Пример #1
class Slide34Expr(bu.SymbExpr):

    # control and state variables
    w, s_x, s_y, Eps, Sig = w, s_x, s_y, Eps, Sig

    # model parameters
    E_T = E_T
    gamma_T = gamma_T
    K_T = K_T
    S_T = S_T
    c_T = c_T
    bartau = bartau
    E_N = E_N
    S_N = S_N
    c_N = c_N
    f_t = f_t
    f_c = f_c
    f_c0 = f_c0
    m = m
    eta = eta
    r = r
    H_switch = H_switch
    Sig_signs = Sig_signs
    c_NT = c_NT
    S_NT = S_NT

    ONE = Cymbol(r'I')
    ZERO = Cymbol(r'O')

    # expressions
    Sig_ = Sig_.T
    dSig_dEps_ = dSig_dEps_.subs(0, ZERO) * ONE
    f_ = f_
    df_dSig_ = df_dSig_.subs(0, ZERO) * ONE
    ddf_dEps_ = ddf_dEps_.subs(0, ZERO) * ONE

    phi_final_ = tr.Property()

    def _get_phi_final_(self):
        def g_ari_integrity(var1, var2):
            return 1 - sp.sqrt((1 - var1) * (1 - var2))

        omega_NT = g_ari_integrity(omega_N, omega_T)
        phi_N = (1 - omega_N)**(c_N) * S_N / (r + 1) * (Y_N / S_N)**(
            r + 1) * H_switch
        phi_T = (1 - omega_T)**(c_T) * S_T / (r + 1) * (Y_T / S_T)**(r + 1)
        phi_NT = (1 - omega_NT)**(c_NT) * S_NT / (r + 1) * (
            (Y_N + Y_T) / S_NT)**(r + 1)
        phi_ = f_ + ((1 - eta) *
                     (phi_N + phi_T) + eta * phi_NT) * (bartau /
                                                        (bartau - m * sig_pi))
        return phi_.subs(
            r, 1
        )  # @TODO - fix the passing of the parameter - it damages the T response

    Phi_final_ = tr.Property()

    def _get_Phi_final_(self):
        return -self.Sig_signs * self.phi_final_.diff(self.Sig)

    H_sig_pi_ = H(sig_pi)

    sig_eff_ = sig_pi / (1 - H(sig_pi) * omega_N)
    tau_eff_x_ = tau_pi_x / (1 - omega_T)
    tau_eff_y_ = tau_pi_y / (1 - omega_T)

    symb_model_params = [
        'E_T', 'gamma_T', 'K_T', 'S_T', 'c_T', 'bartau', 'E_N', 'S_N', 'c_N',
        'm', 'f_t', 'f_c', 'f_c0', 'eta', 'r', 'c_NT', 'S_NT'

    # List of expressions for which the methods `get_`
    symb_expressions = [
        ('Sig_', ('w', 's_x', 's_y', 'Sig', 'Eps')),
        ('dSig_dEps_', ('w', 's_x', 's_y', 'Sig', 'Eps', 'ZERO', 'ONE')),
        ('f_', ('Eps', 'Sig', 'H_switch')),
        ('df_dSig_', ('Eps', 'Sig', 'H_switch', 'ZERO', 'ONE')),
        ('ddf_dEps_', ('Eps', 'Sig', 'H_switch', 'ZERO', 'ONE')),
        ('phi_final_', ('Eps', 'Sig', 'H_switch')),
        ('Phi_final_', ('Eps', 'Sig', 'H_switch', 'ZERO', 'ONE')),
        ('H_sig_pi_', ('Sig', ))
Пример #2
#  - Vector of thermodynamic streses $\boldsymbol{\mathcal{S}}$
#  - Helmholtz free energy $\psi(\boldsymbol{\mathcal{E}})$
#  - Threshold on thermodynamical forces  $f(\boldsymbol{\mathcal{S}},\boldsymbol{\mathcal{E}})$ / Yield condition
#  - Flow potential $\varphi(\boldsymbol{\mathcal{S}},\boldsymbol{\mathcal{E}})$
# as symbolic equations using the sympy package. The time-stepping algorithm gets generated automatically within the thermodynamically framework. The derived  evolution equations and return-mapping to the yield surface is performed using Newton scheme.

import sympy as sp
from bmcs_matmod.slide.cymbol import Cymbol, ccode
import traits.api as tr
import numpy as np
from bmcs_matmod.slide.f_double_cap import FDoubleCap
import bmcs_utils.api as bu
from ibvpy.tmodel import MATSEval

H_switch = Cymbol(r'H(\sigma^\pi)', real=True)
H = lambda x: sp.Piecewise((0, x <= 0), (1, True))

# **Code generation** The derivation is adopted for the purpose of code generation both in Python and C utilizing the `codegen` package provided in `sympy`. The expressions that are part of the time stepping algorithm are transformed to an executable code directly at the place where they are derived. At the end of the notebook the C code can be exported to external files and applied in external tools.

# This code is needed to lambdify expressions named with latex symbols
# it removes the backslashes and curly braces upon before code generation.
# from sympy.utilities.codegen import codegen
# import re
# def _print_Symbol(self, expr):
#     CodePrinter = sp.printing.codeprinter.CodePrinter
#     name = super(CodePrinter, self)._print_Symbol(expr)
#     return re.sub(r'[\{^}]','_',re.sub(r'[\\\{\}]', '', name))
# sp.printing.codeprinter.CodePrinter._print_Symbol = _print_Symbol

# ## Material parameters