pkt = pkt[3:]
            nrsp = struct.unpack("B", pkt[0])[0]

            for i in range(nrsp):
                addr = bluez.ba2str(pkt[1 + 6 * i:1 + 6 * i + 6])
                rssi = struct.unpack("b", pkt[1 + 13 * nrsp + i])[0]

                if addr == target_address:
                    xil = xil + 1
                    print " [%s] [%d]" % (addr, xil)
                    results.append((addr, rssi))

            if xil > 0:

            #print "[%s] RSSI: [%d]" % (addr, rssi)
        elif event == bluez.EVT_INQUIRY_COMPLETE:
            done = True
        elif event == bluez.EVT_CMD_STATUS:
            status, ncmd, opcode = struct.unpack("BBH", pkt[3:7])

            if status != 0:
                #   print "uh oh..."
                #   printpacket(pkt[3:7])
                done = True

        #   print "unrecognized packet type 0x%02x" % ptype

    # restore old filter
    sock.setsockopt(bluez.SOL_HCI, bluez.HCI_FILTER, old_filter)

    if len(results) == 0:
        return 0
        return 100 + results[0][1]
Пример #32
def parse_le_advertising_events(sock,
    Parse and report LE advertisements.
    This is a blocking call, an infinite loop is started and the
    given handler will be called each time a new LE advertisement packet
    is detected and corresponds to the given filters.
    .. note:: The :func:`.start_le_advertising` function must be
        called before calling this function.
    :param sock: A bluetooth HCI socket (retrieved using the
        ``hci_open_dev`` PyBluez function).
    :param mac_addr: list of filtered mac address representations
        (uppercase, with ':' separators).
        If not specified, the LE advertisement of any device will be reported.
        Example: mac_addr=('00:2A:5F:FF:25:11', 'DA:FF:12:33:66:12')
    :type mac_addr: ``list`` of ``string``
    :param packet_length: Filter a specific length of LE advertisement packet.
    :type packet_length: ``int``
    :param handler: Handler that will be called each time a LE advertisement
        packet is available (in accordance with the ``mac_addr``
        and ``packet_length`` filters).
    :type handler: ``callable`` taking 4 parameters:
        mac (``str``), adv_type (``int``), data (``bytes``) and rssi (``int``)
    :param debug: Enable debug prints.
    :type debug: ``bool``
    if not debug and handler is None:
        raise ValueError("You must either enable debug or give a handler !")

    old_filter = sock.getsockopt(bluez.SOL_HCI, bluez.HCI_FILTER, 14)

    flt = bluez.hci_filter_new()
    bluez.hci_filter_set_ptype(flt, bluez.HCI_EVENT_PKT)
    # bluez.hci_filter_all_events(flt)
    bluez.hci_filter_set_event(flt, LE_META_EVENT)
    sock.setsockopt(bluez.SOL_HCI, bluez.HCI_FILTER, flt)

    print("socket filter set to ptype=HCI_EVENT_PKT event=LE_META_EVENT")
    print("Listening ...")

        while True:
            pkt = full_pkt = sock.recv(255)
            ptype, event, plen = struct.unpack("BBB", pkt[:3])

            if event != LE_META_EVENT:
                # Should never occur because we filtered with this type of event
                print("Not a LE_META_EVENT !")

            sub_event, = struct.unpack("B", pkt[3:4])
            if sub_event != EVT_LE_ADVERTISING_REPORT:
                if debug:
                    print("Not a EVT_LE_ADVERTISING_REPORT !")

