#通过I2C连接bmp388和esp32 #download bmp388.py and downloadAndRun this demo import bmp388 import time from machine import Pin, I2C #create I2C object i2c = I2C(scl=Pin(22), sda=Pin(21), freq=100000) #create I2C通信的bmp388 object bmp388 = bmp388.DFRobot_BMP388_I2C(i2c) #read temperature and print it while 1: temp = bmp388.readTemperature() print("Temperature : %s" % temp) time.sleep(0.5)
rateOfTurn = (currentHeading - previousHeading) / LP # print ('Raw Rateof Turn: %4.0f' % rateOfTurn) ##################### BMP388 Code ###################################### # You can use an accurate altitude to calibrate sea level air pressure. # And then use this calibrated sea level pressure as a reference to obtain the calibrated altitude. # In this case,525.0m is chendu accurate altitude. seaLevel = bmp388.readSeaLevel(218.8) # print("seaLevel : %s Pa" %seaLevel) # If there is no need to calibrate altitude, calibrated_altitude = False calibrated_altitude = True # Read temperature and print it temp = (bmp388.readTemperature() + 273.15) # Deg C Converted to Kelvin (K) # print("Temperature : %s C" %temp) pres = bmp388.readPressure() # print("Pressure : %s Pa" %pres) if (calibrated_altitude): # Read the calibrated altitude altitude = bmp388.readCalibratedAltitude(seaLevel) # print("calibrate Altitude : %s m" %altitude) else: # Read the altitude altitude = bmp388.readAltitude() # print("Altitude : %s m" %altitude) ############################ END ################################## if config["Heading"]: # Change to 'false' to stop sending the heading skDataTx = '{"updates": [{ "values": [{ "path": "navigation.headingCompass", "value" :%01.3f' % (