Пример #1
import bms
from bms.physical.electrical import Generator, Resistor, ElectricalNode, Capacitor, Ground, Inductor
from bms.signals.functions import Sinus

U = Sinus('Generator', 2, 5)  # Voltage of generator
R = 10  # Resistance in Ohm
C = 0.01  # Capacitance in Fahrads
L = 0.025  # Inductance in Henry

n1 = ElectricalNode('1')
n2 = ElectricalNode('2')
n3 = ElectricalNode('3')
n4 = ElectricalNode('4')

gen = Generator(n4, n1, U)
res = Resistor(n1, n2, R)
cap = Capacitor(n2, n3, C)
ind = Inductor(n3, n4, L)
gnd = Ground(n4)

ps = bms.PhysicalSystem(4, 300, [gen, res, cap, gnd, ind], [])
ds = ps.dynamic_system

d = ds.Simulate()
ds.PlotVariables([[U, n1.variable, n2.variable, n3.variable],
                  [res.variables[0], cap.variables[0]]])

# Validation: analytical solutions
Пример #2
from bms.physical.electrical.electricalnode import ElectricalNode
from bms.physical.electrical.battery import Battery
from bms.physical.electrical.resistor import Resistor
from bms.physical.electrical.ground import Ground
from bms.signals.functions import Sinus

# U=Sinus('Generator',2,5)# Voltage of generator
r = 10  # Resistance in Ohm
r_int = 10
u_max = 12.5
u_min = 6
c = 3600 * 10
soc = 0.8

n1 = ElectricalNode('1')
n2 = ElectricalNode('2')
# n3=ElectricalNode('3')

bat = Battery(n1, n2, u_min, u_max, c, soc, r_int)
res = Resistor(n2, n1, r)
G = Ground(n1)

ps = bms.PhysicalSystem(5000, 50, [bat, res, G], [])
ds = ps.dynamic_system

# ds._ResolutionOrder3()
d = ds.Simulate()
ds.PlotVariables([[n1.variable, n2.variable], [bat.soc], [bat.variables[0]]])

# Validation: analytical solutions
Пример #3
vehicle = TranslationalNode(mass, SCx, friction_v, 'vehicle')

engine = ThermalEngine(crankshaft, wmin, wmax, Tmax, fuel_flow)
clutch = Clutch(crankshaft, shaft_gb1, Tmax_c)
gr1 = GearRatio(shaft_gb1, shaft_gb2, 0.05)
brake = Brake(shaft_gb2, Tmax_b)
wheels = Wheel(shaft_gb2, vehicle, r)

# Commands
subs1 = WeightedSum([Vt, vehicle.variable], engine.commands[0], [Ge, -Ge])
v1 = bms.Variable('', hidden=True)
subs2 = WeightedSum([Vt, vehicle.variable], v1, [-Gb, Gb], -Vb)
sat1 = Saturation(v1, brake.commands[0], 0, 1)

# clutch
cc = bms.Variable('Clutch command')
gc = Gain(crankshaft.variable, cc, 1/(wrc-wec), wec/(wec-wrc))
satc = Saturation(cc, clutch.commands[0], 0, 1)

ps = bms.PhysicalSystem(600, 600, [engine, gr1, clutch, wheels, brake], [
                        subs1, subs2, sat1, gc, satc])
ds = ps.dynamic_system

# ds._ResolutionOrder2()
ds.PlotVariables([[Vt, vehicle.variable], [engine.throttle, brake.commands[0],
                                           clutch.commands[0]], [engine.max_torque, engine.variables[0]]])
    [[crankshaft.variable, shaft_gb1.variable, shaft_gb2.variable]])
ds.PlotVariables([[wheels.variables[0], clutch.variables[0]]])
Пример #4
       - |_G_|                  |   | R2 
           |                    |___|

import bms
from bms.physical.electrical import Generator, Resistor, ElectricalNode, Capacitor, Ground
from bms.signals.functions import Sinus

U = Sinus('Generator', 4, 5)  # Voltage of generator
R1 = 200  # Resistance in Ohm
R2 = 200  # Resistance in Ohm

n1 = ElectricalNode('1')
n2 = ElectricalNode('2')
n3 = ElectricalNode('3')

gen = Generator(n3, n1, U)
res1 = Resistor(n1, n2, R1)
res2 = Resistor(n2, n3, R2)
gnd = Ground(n3)

ps = bms.PhysicalSystem(4, 300, [gen, res1, res2, gnd], [])
ds = ps.dynamic_system

# ds._ResolutionOrder2()
ds.PlotVariables([[U, n1.variable, n2.variable, n3.variable],
                  [res1.variables[0], res2.variables[0]]])
Пример #5

import bms
from bms.physical.electrical import Battery, Resistor, ElectricalNode, Ground
from bms.signals.functions import Sinus

# U=Sinus('Generator',2,5)# Voltage of generator
R = 10  # Resistance in Ohm
Rint = 10
Umax = 12.5
Umin = 6
C = 3600 * 10
soc = 0.8

n1 = ElectricalNode('1')
n2 = ElectricalNode('2')
# n3=ElectricalNode('3')

Bat = Battery(n1, n2, Umin, Umax, C, soc, Rint)
Res = Resistor(n2, n1, R)
G = Ground(n1)

ps = bms.PhysicalSystem(5000, 50, [Bat, Res, G], [])
ds = ps.dynamic_system

# ds._ResolutionOrder3()
d = ds.Simulate()
ds.PlotVariables([[n1.variable, n2.variable], [Bat.soc], [Bat.variables[0]]])

# Validation: analytical solutions