Пример #1
"""Utility functions for DBus use within Bluezero."""

# Standard libraries
import re
import subprocess

# D-Bus import
import dbus

# python-bluezero constants import
from bluezero import constants
from bluezero import tools

logger = tools.create_module_logger(__name__)

def bluez_version():
    get the version of the BlueZ daemon being used on the system

    :return: String of BlueZ version
    cmd = ['bluetoothctl', '-v']
    cmd_output = subprocess.run(cmd, capture_output=True, check=True)
    version = cmd_output.stdout.decode('utf-8').split()
    return version[1]

def bluez_experimental_mode():
    Return True if the BlueZ daemon service is in experimental mode
import collections
import logging
from pathlib import Path
import re

from bluezero.tools import create_module_logger

logger = create_module_logger(__file__)

here = Path(__file__).parent.parent
file_of_tests = here.joinpath('tests')
git_workflow = here.joinpath('.github', 'workflows', 'python-app.yml')
run_local_file = here.joinpath('run_local_tests.sh')

def find_test_files(tests_dir):
    test_entries = []
    for test_file in tests_dir.glob('test_*.py'):
    return test_entries

def find_run_files(run_file):
    file_content = run_file.read_text()
    result = re.findall(r'tests\.test_\w+', file_content)
    return result

def two_lists_match(ref_list, test_list):
    match_lengths = len(ref_list) == len(test_list)
    match_content = len(list(set(test_list) - set(ref_list))) == 0