Пример #1
	def createMidiFileBuilder(self, txt):
		provided = {}
		provided['Builder'] =bbuilder.BMidiBuilder #reference to class
		provided['alert'] = midiscript_util.alert #reference to fn
		provided['status'] = self.status #reference to fn
		#run the code
		evaler = midiscript_util.Interpreter(provided)
		res = evaler.run_code(txt)
		if res!=True:
		#we are most interested in what they set "result" to.
		if 'result' not in provided or not provided['result']:
			midiscript_util.alert('You must set "result" to something.')
		res = provided['result']
		#either a sequence or a value
		if isinstance(res, bbuilder.BMidiBuilder):
			#is a single instance
			mfileobject = bbuilder.build_midi([res])
			mfileobject = bbuilder.build_midi(res)
		return mfileobject
Пример #2
    def go(self, s):

        s = s.replace('\r\n', '\n')
        s = stripComments(s)

        #check for misplaced >>. they can only occur at the beginning of a line.
        found = re.findall(r'[^\n]>>', s)
        if found:
            raise InterpException(
                'The characters >> can only be at start of line. This was not the case: "%s"'
                % found[0])

        lines = s.split('\n')

        #create tracks
        self.trackObjs = [
            bbuilder.BMidiBuilder() for i in range(Maxtracks)
        ]  #eventually, will be assigned different channels, but not yet.
        self.state_octave = [4 for i in range(Maxtracks)
                             ]  #keeps track of current octave for each track
        self.state_currentBend = [
            0 for i in range(Maxtracks)
        ]  #keeps track of current pitch-bend state for each track
        for trackobj in self.trackObjs:
            trackobj.tempo = 400
            trackobj.addFasterTempo = True  #secret undocumented un-understood event
        self.haveSeenNotes = False  #have we seen any notes yet?
        for nline in range(len(lines)):
            line = lines[nline].strip()
            if not line:
            elif line.startswith('('):
            elif line.startswith('>>'):
                self.haveSeenNotes = True

                parts = [line]
                nindex = nline
                while lines[nindex + 1].startswith('>>'):
                    parts.append(lines[nindex + 1])
                    lines[nindex + 1] = ''  #erase that one
                    nindex += 1

                if len(parts) > Maxtracks:
                    raise InterpException("Exceeded maximum of %d tracks." %

                #each track keeps track of its own currentTime. At the end, though, we have to sync them all back up.
                longestTimeSeen = -1
                for i in range(len(parts)):
                    if Debug: print('TRACK %d' % i)
                    _, parts[i] = eatChars(parts[i],
                                           2)  #remove the >> characters
                    self.interpretMusicString(parts[i], i)
                    if self.trackObjs[i].currentTime > longestTimeSeen:
                        longestTimeSeen = self.trackObjs[i].currentTime

                # restore track sync for all of the tracks.
                for trackobj in self.trackObjs:
                    trackobj.currentTime = longestTimeSeen
                self.haveSeenNotes = True
                self.interpretMusicString(line, 0)

                # keep track sync for all of the tracks.
                lastTimeSeen = self.trackObjs[0].currentTime
                for trackobj in self.trackObjs:
                    trackobj.currentTime = lastTimeSeen

        actualtracks = [
            trackobj for trackobj in self.trackObjs if len(trackobj.notes) > 0
        if len(actualtracks) == 0:
            #no notes found, so just stop
            return None

        # convert notes of pitch 0 to rests.
        for trackobj in actualtracks:
            trackobj.notes = [
                note for note in trackobj.notes if not (
                    isinstance(note, bbuilder.SimpleNote) and note.pitch == 0)

        #join all of the tracks, returning a midifile
        mfile = bbuilder.build_midi(actualtracks)
        if Debug: print(mfile)
        return mfile
	def go(self, s):
		s = s.replace('\r\n','\n')
		s = stripComments(s)
		#check for misplaced >>. they can only occur at the beginning of a line.
		found = re.findall(r'[^\n]>>', s)
		if found:  raise InterpException('The characters >> can only be at start of line. This was not the case: "%s"'%found[0])
		#create tracks
		self.trackObjs = [bbuilder.BMidiBuilder() for i in range(Maxtracks)] #eventually, will be assigned different channels, but not yet.
		self.state_octave = [4 for i in range(Maxtracks)] #keeps track of current octave for each track
		self.state_currentBend = [0 for i in range(Maxtracks)] #keeps track of current pitch-bend state for each track
		for trackobj in self.trackObjs: trackobj.tempo = 400;  trackobj.addFasterTempo = True #secret undocumented un-understood event
		self.haveSeenNotes = False #have we seen any notes yet?
		for nline in range(len(lines)):
			line = lines[nline].strip()
			if not line:
			elif line.startswith('('):
			elif line.startswith('>>'):
				self.haveSeenNotes = True
				parts = [line]
				nindex = nline
				while lines[nindex+1].startswith('>>'): 
					lines[nindex+1] = '' #erase that one
					nindex += 1
				if len(parts)>Maxtracks: raise InterpException("Exceeded maximum of %d tracks."%Maxtracks)
				#each track keeps track of its own currentTime. At the end, though, we have to sync them all back up.
				longestTimeSeen = -1
				for i in range(len(parts)):
					if Debug: print 'TRACK %d'%i
					_, parts[i] = eatChars(parts[i], 2) #remove the >> characters
					self.interpretMusicString(parts[i], i)
					if self.trackObjs[i].currentTime > longestTimeSeen: longestTimeSeen = self.trackObjs[i].currentTime
				# restore track sync for all of the tracks.
				for trackobj in self.trackObjs: trackobj.currentTime = longestTimeSeen
				self.haveSeenNotes = True
				self.interpretMusicString( line, 0 )
				# keep track sync for all of the tracks.
				lastTimeSeen = self.trackObjs[0].currentTime
				for trackobj in self.trackObjs: trackobj.currentTime = lastTimeSeen
		actualtracks = [trackobj for trackobj in self.trackObjs if len(trackobj.notes) > 0]
		if len(actualtracks) == 0:
			#no notes found, so just stop
			return None
		# convert notes of pitch 0 to rests.
		for trackobj in actualtracks:
			trackobj.notes = [note for note in trackobj.notes if not (isinstance(note,bbuilder.SimpleNote) and note.pitch==0)]
		#join all of the tracks, returning a midifile
		mfile = bbuilder.build_midi(actualtracks)
		if Debug: print mfile
		return mfile