            pkt = pkt[4:]
            adv_type = struct.unpack("b", pkt[1:2])[0]
            mac_addr_str = bluez.ba2str(pkt[3:9])

            if packet_length and plen != packet_length:
                # ignore this packet
                if debug:
                        "packet with non-matching length: mac=%s adv_type=%02x plen=%s"
                        % (mac_addr_str, adv_type, plen))

            data = pkt[9:-1]

            rssi = struct.unpack("b",
                                 full_pkt[len(full_pkt) - 1:len(full_pkt)])[0]

            if mac_addr and mac_addr_str not in mac_addr:
                if debug:
                        "packet with non-matching mac %s adv_type=%02x data=%s RSSI=%s"
                        % (mac_addr_str, adv_type, raw_packet_to_str(data),

            if debug:
                    "LE advertisement: mac=%s adv_type=%02x data=%s RSSI=%d" %
                    (mac_addr_str, adv_type, raw_packet_to_str(data), rssi))

            if handler is not None:
                    handler(mac_addr_str, adv_type, data, rssi)
                except Exception as e:
                        'Exception when calling handler with a BLE advertising event: %r'
                        % (e, ))
                    import traceback

    except KeyboardInterrupt:
        print("\nRestore previous socket filter")
        sock.setsockopt(bluez.SOL_HCI, bluez.HCI_FILTER, old_filter)
    def device_inquiry_with_with_rssi(self, sock):
        # save current filter
        old_filter = sock.getsockopt( bluez.SOL_HCI, bluez.HCI_FILTER, 14)

        # perform a device inquiry on bluetooth device #0
        # The inquiry should last 8 * 1.28 = 10.24 seconds
        # before the inquiry is performed, bluez should flush its cache of
        # previously discovered devices
        flt = bluez.hci_filter_new()
        bluez.hci_filter_set_ptype(flt, bluez.HCI_EVENT_PKT)
        sock.setsockopt( bluez.SOL_HCI, bluez.HCI_FILTER, flt )

        duration = 1
        max_responses = 255
        cmd_pkt = struct.pack("BBBBB", 0x33, 0x8b, 0x9e, duration, max_responses)
        bluez.hci_send_cmd(sock, bluez.OGF_LINK_CTL, bluez.OCF_INQUIRY, cmd_pkt)

        results = []

        done = False
        while not done:
            pkt = sock.recv(255)
            ptype, event, plen = struct.unpack("BBB", pkt[:3])
            if event == bluez.EVT_INQUIRY_RESULT_WITH_RSSI:
                pkt = pkt[3:]
                nrsp = bluetooth.get_byte(pkt[0])
                for i in range(nrsp):
                    addr = bluez.ba2str( pkt[1+6*i:1+6*i+6] )
                    rssi = bluetooth.byte_to_signed_int(
                    results.append( ( addr, rssi ) )
                    #print("[%s] RSSI: [%d]" % (addr, rssi))

                    # If we found the target device print it 
                    if addr == self.target_Address:
                        print("Found The Target: [%s] " % (addr))
                        print("Target's RSSI   : [%s] " % (rssi))

                        # Set the RSSI if we have our target
                        # Set that we found it as well.
                        # Then break out, since we do not need
                        # to search any more.
            elif event == bluez.EVT_INQUIRY_COMPLETE:
                done = True
            elif event == bluez.EVT_CMD_STATUS:
                status, ncmd, opcode = struct.unpack("BBH", pkt[3:7])
                if status != 0:
                    print("uh oh...")
                    done = True
            elif event == bluez.EVT_INQUIRY_RESULT:
                pkt = pkt[3:]
                nrsp = bluetooth.get_byte(pkt[0])
                for i in range(nrsp):
                    addr = bluez.ba2str( pkt[1+6*i:1+6*i+6] )
                    results.append( ( addr, -1 ) )
                    print("[%s] (no RRSI)" % addr)
                print("unrecognized packet type 0x%02x" % ptype)
           # print("event ", event)

        # restore old filter
        sock.setsockopt( bluez.SOL_HCI, bluez.HCI_FILTER, old_filter )

        return results
def device_inquiry_with_with_rssi(sock):
#check for rssi value 
#CREDIT: code.google.com

    # save current filter
    old_filter = sock.getsockopt( bluez.SOL_HCI, bluez.HCI_FILTER, 14)

    # perform a device inquiry on bluetooth device #0
    # The inquiry should last 8 * 1.28 = 10.24 seconds
    # before the inquiry is performed, bluez should flush its cache of
    # previously discovered devices
    flt = bluez.hci_filter_new()
    bluez.hci_filter_set_ptype(flt, bluez.HCI_EVENT_PKT)
    sock.setsockopt( bluez.SOL_HCI, bluez.HCI_FILTER, flt )

    duration = 4
    max_responses = 255
    cmd_pkt = struct.pack("BBBBB", 0x33, 0x8b, 0x9e, duration, max_responses)
    bluez.hci_send_cmd(sock, bluez.OGF_LINK_CTL, bluez.OCF_INQUIRY, cmd_pkt)

    results = []
    pkt = sock.recv(255)
    ptype, event, plen = struct.unpack("BBB", pkt[:3])
    done = False
    xil = 0
    while not done:
        pkt = sock.recv(255)
        ptype, event, plen = struct.unpack("BBB", pkt[:3])
        if event == bluez.EVT_INQUIRY_RESULT_WITH_RSSI:
            pkt = pkt[3:]
            nrsp = struct.unpack("B", pkt[0])[0]
            for i in range(nrsp):
                addr = bluez.ba2str( pkt[1+6*i:1+6*i+6] )
                rssi = struct.unpack("b", pkt[1+13*nrsp+i])[0]
                if addr == target_address :
              	 	xil = xil + 1
              	 	print " [%s] [%d]" % (addr,xil)
              	 	results.append( ( addr, rssi ) )
            if xil > 0 :
                #print "[%s] RSSI: [%d]" % (addr, rssi)
        elif event == bluez.EVT_INQUIRY_COMPLETE:
            done = True
        elif event == bluez.EVT_CMD_STATUS:
            status, ncmd, opcode = struct.unpack("BBH", pkt[3:7])
            if status != 0:
            #   print "uh oh..."
            #   printpacket(pkt[3:7])
                done = True
            print "unrecognized packet type 0x%02x" % ptype
    # restore old filter
    sock.setsockopt( bluez.SOL_HCI, bluez.HCI_FILTER, old_filter )

    if len(results) == 0 :
    	return 0
    else :
    	return 100+results[0][1]
Пример #35
def get_rssis(addrs):
        sock = bt.hci_open_dev()
        print("error accessing bluetooth device...")

        mode = read_inquiry_mode(sock)
    except Exception as e:
        print("error reading inquiry mode.  ")
        print("Are you sure this a bluetooth 1.2 device?")

    if mode != 1:
            result = write_inquiry_mode(sock, 1)
        except Exception as e:
            print("error writing inquiry mode.  Are you sure you're root?")
        if result != 0:
            print("error while setting inquiry mode")

    # save current filter
    old_filter = sock.getsockopt(bt.SOL_HCI, bt.HCI_FILTER, 14)

    # perform a device inquiry on bluetooth device #0
    # The inquiry should last 8 * 1.28 = 10.24 seconds
    # before the inquiry is performed, bt should flush its cache of
    # previously discovered devices
    flt = bt.hci_filter_new()
    bt.hci_filter_set_ptype(flt, bt.HCI_EVENT_PKT)
    sock.setsockopt(bt.SOL_HCI, bt.HCI_FILTER, flt)

    while True:
        duration = 4
        max_responses = 255
        cmd_pkt = struct.pack("BBBBB", 0x33, 0x8b, 0x9e, duration,
        bt.hci_send_cmd(sock, bt.OGF_LINK_CTL, bt.OCF_INQUIRY, cmd_pkt)

        results = []

        done = False
        while not done:
            pkt = sock.recv(255)
            ptype, event, plen = struct.unpack("BBB", pkt[:3])
            if event == bt.EVT_INQUIRY_RESULT_WITH_RSSI:
                pkt = pkt[3:]
                nrsp = bluetooth.get_byte(pkt[0])
                for i in range(nrsp):
                    addr = bt.ba2str(pkt[1 + 6 * i:1 + 6 * i + 6])
                    if addr in addrs:
                        rssi = bluetooth.byte_to_signed_int(
                            bluetooth.get_byte(pkt[1 + 13 * nrsp + i]))
                        yield (addr, rssi)
            elif event == bt.EVT_INQUIRY_COMPLETE:
                done = True
            elif event == bt.EVT_CMD_STATUS:
                status, ncmd, opcode = struct.unpack("BBH", pkt[3:7])
                if status != 0:
                    print("uh oh...")
                    done = True
                    sock.setsockopt(bt.SOL_HCI, bt.HCI_FILTER, old_filter)

    # restore old filter
    sock.setsockopt(bt.SOL_HCI, bt.HCI_FILTER, old_filter)
Пример #36
def device_inquiry_with_with_rssi(sock): #Obteccion del 
    # save current filter
    old_filter = sock.getsockopt( bluez.SOL_HCI, bluez.HCI_FILTER, 14)

    # perform a device inquiry on bluetooth device #0
    # The inquiry should last 8 * 1.28 = 10.24 seconds
    # before the inquiry is performed, bluez should flush its cache of
    # previously discovered devices
    flt = bluez.hci_filter_new()
    bluez.hci_filter_set_ptype(flt, bluez.HCI_EVENT_PKT)
    sock.setsockopt( bluez.SOL_HCI, bluez.HCI_FILTER, flt )

    duration = 32 #4
    max_responses = 255
    cmd_pkt = struct.pack("BBBBB", 0x33, 0x8b, 0x9e, duration, max_responses)
    bluez.hci_send_cmd(sock, bluez.OGF_LINK_CTL, bluez.OCF_INQUIRY, cmd_pkt)

    results = []

    done = False

    line, = plot(datox,potenciay) #Ponemos la grafica
    axis([1,50,-90,0]) #Definimos la dimension de los ejes
    ylabel('Potencia (dBm)') #Nombre eje y
    xlabel('Iteracion') #Nombre eje x
    while not done:
        pkt = sock.recv(255)
        ptype, event, plen = struct.unpack("BBB", pkt[:3])
        if event == bluez.EVT_INQUIRY_RESULT_WITH_RSSI:
            pkt = pkt[3:]
            nrsp = struct.unpack("B", pkt[0])[0]
            for i in range(nrsp):
                addr = bluez.ba2str( pkt[1+6*i:1+6*i+6] )
                rssi = struct.unpack("b", pkt[1+13*nrsp+i])[0]
                results.append( ( addr, rssi ) )
                print "[%s] RSSI: [%d]" % (addr, rssi)
                if addr== mac:
                    potenciay.append(rssi) #Anadimos el nuevo valor de RSSI al vector potenciay
                    datox.append(w) #Anadimos el numero de iteracion al vector
                    line.set_ydata(potenciay)  # Actualizamos los datos del plot
                    draw() #Redibujamos la grafica

        elif event == bluez.EVT_INQUIRY_COMPLETE:
            savefig('potencia.png') #Guardamos la imagen en un archivo
            done = True
        elif event == bluez.EVT_CMD_STATUS:
            status, ncmd, opcode = struct.unpack("BBH", pkt[3:7])
            if status != 0:
                print "uh oh..."
                done = True
        elif event == bluez.EVT_INQUIRY_RESULT:
            pkt = pkt[3:]
            nrsp = struct.unpack("B", pkt[0])[0]
            for i in range(nrsp):
                addr = bluez.ba2str( pkt[1+6*i:1+6*i+6] )
                results.append( ( addr, -1 ) )
                print "[%s] (no RRSI)" % addr
            print "unrecognized packet type 0x%02x" % ptype
	    print "event ", event

    # restore old filter
    sock.setsockopt( bluez.SOL_HCI, bluez.HCI_FILTER, old_filter )

    return results
Пример #37
        while not self.stopthread.isSet():
            ready_to_read, ready_to_write, in_error = select.select(
                [self.sock], [], [], 0.1)

            if len(ready_to_read) < 1:

            pkt = self.sock.recv(255)
            ptype, event, plen = struct.unpack("BBB", pkt[:3])
            if event == bluez.EVT_INQUIRY_RESULT_WITH_RSSI:
                pkt = pkt[3:]
                nrsp = struct.unpack("B", pkt[0])[0]

                for i in range(nrsp):
                    addr = bluez.ba2str(pkt[1 + 6 * i:1 + 6 * i + 6])
                    rssi = struct.unpack("b", pkt[1 + 13 * nrsp + i])[0]

                    match = False
                    idev = None
                    details = []

                    for dev in self.devlist:
                        if dev[0] == addr:
                            match = True
                            idev = dev
                            details = idev[3]
                            # Update last seen detail
                            details[0][1] = "Last seen: " + str(
Пример #38
    def _device_inquiry_with_with_rssi(self):
        Perform a Bluetooth inquiry with RSSI reception.
        self.mgr.debug("%s: New inquiry" % self.mac)
        self.mgr.net_send_line("STATE,%s,%0.3f,new_inquiry" % (
            self.mac.replace(':',''), time.time()))

        # save current filter
        old_filter = self.sock.getsockopt(bluez.SOL_HCI, bluez.HCI_FILTER, 14)

        flt = bluez.hci_filter_new()
        bluez.hci_filter_set_ptype(flt, bluez.HCI_EVENT_PKT)
        self.sock.setsockopt(bluez.SOL_HCI, bluez.HCI_FILTER, flt)

        duration = self.buffer_size
        max_responses = 255
        cmd_pkt = struct.pack("BBBBB", 0x33, 0x8b, 0x9e, duration,
        bluez.hci_send_cmd(self.sock, bluez.OGF_LINK_CTL, bluez.OCF_INQUIRY,

        done = False
        while not done:
                pkt = self.sock.recv(255)
            except bluetooth._bluetooth.error, e:
                if e[0] == 32:
                    done = True
                    self.done = True
                    return "adapter lost"
            ptype, event, plen = struct.unpack("BBB", pkt[:3])
            if event == bluez.EVT_INQUIRY_RESULT_WITH_RSSI:
                pkt = pkt[3:]
                nrsp = struct.unpack("B", pkt[0])[0]
                for i in range(nrsp):
                    addr = bluez.ba2str(pkt[1+6*i:1+6*i+6])
                    rssi = struct.unpack("b", pkt[1+13*nrsp+i])[0]
                    devclass_raw = pkt[1+8*nrsp+3*i:1+8*nrsp+3*i+3]
                    devclass = struct.unpack ("I", "%s\0" % devclass_raw)[0]
                    self.device_discovered(addr, devclass, rssi)
            elif event == bluez.EVT_INQUIRY_RESULT:
                pkt = pkt[3:]
                nrsp = struct.unpack("B", pkt[0])[0]
                for i in range(nrsp):
                    addr = bluez.ba2str(pkt[1+6*i:1+6*i+6])
                    devclass_raw = struct.unpack("BBB",
                    devclass = (devclass_raw[2] << 16) | \
                            (devclass_raw[1] << 8) | \
                    self.device_discovered(addr, devclass, None)
            elif event == bluez.EVT_INQUIRY_COMPLETE:
                done = True
            elif event == bluez.EVT_CMD_STATUS:
                status, ncmd, opcode = struct.unpack("BBH", pkt[3:7])
                if status != 0:
                    self.mgr.debug('Non-zero Bluetooth status packet received')
                    done = True
                self.mgr.debug('Unrecognized Bluetooth packet type received')